Re: bittorrent in core? what frontend?

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Jesse Keating wrote:
On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 13:38 -0500, Sean wrote:
All in all, there are a lot of reasons that having a separate update
notification available for this app.
I agree.  It would be highly confusing to a user to get notices for an
update and for them to try and update it in the generic way such notices
will give them.  Firefox fits into this category as well, and I don't
believe it notifies users of pending updates in Fedora.

Also, this kind of nonsense is one of things that makes running Windows so miserable today... For instance, Acroread pops up a modal dialog, asking me if I want to install some junkware I've never heard of, that freezes Firefox -- this modal dialog can be hard to find sometimes, so I end up having to kill Firefox. I have to supervise the Windows machine for a minute or so when I turn it off, which is a real pain when I'm running late for the bus at the end of the work day.
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