Re: F43 Change Proposal RPM 6.0 (system-wide)

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On 3/13/25 10:56 AM, Dan Čermák wrote:
Aoife Moloney via devel-announce <devel-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

* This is the first version of rpm built as C++, so rpm gains a
runtime dependency on libstdc++.

I am not too happy about yet another dependency. As someone involved in
building containers, I constantly have to battle the growth of
everything and now with rpm gaining an unavoidable dependency on
libsdc++ means that every rpm based container will now grow another
2.5MB in size.

That's assuming libstdc++ isn't there already. Software written in c++ isn't exactly rare.

I know that there are good reasons for doing this, but please consider
the trade-offs too. There's only so much that we as release engineers
can do to fight the entropic growth of software.

I can tell you it was considered. That ship sailed a year ago already.

	- Panu -

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