With the release of FC5test1 we've done an audit of possible (known,
public) vulnerabilities from 20030101 to date that are in packages part
of FC5test1.
May I assume this has not been done for packages in Extras ?
A quick scan of
produced no packages in Extras.
I could not find a reference to a security/patch/errata policy relating
to Extras at
Errata for Extras packages is driven by the ( non-RH ) community and
the package owner, not by the RH security team?
This is OK, but it means that I ( as a community member ) will need
make more of an effort to stay on top of security issues in an Extras
package on my systems. I can rely on established infrastructure to stay
on top of those issues for packages in Core. Extras packages will seem
a bit more like applications installed via tarball, or self-packaged.
Charles Dostale
System Admin - Silver Oaks Communications
824 17th Street, Moline IL 61265
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