Ralf Ertzinger wrote:
Chris Adams <cmadams@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There's only one xterm as well; for example, nobody else has Tek4014
emulation (useful for legacy apps). Also, xterm is lighter weight than
And it works, which is more than could be said about gnome-terminal for
quite some time (I asmit that I do not know the current state of vte,
for lack of interest).
I'd agree with that assessment, although I do prefer more advanced
terminal emulation app than what xterm provides, so I use konsole (even
when using GNOME).
gnome-term could take some lessons from konsole IMHO, although konsole's
pulldown menu structure and overall option UIs could use work. IMHO,
konsole is the most functional and bug-free terminal, at least so far
as my own usage cases.
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