Re: Seemingly wrong FailsToInstall (unannounced soname bump: lld - liblldCore, liblldCommon etc.)

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On 8/18/21 6:02 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Wed, 2021-08-18 at 17:21 +0200, Jan Drögehoff wrote:
I've received 2 automated bugzilla reports for F35[1] and F36[2] that my
package FailsToInstall.

I tried to replicate this with a Fedora 35 and Rawhide VM created from
the last known good ISOs provided by the nightly compose finder and
found everything to be working as expected.

Is there something I am overlooking or did the automatic process fall flat?


I don't think the process is wrong, but rather your VMs were outdated.
(Note this line in the report: "P.S. The data was generated solely from
koji buildroot, so it might be newer than the latest compose or the
content on mirrors.") It looks like lld got bumped to 13.0rc1

which probably wouldn't have made it into the package set in your VMs.
So, you'll need to rebuild your packages against the new lld libs.
Yeah that was it

I completely missed the soname bump

and because its not on the mirrors yet it obviously wouldn't cause a problem on a VM

This looks like an unannounced soname bump, which is against the
packaging policy. Tom, please remember to announce soname bumps in
advance and co-ordinate with the packagers of packages that build
against the library. We now have the multi-build update process you can
use to handle soname bumps smoothly, and it would be a good idea to do
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