Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will fail to install and/or build when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains,
see https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/
For all orphaned packages,
see https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/orphan

         Package                       (co)maintainers             Status Change
0ad                          ignatenkobrain, orphan, pwalter       1 weeks ago
apache-ivy                   java-maint-sig, mizdebsk, orphan      4 weeks ago
dnstracer                    orphan                                2 weeks ago
felix-gogo-command           orphan                                5 weeks ago
felix-gogo-parent            mizdebsk, orphan                      5 weeks ago
felix-gogo-runtime           mizdebsk, orphan                      5 weeks ago
felix-gogo-shell             mizdebsk, orphan                      5 weeks ago
felix-scr                    jerboaa, mbooth, orphan               5 weeks ago
gauche-gtk                   orphan                                1 weeks ago
jakarta-commons-httpclient   java-maint-sig, mizdebsk, orphan      4 weeks ago
libspf2                      orphan                                4 weeks ago
lucene                       dchen, eclipse-sig, jerboaa, lef,     5 weeks ago
                             msimacek, orphan, rgrunber
mkdocs-alabaster             orphan                                5 weeks ago
mkdocs-bootstrap             orphan                                5 weeks ago
mkdocs-bootswatch            orphan                                5 weeks ago
mkdocs-cinder                orphan                                5 weeks ago
mkdocs-material              orphan                                5 weeks ago
nohang                       atim, orphan                          6 weeks ago
python-cocotb                orphan                                2 weeks ago
python-flask-script          ishcherb, jkaluza, orphan, ralph      4 weeks ago
python-lunr                  orphan                                5 weeks ago
python-mdx_gh_links          orphan                                5 weeks ago
python-opencensus            orphan                                3 weeks ago
python-pymdown-extensions    orphan, sgallagh                      5 weeks ago
rhino                        ebaron, orphan                        5 weeks ago
rubygem-ancestry             jaruga, orphan, ruby-packagers-sig    1 weeks ago
rubygem-cliver               orphan                                1 weeks ago
rubygem-gem-patch            orphan                                1 weeks ago
rubygem-logstasher           orphan, valtri                        5 weeks ago
rubygem-scoped_search        orphan                                1 weeks ago
rust-line_drawing            orphan, rust-sig                      4 weeks ago
takari-polyglot              mbooth, orphan                        5 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: apache-ivy (1), status change: 2021-08-18 (4 weeks ago)
	xmvn-connector-ivy (maintained by: mizdebsk)
xmvn-connector-ivy-4.0.0~20210707.d300ce6-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.ivy:ivy) = 2.5.0.local.19700112153424

Depending on: felix-gogo-parent (4), status change: 2021-08-11 (5 weeks ago)
	felix-gogo-command (maintained by: orphan)
felix-gogo-command-1.1.2-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:gogo-parent:pom:) = 6, mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4 felix-gogo-command-1.1.2-2.fc35.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4

	felix-gogo-runtime (maintained by: mizdebsk, orphan)
felix-gogo-runtime-1.1.4-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:gogo-parent:pom:) = 6

	felix-gogo-shell (maintained by: mizdebsk, orphan)
felix-gogo-shell-1.1.4-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:gogo-parent:pom:) = 6, mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4 felix-gogo-shell-1.1.4-2.fc35.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4

	felix-scr (maintained by: jerboaa, mbooth, orphan)
felix-scr-2.1.26-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4

Depending on: felix-gogo-runtime (3), status change: 2021-08-11 (5 weeks ago)
	felix-gogo-command (maintained by: orphan)
felix-gogo-command-1.1.2-2.fc35.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4 felix-gogo-command-1.1.2-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4

	felix-gogo-shell (maintained by: mizdebsk, orphan)
felix-gogo-shell-1.1.4-2.fc35.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4 felix-gogo-shell-1.1.4-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4

	felix-scr (maintained by: jerboaa, mbooth, orphan)
felix-scr-2.1.26-2.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime) = 1.1.4

Depending on: libspf2 (3), status change: 2021-08-17 (4 weeks ago)
	exim (maintained by: dwmw2, jskarvad)
exim-4.94.2-3.fc35.src requires libopendmarc-devel =, libspf2-devel = 1.2.10-30.20150405gitd57d79fd.fc35 exim-4.94.2-3.fc35.x86_64 requires libopendmarc.so.2()(64bit), libspf2.so.2()(64bit)

	opendmarc (maintained by: kevin)
		libopendmarc- requires libspf2.so.2
		libopendmarc- requires libspf2.so.2()(64bit)
opendmarc- requires libspf2-devel = 1.2.10-30.20150405gitd57d79fd.fc35

	milter-greylist (maintained by: kanarip, pghmcfc)
milter-greylist-4.6.4-3.fc35.src requires libspf2-devel = 1.2.10-30.20150405gitd57d79fd.fc35
		milter-greylist-4.6.4-3.fc35.x86_64 requires libspf2.so.2()(64bit)

Depending on: lucene (2), status change: 2021-08-11 (5 weeks ago)
	javadocofflinesearch (maintained by: jvanek)
javadocofflinesearch-2.2-15.fc35.noarch requires lucene-analysis = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-backward-codecs = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-core = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-queries = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-queryparser = 8.8.2-1.fc35 javadocofflinesearch-2.2-15.fc35.src requires lucene-analysis = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-core = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-queries = 8.8.2-1.fc35, lucene-queryparser = 8.8.2-1.fc35

	maven-indexer (maintained by: galileo, mbooth, mizdebsk)
maven-indexer-6.0.0-8.fc35.noarch requires lucene = 8.8.2-1.fc35, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-common) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-core) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser) = 8.8.2 maven-indexer-6.0.0-8.fc35.src requires mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-common) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-core) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter) = 8.8.2, mvn(org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser) = 8.8.2

Depending on: mkdocs-material (1), status change: 2021-08-10 (5 weeks ago)
	python-devtools (maintained by: fab)
		python-devtools-0.6-4.fc35.src requires mkdocs-material = 5.0.2-7.fc35

Depending on: python-flask-script (3), status change: 2021-08-18 (4 weeks ago)
	module-build-service (maintained by: breilly, mikem)
module-build-service-3.6.1-1.fc35.noarch requires python3-flask-script = 2.0.6-11.fc35 module-build-service-3.6.1-1.fc35.src requires python3-flask-script = 2.0.6-11.fc35

	flatpak-module-tools (maintained by: kalev, otaylor)
flatpak-module-tools-0.13-3.fc35.noarch requires module-build-service = 3.6.1-1.fc35

atomic-reactor (maintained by: bkabrda, cverna, infra-sig, maxamillion, twaugh, vrutkovs) python3-atomic-reactor-1.6.47-7.fc35.noarch requires python3.10dist(flatpak-module-tools) = 0.13

Depending on: python-lunr (9), status change: 2021-08-10 (5 weeks ago)
	mkdocs (maintained by: smani)
mkdocs-1.1.2-7.fc35.noarch requires python3.10dist(lunr) = 0.5.8, python3.10dist(lunr[languages]) = 0.5.8
		mkdocs-1.1.2-7.fc35.src requires python3dist(lunr[languages]) = 0.5.8

	mkdocs-alabaster (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-alabaster-0.8.0-7.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-alabaster-0.8.0-7.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-bootstrap (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-bootstrap-1.1-8.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-bootstrap-1.1-8.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-bootswatch (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-bootswatch-1.1-6.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-bootswatch-1.1-6.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-cinder (maintained by: orphan)
		mkdocs-cinder-1.0.3-7.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35
		mkdocs-cinder-1.0.3-7.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin (maintained by: music)
mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin-0.2.4-7.fc36.noarch requires python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2 mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin-0.2.4-7.fc36.src requires python3dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2

	mkdocs-material (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-material-5.0.2-7.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-material-5.0.2-7.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	python-devtools (maintained by: fab)
python-devtools-0.6-4.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, mkdocs-material = 5.0.2-7.fc35

	python-mkdocs-redirects (maintained by: smani)
		python-mkdocs-redirects-1.0.3-3.fc36.src requires python3dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
python3-mkdocs-redirects-1.0.3-3.fc36.noarch requires python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2

Depending on: python-mdx_gh_links (9), status change: 2021-08-10 (5 weeks ago)
	mkdocs (maintained by: smani)
		mkdocs-1.1.2-7.fc35.noarch requires python3dist(mdx-gh-links) = 0.2
		mkdocs-1.1.2-7.fc35.src requires python3dist(mdx-gh-links) = 0.2

	mkdocs-alabaster (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-alabaster-0.8.0-7.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-alabaster-0.8.0-7.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-bootstrap (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-bootstrap-1.1-8.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-bootstrap-1.1-8.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-bootswatch (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-bootswatch-1.1-6.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-bootswatch-1.1-6.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-cinder (maintained by: orphan)
		mkdocs-cinder-1.0.3-7.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35
		mkdocs-cinder-1.0.3-7.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin (maintained by: music)
mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin-0.2.4-7.fc36.noarch requires python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2 mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin-0.2.4-7.fc36.src requires python3dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2

	mkdocs-material (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-material-5.0.2-7.fc35.noarch requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
		mkdocs-material-5.0.2-7.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35

	python-devtools (maintained by: fab)
python-devtools-0.6-4.fc35.src requires mkdocs = 1.1.2-7.fc35, mkdocs-material = 5.0.2-7.fc35

	python-mkdocs-redirects (maintained by: smani)
		python-mkdocs-redirects-1.0.3-3.fc36.src requires python3dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2
python3-mkdocs-redirects-1.0.3-3.fc36.noarch requires python3.10dist(mkdocs) = 1.1.2

Depending on: python-pymdown-extensions (2), status change: 2021-08-10 (5 weeks ago)
	mkdocs-material (maintained by: orphan)
mkdocs-material-5.0.2-7.fc35.noarch requires python3.10dist(pymdown-extensions) = 7
		mkdocs-material-5.0.2-7.fc35.src requires python3dist(pymdown-extensions) = 7

	python-devtools (maintained by: fab)
		python-devtools-0.6-4.fc35.src requires mkdocs-material = 5.0.2-7.fc35

Depending on: rhino (5), status change: 2021-08-11 (5 weeks ago)
	csslint (maintained by: llaumgui, mavit)
		csslint-1.0.5-4.fc35.noarch requires rhino =

	freemarker (maintained by: filiperosset)
		freemarker-2.3.30-3.fc34.src requires rhino =

	icedtea-web (maintained by: dbhole, jvanek, omajid)
icedtea-web-2.0.0-pre.0.3.alpha16.patched1.1.fc35.src requires rhino = icedtea-web-2.0.0-pre.0.3.alpha16.patched1.1.fc35.x86_64 requires rhino =

	python-javabridge (maintained by: raphgro)
		python-javabridge-1.0.19-4.fc35.src requires rhino =
		python3-javabridge-1.0.19-4.fc35.x86_64 requires rhino =

	vim-syntastic (maintained by: mhjacks)
		vim-syntastic-css-3.10.0-12.fc35.noarch requires csslint = 1.0.5-4.fc35

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/orphan

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
atim: nohang
bkabrda: python-flask-script
breilly: python-flask-script
cverna: python-flask-script
dbhole: rhino
dchen: lucene
dwmw2: libspf2
ebaron: rhino
eclipse-sig: lucene
fab: python-pymdown-extensions, python-mdx_gh_links, python-lunr, mkdocs-material
filiperosset: rhino
galileo: lucene
ignatenkobrain: 0ad
infra-sig: python-flask-script
ishcherb: python-flask-script
jaruga: rubygem-ancestry
java-maint-sig: jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy
jerboaa: lucene, felix-gogo-runtime, felix-scr, felix-gogo-parent
jkaluza: python-flask-script
jskarvad: libspf2
jvanek: lucene, rhino
kalev: python-flask-script
kanarip: libspf2
kevin: libspf2
lef: lucene
llaumgui: rhino
mavit: rhino
maxamillion: python-flask-script
mbooth: felix-gogo-runtime, takari-polyglot, felix-scr, lucene, felix-gogo-parent
mhjacks: rhino
mikem: python-flask-script
mizdebsk: felix-gogo-runtime, apache-ivy, lucene, felix-gogo-shell, jakarta-commons-httpclient, felix-gogo-parent
msimacek: lucene
music: python-mdx_gh_links, python-lunr
omajid: rhino
otaylor: python-flask-script
pghmcfc: libspf2
pwalter: 0ad
ralph: python-flask-script
raphgro: rhino
rgrunber: lucene
ruby-packagers-sig: rubygem-ancestry
rust-sig: rust-line_drawing
sgallagh: python-pymdown-extensions
smani: python-mdx_gh_links, python-lunr
twaugh: python-flask-script
valtri: rubygem-logstasher
vrutkovs: python-flask-script

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:

Report finished at 2021-09-20 13:07:47
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