Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

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I've taken proxychains-ng, co-maintainers welcome


On 19/12/22 12:43, Miro Hrončok wrote:
The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will fail to install and/or build when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on<pkgname>

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains,
For all orphaned packages,

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
5minute                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
CFR                               jvanek, orphan                   2 weeks ago
CheMPS2                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
PolicyKit-olpc                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
abiword                           chimosky, herrold, huzaifas,     2 weeks ago
aboot                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
albatross                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
alleyoop                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
alure                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
amor                              jgrulich, kde-sig, orphan,       3 weeks ago
                                  rdieter, than
anki                              chkr, orphan                     2 weeks ago
ansible-collection-google-cloud   infra-sig, orphan                1 weeks ago
asn1c                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
backup-manager                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
bbkeys                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
bharati-m17n                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
bibtex2html                       orphan, thofmann                 2 weeks ago
biosdevname                       lnykryn, msekleta, orphan,       2 weeks ago
bluecurve-classic-metacity-       gnome-sig, orphan, rstrode       2 weeks ago
bluecurve-gnome-theme             gnome-sig, orphan, rstrode       2 weeks ago
bluecurve-gtk-themes              gnome-sig, orphan, rstrode       2 weeks ago
bluecurve-icon-theme              gnome-sig, orphan, rstrode       2 weeks ago
bluecurve-kde-theme               gnome-sig, kkofler, orphan,      2 weeks ago
                                  rdieter, rstrode, than
bluecurve-metacity-theme          gnome-sig, orphan, rstrode       2 weeks ago
bluecurve-xmms-skin               gnome-sig, orphan, rstrode       2 weeks ago
cairo-clock                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
code-editor                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
compton                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
cups-bjnp                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
curlpp                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
devilspie2                        orphan                           0 weeks ago
dmz-cursor-themes                 company, orphan                  3 weeks ago
ejabberd                          bowlofeggs, jcline, orphan,      2 weeks ago
erlang-epgsql                     lkundrak, orphan                 3 weeks ago
eureka                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
fcitx                             cheeselee, cicku, orphan, pwu,   3 weeks ago
fcitx-chewing                     cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-cloudpinyin                 cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-configtool                  cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-fbterm                      cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-hangul                      cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-m17n                        cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-sunpinyin                   cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-table-extra                 cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-table-other                 cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-ui-light                    cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fcitx-unikey                      cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
fros                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
fwsnort                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
gconf-editor                      alexl, caolanm, gnome-sig,       2 weeks ago
                                  mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, ssp
gdeploy                           godas, orphan                    2 weeks ago
ghasher                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
gl-117                            orphan, steve                    2 weeks ago
glusterfs-selinux                 kkeithle, orphan, shwetha        2 weeks ago
gnome-activity-journal            orphan                           3 weeks ago
gnome-nds-thumbnailer             orphan                           3 weeks ago
gnome-search-tool                 gnome-sig, orphan                2 weeks ago
gnome-shell-theme-selene          orphan                           3 weeks ago
gnonlin                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
golang-github-gocomply-scap       go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
golang-github-google-             go-sig, orphan                   5 weeks ago
golang-github-hanwen-fuse         go-sig, orphan                   5 weeks ago
golang-github-justinas-alice      go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-lpabon-godbc        go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
golang-github-mitchellh-cli       go-sig, jchaloup, orphan         2 weeks ago
golang-github-pkg-browser         go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-spaolacci-murmur3   go-sig, orphan                   2 weeks ago
golang-github-sqshq-sampler       atim, go-sig, orphan             1 weeks ago
golie                             go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
grads                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
gsm-ussd                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
gtkhtml3                          alexl, caolanm, mbarnes,         2 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rhughes, rstrode, ssp
heisenbug-kde-theme               jreznik, orphan                  3 weeks ago
highcontrast-qt                   jgrulich, orphan                 3 weeks ago
holland                           orphan, survient                 3 weeks ago
jama                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
jargs                             ellert, orphan                   2 weeks ago
java-mersenne-twister             orphan                           3 weeks ago
javadocofflinesearch              orphan                           4 weeks ago
jcodings                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
jffi                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
jgrapht                           gil, orphan                      3 weeks ago
jnr-constants                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
jnr-ffi                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
jnr-netdb                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
jnr-posix                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
jnr-x86asm                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
js-web-socket-js                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
kcm-fcitx                         cheeselee, orphan, yanqiyu       3 weeks ago
kfaenza-icon-theme                orphan                           3 weeks ago
kfilefactory                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
kompose                           dustymabe, go-sig, orphan        3 weeks ago
libannodex                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
libbonobo                         alexl, caolanm, gnome-sig,       2 weeks ago
                                  mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, ssp
libbonoboui                       alexl, caolanm, gnome-sig,       2 weeks ago
                                  mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, ssp
libbsr                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
libcmml                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
libcmpiutil                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
libfap                            orphan                           3 weeks ago
libgnome                          alexl, caolanm, gnome-sig,       2 weeks ago
                                  mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, ssp
libgnomeui                        alexl, caolanm, gnome-sig,       2 weeks ago
                                  mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, ssp
libmacaroons                      ellert, orphan                   2 weeks ago
libmodman                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
libnatspec                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
liboil                            ajax, alexl, caolanm, gnome-     2 weeks ago
                                  sig, mbarnes, orphan, rhughes,
                                  rstrode, ssp
libstroke                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
libusbauth-configparser           orphan                           3 weeks ago
libverto-jsonrpc                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
libvirt-cim                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
libvirt-java                      bkearney, orphan                 2 weeks ago
lttv                              greenscientist, orphan           2 weeks ago
lua-fun                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
maloc                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
maven-scm                         mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
mediawiki-backtick-code           orphan                           3 weeks ago
mediawiki-semantic                orphan                           2 weeks ago
mediawiki-validator               orphan                           2 weeks ago
mesos                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
mingw-cxxtest                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
mingw-pcre                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
mingw-sigar                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
moarvm                            orphan                           3 weeks ago
mod_annodex                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
monosim                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
msgpuck                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
mupen64plus                       dreua, orphan                    2 weeks ago
myman                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
nailgun                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
nodejs-supervisor                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
nqp                               orphan                           3 weeks ago
ogmtools                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
openjpeg                          orphan, phracek, rdieter         2 weeks ago
pakiti                            andreamanzi, orphan              3 weeks ago
perl-Gnome2-Wnck                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-Goo-Canvas                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-Gtk2-Unique                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-MARC-Charset                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-MARC-XML                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-Mail-Procmail                orphan                           0 weeks ago
perl-POE-Component-Client-Ping    orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-Parse-EDID                   epel-packagers-sig, jcpunk,      3 weeks ago
perl-TAP-Harness-Multiple         orphan                           3 weeks ago
perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP          orphan, yaneti                   3 weeks ago
php-pdepend-PHP-Depend            cdamian, orphan, remi            3 weeks ago
php-phpmd-PHP-PMD                 cdamian, orphan, remi            3 weeks ago
php-phpunit-bytekit               cdamian, orphan, remi            3 weeks ago
php-phpunit-phpcpd                cdamian, orphan, remi            3 weeks ago
php-phpunit-phploc                cdamian, orphan, remi            3 weeks ago
php-zipstream                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
plug                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
proxychains-ng                    epel-packagers-sig, orphan,      2 weeks ago
pydf                              cstratak, orphan                 3 weeks ago
pynag                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
pysvn                             barryascott, orphan, sgallagh    2 weeks ago
python-Pyped                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-bintrees                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-colour-runner              orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-cornice-sphinx             infra-sig, orphan                5 weeks ago
python-cov-core                   abompard, orphan                 3 weeks ago
python-cssmin                     orphan, qa-tools-sig             2 weeks ago
python-django-filter              lbazan, orphan                   3 weeks ago
python-django-tastypie            cquad, mrunge, orphan,           3 weeks ago
python-dockerpty                  lsm5, orphan, ttomecek           3 weeks ago
python-flask-restful              kparal, orphan, qa-tools-sig,    3 weeks ago
python-formats                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-frozen-flask               echevemaster, orphan             3 weeks ago
python-gnocchiclient              mrunge, openstack-sig, orphan    2 weeks ago
python-gzipstream                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-importmagic                orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-jsonmodels                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-lightblue                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-okaara                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-pmw                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-posix_ipc                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-pydispatcher               orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-pykeepass                  atim, limb, orphan               2 weeks ago
python-pynlpl                     orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-pytest-beakerlib           orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-pytest-sanic               orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-restsh                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-signalfd                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-simpy                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-spdx                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-spdx-lookup                orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-tortilla                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-upt-cpan                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-upt-fedora                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-upt-pypi                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-upt-rubygems               orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-versiontools               mrunge, orphan                   3 weeks ago
python-virtualenv-api             cstratak, orphan, python-        2 weeks ago
python-websockify                 apevec, epel-packagers-sig,      2 weeks ago
                                  lon, ndipanov, orphan
python-xtermcolor                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-zabbix-api-erigones        orphan                           2 weeks ago
q                                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
qconf                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
qxmpp                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
rakudo                            orphan, ppisar, steve            3 weeks ago
rakudo-MIME-Base64                orphan                           3 weeks ago
rakudo-Readline                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
rakudo-URI                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
rakudo-XML                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
rakudo-zef                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
rdfind                            orphan                           3 weeks ago
refmac-dictionary                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
resultsdb                         orphan, qa-tools-sig             2 weeks ago
resultsdb_frontend                orphan, qa-tools-sig             2 weeks ago
rhythmbox-alternative-toolbar     orphan                           2 weeks ago
rshim                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
ruby-ncurses                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-ZenTest                   orphan, tdawson                  2 weeks ago
rubygem-abstract                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-activeresource            orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-archive-tar-minitar       orphan, tdawson                  2 weeks ago
rubygem-cinch                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-foreigner                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-lockfile                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-memcache-client           orphan, tdawson                  2 weeks ago
rubygem-more_core_extensions      orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-openscap                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-plist                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-rubeyond                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-scruffy                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-session                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-sexp_processor            orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-state_machine             orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-syntax                    orphan, stahnma                  2 weeks ago
rubygem-uuidtools                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-yard                      brandfbb, jaruga, orphan         2 weeks ago
rust-dbus-tokio                   orphan, rust-sig                 3 weeks ago
rust-faccess                      orphan, rust-sig                 0 weeks ago
rust-fbthrift_codegen_includer_   orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-fdlimit                      orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-iptables                     orphan, rust-sig                 0 weeks ago
rust-lipsum                       orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-loggerv                      orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-lzw                          orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-macro-attr                   orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-mdl                          orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-mktemp                       orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-mnt                          orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-newtype_derive               orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-oauth2                       jbtrystram, orphan, rust-sig     1 weeks ago
rust-odds                         orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-osstrtools                   orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-parse_cfg                    orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-permutate                    orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-piper                        orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-proc-quote-impl              orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-process_path                 orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-protoc-rust                  orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-quickersort                  orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-relay                        orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-rustdoc-stripper             orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-rustfilt                     orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-safe-transmute               orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-scoped-tls-hkt               orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-serde-pickle                 orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-simple-error                 orphan, rust-sig                 0 weeks ago
rust-sluice                       orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-spinning_top                 orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-spmc                         orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-string_cache_shared          orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-strings                      orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-sudo_plugin                  orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-sxd-document                 orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-synom                        orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-tabwriter                    orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-take                         orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-unic-ucd-category            orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-url_serde                    orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
rust-utf8-ranges                  orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
saga                              orphan                           4 weeks ago
sassist                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
schroedinger-cat-kde-theme        jreznik, orphan                  3 weeks ago
scim-anthy                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
seahorse-nautilus                 gnome-sig, orphan, stefw         2 weeks ago
seren                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
simple-mtpfs                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
sipcalc                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
spamprobe                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
spawn-fcgi                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
spherical-cow-kde-theme           jreznik, orphan                  3 weeks ago
sshrc                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
sugar-flip                        chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-fototoon                    aperezbios, chimosky, orphan     3 weeks ago
sugar-fractionbounce              chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-jukebox                     chimosky, orphan, pbrobinson     3 weeks ago
sugar-locosugar                   chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-nutrition                   chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-paint                       chimosky, orphan, pbrobinson     3 weeks ago
sugar-playgo                      chimosky, orphan, pbrobinson     3 weeks ago
sugar-portfolio                   chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-pukllanapac                 chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-recall                      chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-typing-turtle               chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
sugar-words                       chimosky, orphan                 3 weeks ago
superkb                           echevemaster, orphan             2 weeks ago
sweep                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
switchboard-plug-tweaks           orphan                           5 weeks ago
system-storage-manager            lczerner, orphan                 3 weeks ago
tboot                             dcantrell, miaojun0823,          3 weeks ago
                                  orphan, yunyings
tetrominos                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
themonospot-base                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
themonospot-console               orphan                           3 weeks ago
themonospot-gui-gtk               orphan                           3 weeks ago
themonospot-plugin-avi            orphan                           3 weeks ago
themonospot-plugin-mkv            orphan                           3 weeks ago
thunarx-python                    kevin, nonamedotc, orphan        3 weeks ago
tito                              frostyx, maxamillion, orphan     3 weeks ago
tkcvs                             lkundrak, orphan                 3 weeks ago
tnt                               orphan                           2 weeks ago
torrent-file-editor               orphan                           3 weeks ago
tpp                               orphan                           3 weeks ago
tss2                              orphan, snits                    3 weeks ago
upt                               orphan                           3 weeks ago
usbauth                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
usbauth-notifier                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
vcglib                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
vicious                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
vim-nerdtree                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
whipper-plugin-eaclogger          orphan                           2 weeks ago
wipe                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
wmMatrix                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
wmclock                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
wmnd                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
wmpager                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
wmsystemtray                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
wordpress-plugin-defaults         orphan                           3 weeks ago
workspace                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
wv                                lkundrak, orphan                 2 weeks ago
xaos                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
xjparse                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
xmltool                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
yourls                            orphan                           2 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
abompard: python-cov-core
ajax: liboil
alexl: gconf-editor, liboil, libgnomeui, gtkhtml3, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome
amdunn: maven-scm
andreamanzi: pakiti, libmacaroons
andymenderunix: openjpeg, vcglib
antiaircraft: libbonoboui, libbonobo
aperezbios: sugar-fototoon
apevec: python-websockify
astro-sig: libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomeui
athoscr: golang-github-hanwen-fuse
atim: vim-nerdtree, python-pykeepass, golang-github-sqshq-sampler, alure
averi: perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP
aviso: libgnome
barryascott: pysvn
besser82: rubygem-yard
bkearney: libvirt-java
bowlofeggs: ejabberd
brandfbb: rubygem-yard
bruno: libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomeui
buc: libbonoboui, libgnome, libbonobo, libgnomeui
caolanm: gconf-editor, liboil, libgnomeui, gtkhtml3, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome
cdamian: php-phpunit-bytekit, php-phpmd-PHP-PMD, php-pdepend-PHP-Depend, php-phpunit-phploc, php-phpunit-phpcpd
cdorney: maven-scm
cfu: maven-scm
cheese: libbonoboui, libgnomeui
cheeselee: fcitx-table-extra, fcitx-fbterm, fcitx-table-other, fcitx-m17n, fcitx-unikey, fcitx-hangul, kcm-fcitx, fcitx-configtool, fcitx-cloudpinyin, fcitx-ui-light, fcitx-chewing, fcitx, fcitx-sunpinyin
chimosky: sugar-nutrition, abiword, sugar-jukebox, sugar-flip, sugar-playgo, sugar-paint, sugar-portfolio, sugar-words, sugar-typing-turtle, sugar-pukllanapac, sugar-fototoon, sugar-locosugar, sugar-fractionbounce, sugar-recall, wv
chkr: anki
cicku: thunarx-python, libgnomeui, gtkhtml3, pysvn, libbonobo, fcitx, libbonoboui, libgnome
company: dmz-cursor-themes
copperi: golang-github-hanwen-fuse, golang-github-mitchellh-cli
copr-sig: python-virtualenv-api, python-flask-restful, tito
cquad: maven-scm, python-django-tastypie
cstratak: pydf, python-virtualenv-api
cwickert: libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomeui
dcantrell: tboot
dcavalca: python-websockify, rubygem-yard, golang-github-mitchellh-cli, golang-github-spaolacci-murmur3, libstroke, golang-github-hanwen-fuse
dchen: maven-scm
deamn: maven-scm
devrim: python-cssmin
didiksupriadi41: jcodings, maven-scm
dmsimard: python-django-filter
dnglaze: wv
dreua: mupen64plus
dustymabe: kompose
ebaron: maven-scm
echevemaster: python-pydispatcher, python-frozen-flask, libbonobo, libbonoboui, superkb
eclipse-sig: maven-scm
eclipseo: maven-scm, golang-github-mitchellh-cli, golang-github-google-containerregistry, golang-github-spaolacci-murmur3, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, golang-github-pkg-browser
ellert: jargs, libmacaroons
epel-packagers-sig: python-websockify, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, proxychains-ng, perl-Parse-EDID
fab: libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomeui
filbranden: rubygem-yard
filiperosset: libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomeui, wv
frostyx: python-virtualenv-api, python-flask-restful, tito
fujiwara: libbonoboui, libgnomeui
gil: jgrapht
gilboa: alure
gnome-sig: bluecurve-classic-metacity-theme, gconf-editor, liboil, bluecurve-xmms-skin, gnome-search-tool, libgnomeui, bluecurve-gtk-themes, bluecurve-gnome-theme, libbonobo, bluecurve-metacity-theme, seahorse-nautilus, bluecurve-kde-theme, libbonoboui, libgnome, bluecurve-icon-theme
go-sig: kompose, maven-scm, golang-github-gocomply-scap, golang-github-lpabon-godbc, golang-github-mitchellh-cli, golang-github-google-containerregistry, golang-github-spaolacci-murmur3, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, golang-github-pkg-browser, golang-github-justinas-alice, golie, golang-github-sqshq-sampler
godas: gdeploy
gordonmessmer: python-virtualenv-api
gotmax23: golang-github-hanwen-fuse, golang-github-mitchellh-cli
greenscientist: lttv
greghellings: gtkhtml3, rubygem-yard
hannes: libbonoboui, libgnomeui
herrold: abiword, wv
huzaifas: abiword, wv
ignatenkobrain: python-django-filter
ilgrad: rubygem-yard
infra-sig: golang-github-hanwen-fuse, python-cornice-sphinx, ansible-collection-google-cloud, golang-github-mitchellh-cli
iztokf: python-cssmin
jackorp: rubygem-yard
jamatos: wv
jaruga: rubygem-yard
jbtrystram: rust-oauth2
jchaloup: golang-github-mitchellh-cli, golang-github-hanwen-fuse
jcline: ejabberd
jcpunk: perl-Parse-EDID
jerboaa: maven-scm
jgrulich: amor, mingw-pcre, highcontrast-qt
jjames: maven-scm
jjelen: maven-scm
jkastner: wv
jmagne: maven-scm
jonathanspw: python-websockify, libmacaroons, perl-Parse-EDID
jonkni: libmacaroons
jplesnik: libmacaroons, libgnomeui, libbonobo, perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP, libbonoboui, libgnome
jreznik: spherical-cow-kde-theme, schroedinger-cat-kde-theme, heisenbug-kde-theme
jussilehtola: CheMPS2
jvanek: maven-scm, CFR
kde-sig: qconf, amor, wv
kengert: openjpeg
kevin: python-virtualenv-api, thunarx-python
kkeithle: glusterfs-selinux
kkofler: bluecurve-kde-theme
kparal: python-flask-restful
kushal: rubygem-yard
laxathom: libbonoboui, libgnome, libbonobo, libgnomeui
lbazan: libbonoboui, python-django-filter, libbonobo
lczerner: system-storage-manager
lfield: libmacaroons
limb: thunarx-python, libgnomeui, pysvn, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome, python-pykeepass
lkf: wv
lkundrak: rubygem-yard, tkcvs, wv, erlang-epgsql, rubygem-archive-tar-minitar
lnykryn: biosdevname
lon: python-websockify
lsm5: python-dockerpty, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, golang-github-mitchellh-cli
lyarwood: python-websockify
martinkg: perl-Goo-Canvas, alure
mattia: golang-github-mitchellh-cli, libgnomeui, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, libbonoboui, libgnome
maxamillion: rubygem-yard, tito
mbarnes: gconf-editor, liboil, libgnomeui, gtkhtml3, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome
mcermak: libstroke
mcrha: libgnome
melmorabity: dmz-cursor-themes
mharmsen: maven-scm
mhayden: maven-scm
mhjacks: moarvm, rakudo, nqp
miaojun0823: tboot
mikep: golang-github-hanwen-fuse
mipatras: libmacaroons
mizdebsk: maven-scm
mkoncek: maven-scm
mrnuke: wv
mrunge: python-versiontools, python-django-tastypie, python-gnocchiclient
mschwendt: libgnome
msekleta: biosdevname
msuchy: python-flask-restful
mtasaka: rubygem-yard, libgnomeui, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome
ndipanov: python-websockify
neuro-sig: rubygem-yard
ngompa: python-django-filter
nonamedotc: thunarx-python
olea: libbonoboui, libbonobo
openstack-sig: python-gnocchiclient
oturpe: rubygem-yard
pbrobinson: abiword, sugar-jukebox, sugar-playgo, sugar-paint, wv
pcpa: maven-scm
peter: libstroke
phracek: openjpeg
ppisar: moarvm, libmacaroons, libgnomeui, rakudo, libbonobo, perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP, libbonoboui, libgnome, nqp
praiskup: python-virtualenv-api, python-flask-restful, tito
pwalter: pysvn, thunarx-python
pwu: fcitx
python-packagers-sig: python-virtualenv-api, maven-scm
qa-tools-sig: python-cssmin, python-flask-restful, resultsdb_frontend, resultsdb
qulogic: golang-github-hanwen-fuse, golang-github-mitchellh-cli
r-maint-sig: libmacaroons
ralph: python-flask-restful
rathann: maloc
rdieter: bluecurve-kde-theme, amor, openjpeg, wv
remi: php-phpunit-bytekit, php-phpmd-PHP-PMD, php-pdepend-PHP-Depend, php-phpunit-phploc, php-phpunit-phpcpd
rgrunber: maven-scm
rhughes: gconf-editor, liboil, libgnomeui, gtkhtml3, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome
rjones: mingw-pcre
rocha: libmacaroons
rombobeorn: libbonoboui, libgnome, libbonobo, libgnomeui
rrankin: wv
rstrode: bluecurve-classic-metacity-theme, gconf-editor, liboil, bluecurve-xmms-skin, libgnomeui, bluecurve-gtk-themes, bluecurve-gnome-theme, gtkhtml3, libbonobo, bluecurve-metacity-theme, bluecurve-kde-theme, libbonoboui, libgnome, bluecurve-icon-theme
ruby-packagers-sig: rubygem-yard
rust-sig: rust-sxd-document, rust-mnt, rust-rustdoc-stripper, rust-dbus-tokio, rust-newtype_derive, rust-rustfilt, rust-unic-ucd-category, rust-sluice, rust-spmc, rust-macro-attr, rust-string_cache_shared, rust-loggerv, rust-piper, rust-proc-quote-impl, rust-mdl, rust-scoped-tls-hkt, rust-protoc-rust, rust-tabwriter, rust-serde-pickle, rust-quickersort, rust-parse_cfg, rust-lipsum, rust-lzw, rust-odds, rust-fdlimit, rust-process_path, rust-relay, rust-safe-transmute, rust-synom, rust-sudo_plugin, rust-permutate, rust-spinning_top, rust-utf8-ranges, rust-faccess, rust-strings, rust-osstrtools, rust-iptables, rust-simple-error, rust-oauth2, rust-take, rust-fbthrift_codegen_includer_proc_macro, rust-url_serde, rust-mktemp
sagitter: openjpeg, python-pmw, maven-scm, maloc
sailer: mingw-pcre
salimma: rubygem-yard, proxychains-ng, libgnomeui, libstroke, libbonoboui, libgnome
schlupov: python-flask-restful
sergiomb: maven-scm, golang-github-mitchellh-cli, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, python-pmw, maloc
sgallagh: pysvn
sharkcz: libbonoboui, libgnome, libbonobo, libgnomeui
shwetha: glusterfs-selinux
simonm: libmacaroons
smani: mingw-pcre
snits: tss2
spot: libbonoboui, libbonobo, alure
ssp: gconf-editor, liboil, libgnomeui, gtkhtml3, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnome
stahnma: rubygem-syntax, rubygem-yard
stefw: seahorse-nautilus
steve: gl-117, moarvm, libgnomeui, libbonoboui, rakudo, libgnome, nqp
stevetraylen: python-django-tastypie
survient: holland
tartare: libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomeui
tdawson: rubygem-yard, rubygem-ZenTest, rubygem-archive-tar-minitar, rubygem-memcache-client
than: bluecurve-kde-theme, amor
thm: libbonoboui, libbonobo
thofmann: bibtex2html
thunderbirdtr: qconf
tpokorra: libbonoboui, libgnome, libbonobo, libgnomeui
ttomecek: python-dockerpty
ueno: fcitx
valtri: rubygem-yard
vokac: libmacaroons
vondruch: rubygem-yard
vpavlin: biosdevname
xavierb: ejabberd
yaneti: perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP
yanqiyu: fcitx-table-extra, fcitx-fbterm, fcitx-table-other, fcitx-m17n, fcitx-unikey, fcitx-hangul, kcm-fcitx, golang-github-mitchellh-cli, fcitx-configtool, fcitx-cloudpinyin, fcitx-ui-light, golang-github-hanwen-fuse, fcitx-chewing, fcitx, fcitx-sunpinyin
yunyings: tboot

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