Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Flatpak Packaging SIG Meeting (2023-08-07)

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The Matrix/IRC bridge is down, so we didn't have the meetbot for today's

We discussed 3 things:

1) F37 flatpak runtime retirement
2) Automatic man page compression for flatpak builds is fixed
3) Progress with switching from Modular builds to regular koji builds

Owen has done some nice work with changing the flatpak build infra to
not rely on MBS (Modular Build System), but it still needs landing in
prod to test everything together. If we can't land it before the infra
freeze in two weeks, we'll likely need to postpone the whole thing for F40.

The full meeting log follows down below.


8/7/2023, 4:01:44 PM - Kalev Lember: Welcome to our bi-weekly Flatpak SIG meeting.
8/7/2023, 4:01:51 PM - travier ( joined the room
8/7/2023, 4:01:58 PM - travier ( 👋
8/7/2023, 4:02:15 PM - Kalev Lember: We don't have the irc bridge operational so it's going to be a bit rough. I'll try to hand-craft notes afterwards. 8/7/2023, 4:02:37 PM - Kalev Lember: (We don't have the irc meeting bot, that's why the hand crafting meeting notes)
8/7/2023, 4:03:14 PM - Owen Taylor: Sounds fine - thanlsl for doing that!
8/7/2023, 4:03:19 PM - Kalev Lember: OK, so I have some random updates and I then maybe we could let Owen give a quick update about the new build system status?
8/7/2023, 4:03:23 PM - Kalev Lember: Great :)
8/7/2023, 4:04:09 PM - Kalev Lember: First of all, I think we should be done with updating everything to the F38 runtime, and there is nothing left on the F37 one. 🚀 8/7/2023, 4:04:57 PM - Kalev Lember: So I went ahead and pushed the thing that are needed to mark the F37 runtime as EOL. The EOL'ing update is still in testing so if anyone finds something that still uses the F37 runtime we can hold it back still. 8/7/2023, 4:05:14 PM - Kalev Lember: 8/7/2023, 4:05:50 PM - Kalev Lember: Second, I looked into the man page compression issue where we didn't get automatic man page gzip compression for flatpak /app builds 8/7/2023, 4:06:35 PM - Kalev Lember: It turned out to be a fairly trivial fix and hopefully we won't need to go and change all the packages any more for flatpak support :) 8/7/2023, 4:06:44 PM - Kalev Lember: I can't believe we didn't try to figure it out earlier :) 8/7/2023, 4:08:05 PM - Owen Taylor: Hmm ..... I think I assumed it would require upstream RPM changes - or maybe it even did 8/7/2023, 4:08:33 PM - Kalev Lember: Yeah, I guess I too thought it would be complicated :) 8/7/2023, 4:08:40 PM - Kalev Lember: Anyway, that was my updates. Owen, the floor is all yours! 8/7/2023, 4:11:12 PM - Owen Taylor: Hmmm ... I guess the basic status is "orange" for F40 - I have things more or less fully working, but the infrastructure isn't there, and we're two weeks off of the beta infrastructure freeze 8/7/2023, 4:12:00 PM - Kalev Lember: should we postpone it to F40 and keep on using mbs for F39? 8/7/2023, 4:13:15 PM - Owen Taylor: Let's wait just a bit before making that call. After all, we wouldn't typically start working on F39 Flatpaks until around the beta And maybe I can get it done.
8/7/2023, 4:13:34 PM - Owen Taylor: What is needed to get it done:
8/7/2023, 4:13:42 PM - Kalev Lember: Makes sense to me.
8/7/2023, 4:14:46 PM - Owen Taylor: A) Fix a couple of remaining issues in flatpak-module-tools and koji-flatpaks - the top issues are that I don't have arch-specific package support and release numbering is still wonky
8/7/2023, 4:15:03 PM - Owen Taylor: B) Get koji-flatpak packaged in Fedora
8/7/2023, 4:15:18 PM - Owen Taylor: C) Get it onto the staging builders ... test it out there in some fashion
8/7/2023, 4:15:24 PM - Owen Taylor:  D) Push it live
8/7/2023, 4:15:35 PM - Owen Taylor: That's more-or-less the tasks.
8/7/2023, 4:16:20 PM - Kalev Lember: Oh, about release number - I was wondering if you could do it in a way that's similar to eln, where there's .eln127, .eln128 etc suffixes to dist tag? 8/7/2023, 4:16:34 PM - Kalev Lember: That would allow us to easily rebuild things if we get maybe ordering wrong 8/7/2023, 4:17:21 PM - Owen Taylor: is the tracking bug for release numbering 8/7/2023, 4:17:55 PM - Kalev Lember: Like, someone pushes a rebuild for a new library to dist-git, we rebuild it for /app but get the order wrong, so it's still rebuilt against the old library. 8/7/2023, 4:18:01 PM - Owen Taylor: My initial proposal was firefox-flatpak-112.0.2-1 where we use a different koji name 8/7/2023, 4:18:11 PM - Kalev Lember: eln would just bump distro version and get a new, higher dist tag in that case 8/7/2023, 4:19:02 PM - Owen Taylor: Ah, yeah, I'm actually talking about the release tag for *flatpaks* not the rebuilt RPMs
8/7/2023, 4:19:09 PM - Kalev Lember: Ahh right!
8/7/2023, 4:19:56 PM - Kalev Lember: Yeah, I'm talking about rebuilt rpms. I'm worried that we'll get the order wrong quite often because we don't have tooling to match them to regular package builds. 8/7/2023, 4:20:31 PM - Owen Taylor: The new flatpak-module-tools actually has ordering tooling 8/7/2023, 4:20:54 PM - Owen Taylor: Right now, it's only hooked up for local builds, but should appply to Koji builds too
8/7/2023, 4:21:01 PM - Kalev Lember: Ohh, interesting.
8/7/2023, 4:22:19 PM - Kalev Lember: Anyway, I think I'm digressing here :) We can easily change the dist tag stuff afterwards as well, it's definitely not a blocker I think. 8/7/2023, 4:22:25 PM - Owen Taylor: I think for rebuilt RPMs, I'd like to try just starting with changing the dist tag but keeping the numbering the same - it might occasionally*rrequire a bump-and-rebuilt in dist-git, but I'm hopeful (perhaps wrongly?) that that won't be common. 8/7/2023, 4:23:24 PM - Kalev Lember: Sure, and it's easy enough to change the dist macro in the tag later if needed. 8/7/2023, 4:24:01 PM - Owen Taylor: Getting back to Flatpak release numbering, so, I think there was a preference here to not do firefox => firefox-flatpak, but just have different release tags for Flatpaks within the general "flatpak" namespace. So I started off looking at doing things this way. 8/7/2023, 4:25:27 PM - Owen Taylor: I started off doing it that way, but hit an implementation issue in that the "auto release generation" feature of Koji just looks at all releases in Koji for a N-V and incremenents the highest one. SO if the highest NVR is firefox-112.0.2-11.fc38 then you get firefox-112.0.2-12.fc38. 8/7/2023, 4:27:35 PM - Owen Taylor: I *could* implement things manually - have the plugin look at all release, see which ones match firefox-112.0.2-*.flatpak, increment the highest one, try to start a build, if that fails (which should be rair), retry. But it does get back to the concern that maybe it's confusin 8/7/2023, 4:28:42 PM - Kalev Lember: I am fine with whichever way turns out to be easier :) You wouldn't have that issue with the other naming where firefox flatpak is called firefox-flatpak, right? 8/7/2023, 4:28:48 PM - Owen Taylor: That is, firefox-112.0.2-1.flatpak could contain the rpm firefox-112.0.2-11.f39app (which corresponds to the unrebuilt firefox-112.0.2-11.fc38) 8/7/2023, 4:29:29 PM - Owen Taylor: Where if we had firefox-flatpak, it would be more clear that the release numbers were unrelated
8/7/2023, 4:29:48 PM - Kalev Lember: Indeed.
8/7/2023, 4:30:06 PM - Kalev Lember: nirik: what do you think which way would make more sense? 8/7/2023, 4:31:32 PM - Kalev Lember: I think it's often that you only discover what makes more sense after trying to go down one path :) 8/7/2023, 4:32:32 PM - Owen Taylor: Yeah, I'm probably inclined to go with the firefox-flatpak approach at this point - it seems like it will end up cleaner. 8/7/2023, 4:32:41 PM - Owen Taylor: Another issue that I'm trying to figure out which way to go with is the relationship between the runtime and sdk. As Kalev knows, we have complicated scripts in flaptaks/flatpak-runtime that generate a single module with profiles for both the runtime and sdk, then flatpaks/flatpak-sdk builds a flatpak from the flatpak-runtime module. 8/7/2023, 4:33:43 PM - Owen Taylor: But now that we no longer have modules, how do we handle the fact that the package set for the SDK's container.yaml comes from flatpaks/flatpak-runtime generation scripts 8/7/2023, 4:34:26 PM - Kalev Lember: Maybe just ignore it for now? We don't actually use the SDK for anything and I think we can leave figuring it out for later. 8/7/2023, 4:34:30 PM - Owen Taylor: The simple case, is that we just have the SDK's container.yaml checked in both places, and manually copy it over and check it into the SDK
8/7/2023, 4:35:09 PM - Kalev Lember: Sure, I'd be fine with copying it over.
8/7/2023, 4:36:05 PM - Owen Taylor: Other options would be a) just drop the SDK - as you say we don't actaully use it for anything b) make the koji-flatpak plugin able to build the SDK from flatpaks/flatpak-runtime - basically `koji flatpak-build --container-yaml=container-sdk.yaml` (ignore all details in that) - the container build plugin allows something like that. 8/7/2023, 4:37:00 PM - Owen Taylor: Kalev Lember: Probably in the interests of getting something done quickly, I'll make the generation scripts generate both, and we can figure out if we are copying it over, or just not building it later :-) 8/7/2023, 4:37:49 PM - Kalev Lember: The SDK can be useful if we ever end up packaging gnome-builder: In flathub, it's built so that it uses the SDK as the runtime. But we don't have that and not sure we'll have it in future either :)
8/7/2023, 4:37:53 PM - Kalev Lember: Sounds like a good plan!
8/7/2023, 4:38:19 PM - Kalev Lember: Do you want help with anything?
8/7/2023, 4:38:36 PM - Owen Taylor: Honestly, the *main* reason we build the SDK is as an upstream to the RHEL upstream 8/7/2023, 4:38:59 PM - Kalev Lember: Right, so it would be good to figure it out at some point. 8/7/2023, 4:40:57 PM - Owen Taylor: I think I have to get the basics committed into dist-git, and a new flatpak-module-tools landed, but at that point, it would be useful to get some content in place, testing Flatpak builds with local builds - that would validate things in parallel with getting koji-flatpak (that is, the Koji Flaptak plugin) into infrastructure.
8/7/2023, 4:42:42 PM - Kalev Lember: OK, let me know then!
8/7/2023, 4:42:53 PM - Owen Taylor: Will do!
8/7/2023, 4:43:43 PM - * Owen Taylor will have to change his canonical "first Flatpak to try things on" now that eog is being replaced with loupe - it's sort of strange to be testing infrastructure with a replaced application 8/7/2023, 4:44:07 PM - Owen Taylor: loupe will *not* be the first Flatpak to try things on, though :-) 8/7/2023, 4:46:24 PM - Kalev Lember: Ha, good point :) If you are looking for a replacement, all the tiny GNOME games could work as they all have tiny dep sets. 8/7/2023, 4:47:27 PM - Kalev Lember: Anyway, nice work getting it so far. I'm looking forward to getting rid of mbs, it's getting a bit old having to fight with it all the time to get builds done.
8/7/2023, 4:47:32 PM - Owen Taylor: Yeah.
8/7/2023, 4:49:00 PM - Kalev Lember: Anything else to discuss? Should we wrap the meeting up? 8/7/2023, 4:51:01 PM - Owen Taylor: I can't think of anything else. Will try really hard to get things to the testable state this week. If I don't manage that, then we're probably looking at F40 for MBS/OSBS retirement. 8/7/2023, 4:52:06 PM - Kalev Lember: Sound like a plan to me. Thanks again for working on all this! 8/7/2023, 4:52:27 PM - Kalev Lember: See you all in two weeks - hopefully we'll have the irc bridge back then. 8/7/2023, 4:52:48 PM - Kalev Lember: #endmeeting (which doesn't actually do anything right now :) )
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