Re: FC6 x86_64 Custom RPMS

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Nana Kofi Asumadu wrote:
This is not meant to be a another repo.  I have been building my own custom rpms since FC2.  I am only making the link avaliable for anyone who cares to use them.

I have no intention of setting up another repo.  I couldn't even afford the time to even if I wanted to.

If you find the packages, useful, use them. If not, who cares?

I care because that is not the way opensource works, if you do not merge your improvements back into the source of the software then your efforts to improve the software / packages is effectivly lost. Building these packages and searching together and writing all those patches must have cost you lots of time, why not invest that last few hours to file bugs with these patches attached so that all your work can really make a difference and can get used by many users instead of a few?



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