Re: Help! fc2->fc5

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On Friday, May 05, 2006 1:18 PM -0600 "Lamont R. Peterson" <lamont@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The key thing is you can go FC2 -> FC4 or newer.  Only from 1 version to
the  next.  So, you have to update FC2 -> FC3, then FC3 -> FC4, then
(finally) FC4  -> FC5.
One reason I didn't update to FC4 was because of how rocky its introduction 
was. It took a few kernel updates before it stabilized. Instead, I've been 
hand-updating selected packages from Rawhide SRPM's. But satisfying the 
dependencies gets harder and harder over time as more things depend on 
major foundational packages that have changed over time, like udev and 
selinux. Mailman, for instance, ended up having tendrils going into 
packages I didn't want to update without a full system upgrade.

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