I'd like to provide an update on Python 3.12 mass rebuild.
The mass rebuild is still in progress. So far 2666 packages were
rebuilt in side tag which is about 65,8% out of 4049 python
packages. We are now working on fixing important packages blocking
As mentioned in previous email - if you see a "Rebuilt for Python
3.12" (or similar) commit in your package, please don't rebuild it
in regular rawhide or another rawhide side tag. If you need to,
please let us know, so we can coordinate.
If you'd like to build a package after we already rebuilt it, you
should be able to build it in the side tag via:
on branch rawhide:
$ fedpkg build --target=f39-python
$ koji wait-repo f39-python --build <nvr>
Note that it will take a while before all the essential packages
are rebuilt, so don't expect all your dependencies to be available
right away. Please, don't attempt to build your package in the
side tag before we do.
When in trouble, ask here or on IRC (#fedora-python on
Libera.Chat). Ping me (thrnciar) or Miro (mhroncok) if you need to
talk to us.
Please avoid any potentially disturbing or major changes in Python
packages until the rebuild is over.
Thanks. Let us know if you have any questions.
Here is the list of packages that failed to build but their
dependencies are available. If you'd like to help us, any fixes
are welcome. Please build the package with --target=f39-python if
you fix it.
If your package is failing with ModuleNotFoundError: No module
named 'imp', this is happening because Python 3.12 removed the
long deprecated imp module. As a stopgap measure, you can
BuildRequire python3-zombie-imp package, which allows you to
import the imp module even on Python 3.12. We strongly recommend
talking to upstream and encouraging them to migrate to importlib
Maintainers by package:
NFStest ajmitchell steved
Zim cheeselee ohaessler
andriller fab
appliance-tools ngompa
aubio nphilipp tartina
awake fab
awscli2 davdunc nforro
b43-tools pwalter
beaker martstyk
binwalk ajax swt2c
borgbackup fschwarz
botan2 bkircher thm
brd jsbackus
btest fab
cdist fnux
classification-banner rga
condor bcotton matyas ttheisen valtri
criu adrian rstoyanov
cxxtest mgieseki
dionaea rebus
distgen hhorak phracek pkubat praiskup zmiklank
dnf-plugin-diff praiskup
dnf-plugins-extras dmach jmracek mblaha pkratoch
dtc arnd bonzini jwboyer pbrobinson
electron-cash jonny
elements aalvarez
emacs-jedi melmorabity
eric rdieter
fail2ban atkac hobbes1069 orion tmz
fedora-gather-easyfix pingou
flann rmattes
flatpak-module-tools kalev otaylor
fonts-tweak-tool tagoh
future sagitter
gaupol music
gfal2-python jonathanspw mipatras
gnome-doc-utils alexl caolanm limb rhughes rstrode
h5py orion stevetraylen terjeros
i2c-tools ajax jorton jzerdik olysonek
kernel-tools acaringi jforbes jwboyer lgoncalv patrickt
kicad avigne lkundrak stevenfalco
kitty atim jonathanspw salimma solopasha zawertun
lammps cz4rs ellio167 junghans rberger
lensfun germano grahamwhiteuk nphilipp ohaessler
rdieter trix
libffado nphilipp
libfreenect jkastner kathenas kwizart rmattes
libnl3 dcbw jirka thaller
libssh2-python clalance
lilv nphilipp tartina
livecd-tools bcl bruno ngompa
lvm2 agk bmarzins bmr cfeist kzak lvm-team
mauelsha mbroz mcsontos pjones prajnoha zkabelac
m2crypto mitr ngompa
manafirewall ngompa thunderbirdtr
mercurial kiilerix nbecker pstodulk
mrchem jussilehtola
oct2spec orion
offlineimap cicku dodji sergesanspaille teuf
onboard yanqiyu
pam_wrapper asn jhrozek
pdc-client kevin lholecek lsedlar nphilipp
pdf-stapler aarem raphgro
photoqt eischmann
py-radix kevin
pyflowtools stingray
pyftpdlib aekoroglu
pygsl jamatos
pyke spot
pyodbc fjanus hhorak osloup
pyosmium tomh
python-GridDataFormats rathann
python-IPy kevin
python-PyPDF2 aarem
python-acora fab
python-aiofiles ankursinha
python-aiosmtpd abompard
python-aiozeroconf fab
python-alarmdecoder fab
python-annexremote ankursinha
python-ansi sdyroff
python-ansible-pygments chedi
python-ansiwrap fab
python-apsw cicku dfateyev maci
python-argcomplete churchyard ignatenkobrain mfabik msrb
python-ase besser82 marcindulak
python-astroid bcl limb lupinix mrunge orion
python-astropy-healpix lupinix
python-astropy-helpers lupinix
python-async-generator carlwgeorge
python-asyncssh gsauthof
python-audioread terjeros
python-avocado cleber merlinm
python-bidict fab
python-biopython alexlan lbazan rathann sagitter
python-bleach bowlofeggs ignatenkobrain mrunge
python-blowfish limb
python-bluepy alciregi
python-bokeh ankursinha
python-boto apevec gholms limb
python-botocore davdunc fale gholms limb lkundrak
python-bottle aekoroglu fedepell
python-box dmsimard fab
python-catkin_tools ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-chai kevin pingou
python-check-manifest fab
python-click-spinner fab
python-cloudpickle jonathanspw lbalhar
python-cpio jamatos kevin
python-cram ktdreyer
python-curio carlwgeorge
python-cypari2 pcpa
python-cypy orphan
python-deap zbyszek
python-diff-match-patch amigadave
python-dockerfile-parse cverna maxamillion ttomecek twaugh
python-dominate fab hvad
python-drat orphan
python-drgn dcavalca filbranden osandov salimma
python-ephem fab
python-esphomeflasher dcavalca
python-fastbencode opohorel
python-firehose athoscr dmalcolm
python-flask-babel jonathanspw ngompa pcpa
python-flask-cors frantisekz
python-flask-login smani
python-flufl-bounce abompard
python-fpylll pcpa
python-fspath ankursinha
python-gccinvocation dmalcolm
python-geomet qulogic
python-grako brouhaha
python-graph-tool ankursinha
python-guizero churchyard
python-hdfs ankursinha
python-igor zbyszek
python-immutables carlwgeorge
python-iniparse aekoroglu lupinix
python-invoke jkucera
python-iowait aekoroglu
python-ipgetter fab
python-javaproperties mhayden
python-jep raphgro
python-josepy nb
python-json-logger hguemar
python-jsonrpc-server nonamedotc
python-kafka hiwkby
python-kmod grover mlombard
python-lacrosse fab
python-lazr-smtptest abompard
python-leveldb survient
python-liblarch miguel7ra
python-libsass nonamedotc
python-logging-tree fab
python-logutils jcaratzas kevin
python-managesieve gui1ty
python-markdown_2 aekoroglu
python-matplotlib-scalebar ankursinha
python-maxminddb carlwgeorge ignatenkobrain lbalhar
python-metar jdekloe
python-mirakuru mikelo2
python-mistune08 salimma
python-modestmaps cottsay
python-multi_key_dict cottsay
python-mygpoclient slankes vpv
python-ndindex zbyszek
python-neovim asn salimma
python-nmap fab
python-nose_fixes besser82
python-notario ktdreyer
python-nss dshea
python-nudatus churchyard
python-numpydoc jonathanspw orion tomspur
python-optcomplete chedi
python-pathos ankursinha
python-pathtools scoady
python-pdir2 supakeen
python-pint lzachar mrunge
python-pivy hobbes1069
python-pluginlib aviso
python-podman-api orphan
python-protego echevemaster
python-ptrace terjeros
python-py9p psavelye
python-pyaes peter
python-pycodestyle churchyard orion
python-pydiffx jonathanspw
python-pydocstyle tadej
python-pyfim ankursinha
python-pylatex ankursinha
python-pyopencl frantisekz
python-pyopengl swt2c
python-pyoptical ignatenkobrain orphan
python-pyrad antorres cicku peter
python-pysam davidsch
python-pyside2 hobbes1069
python-pysnooper lbalhar zbyszek
python-pytest-bdd music
python-pytest-metadata pschindl
python-pytest-subtests fab
python-pytest-venv lbalhar
python-pytest-virtualenv kevin
python-pyzolib cottsay
python-qpageview limb
python-qutepart raphgro
python-recordclass dcavalca
python-redis cicku kevin maxamillion
python-rope nonamedotc
python-rpmfluff dshea ignatenkobrain jhutar
python-rstcheck-core ankursinha
python-schedutils jkastner
python-semver aekoroglu mhayden raphgro
python-signedjson aekoroglu
python-simplemediawiki orphan
python-simpleparse grover mlombard
python-simplewrap ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-slip nphilipp
python-smart-gardena fab
python-smartcols kalev
python-smbpasswd rebus
python-sphinxygen fed500
python-sqlalchemy nphilipp
python-stdlib-list lbazan
python-tables jonathanspw zbyszek
python-tambo ktdreyer
python-testresources apevec carlwgeorge mrunge
python-textdistance nonamedotc
python-token-bucket supakeen
python-tokenize-rt rominf
python-twisted jonathanspw jsteffan
python-uinput bytehackr
python-upoints fab
python-uri-templates mbaldessari
python-urllib-gssapi simo
python-virtualenv-clone tadej
python-visionegg-quest ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-wcmatch pnemade
python-webscrapbook ferdnyc
python-webtest ondrejj
python-wordcloud dcavalca
python-yamlordereddictloader greghellings
python-yappi amoralej
python-yara aekoroglu mikelo2 rebus
python-yourls tflink
python-yte music
python-ytmusicapi thunderbirdtr
python-zmq tomspur
python3-cangjie bochecha
python3-py3dns bojan kevin
python3-saml tchaikov
python3-script jonathanspw
qpid-proton irina kpvdr
rabbitvcs cicku limb pwalter
rmlint orphan
shybrid vanessakris
sudo alakatos kzak mattdm rsroka zfridric
sugar aperezbios chimosky
sugar-datastore chimosky
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 aperezbios chimosky pbrobinson
swid-tools adelton
swift-lang tachoknight
sword cicku greghellings jkastner
system-storage-manager lczerner trawets
terminator dmaphy mattrose ohaessler
thefuck principis
transmageddon kalev uraeus
trelby limb
unicorn fab mikep
upm pbrobinson
urjtag jkastner scottt
ustreamer tao-j
uwsgi ertzing
vit ankursinha
volume_key huzaifas jkucera mitr
watchman dcavalca filbranden salimma
wordxtr pnemade
xcb-proto ajax slaanesh
xen jforbes myoung
ydiff netvor
zbar limb mchehab slaanesh
Packages by maintainer:
aalvarez elements
aarem pdf-stapler python-PyPDF2
abompard python-aiosmtpd python-flufl-bounce
acaringi kernel-tools
adelton swid-tools
adrian criu
aekoroglu pyftpdlib python-bottle python-iniparse python-iowait
python-markdown_2 python-semver python-signedjson python-yara
agk lvm2
ajax binwalk i2c-tools xcb-proto
ajmitchell NFStest
alakatos sudo
alciregi python-bluepy
alexl gnome-doc-utils
alexlan python-biopython
amigadave python-diff-match-patch
amoralej python-yappi
ankursinha python-aiofiles python-annexremote python-bokeh
python-catkin_tools python-fspath python-graph-tool python-hdfs
python-matplotlib-scalebar python-pathos python-pyfim
python-pylatex python-rstcheck-core python-simplewrap
python-visionegg-quest vit
antorres python-pyrad
aperezbios sugar sugar-toolkit-gtk3
apevec python-boto python-testresources
arnd dtc
asn pam_wrapper python-neovim
athoscr python-firehose
atim kitty
atkac fail2ban
avigne kicad
aviso python-pluginlib
bcl livecd-tools python-astroid
bcotton condor
besser82 python-ase python-nose_fixes
bkircher botan2
bmarzins lvm2
bmr lvm2
bochecha python3-cangjie
bojan python3-py3dns
bonzini dtc
bowlofeggs python-bleach
brouhaha python-grako
bruno livecd-tools
bytehackr python-uinput
caolanm gnome-doc-utils
carlwgeorge python-async-generator python-curio python-immutables
python-maxminddb python-testresources
cfeist lvm2
chedi python-ansible-pygments python-optcomplete
cheeselee Zim
chimosky sugar sugar-datastore sugar-toolkit-gtk3
churchyard python-argcomplete python-guizero python-nudatus
cicku offlineimap python-apsw python-pyrad python-redis
rabbitvcs sword
clalance libssh2-python
cleber python-avocado
cottsay python-catkin_tools python-modestmaps
python-multi_key_dict python-pyzolib
cverna python-dockerfile-parse
cz4rs lammps
davdunc awscli2 python-botocore
davidsch python-pysam
dcavalca python-drgn python-esphomeflasher python-recordclass
python-wordcloud watchman
dcbw libnl3
dfateyev python-apsw
dmach dnf-plugins-extras
dmalcolm python-firehose python-gccinvocation
dmaphy terminator
dmsimard python-box
dodji offlineimap
dshea python-nss python-rpmfluff
echevemaster python-protego
eischmann photoqt
ellio167 lammps
ertzing uwsgi
fab andriller awake btest python-acora python-aiozeroconf
python-alarmdecoder python-ansiwrap python-bidict python-box
python-check-manifest python-click-spinner python-dominate
python-ephem python-ipgetter python-lacrosse python-logging-tree
python-nmap python-pytest-subtests python-smart-gardena
python-upoints unicorn
fale python-botocore
fed500 python-sphinxygen
fedepell python-bottle
ferdnyc python-webscrapbook
filbranden python-drgn watchman
fjanus pyodbc
fnux cdist
frantisekz python-flask-cors python-pyopencl
fschwarz borgbackup
germano lensfun
gholms python-boto python-botocore
grahamwhiteuk lensfun
greghellings python-yamlordereddictloader sword
grover python-kmod python-simpleparse
gsauthof python-asyncssh
gui1ty python-managesieve
hguemar python-json-logger
hhorak distgen pyodbc
hiwkby python-kafka
hobbes1069 fail2ban python-pivy python-pyside2
huzaifas volume_key
hvad python-dominate
ignatenkobrain python-argcomplete python-bleach python-maxminddb
python-pyoptical python-rpmfluff python-simplewrap
irina qpid-proton
jamatos pygsl python-cpio
jcaratzas python-logutils
jdekloe python-metar
jforbes kernel-tools xen
jhrozek pam_wrapper
jhutar python-rpmfluff
jirka libnl3
jkastner libfreenect python-schedutils sword urjtag
jkucera python-invoke volume_key
jmracek dnf-plugins-extras
jonathanspw gfal2-python kitty python-cloudpickle
python-flask-babel python-numpydoc python-pydiffx python-tables
python-twisted python3-script
jonny electron-cash
jorton i2c-tools
jsbackus brd
jsteffan python-twisted
junghans lammps
jussilehtola mrchem
jwboyer dtc kernel-tools
jzerdik i2c-tools
kalev flatpak-module-tools python-smartcols transmageddon
kathenas libfreenect
kevin pdc-client py-radix python-IPy python-chai python-cpio
python-logutils python-pytest-virtualenv python-redis
kiilerix mercurial
kpvdr qpid-proton
ktdreyer python-cram python-notario python-tambo
kwizart libfreenect
kzak lvm2 sudo
lbalhar python-cloudpickle python-maxminddb python-pysnooper
lbazan python-biopython python-stdlib-list
lczerner system-storage-manager
lgoncalv kernel-tools
lholecek pdc-client
limb gnome-doc-utils python-astroid python-blowfish
python-boto python-botocore python-qpageview rabbitvcs trelby zbar
lkundrak kicad python-botocore
lsedlar pdc-client
lupinix python-astroid python-astropy-healpix
python-astropy-helpers python-iniparse
lvm-team lvm2
lzachar python-pint
maci python-apsw
marcindulak python-ase
martstyk beaker
mattdm sudo
mattrose terminator
matyas condor
mauelsha lvm2
maxamillion python-dockerfile-parse python-redis
mbaldessari python-uri-templates
mblaha dnf-plugins-extras
mbroz lvm2
mchehab zbar
mcsontos lvm2
melmorabity emacs-jedi
merlinm python-avocado
mfabik python-argcomplete
mgieseki cxxtest
mhayden python-javaproperties python-semver
miguel7ra python-liblarch
mikelo2 python-mirakuru python-yara
mikep unicorn
mipatras gfal2-python
mitr m2crypto volume_key
mlombard python-kmod python-simpleparse
mrunge python-astroid python-bleach python-pint
msrb python-argcomplete
music gaupol python-pytest-bdd python-yte
myoung xen
nb python-josepy
nbecker mercurial
netvor ydiff
nforro awscli2
ngompa appliance-tools livecd-tools m2crypto manafirewall
nonamedotc python-jsonrpc-server python-libsass python-rope
nphilipp aubio lensfun libffado lilv pdc-client python-slip
ohaessler Zim lensfun terminator
olysonek i2c-tools
ondrejj python-webtest
opohorel python-fastbencode
orion fail2ban h5py oct2spec python-astroid python-numpydoc
orphan python-cypy python-drat python-podman-api
python-pyoptical python-simplemediawiki rmlint
osandov python-drgn
osloup pyodbc
otaylor flatpak-module-tools
patrickt kernel-tools
pbrobinson dtc kernel-tools sugar-toolkit-gtk3 upm
pcpa python-cypari2 python-flask-babel python-fpylll
peter python-pyaes python-pyrad
phracek distgen
pingou fedora-gather-easyfix python-chai
pjones lvm2
pkratoch dnf-plugins-extras
pkubat distgen
pnemade python-wcmatch wordxtr
praiskup distgen dnf-plugin-diff
prajnoha lvm2
principis thefuck
psavelye python-py9p
pschindl python-pytest-metadata
pstodulk mercurial
pwalter b43-tools rabbitvcs
qulogic python-geomet
raphgro pdf-stapler python-jep python-qutepart python-semver
rathann python-GridDataFormats python-biopython
rberger lammps
rdieter eric lensfun
rebus dionaea python-smbpasswd python-yara
rga classification-banner
rhughes gnome-doc-utils
rmattes flann libfreenect python-catkin_tools
rominf python-tokenize-rt
rsroka sudo
rstoyanov criu
rstrode gnome-doc-utils
sagitter future python-biopython
salimma kitty python-drgn python-mistune08 python-neovim
scoady python-pathtools
scottt urjtag
sdyroff python-ansi
sergesanspaille offlineimap
simo python-urllib-gssapi
slaanesh xcb-proto zbar
slankes python-mygpoclient
smani python-flask-login
solopasha kitty
spot pyke
steved NFStest
stevenfalco kicad
stevetraylen h5py python-argcomplete
stingray pyflowtools
supakeen python-pdir2 python-token-bucket
survient python-leveldb
swt2c binwalk python-pyopengl
tachoknight swift-lang
tadej python-pydocstyle python-virtualenv-clone
tagoh fonts-tweak-tool
tao-j ustreamer
tartina aubio lilv
tchaikov python3-saml
terjeros h5py python-audioread python-ptrace
teuf offlineimap
tflink python-yourls
thaller libnl3
thm botan2
thunderbirdtr manafirewall python-ytmusicapi
tmz fail2ban
tomh pyosmium
tomspur python-numpydoc python-zmq
trawets system-storage-manager
trix lensfun
ttheisen condor
ttomecek python-dockerfile-parse
twaugh python-dockerfile-parse
uraeus transmageddon
valtri condor
vanessakris shybrid
vpv python-mygpoclient
yanqiyu onboard
zawertun kitty
zbyszek python-deap python-igor python-ndindex python-pysnooper
zfridric sudo
zkabelac lvm2
zmiklank distgen
_______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/ List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Do not reply to spam, report it: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/new_issue