Summary/Minutes from today's FESCo Meeting (2025-03-04)

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Meeting summary
* TOPIC: Init Process (, 17:00:17)
* TOPIC: 3347 RFC: Schedule checkpoint for landing major toolchain upgrades (, 17:04:45)
* TOPIC: Proposal: Major toolchain upgrades must land at least 7 days before the scheduled start of the mass rebuild. (, 17:07:09)
    * AGREED: APPROVED(5,0,0) (, 17:16:48)
    * ACTION: Aoife Moloney will add the new milestone to the F42 key tasks schedule (, 17:17:51)
    * ACTION: Aoife Moloney will add the new milestone to the F43 key tasks schedule (, 17:18:06)
* TOPIC: 3332 Incompatible update policy violations wrt libgit2-1.9.0 updates (, 17:18:23)
* TOPIC: Proposal: Changes to packaging that maintain compatibility can happen at any time, though it is recommended to avoid bigger changes in stable releases. Advance notification is not required when no changes or rebuilds in dependent packages are necessary. When considering compatibility, maintainers must take all into account all the ways that packages are used, i.e. not just rpm builds, but also ostree and flatpaks deployments. (, 17:26:12)
    * AGREED: APPROVED (5,0,0) (, 17:30:00)
* TOPIC: Next week's chair (, 17:33:52)
    * ACTION: Fale  will chair next meeting (, 17:34:05)
* TOPIC: Open Floor (, 17:34:16)

Meeting ended at 2025-03-04 17:37:24

Action items
* Aoife Moloney will add the new milestone to the F43 key tasks schedule
* Fale  will chair next meeting

People Present (lines said)
* (37)
* (24)
* (20)
* (15)
* (13)
* (11)
* (3)

Link to the meeting logs

Since there was no agenda email this week here are the announcements.

= Discussed and Voted in the Ticket =

[FastTrack] Rebase grub2 in F40 to 2.12 for CVE fixes

Change: Retire python-nose

Change: Remove el, jsp and servlet packages from tomcat

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