Re: The Strengths and Weakness of Fedora/RHEL OS management

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On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Leszek Matok wrote:

Dnia 27-03-2006, pon o godzinie 13:08 -0800, Shane Stixrud napisaÿÿ(a):
No matter what you come up with though, it will be many years before
you see wide spread adoption.   If anything, you might consider a
project to create a system-wide config editor that knows all
the different formats etc and provides a consistent CLI/GUI
Projects already exist for example.
No, this concentrates on creating a single API for many programs to
store their configs. Parent meant something understanding currently
existent configuration formats. Something like that exists, too:

The above project has the concept of "backends" that can be made to 
understand specific configuration formats.  There is an example where 
Xorg.conf can be imported and exported on demand.

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