Re: Konflux: What is the right time?

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On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 10:40:02AM +0100, Kashyap Chamarthy wrote:

(I sent my email before pulling down 'fedora-devel'; I saw there were
other responses that answer one of my questions.)

> > TL;DR, I don't know what this is.
> I asked a question about some of the main motivations behind Konflux: Is
> it the ability to build containers "natively?  Or is it about "SBOM"
> (software bill of materials) and "hermetic builds" that provide an
> attestation report?  Something else?  I didn't get a direct answer to
> this, but the presenter (Mike McLean) said he was there to share how
> _he_ is using Konflux to build RPMs.
> Fair enough, but my question remains: did the Konflux project consider
> the option of investing this effort into Koji to produce the artifacts
> they need?  Maybe it was already considered and ruled out due to valid
> reasons.  If they're documented somewhere, I'd be glad to educate
> myself.  If not, Konflux project folks: please consider documenting.
> It'll also answer questions the broader community might have.

Okay, Stephen Smoogen and Kevin Fenzi answer one of my main questoins:

  - "It isn't a koji replacement, it is a Fedora Build System
    replacement" (Stephen)

  - "The idea isn't to just swap konflux in for koji and call it a day,
    but rather to use konflux as a build pipeline [src.fp.o, sigul,
    `bodhi`, et al]" (Kevin)



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