My list of Laptop issues

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Here are my list of laptop issues:

- Getting better control of the Synaptics touch pad. (Turning off the damn "tap to click" especially.) There is an app to do this, but I think it is in extras and it does not always work for me.
- Better instructions on getting the Broadcom chipset driver working. 
(Once I found out what I needed, it was easy.  Finding out what I needed 
was a bit harder than it should have been.)
- Getting the memory card reader on the HP zv5200z working.  (This is 
going to require a firmware hack similar to the braodcom chipset.  It has 
firmware that is needed to make it work.)
- Getting suspend/hibernate working on the HP zv5200z.  Currently it goes 
to sleep and then just hits the hard drive continually on wake-up.
- Getting more documentation on getting cardbus working on the HP zv5200z 
and similar laptops.  (It requires a kernel load option for assigning the 
pci bus.)
Everything else works pretty good.  I have been using the 64-bit version 
of Fedora on this laptop since FC2.  It works much better now than it did 
then.  (I no longer need the modeline hacks in xorg.conf for the 1920x1200 
resolution screen, for one thing.)
"Waiter! This lambchop tastes like an old sock!" - Sheri Lewis

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