Re: gtk2-devel needs XFree86-devel

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Rex Dieter wrote:
Steven I Usdansky wrote:

error: Can't install gtk2-devel-2.8.6-3@i386: no package provides
XFree86-devel. Shouldn't xorg-x11-devel provide this?

xorg-x11-devel *does* provide XFree86-devel.

That is, unless you're using rawhide/development, then you should know better. (-:
When we switched over from XFree86 to X.Org in Fedora Core 2, I
added a "Provides: XFree86-devel" to the xorg-x11-devel package,
intending to leave it there for one OS release, in order to
make transitioning easier for people.

It stayed their for 3 full OS releases, so I'm surprised that
that many packages out there still depend on it.  Now is a
good time for people to fix whatever packages never got updated

We are transitioning to modular X for Fedora Core 5, in which
each individual X.Org library is in it's own src.rpm which
generates 2 binary subpackages.  A runtime library package of
the name "lib<libname>" and a development subpackage of the
name "lib<libname>-devel", which is the method prefered by
Fedora packaging guidelines.

The net result of splitting what used to be one monolithic
package full of libraries and one monolithic package full of
header files, into 41 individual library packages with 41
devel subpackages, is that "XFree86-devel" and "xorg-x11-devel"
no longer exist, because no one package provides them.

Packages which link to any individual X libraries, need to
drop any dependency on "XFree86-devel" or "xorg-x11-devel" now,
and specify the individual library-devel packages they need to
build.  To make this process much easier, I have added virtual
provides to the rawhide monolithic X packaging, so that people
can update to using the modular dependencies right now, before
modular X gets pushed to rawhide (really soon).

Right now, xorg-x11-devel continues to work, as monolithic X
still has that package, but it will be disappearing when modular
X hits rawhide too, so all Fedora, Fedora Extras, and other
repository package maintainers are encouraged to update all
rpm packages which link to X libraries, to use dependencies
of the form:

BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: libXt-devel
BuildRequires: libXft-devel


I'm going to post a web page describing all of this somewhere,
as well as other modularized-X changes, once I can spare the
time to put it together.

Hope this helps!

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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