Fedora 39 compose report: 20230927.n.0 changes

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OLD: Fedora-39-20230926.n.1
NEW: Fedora-39-20230927.n.0

===== SUMMARY =====
Added images:        1
Dropped images:      1
Added packages:      0
Dropped packages:    61
Upgraded packages:   56
Downgraded packages: 0

Size of added packages:      0 B
Size of dropped packages:    414.10 MiB
Size of upgraded packages:   849.24 MiB
Size of downgraded packages: 0 B

Size change of upgraded packages:   6.36 MiB
Size change of downgraded packages: 0 B

===== ADDED IMAGES =====
Image: Workstation live aarch64
Path: Workstation/aarch64/iso/Fedora-Workstation-Live-aarch64-39-20230927.n.0.iso

===== DROPPED IMAGES =====
Image: i3 live aarch64
Path: Spins/aarch64/iso/Fedora-i3-Live-aarch64-39-20230926.n.1.iso

===== ADDED PACKAGES =====

Package: RBTools-4.0-4.fc39
Summary: Tools for use with ReviewBoard
RPMs:    RBTools
Size:    902.64 KiB

Package: andriller-3.3.1-9.fc38
Summary: Android Forensic Tools
RPMs:    andriller
Size:    184.90 KiB

Package: androwarn-1.6.1-14.fc39
Summary: Static code analyzer for malicious Android applications
RPMs:    androwarn
Size:    201.98 KiB

Package: brd-1.0-24.fc38
Summary: Scans directories and files for damage due to decay of storage medium
RPMs:    brd
Size:    34.75 KiB

Package: btest-0.57-16.fc38
Summary: A Simple Driver for Basic Unit Tests
RPMs:    btest
Size:    49.17 KiB

Package: eric-20.1-12.fc38
Summary: Python IDE
RPMs:    eric
Size:    15.30 MiB

Package: fedora-gather-easyfix-0.2.1-90.fc38
Summary: Gather easyfix tickets across fedorahosted projects
RPMs:    fedora-gather-easyfix
Size:    122.45 KiB

Package: golang-github-alicebob-miniredis-2.14.5-7.fc39
Summary: Pure Go Redis server for Go unittests
RPMs:    compat-golang-github-alicebob-miniredis-2-devel golang-github-alicebob-miniredis-devel
Size:    112.10 KiB

Package: libssh2-python-0.7.1-35.fc38
Summary: Python binding for the libssh2 library
RPMs:    python3-libssh2
Size:    149.72 KiB

Package: php-ocramius-generated-hydrator-4.1.0-4.fc38
Summary: An object hydrator
RPMs:    php-ocramius-generated-hydrator
Size:    19.66 KiB

Package: php-symfony4-4.4.47-1.fc38
Summary: Symfony PHP framework (version 4)
RPMs:    php-symfony4 php-symfony4-asset php-symfony4-browser-kit php-symfony4-cache php-symfony4-common php-symfony4-config php-symfony4-console php-symfony4-css-selector php-symfony4-debug php-symfony4-debug-bundle php-symfony4-dependency-injection php-symfony4-doctrine-bridge php-symfony4-dom-crawler php-symfony4-dotenv php-symfony4-error-handler php-symfony4-event-dispatcher php-symfony4-expression-language php-symfony4-filesystem php-symfony4-finder php-symfony4-form php-symfony4-framework-bundle php-symfony4-http-client php-symfony4-http-foundation php-symfony4-http-kernel php-symfony4-inflector php-symfony4-intl php-symfony4-ldap php-symfony4-lock php-symfony4-mailer php-symfony4-messenger php-symfony4-mime php-symfony4-monolog-bridge php-symfony4-options-resolver php-symfony4-phpunit-bridge php-symfony4-process php-symfony4-property-access php-symfony4-property-info php-symfony4-proxy-manager-bridge php-symfony4-routing php-symfony4-security php-symfony4-security-bundle php-symfony4-serializer php-symfony4-stopwatch php-symfony4-templating php-symfony4-translation php-symfony4-twig-bridge php-symfony4-twig-bundle php-symfony4-validator php-symfony4-var-dumper php-symfony4-var-exporter php-symfony4-web-link php-symfony4-web-profiler-bundle php-symfony4-web-server-bundle php-symfony4-workflow php-symfony4-yaml
Size:    5.42 MiB

Package: pico-wizard-0.1.0^git20220929.934dbcf-4.fc39
Summary: Post-installation configuration wizard
RPMs:    pico-wizard
Size:    155.37 KiB

Package: pyflowtools-
Summary: An interface to OSU FlowTools
RPMs:    pyflowtools
Size:    111.64 KiB

Package: pyftpdlib-1.5.7-1.fc38
Summary: Extremely fast and scalable Python FTP server library
RPMs:    python3-pyftpdlib
Size:    194.15 KiB

Package: python-acora-2.2-14.fc38
Summary: A Python multi-keyword text search engine
RPMs:    python3-acora
Size:    570.90 KiB

Package: python-adext-0.3-10.fc39
Summary: Python module to extend AlarmDecoder module
RPMs:    python3-adext
Size:    13.56 KiB

Package: python-aiozeroconf-0.1.8-15.fc38
Summary: An asyncio/pure Python implementation of mDNS service discovery
RPMs:    python3-aiozeroconf
Size:    74.56 KiB

Package: python-airthings-3.2.0-10.fc39
Summary: Fetch sensor measurements from Airthings devices
RPMs:    python3-airthings
Size:    54.99 KiB

Package: python-alarmdecoder-1.13.9-8.fc38
Summary: Python interface for the AlarmDecoder (AD2) devices
RPMs:    python3-alarmdecoder
Size:    117.39 KiB

Package: python-ansible-pygments-0.1.1-4.fc38
Summary: Provides Pygments highlighter for Ansible output for use in Sphinx
RPMs:    python3-ansible-pygments
Size:    19.42 KiB

Package: python-btlewrap-0.1.0-8.fc38
Summary: Wrapper around different bluetooth low energy backends
RPMs:    python3-btlewrap
Size:    36.09 KiB

Package: python-cypari2-2.1.3-1.fc39
Summary: A Python interface to the number theory library pari
RPMs:    python-cypari2-doc python3-cypari2 python3-cypari2-devel
Size:    7.10 MiB

Package: python-dominate-2.7.0-2.fc38
Summary: Python library for HTML documents
RPMs:    python3-dominate
Size:    60.61 KiB

Package: python-flask-bootstrap-
Summary: Include Bootstrap in your project without boilerplate code
RPMs:    python3-flask-bootstrap
Size:    416.92 KiB

Package: python-fpylll-0.5.9-1.fc39
Summary: A Python wrapper for fplll
RPMs:    python3-fpylll
Size:    2.70 MiB

Package: python-gccinvocation-0.1-32.fc38
Summary: Library for parsing GCC command-line options
RPMs:    python3-gccinvocation
Size:    28.66 KiB

Package: python-grako-3.99.9-5.fc37
Summary: Python grammar compiler, EBNF input, PEG/Packrat parser output
RPMs:    python3-grako
Size:    279.44 KiB

Package: python-ipgetter-0.6-27.fc38
Summary: A Python module to fetch the external IP address
RPMs:    python3-ipgetter
Size:    13.30 KiB

Package: python-jep-3.9.1-8.fc38
Summary: Embed Python in Java
RPMs:    python-jep-javadoc python3-jep
Size:    1.29 MiB

Package: python-jsonrpc-server-0.4.0-8.fc38
Summary: JSON RPC 2.0 server library
RPMs:    python3-jsonrpc-server
Size:    33.11 KiB

Package: python-lacrosse-0.4-9.fc38
Summary: LaCrosse Python sensor library
RPMs:    python3-lacrosse
Size:    36.51 KiB

Package: python-lazr-smtptest-2.0.3-23.fc38
Summary: Test framework for SMTP-based applications
RPMs:    python3-lazr-smtptest
Size:    38.72 KiB

Package: python-leveldb-0.201-11.fc38
Summary: Python bindings for leveldb database library
RPMs:    python3-leveldb
Size:    120.36 KiB

Package: python-liblarch-3.1.0-5.fc38
Summary: Data structures helper library for python
RPMs:    python3-liblarch python3-liblarch-gtk
Size:    101.80 KiB

Package: python-logging-tree-1.9-7.fc38
Summary: Introspect and display the logger tree inside "logging"
RPMs:    python3-logging-tree
Size:    33.64 KiB

Package: python-molecule-4.0.4-5.fc38
Summary: Molecule is designed to aid in the development and testing of Ansible roles
RPMs:    python3-molecule python3-molecule-doc
Size:    793.15 KiB

Package: python-molecule-docker-2.1.0-2.fc38
Summary: Molecule Docker plugin
RPMs:    python3-molecule-docker
Size:    40.10 KiB

Package: python-molecule-podman-2.0.3-2.fc38
Summary: Molecule Podman plugin
RPMs:    python3-molecule-podman
Size:    35.40 KiB

Package: python-nose_fixes-1.3-21.fc38
Summary: Plugin to make nose behave better
RPMs:    python-nose_fixes-doc python3-nose_fixes
Size:    192.71 KiB

Package: python-notario-0.0.16-15.fc37
Summary: A dictionary validator
RPMs:    python3-notario
Size:    114.40 KiB

Package: python-py9p-1.0.9-29.fc38
Summary: Pure Python implementation of 9P protocol (Plan9)
RPMs:    9pfs fuse9p python3-py9p
Size:    102.64 KiB

Package: python-pyaes-1.6.1-11.fc38
Summary: Pure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher and common modes of operation
RPMs:    python3-pyaes
Size:    54.15 KiB

Package: python-pybv-0.6.0-7.fc38
Summary: A lightweight I/O utility for the BrainVision data format
RPMs:    python3-pybv
Size:    41.50 KiB

Package: python-pydiffx-1.1-2.fc38
Summary: Python implementation of the DiffX specification
RPMs:    python3-pydiffx
Size:    124.19 KiB

Package: python-pytenable-1.4.13-1.fc39
Summary: Python library to interface with Tenable's products and applications
RPMs:    python3-pytenable
Size:    567.18 KiB

Package: python-pytest-metadata-1.7.0-10.fc37
Summary: Pytest plugin that provides access to test session metadata
RPMs:    python3-pytest-metadata
Size:    29.36 KiB

Package: python-restfly-1.4.7-1.fc39
Summary: Library to make API wrappers creation easier
RPMs:    python3-restfly
Size:    54.97 KiB

Package: python-smart-gardena-0.7.10-8.fc38
Summary: Python client to communicate with Gardena systems
RPMs:    python3-smart-gardena
Size:    45.78 KiB

Package: python-sphinx_ansible_theme-0.10.1-1.fc39
Summary: A reusable Ansible Sphinx Theme
RPMs:    python-sphinx_ansible_theme-doc python3-sphinx_ansible_theme
Size:    254.78 KiB

Package: python-sphinxcontrib-actdiag-2.0.0-10.fc39
Summary: Sphinx "actdiag" extension
RPMs:    python3-sphinxcontrib-actdiag
Size:    22.42 KiB

Package: python-stdio-mgr-1.0.1-10.fc38
Summary: Context manager for mocking/wrapping stdin/stdout/stderr
RPMs:    python3-stdio-mgr
Size:    17.43 KiB

Package: python-tambo-0.4.0-22.fc37
Summary: A command line object dispatcher
RPMs:    python3-tambo
Size:    20.48 KiB

Package: python-test_server-0.0.31-18.fc38
Summary: Server to test HTTP clients, written in Python
RPMs:    python-test_server-doc python3-test_server
Size:    195.77 KiB

Package: python-upoints-0.12.2-23.fc38
Summary: Python modules for working with points on Earth
RPMs:    python3-upoints
Size:    550.25 KiB

Package: python-uri-templates-0.6-28.fc38
Summary: A Python implementation of URI Templates
RPMs:    python3-uri-templates
Size:    17.20 KiB

Package: python-yamlordereddictloader-0.4.0-15.fc38
Summary: YAML loader for PyYAML that maintains key order
RPMs:    python3-yamlordereddictloader
Size:    14.18 KiB

Package: python-yourls-0.2.0-30.fc38
Summary: Simple Python client for the YOURLS URL shortener
RPMs:    python3-yourls
Size:    176.66 KiB

Package: python3-script-1.7.2-29.fc38
Summary: Help for writing shell scripts in Python
RPMs:    python3-script
Size:    27.73 KiB

Package: pyutil-3.1.0-14.fc38
Summary: A collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
RPMs:    python3-pyutil
Size:    420.53 KiB

Package: sagemath-9.8-2.fc39
Summary: A free open-source mathematics software system
RPMs:    sagemath sagemath-core sagemath-data sagemath-data-combinatorial_designs sagemath-data-conway_polynomials sagemath-data-elliptic_curves sagemath-data-elliptic_curves_large sagemath-data-etc sagemath-data-graphs sagemath-data-polytopes_db sagemath-doc sagemath-doc-ca sagemath-doc-de sagemath-doc-en sagemath-doc-fr sagemath-doc-hu sagemath-doc-it sagemath-doc-pt sagemath-doc-ru sagemath-doc-tr sagemath-jupyter sagemath-sagetex
Size:    365.94 MiB

Package: sword-1:1.9.0-16.fc38
Summary: Free Bible Software Project
RPMs:    perl-sword python3-sword sword sword-devel sword-utils
Size:    8.34 MiB

Package:      Lmod-8.7.32-1.fc39
Old package:  Lmod-8.7.30-1.fc39
Summary:      Environmental Modules System in Lua
RPMs:         Lmod
Size:         1.02 MiB
Size change:  -68 B
  * Sun Aug 13 2023 Orion Poplawski <orion@xxxxxxxx> - 8.7.31-1
  - Update to 8.7.31

  * Sat Sep 02 2023 Orion Poplawski <orion@xxxxxxxx> - 8.7.32-1
  - Update to 8.7.32

Package:      archlinux-keyring-20230918-1.fc39
Old package:  archlinux-keyring-20230821-2.fc39
Summary:      GPG keys used by Arch distribution to sign packages
RPMs:         archlinux-keyring
Size:         1.15 MiB
Size change:  1.80 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@xxxxxxxxx> - 20230918-1
  - Version 20230918 (rhbz#2239389)

Package:      babel-2.12.1-6.fc39
Old package:  babel-2.12.1-4.fc39~bootstrap
Summary:      Tools for internationalizing Python applications
RPMs:         babel babel-doc python3-babel
Added RPMs:   babel-doc
Size:         7.19 MiB
Size change:  277.00 KiB
  * Fri Jun 16 2023 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.12.1-5
  - Rebuilt for Python 3.12

  * Wed Jul 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.12.1-6
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

Package:      backintime-1.4.0-1.fc39
Old package:  backintime-1.3.3-3.fc39
Summary:      Simple backup tool inspired from the Flyback project and TimeVault
RPMs:         backintime-common backintime-plugins backintime-qt
Size:         588.53 KiB
Size change:  60.98 KiB
  * Sat Sep 16 2023 Johannes Lips <hannes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.0-1
  - update to latest upstream release

Package:      dnf5-5.1.4-1.fc39
Old package:  dnf5-5.1.1-1.fc39
Summary:      Command-line package manager
RPMs:         dnf5 dnf5-devel dnf5-plugins dnf5daemon-client dnf5daemon-server libdnf5 libdnf5-cli libdnf5-cli-devel libdnf5-devel libdnf5-plugin-actions perl-libdnf5 perl-libdnf5-cli python3-libdnf5 python3-libdnf5-cli python3-libdnf5-python-plugins-loader ruby-libdnf5 ruby-libdnf5-cli
Size:         27.93 MiB
Size change:  591.88 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Nicola Sella <nsella@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.4-1
  - Release 5.1.4
  - Fix Builds on i386
  - Print error if unsupported architecture used
  - argument_parser: New error class for invalid value
  - Allow obsoletion of protected packages
  - Add support for repository configuration in /usr
  - Release 5.1.2
  - Print error messages in nested errors
  - Implement `dnf5daemon-server` introspection xml for Advisory interface
  - Implement `dnf5daemon-client advisory info` command
  - Implement `dnf5daemon-client advisory list` command
  - Implement `dnf5daemon-server` advisory service
  - Improve `dnf5daemon-client --help`
  - Enable `--repofrompath` repos by default
  - Fix error on creating repo with duplicate id

Package:      dnstwist-20230918-1.fc39
Old package:  dnstwist-20230509-2.fc39
Summary:      Domain name permutation engine
RPMs:         dnstwist
Size:         36.35 KiB
Size change:  1.29 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora@xxxxxxxxxx> - 20230918-1
  - Update to v20230918

Package:      electrum-4.3.4-2.fc39
Old package:  electrum-4.3.4-1.fc39
Summary:      A lightweight Bitcoin Client
RPMs:         electrum
Size:         8.01 MiB
Size change:  -53.72 KiB
  * Wed Jul 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.3.4-2
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

Package:      freeradius-3.2.2-5.fc39
Old package:  freeradius-3.2.2-4.fc39
Summary:      High-performance and highly configurable free RADIUS server
RPMs:         freeradius freeradius-devel freeradius-doc freeradius-krb5 freeradius-ldap freeradius-mysql freeradius-perl freeradius-postgresql freeradius-rest freeradius-sqlite freeradius-unixODBC freeradius-utils python3-freeradius
Size:         11.85 MiB
Size change:  -8.86 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Antonio Torres <antorres@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.2.2-5
  - Ease OpenSSL version check requirement
    Resolves #2238511

Package:      ghc-rpm-macros-2.5.3-2.fc39
Old package:  ghc-rpm-macros-2.5.3-1.fc39
Summary:      RPM macros for building Haskell packages for GHC
RPMs:         ghc-obsoletes ghc-rpm-macros ghc-rpm-macros-extra
Size:         60.03 KiB
Size change:  -908 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Jens Petersen <petersen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.3-2
  - obsolete ghc-data-array-byte
  - migrate to SPDX license tag

Package:      git-cola-4.3.2-1.fc39
Old package:  git-cola-4.2.1-6.fc39
Summary:      A sleek and powerful git GUI
RPMs:         git-cola
Size:         1.15 MiB
Size change:  6.90 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 David Bold <davidsch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.3.2-1
  - Update to 4.3.2

Package:      harfbuzz-8.2.0-1.fc39
Old package:  harfbuzz-8.1.1-1.fc39
Summary:      Text shaping library
RPMs:         harfbuzz harfbuzz-devel harfbuzz-icu
Size:         7.14 MiB
Size change:  132.59 KiB
  * Tue Sep 12 2023 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 8.2.0-1
  - Update to 8.2.0 version (#2238190)

Package:      imgp-2.9-1.fc39
Old package:  imgp-2.8-7.fc39
Summary:      Multi-core batch image resizer and rotator
RPMs:         imgp
Size:         33.83 KiB
Size change:  -132 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.9-1
  - Update to 2.9

Package:      input-remapper-2.0.1-1.fc39
Old package:  input-remapper-2.0.0-4.fc39
Summary:      An easy to use tool to change the behaviour of your input devices
RPMs:         input-remapper
Size:         413.80 KiB
Size change:  1.37 KiB
  * Tue Sep 19 2023 Alexander Ploumistos <alexpl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.1-1
  - Update to v2.0.1

Package:      kitty-0.30.0-1.fc39
Old package:  kitty-0.29.2-1.fc39
Summary:      Cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator
RPMs:         kitty kitty-doc kitty-shell-integration kitty-terminfo
Size:         30.32 MiB
Size change:  561.71 KiB
  * Sun Jul 30 2023 Pavel Solovev <daron439@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.29.2-2
  - add conditions to build for epel

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Pavel Solovev <daron439@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.30.0-1
  - version 0.30.0

Package:      libdwarf-1:0.8.0-1.fc39
Old package:  libdwarf-1:0.7.0-2.fc39
Summary:      Library to access the DWARF Debugging file format
RPMs:         libdwarf libdwarf-devel libdwarf-static libdwarf-tools
Size:         8.75 MiB
Size change:  122.84 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Tom Hughes <tom@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:0.8.0-1
  - Update to 0.8.0 upstream release

Package:      libmatemixer-1.26.1-1.fc39
Old package:  libmatemixer-1.26.0-5.fc39
Summary:      Mixer library for MATE desktop
RPMs:         libmatemixer libmatemixer-devel
Size:         1.29 MiB
Size change:  679 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Wolfgang Ulbrich <fedora@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.26.1-1
  - update to 1.26.1

Package:      lv2-x42-plugins-0.19.0-0.1.20230915.fc39
Old package:  lv2-x42-plugins-0.18.0-0.4.20220327.fc39
Summary:      A number of LV2 plugins
RPMs:         lv2-x42-plugins
Size:         5.84 MiB
Size change:  186.82 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Guido Aulisi <guido.aulisi@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.19.0-0.1.20230915
  - Update to 20230915

Package:      mosquitto-2.0.18-1.fc39
Old package:  mosquitto-2.0.17-1.fc39
Summary:      Open Source MQTT v5/v3.1.x Broker
RPMs:         mosquitto mosquitto-devel
Size:         2.16 MiB
Size change:  -1.27 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.18-1
  - Update to 2.0.18

Package:      mutter-45.0-3.fc39
Old package:  mutter-45.0-2.fc39
Summary:      Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
RPMs:         mutter mutter-common mutter-devel mutter-tests
Size:         15.68 MiB
Size change:  1.10 KiB
  * Tue Sep 26 2023 Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro@xxxxxxxxxx> - 45.0-3
  - Revert framebuffer scaling patch

Package:      ogr2osm-1.2.0-1.fc39
Old package:  ogr2osm-1.1.2-5.fc39
Summary:      Convert ogr-readable files like shapefiles into .pbf or .osm data
RPMs:         ogr2osm
Size:         74.01 KiB
Size change:  1.47 KiB
  * Sat Sep 16 2023 Andrea Musuruane <musuruan@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-1
  - Updated to new upstream release

Package:      php-sebastian-exporter5-5.1.0-1.fc39
Old package:  php-sebastian-exporter5-5.0.1-1.fc39
Summary:      Export PHP variables for visualization, version 5
RPMs:         php-sebastian-exporter5
Size:         13.70 KiB
Size change:  109 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.0-1
  - update to 5.1.0

Package:      python-cartopy-0.22.0-3.fc39
Old package:  python-cartopy-0.22.0-2.fc39
Summary:      Cartographic Python library with Matplotlib visualisations
RPMs:         python-cartopy-common python3-cartopy python3-cartopy+ows python3-cartopy+plotting python3-cartopy+speedups
Size:         41.08 MiB
Size change:  12.08 KiB
  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.22.0-3
  - Fix tests with Matplotlib 3.8.0

Package:      python-damo-1.9.8-1.fc39
Old package:  python-damo-1.9.7-1.fc39
Summary:      Data Access Monitoring Operator
RPMs:         damo
Size:         210.59 KiB
Size change:  569 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Michel Lind <salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.9.8-1
  - Update to 1.9.8

Package:      python-geopandas-0.14.0-2.fc39
Old package:  python-geopandas-0.13.2-2.fc39~bootstrap
Summary:      Geographic Pandas extensions
RPMs:         python3-geopandas
Size:         1.44 MiB
Size change:  16.33 KiB
  * Sat Sep 16 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.14.0-1
  - Update to latest version (#2239113)

Package:      python-geoplot-0.5.1-7.fc39
Old package:  python-geoplot-0.5.1-5.fc39
Summary:      High-level geospatial plotting for Python
RPMs:         python3-geoplot
Size:         71.09 KiB
Size change:  -2.53 KiB
  * Wed Mar 01 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.5.1-6
  - Fix tests with Matplotlib 3.7

  * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.5.1-7
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

Package:      python-libpysal-4.7.0-5.fc39
Old package:  python-libpysal-4.7.0-2.fc38
Summary:      Python Spatial Analysis Library core components
RPMs:         python-libpysal-doc python3-libpysal
Size:         5.58 MiB
Size change:  -146.69 KiB
  * Sun Apr 09 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.0-3
  - Switch to SPDX license

  * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.0-4
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 4.7.0-5
  - Use shapely instead of geomet to test

Package:      python-libsass-0.22.0-1.fc39
Old package:  python-libsass-0.20.0-23.fc39
Summary:      Sass for Python: A straightforward binding of libsass for Python
RPMs:         python3-libsass
Size:         407.32 KiB
Size change:  -69.78 KiB
  * Tue Sep 12 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.20.0-25
  - Package the manual in a -doc subpackage

  * Tue Sep 12 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.20.0-26
  - Package the changelog as a text file, not only as part of the manual

  * Wed Sep 13 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.0-1
  - Update to 0.21.0

  * Wed Sep 13 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.21.0-2
  - Build man page with help2man instead of Sphinx

  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.22.0-1
  - Update to 0.22.0 (close RHBZ#1873395)
  - The “sassc” module is removed upstream; we already did not install
    /usr/bin/sassc due to conflicts with libsass.

Package:      python-mapclassify-2.5.0-2.fc39
Old package:  python-mapclassify-2.5.0-1.fc39
Summary:      Classification Schemes for Choropleth Maps
RPMs:         python3-mapclassify
Size:         94.43 KiB
Size change:  -3.47 KiB
  * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.0-2
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

Package:      python-matplotlib-3.8.0-1.fc39
Old package:  python-matplotlib-3.7.2-2.fc39
Summary:      Python 2D plotting library
RPMs:         python3-matplotlib python3-matplotlib-data python3-matplotlib-data-fonts python3-matplotlib-doc python3-matplotlib-gtk3 python3-matplotlib-gtk4 python3-matplotlib-qt5 python3-matplotlib-qt6 python3-matplotlib-test-data python3-matplotlib-tk python3-matplotlib-wx
Size:         106.29 MiB
Size change:  818.47 KiB
  * Fri Aug 11 2023 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.7.2-2
  - rebuild for new qhull

  * Fri Aug 11 2023 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.7.2-4
  - add upstream sphinx fix

  * Mon Aug 14 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.8.0~rc1-1
  - Update to latest version (#2230778)

  * Sat Sep 16 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.8.0-1
  - Update to latest version (#2230778)

Package:      python-mplcursors-0.5.2-8.fc39
Old package:  python-mplcursors-0.5.2-7.fc39
Summary:      Interactive data selection cursors for Matplotlib
RPMs:         python-mplcursors-doc python3-mplcursors
Size:         1.29 MiB
Size change:  -128 B
  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.5.2-8
  - Fix tests with Matplotlib 3.8.0

Package:      python-qdarkstyle-3.0.3-4.fc39
Old package:  python-qdarkstyle-3.0.2-7.fc38
Summary:      The most complete dark/light style sheet for C++/Python and Qt applications
RPMs:         python3-qdarkstyle python3-qdarkstyle+develop python3-qdarkstyle+example
Added RPMs:   python3-qdarkstyle+develop python3-qdarkstyle+example
Size:         641.08 KiB
Size change:  21.55 KiB
  * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.2-8
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.2-10
  - F39+: Drop PySide2 support (fix RHBZ#2220472)
  - PySide2 is broken on Python 3.12

  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.2-13
  - Update summary and description from upstream

  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.2-17
  - Port to pyproject-rpm-macros
  - Add metapackages for the “develop” and “example” extras

  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.2-19
  - Package README.rst, but not CONTRIBUTING.rst

  * Fri Sep 15 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.2-20
  - Add support for recompiling assets

  * Fri Sep 15 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.3-1
  - Update to 3.0.3

  * Fri Sep 15 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.3-2
  - Recompile web assets as part of the package build

  * Sun Sep 17 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.3-3
  - Don’t install files with pointless or broken shebangs

  * Sun Sep 17 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.3-4
  - Add help2man-generated man pages

Package:      python-qtsass-0.4.0-1.fc39
Old package:  python-qtsass-0.3.0-8.fc39
Summary:      Compile SCSS files to valid Qt stylesheets
RPMs:         python3-qtsass
Size:         57.81 KiB
Size change:  7.73 KiB
  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-10
  - Port to pyproject-rpm-macros

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-11
  - Switch to the GitHub archive as source
  - Package additional documentation and examples

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-12
  - Remove useless shebang lines

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-13
  - Run the tests

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-14
  - Add a weak dep. on PySide2 where available

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.0-15
  - Use help2man to generate a man page

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.1-1
  - Update to 0.3.1

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.2-1
  - Update to 0.3.2

  * Sun Sep 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.2-2
  - Confirm License is SPDX MIT

  * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.0-1
  - Update to 0.4.0

Package:      python-ratinabox-1.9.3-1.fc39
Old package:  python-ratinabox-1.9.2-1.fc39
Summary:      A package for simulating motion and ephys data in continuous environments
RPMs:         python3-ratinabox
Size:         2.31 MiB
Size change:  -687 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.9.3-1
  - Update to 1.9.3 (close RHBZ#2239469)

Package:      python-setuptools-67.7.2-7.fc39
Old package:  python-setuptools-67.7.2-5.fc39
Summary:      Easily build and distribute Python packages
RPMs:         python-setuptools-wheel python3-setuptools
Size:         2.15 MiB
Size change:  1.37 KiB
  * Wed Jul 12 2023 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 67.7.2-6
  - Rebuilt for Python 3.12

  * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 67.7.2-7
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

Package:      python-zarr-2.16.1-1.fc39
Old package:  python-zarr-2.16.0-1.fc39
Summary:      Chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python
RPMs:         python-zarr-doc python3-zarr
Size:         995.64 KiB
Size change:  -122 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum.analyst@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.16.1-1
  - Update to latest version (#2232757)

Package:      qgis-3.32.3-1.fc39
Old package:  qgis-3.32.1-1.fc39
Summary:      A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
RPMs:         python3-qgis qgis qgis-devel qgis-grass qgis-server
Size:         401.51 MiB
Size change:  693.34 KiB
  * Tue Aug 15 2023 Sandro Mani <manisandro@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.32.1-2
  - Rebuild (libspatialite)

  * Sat Aug 19 2023 Sandro Mani <manisandro@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.32.2-1
  - Update to 3.32.2

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Sandro Mani <manisandro@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.32.3-1
  - Update to 3.32.3

Package:      rdiff-backup-2.2.6-2.fc39
Old package:  rdiff-backup-2.2.6-1.fc39
Summary:      Convenient and transparent local/remote incremental mirror/backup
RPMs:         rdiff-backup
Size:         2.52 MiB
Size change:  253 B

Package:      rubygem-nifti-0.0.2-23.fc39
Old package:  rubygem-nifti-0.0.2-19.fc38
Summary:      A pure Ruby API to the NIfTI Neuroimaging Format
RPMs:         rubygem-nifti rubygem-nifti-doc
Size:         3.99 MiB
Size change:  -24 B
  * Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.2-20
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild

  * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.2-21
  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

  * Mon Jul 31 2023 Ilia Gradina <ilgrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.2-22
  - fix tests

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Ilia Gradina <ilgrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.2-23
  - byte order fixed for building on s390x

Package:      rust-aho-corasick-1.1.1-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-aho-corasick-1.0.5-1.fc39
Summary:      Fast multiple substring searching
RPMs:         rust-aho-corasick+default-devel rust-aho-corasick+logging-devel rust-aho-corasick+perf-literal-devel rust-aho-corasick+std-devel rust-aho-corasick-devel
Size:         191.69 KiB
Size change:  7.65 KiB
  * Mon Sep 25 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.1-1
  - Update to version 1.1.1; Fixes RHBZ#2239461

Package:      rust-bumpalo-3.14.0-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-bumpalo-3.13.0-3.fc39
Summary:      Fast bump allocation arena for Rust
RPMs:         rust-bumpalo+allocator-api2-devel rust-bumpalo+allocator_api-devel rust-bumpalo+boxed-devel rust-bumpalo+collections-devel rust-bumpalo+default-devel rust-bumpalo+std-devel rust-bumpalo-devel
Added RPMs:   rust-bumpalo+std-devel
Size:         131.76 KiB
Size change:  8.80 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.14.0-1
  - Update to version 3.14.0; Fixes RHBZ#2239025

Package:      rust-deunicode-1.4.0-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-deunicode-1.3.3-3.fc39
Summary:      Convert Unicode strings to pure ASCII by intelligently transliterating them
RPMs:         rust-deunicode+alloc-devel rust-deunicode+default-devel rust-deunicode-devel
Size:         177.26 KiB
Size change:  1.18 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.0-1
  - Update to version 1.4.0; Fixes RHBZ#2239117

Package:      rust-imagequant-4.2.1-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-imagequant-4.2.0-2.fc39
Summary:      Convert 24/32-bit images to 8-bit palette with alpha channel
RPMs:         rust-imagequant+_internal_c_ffi-devel rust-imagequant+default-devel rust-imagequant+large_palettes-devel rust-imagequant+threads-devel rust-imagequant-devel
Size:         93.50 KiB
Size change:  595 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 blinxen <h-k-81@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.2.1-1
  - Update to version 4.2.1 (rhbz#2238258)

Package:      rust-indoc-2.0.4-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-indoc-2.0.3-2.fc39
Summary:      Indented document literals
RPMs:         rust-indoc+default-devel rust-indoc-devel
Size:         41.98 KiB
Size change:  -120 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.4-1
  - Update to version 2.0.4; Fixes RHBZ#2239263

Package:      rust-io-uring-0.6.2-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-io-uring-0.6.1-1.fc39
Summary:      Low-level io_uring userspace interface for Rust
RPMs:         rust-io-uring+default-devel rust-io-uring+io_safety-devel rust-io-uring-devel
Size:         68.96 KiB
Size change:  552 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.2-1
  - Update to version 0.6.2; Fixes RHBZ#2239292

Package:      rust-local-channel-0.1.4-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-local-channel-0.1.3-5.fc39
Summary:      Non-threadsafe multi-producer, single-consumer, futures-aware, FIFO queue
RPMs:         rust-local-channel+default-devel rust-local-channel-devel
Size:         24.04 KiB
Size change:  142 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.4-1
  - Update to version 0.1.4; Fixes RHBZ#2239346

Package:      rust-minijinja-1.0.8-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-minijinja-1.0.7-1.fc39
Summary:      Powerful template engine for Rust with minimal dependencies
RPMs:         rust-minijinja+adjacent_loop_items-devel rust-minijinja+builtins-devel rust-minijinja+custom_syntax-devel rust-minijinja+debug-devel rust-minijinja+default-devel rust-minijinja+deserialization-devel rust-minijinja+fuel-devel rust-minijinja+indexmap-devel rust-minijinja+internal_debug-devel rust-minijinja+json-devel rust-minijinja+key_interning-devel rust-minijinja+macros-devel rust-minijinja+multi_template-devel rust-minijinja+percent-encoding-devel rust-minijinja+preserve_order-devel rust-minijinja+serde_json-devel rust-minijinja+unicase-devel rust-minijinja+unicode-devel rust-minijinja+unicode-ident-devel rust-minijinja+unstable_machinery-devel rust-minijinja+unstable_machinery_serde-devel rust-minijinja+urlencode-devel rust-minijinja-devel
Size:         298.79 KiB
Size change:  2.80 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.8-1
  - Update to version 1.0.8; Fixes RHBZ#2239317

Package:      rust-mockito-1.2.0-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-mockito-1.1.0-2.fc39
Summary:      HTTP mocking for Rust
RPMs:         rust-mockito+color-devel rust-mockito+colored-devel rust-mockito+default-devel rust-mockito-devel
Size:         64.65 KiB
Size change:  116 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-1
  - Update to version 1.2.0; Fixes RHBZ#2238904

Package:      rust-predicates-3.0.4-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-predicates-3.0.3-2.fc39
Summary:      Implementation of boolean-valued predicate functions
RPMs:         rust-predicates+color-devel rust-predicates+default-devel rust-predicates+diff-devel rust-predicates+float-cmp-devel rust-predicates+normalize-line-endings-devel rust-predicates+regex-devel rust-predicates+unstable-devel rust-predicates-devel
Size:         96.69 KiB
Size change:  -691 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.4-1
  - Update to version 3.0.4; Fixes RHBZ#2239468

Package:      rust-trybuild-1.0.85-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-trybuild-1.0.83-1.fc39
Summary:      Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics
RPMs:         rust-trybuild+default-devel rust-trybuild+diff-devel rust-trybuild+dissimilar-devel rust-trybuild-devel
Size:         90.13 KiB
Size change:  413 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.85-1
  - Update to version 1.0.85; Fixes RHBZ#2238246

Package:      rust-unindent-0.2.3-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-unindent-0.2.2-2.fc39
Summary:      Remove a column of leading whitespace from a string
RPMs:         rust-unindent+default-devel rust-unindent-devel
Size:         24.31 KiB
Size change:  -56 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.3-1
  - Update to version 0.2.3; Fixes RHBZ#2239272

Package:      rust-userfaultfd-sys-0.4.4-1.fc39
Old package:  rust-userfaultfd-sys-0.4.3-3.fc39
Summary:      Low-level bindings for userfaultfd functionality on Linux
RPMs:         rust-userfaultfd-sys+default-devel rust-userfaultfd-sys+linux4_14-devel rust-userfaultfd-sys+linux5_7-devel rust-userfaultfd-sys-devel
Size:         40.06 KiB
Size change:  369 B
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 David Michael <fedora.dm0@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.4-1
  - Update to version 0.4.4 (rhbz#2189405)

Package:      singularity-ce-3.11.5-1.fc39
Old package:  singularity-ce-3.11.4-2.fc39
Summary:      Application and environment virtualization
RPMs:         singularity-ce
Size:         119.68 MiB
Size change:  3.46 MiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 David Trudgian <dtrudg@xxxxxxxxx> - 3.11.5-1
  - Upgrade to 3.11.5 upstream version.
  - This is a compatible upgrade to a new upstream patch version.

Package:      system76-keyboard-configurator-1.3.9-4.fc39
Old package:  system76-keyboard-configurator-1.3.7-2.fc39
Summary:      System76 Keyboard Configurator
RPMs:         system76-keyboard-configurator
Size:         6.56 MiB
Size change:  -212.23 KiB
  * Wed Aug 30 2023 Link Dupont <linkdupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.9-1
  - New upstream version 1.3.9

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.9-3
  - Update Rust packaging and drop cargo_generate_buildrequires workaround

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.9-4
  - Update license tag to SPDX; account for statically linked Rust crates

Package:      timew-1.6.0-1.fc39
Old package:  timew-1.5.0-3.fc39
Summary:      Timewarrior tracks and reports time
RPMs:         timew
Size:         1.36 MiB
Size change:  -146.09 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Ankur Sinha (Ankur Sinha Gmail) <sanjay.ankur@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.5.0-4
  - chore: add packit

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Ankur Sinha (Ankur Sinha Gmail) <sanjay.ankur@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.6.0-1
  - feat: update to 1.6.0 (fixes rh#2239442)

Package:      tmux-3.3a-5.20230918gitb202a2f.fc39
Old package:  tmux-3.3a-4.fc39
Summary:      A terminal multiplexer
RPMs:         tmux
Size:         2.09 MiB
Size change:  66.59 KiB
  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Ankur Sinha <ankursinha AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 3.3a-5.20230918gitb202a2f
  - update to snapshot
  - https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/3699#issuecomment-1723095544

Package:      yggdrasil-0.4.1-1.fc39
Old package:  yggdrasil-0.3.2-1.fc39
Summary:      Remote data transmission and processing client
RPMs:         golang-github-redhatinsights-yggdrasil-devel yggdrasil
Size:         17.00 MiB
Size change:  15.33 KiB
  * Wed Aug 09 2023 Yaakov Selkowitz <yselkowi@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.2-2
  - Use vendored dependencies in RHEL builds

  * Mon Sep 18 2023 Link Dupont <link@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.1-1
  - Update to version 0.4.1

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