D Canfield wrote:
Is there any chance we're going to see the SATA Suspend kernel patch
included in FC5 (BZ 169201)? I don't understand what the holdup is
from it getting into Linus's tree (he's asked someone to submit it to
him), but every other major distro seems to be using it successfully
and it seems like one of the test releases would be a good time to try
it if there's concern about it's stability. Just wondering if anyone
knew the status.
Following up, the thinkwiki suggests that this patch is now in the
kernel 2.6.16 development. So now the patch is "blessed." Maybe it can
wait for 2.6.16 to be rolled in, but my concern is now with timing.
Will kernel updates be rolled in all through FC development, or will
there be a stabilizing point at which the kernel needs to freeze (more
than just a week or two before release, I mean)?
And more generally, will FC5 be as aggressive with updates (both kernel
and otherwise) as FC4, or was that a special circumstance due to the
long development window for FC5? Just curious.
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