Re: php 5 Selection Question Verses php 4

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Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote:

ons, 28.09.2005 kl. 06.40 skrev Mike A. Harris:
Greg Morgan wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Would anyone be able to give me the background on the selection of php5
as the php language on FC 4?  What I am finding is that there are still
many php applications that do not work well on php5 yet.  ISPs that
upgrade their web systems find that all their customer's sites go down.
By time the ISP has moved the application language back to php4, the
customer's databases are hosed.  Would there be a chance that FC 5 could
have php 4 packages as an option?  Could a set of php 4 packages be
created for the current FC 4 release?
Fedora Core is a platform designed for rapid technology advancement.

It sounds like these ISPs want compatibility and features provided
over longer periods of time, such as what we provide in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux.

Another option would be for them (or someone) to maintain custom
php4 packages in a 3rd party repositorIy somewhere for Fedora.

Hope this helps.
Just curious: Could this repository be fedora extras? Or is there a
problem with duplicate functionality/replacing core packages?

Duplicate functionality is a relative thing. As long as the packages can be parallely installed it could probably go into extras

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