Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-04-09 at 10:15 +0200, dragoran wrote:
>> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2006-04-09 at 10:03 +0200, dragoran wrote:
>>>> Before FC4 was released there was a disussion about how to make
the boot
>>>> process faster.
>>>> But until now (FC5/FC6-rawhide) nothing has been done.
>>> Why do you say so? Many things have been iteratively improved. The
>>> booting speed is much better now. Try http://bootchart.sf.net or
>>> http://people.redhat.com/berrange/systemtap/bootprobe/ to measure
>> sure it has improved but not that much, for me FC4 booted faster than
>> FC5 (because of early login)
> Early login wasnt enabled by default so not many users would see that.
> If you can contribute towards fixing the problems in early login, that
> might help. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=151952
as far as I can see the only real problem are nfs mounted /usr or /home
that can be solved by(starting network) and mounting them before
starting gdm.
a simple script could look into fstab to see if this is needed.
or did I miss anything?
>> upon during the
>>> review process.
>> I know this, because I am working on getting it working too (adding
>> selinux support).
> Lets get it working reasonably well and include it in extras-devel as a
> package that users can provide feedback easily. Replacing a init system
> is not a easy decision and boot speed shouldnt be the primary motivation
> to do that.
the problem now is upstream, some changes are needed to get selinux working.
it does not have to replace sysvinit you can have both installed at the
same time.
>>> If it ends up in Fedora Extras first, it would be easier
>>> to check how well it works and later move into Fedora Core if suitable.
>> rawhide is the place to test new technolgies, if it turns out to be a
>> bad idea we can remove it before FC6,
>> but extras is not the place for such apps.
> extras-devel is the equivalent of rawhide for Fedora Extras. It can very
> well be used to test new technologies. The problem with importing it
> into rawhide is that the external community cannot work directly work on
> packaging anymore at this point.
this is also one thing that should be changed in the (near?) feature.
> Rahul
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