Hans de Goede wrote:
Now that the discussion on this is getting started allow me to chime in
with my 2 euro cents:
In general I like the proposal which can be found here:
I've got 2 questions though:
1) I think there should be a procedure to skip update-testing, this will
ofcourse be needed
for security fixes, but also for trivial correct (and somewhat
important) fixes and to fix
brownpaper bag bugs.
absolutely. This might be handled by
2) What about new packages? FE is growing almost daily. One of the huge
advantages of the current
model is that people can get access to new packages within a stable
cycle. I like the whole do not
update unless there is a good reason model to give people more
stability, but most new packages
will not hurt stability of existing packages, and will have 100%
impact on our users unless they
specificly instruct yum to install the new package. There will
ofcourse be exceptions, but as a general
rule of thumb I think it should be normal procedure for new packages
to enter the stable branch so that all our users can benefit from them
(not only those running devel) and so that all our users can test
them. Remember, release early release often. I think we should do this
entering through updates-testing so
that we can catch any last minute bugs.
Are you talking about having a general policy on updates or having a
release freeze like FC instead of rolling updates like FE?
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