Re: F42 Change Proposal: Optimized Binaries for the AMD64 / x86_64 Architecture (v2) (self-contained)

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Hi Vitaly,

if I understand the proposal correctly, the consequences will be far less 
dramatic than you believe.

> So all Fedora packages will take 2x (x86_64-v1, x86_64-v2) disk space? 
> Am I right?

1. Not all packages but only those whose maintainers explicitly opt in.
2. The duplication will affect only the executable ELFs - i.e. the contents of 
`/usr/bin` - shipped by these packages. There will be no duplication of shared 
libraries, data files or anything else.

> What will happen if the system was installed on x86_64-v2 and then 
> copy-pasted to another machine with x86_64-v1? The symbolic link will 
> point to x86_64-v2 binary, which will cause a segmentation fault, 
> resulting in the system not being able to boot.

The system will simply keep working: there will be no symlinks to 
microarchitecture-specific variants of the ELF binaries. The proposal talks 
about symlinking to a central helper binary whose task is to look up the most 
specific µ-arch variant of the desired executable.

One effect this *will* have is a slightly increased latency for launching an 
affected program.

List - please chime in if I've misunderstood anything there.

Best regards,

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