Re: Firefox 2.0 parallel install

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O/H Nicolas Mailhot έγραψε:
> Le Mer 25 octobre 2006 03:44, n0dalus a écrit :
>> On 10/24/06, Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Le Lun 23 octobre 2006 22:47, Rahul Sundaram a écrit :
>>>> Would it possible not to install all the different language packages
>>>> when I just want just one?
>>> Even if the langpacks were split I guess the firefox group would do like
>>> the xorg one - install all by default just to be sure they're present at
>>> the right time. (No english-only by default is not ok for basic non-us
>>> users)
>> Can't they just be part of the various language install options during
>> installation? People who don't customize and tick the box for their
>> language will end up with US english for almost everything anyway.
> Having a major desktop app like firefox not localized by default would be
> a big problem. So far no one proposed any solution robust wrt :
> - non-technical users
> - upgrades
> The "right" solution would probably consist of a mix of :
> - dumping in /etc a file declaring which languages should be supported by
> the system at the UI level, including fallback order (app translations,
> man pages and other localised documentation...)
> - dumping in /etc a file declaring which languages should be supported by
> the system at the view/edit level (fonts, spellcheckers...)
> - writing a system-config-foo to edit those files
> - integrating this UI in anaconda for initial install
> - tagging package content which falls in one of the two categories (either
> at rpm or at comps level - IMHO the right place is rpm, the easier to do
> is comps)
> - have yum/rpm respect the language filtering
> This is major work and so far just installing everything has proved
> easier. The problem is known since before FC was born.

Nicholas, these are very interesting ideas and it would be a shame for them to
get burried in the list's archive. I don't know what the overhead/gain would be,
but couldn't something like this also potentially save us space in the ISOs?

Maybe it would be a good idea to put these kind of opinions/brainstormings on
the wiki page à la live.gnome. Much better for future reference than list archives.


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos@xxxxxxxxxx, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

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