Re: Installing Forgejo from the Fedora repository doesn't end with a working instance – at least for me

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Once upon a time, Peter Boy Uni <pboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> We have a Forgejo rpm in the Fedora f41 repository, version 10 for x86_64. A aarch64 variant is currently missing (there is, however, a version 9 in COPR). 

As far as I can tell, that's not true.  I'm not sure where you found it,
but there's no Forgejo RPMs in the standard Fedora repos, just the
python API client library (python-pyforgejo).

There appear to be a number of COPR repos with Forgejo, looks like most
have expected setup steps on the COPR page for it.  If that's where you
got it, you should probably start with what the packager says there.
Chris Adams <linux@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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