I tried to do an ftp install of the august 8th rawhide and anaconda crashes
after stage2 downloads and running anaconda..... shows
traceback (most recent call list)
file "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 585, in ?
import signal, traceback, string, isys, iutils, time
file "/usr/lib/anaconda/isys.py", line 18, in ?
import isys
ImportError: /usr/lib/anaconda/_isys.so: undefined symbol: logmessage
The system is a tyan tiger S1832 motherboard (P3 850Mhz) with 256MB of RAM.
It has an adaptec 2930U2 scsi card with 2 scsi hard drives. The network is
an Intel 1000/GT which works great on FC5. Video card is a Number Nine
Revolution IV (32MB) and a SGI 1600SW digital LCD panel.
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