COPR custom build script failing

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Hi all,

This feels like it should be easy but I can't seem to figure it out.
Two weeks ago my custom build script started failing:

The failing part is... the mockbuild command?

Finish: chroot init
INFO: Running in chroot: ['su - mockbuild -c \'set -xe ; cd /workdir ; COPR_OWNER=whot COPR_PROJECT=libinput-git COPR_PACKAGE=\'"\'"\'\'"\'"\' COPR_RESULTDIR=/workdir /script\'']
Start: chroot ['su - mockbuild -c \'set -xe ; cd /workdir ; COPR_OWNER=whot COPR_PROJECT=libinput-git COPR_PACKAGE=\'"\'"\'\'"\'"\' COPR_RESULTDIR=/workdir /script\'']
su: Permission denied
Finish: chroot ['su - mockbuild -c \'set -xe ; cd /workdir ; COPR_OWNER=whot COPR_PROJECT=libinput-git COPR_PACKAGE=\'"\'"\'\'"\'"\' COPR_RESULTDIR=/workdir /script\'']
Finish: run
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/copr-sources-custom", line 115, in <module>
    run_cmd(mock + ['--chroot', 'su - {0} -c {1}'.format(user, cmd)])
  File "/usr/bin/copr-sources-custom", line 64, in run_cmd
    return subprocess.check_call(command, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 419, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['mock', '-r', '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/mock-config.cfg', '--chroot', 'su - mockbuild -c \'set -xe ; cd /workdir ; COPR_OWNER=whot COPR_PROJECT=libinput-git COPR_PACKAGE=\'"\'"\'\'"\'"\' COPR_RESULTDIR=/workdir /script\'']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Copr build error: Build failed

That part is outside my control, the custom script hasn't changed in
years, it's a curl + chmod + exec but it looks like I don't event get to
that point.

I manually submitted builds too but there there doesn't appear to be a
toggle I can change to make this magically pass.

Does anyone have any clue what's going on here? Thanks.


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