Re: AIGLX packages for FC5 (and rawhide)

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I had AIGLX working on FC5 using the aiglx.repo for rstrode's
directory.  I'm now having problems using this new aiglx.repo.  I
dropped it into my /etc/yum.repos.d today and now my XServer is
kaputt.  I get the following messages after a failure to load at GDM.

Module Loader Present
(EE) module ABI minor version (5) is newer than the server's version (4)
(EE) Failed to load module "bitmap" (module requirement mismatch, 0)

Fatal Server error: Unable to load required base modules, Exiting...

Does anyone have any idea what happened?  I've got the
[updates-testing] repo also activated.

I would like to get AIGLX working again.  I don't think the
experimental screen magnifier was available on the old AIGLX I had


On 4/19/06, Kristian Høgsberg <krh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've set up a yum repository with AIGLX packages for FC5.  It's on

and there's a aiglx.repo file there that can be dropped into
/etc/yum.repos.d.  With that,

        $ yum --enablerepo=aiglx update

should pull down the AIGLX package set.  The packages are just the
rawhide RPMs rebuilt for FC5, so they're a little rough around the
edges.  That said, if the metacity compositor isn't enabled (see below),
things should be pretty stable.

Here's an overview of the features and tweakable settings in the current
versions of the repository packages.  Since rawhide has the same
packages the instructions below can also be used with a recent rawhide

   - metacity with compositing manager functionality.  Turn it on using
gconf-editor by enabling /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager or
alternatively, use

        $ gconftool-2 -s /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager --type bool

   - the metacity build in the repo has wobbly windows as an optional
feature.  Set the environment variable USE_WOBBLY to 1 and restart
metacity.  For example:

        $ USE_WOBBLY=1 metacity --replace &

   - metacity also has an experimental screen magnifier built in.  Like
the wobbly windows this is enabled by setting an environment variable -

        $ USE_MAGNIFIER=1 metacity --replace &

   - real translucency in gnome-terminal.  Enable this by clicking the
"Transparent background" radio box in the "Effects" tab of the termnal
profile editor dialog.  gnome-terminal may have to be restarted for this
to take effect - pkill gnome-terminal should do the trick.

There are a number of known bugs with these packages, so go easy on
bugzilla :).  Specifically,

   - The damage events doesn't always kick in, so sometimes window
contents doesn't update properly.  A workaround for this is to switch
desktop back and forth.

   - The drop shadows look weird on shaped/argb windows, for example
xeyes, the notify bubbles and well, even the rounded metacity corners.
The shadow code is due for an overhaul later, so we're not going to
patch over this issue in the short term.

   - Perfomance for in-window updates isn't always great.  We're
currently doing too much work when updating textures from pixmaps.  It's
still possible to optimize this further with the current setup, and
longer term the memory architecture in the X server and DRI stack will
see some changes that will allow us to optimize this further.

Have fun,

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