Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
Yesterday I perform upgrade and after ~30h now I have:
3442 root 15 0 1113m 948m 11m S 20 46.8 206:30.92 Xorg
but in this probably I found cause. xrestop shows:
xrestop - Display: localhost:0
Monitoring 38 clients. XErrors: 0
Pixmaps: 1183805K total, Other: 218K total, All: 1184024K
res-base Wins GCs Fnts Pxms Misc Pxm mem Other Total PID
Identifier 2a00000 638 47 1 4072 164 1112938K 20K
1112959K 3752 UF -
Cartoon Archive
"UF - Cartoon Archive" it is galeon resources. After killing galeon top
3442 root 19 0 304m 191m 10m R 74 9.4 209:07.55 Xorg
Galeon is Gecko based and Gecko loves to store huge amounts of pixmaps
in the X server. Whenever you want to measure Xorg memory usage it's a
good idea to close any instance of Firefox/Seamonkey/Galeon/whatever first.
I'll go stronger than this. If you want to measure X memory usage,
don't run Gecko for that session. Virtual size doesn't always shrink
back down the way you expect it to.
It's not completely fair to blame this solely on Gecko. If you were to
move all image storage to the client side and only push when you
absolutely needed to, memory usage might appear to go down for the
server, but it'd go up (more!) for the client, and rendering latency
would go up, and you'd lose some battery life because you're doing lots
of repeated work, and...
- ajax
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