Jesse Keating wrote:
On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 10:22 -0600, Jason Dravet wrote:
Failed to load image gnome-main-menu
Details: Failed to open file
'/usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/48x48/apps/gnome-main-menu.png': No such
file or
What do I need to do to fix the problem?
That file should be a symlink to the new fedora logo. Perhaps you
didn't update the package that has the logo, or that package hasn't hit
your rawhide mirror yet?
Today's fedora-logos package fails to install:
# rpm -Uvh fedora-logos-1.1.33-1.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ###########################################
file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-main-menu.png
from install of fedora-logos-1.1.33-1 conflicts with file from package
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