Open Bugs which now build, and can be marked CLOSED RAWHIDE: gnome-vfs2 193392 NEW vixie-cron 191823 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-fbdev 192325 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-vesa 192359 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-xdm 191858 ASSIGNED xscreensaver 191769 NEW Note: This is using a reduced set of packages in the build chroot as compared to the standard Fedora Extras build system before FC6test1. See for more information, including the list of packages removed from the default build chroot. Core Rawhide-in-Mock Build Results for i386 Wed May 31 09:59:43 CDT 2006 Number failed to build: 286 Number expected to fail due to ExclusiveArch or ExcludeArch: 11 Leaving: 275 (there may be some duplicates if rawhide has 2 versions of a package) Of those expected to have worked... Without a bug filed: 44 ---------------------------------- SDL Xaw3d automake15 automake16 emacs ethereal kasumi openmotif pcmciautils pirut prelink pwlib pycairo pykickstart radvd rdist redhat-artwork redhat-menus rgmanager ruby sane-backends scim-chewing scim-qtimm sg3_utils specspo squirrelmail switchdesk sysstat system-config-bind system-config-boot system-config-cluster system-config-display system-config-kickstart system-config-lvm system-config-services system-config-soundcard tsclient w3m wordtrans xmlsec1 xorg-x11-twm xorg-x11-xinit xorg-x11-xkbdata zenity With bugs filed: 231 ---------------------------------- GFS-kernel ['192569 NEW'] HelixPlayer ['192512 NEW'] am-utils ['193347 ASSIGNED'] arts ['192367 NEEDINFO'] at-spi ['192368 CLOSED'] atk ['193349 NEW'] autorun ['193351 CLOSED'] avahi ['191663 CLOSED'] bc ['193352 NEW'] beagle ['191664 CLOSED'] brltty ['193353 NEW'] bsf ['192369 NEW'] cadaver ['193355 NEW'] cairo-java ['192371 NEW'] classpathx-jaf ['192372 ASSIGNED'] cman-kernel ['192570 NEW'] compat-gcc-296 ['191696 NEW'] dasher ['193356 NEW'] dbus ['193357 NEW'] desktop-printing ['192239 CLOSED'] device-mapper-multipath ['192242 NEEDINFO'] dlm-kernel ['192572 NEW'] doxygen ['193358 NEW'] e2fsprogs ['192247 NEW'] eel2 ['191909 CLOSED'] epiphany ['191665 NEW'] evince ['193359 CLOSED'] evolution-connector ['192251 CLOSED'] evolution-data-server ['193360 NEW'] evolution-webcal ['193361 NEW'] f-spot ['193364 NEW'] fbset ['193362 CLOSED'] file-roller ['193363 NEW'] frysk ['192256 NEW'] gail ['192492 CLOSED'] gaim ['192496 NEW'] gcalctool ['191910 CLOSED'] gconf-editor ['193365 NEW'] gdb ['193366 MODIFIED'] gdk-pixbuf ['192493 NEW'] gecko-sharp2 ['192495 NEW'] gedit ['193367 NEW'] gimp ['193368 CLOSED'] glade2 ['193371 NEW'] gnbd-kernel ['192573 NEW'] gnome-applets ['193372 NEW'] gnome-backgrounds ['193373 NEW'] gnome-bluetooth ['193374 CLOSED'] gnome-doc-utils ['193375 NEW'] gnome-icon-theme ['193376 NEW'] gnome-media ['192497 CLOSED'] gnome-menus ['193379 NEW'] gnome-mime-data ['193381 NEW'] gnome-mount ['191680 CLOSED'] gnome-netstatus ['193382 NEW'] gnome-nettool ['193383 NEW'] gnome-panel ['192498 CLOSED'] gnome-pilot ['193384 NEW'] gnome-pilot-conduits ['193385 NEW'] gnome-power-manager ['191720 CLOSED'] gnome-python2 ['192499 NEW'] gnome-python2-desktop ['192500 CLOSED'] gnome-python2-extras ['192501 NEW'] gnome-screensaver ['193387 NEW'] gnome-session ['193388 NEW'] gnome-spell ['193389 NEW'] gnome-user-docs ['193390 NEW'] gnome-utils ['191757 CLOSED'] gnome-volume-manager ['193393 NEW'] gnucash ['192008 CLOSED'] gpart ['193396 NEW'] gtk+ ['193397 NEW'] gtk2 ['193398 NEW'] gucharmap ['193399 NEW'] hal ['191675 CLOSED'] hal-cups-utils ['192507 NEW'] hwbrowser ['193400 CLOSED'] indent ['193401 NEW'] iptraf ['192510 NEW'] iso-codes ['193404 NEW'] jakarta-commons-codec ['192511 NEW'] jakarta-commons-dbcp ['192515 NEW'] jakarta-commons-el ['192514 NEW'] jakarta-commons-pool ['192516 NEW'] jakarta-taglibs-standard ['192517 NEW'] java-1.4.2-gcj-compat ['192518 NEW'] jsch ['191668 NEW'] kdeartwork ['192519 NEW'] kdebase ['192037 NEW'] kdegames ['192521 CLOSED'] kdelibs ['192522 CLOSED'] kdemultimedia ['192523 CLOSED'] kdenetwork ['192525 CLOSED'] kdepim ['192526 CLOSED'] kdesdk ['192527 CLOSED'] kdevelop ['192529 CLOSED'] kdewebdev ['191983 NEEDINFO_REPORTER'] krb5-auth-dialog ['193407 NEW'] latex2html ['191762 NEW'] ldapjdk ['192530 NEW'] libIDL ['193419 NEW'] libSM ['193421 NEW'] libXau ['193422 NEW'] libXaw ['193423 NEW'] libXpm ['193427 NEW'] libXrandr ['193428 NEW'] libXrender ['193429 NEW'] libXres ['193502 NEW'] libXt ['193503 NEW'] libXtst ['193504 NEW'] libXv ['193505 NEW'] libXvMC ['193506 NEW'] libXxf86dga ['193507 NEW'] libXxf86misc ['193508 NEW'] libXxf86vm ['193509 NEW'] libbonobo ['193408 NEW'] libbonoboui ['191728 CLOSED'] libbtctl ['191981 CLOSED'] libgconf-java ['192531 NEW'] libgcrypt ['193409 NEW'] libglade-java ['192532 NEW'] libgnome ['193410 NEW'] libgnomecanvas ['193411 NEW'] libgnomecups ['191747 CLOSED'] libgnomeprint22 ['191976 CLOSED'] libgnomeprintui22 ['193414 NEW'] libgnomeui ['193415 NEW'] libgpod ['193416 NEW'] libgsf ['193417 MODIFIED'] libgtop2 ['193418 NEW'] libnotify ['191731 NEW'] liboldX ['193420 NEW'] libsemanage ['191733 CLOSED'] libvte-java ['192533 NEW'] libwnck ['191756 CLOSED'] libxkbfile ['193424 NEW'] libxkbui ['193425 NEW'] libxklavier ['193426 NEW'] linux-atm ['193510 CLOSED'] lm_sensors ['193511 NEW'] longrun ['193512 CLOSED'] lrzsz ['193513 NEW'] m17n-lib ['193524 ASSIGNED'] magma-plugins ['193525 NEW'] metacity ['191960 CLOSED'] mozilla ['191984 NEW'] mx4j ['192534 NEW'] nautilus-sendto ['191818 CLOSED'] ncpfs ['193526 NEEDINFO_REPORTER'] nfs-utils ['191943 NEW'] nfs-utils-lib ['191749 NEW'] notify-daemon ['191810 NEW'] opal ['191936 CLOSED'] openhpi ['191935 NEW'] perl-XML-Simple ['191911 NEW'] pkgconfig ['193552 NEW'] planner ['191808 CLOSED'] policycoreutils ['193537 NEW'] psgml ['191902 NEEDINFO_REPORTER'] psmisc ['191901 CLOSED'] pump ['193554 NEW'] pydict ['191898 NEW'] python-pyblock ['191866 NEW'] reiserfs-utils ['191889 NEW'] scim ['191886 ASSIGNED'] sound-juicer ['182174 CLOSED'] squashfs-tools ['191880 CLOSED'] stardict ['191878 NEW'] struts ['192489 NEW'] subversion ['191611 NEW'] system-config-netboot ['192537 ASSIGNED'] tetex ['191874 ASSIGNED'] thunderbird ['191881 NEW'] tomboy ['191833 CLOSED'] tomcat5 ['192565 NEW'] tux ['191828 NEW'] vino ['191827 CLOSED'] vte ['192484 CLOSED'] xdoclet ['192483 NEW'] xjavadoc ['192057 NEW'] xorg-x11-drv-aiptek ['191903 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-apm ['192333 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-ark ['191905 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-calcomp ['191904 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-chips ['192361 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-cirrus ['192362 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-citron ['192292 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-cyrix ['192364 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-digitaledge ['192316 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-dmc ['192312 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-dummy ['192304 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-dynapro ['192300 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-elo2300 ['192320 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-elographics ['192318 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-evdev ['192317 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-fpit ['192324 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-hyperpen ['192326 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-i128 ['192373 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-i740 ['192370 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-i810 ['192334 CLOSED'] xorg-x11-drv-jamstudio ['192335 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-joystick ['192336 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-keyboard ['192337 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-magellan ['192338 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-magictouch ['192339 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-microtouch ['192341 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-mutouch ['192342 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-neomagic ['192382 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-nsc ['192376 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-nv ['192343 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-palmax ['192346 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-penmount ['192344 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-rendition ['192384 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-s3 ['192347 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-s3virge ['192348 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-siliconmotion ['192350 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-sisusb ['192352 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-spaceorb ['192353 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-summa ['192354 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-tek4957 ['192357 NEW'] xorg-x11-drv-trident ['192356 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-ur98 ['192360 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-vga ['192168 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse ['192047 CLOSED'] xorg-x11-drv-vmware ['192046 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-drv-void ['192045 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-resutils ['192040 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-server-utils ['191987 ASSIGNED'] xorg-x11-utils ['191966 ASSIGNED'] yelp ['191660 CLOSED'] zsh ['191647 NEW'] Full logs at -- Matt Domsch Software Architect Dell Linux Solutions & Linux on Dell mailing lists @ -- fedora-devel-list mailing list fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx