Re: GCC defined(__cplusplus) one rawhide

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On 2025/01/27 21:15, Sérgio Basto via devel wrote:

On Mon, 2025-01-27 at 20:52 +0100, Cristian Le via devel wrote:
According to the CPP standard, <version> and the deprecation was
added in CPP20 [1] so would be best not to patch that part
unconditionally in the gtest source. Maybe you could patch in a
pragma to disable the warning instead?

Another option could be to drop the CPP standard check altogether and
rely on the availability of __has_include.

but "#include <version>" (the replacement) already exist in CPP17 ,
isn't it ? 

According to the standard, no it shouldn't be, but compilers often provide the features way before the standard [1]. Best example of this `#warning` or `[[deprecated]]` in C23 [2].

On the other hand, the inclusion of <version> with deprecation of <cisco646> according to the documentation around it seems pretty straightforward, as in, there is no realistic reason not to include <version> if you already have it. The compiler should handle exposing the appropriate headers depending on the C++ standard option that it was provided. That's why getting rid of the CPP standard check there altogether would also make sense to me.


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