Re: F39 proposal: Increase vm.max_map_count value (System-Wide Change proposal)

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On 4/26/23 08:50, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
On 24/04/2023 18:12, Ben Cotton wrote:
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
AFAIK, a small number is a security measure. Memory mappings are kernel level objects, so poorly written applications can easily exhaust the limit of the entire system and make it unusable.

If needed by Steam or Wine, they should provide a .conf file instead rather than changing this setting system wide.

Steam from the RPM Fusion repository is already changing the DefaultLimitNOFILE variable:

The right question is: is there a value that is high enough for apps (including
Steam) and low enough to not be a security danger?
I mean from 65530 to 2billion there is a lot of middle ground.
How much does Steam really need? (somebody can check the stats while running it)
How much is needed to crash a system?

In general I find all these limits (maxopenfiles, maxprocs, ...) very
annoying, they always assume my system is a toy and if I want to
"do real stuff" I have to remove the side wheel of the bicycle myself.

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at
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