Re: rawhide report: 20050928 changes

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Matthias Clasen wrote:

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 10:55 -0400, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
On 9/28/05, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

* Tue Sep 27 2005 Ray Strode <rstrode@xxxxxxxxxx> 1:
- remove flexiserver from menus

Why is this being done?
man... i was hoping the inclusion of gnome-screensaver was going to be
the next piece towards a reasonably functional "switch user"
functionality. flexiserver basically worked to get a second user
desktop up and running and even switch between them via a dialog. The
only thing missing was reasonable UI in the screensaver dialog that
let you choose a user desktop to switch to while screensaver was
active. Of course, the harder problem of handling permissions on
peripherals in a sane way when 2+ user session where at the console
would still be unresolved.


We decided to disable the ui bits until the "harder problem" is solved.


Has there been any progress with USB camera permissions for just 1 user?


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