As you might already know, we have recently merged in the Python 3.10 side tag to Rawhide, despite several builds not succeeding. We always aim for some compromise between having the side tag open for too long and having too many failures.
packages, when not rebuilt, are not installable in rawhide, hence
fixing them should be our top priority. If you need help with Python-related
issues, we (the Python Maintenance team at Red Hat) are happy to help.
Unfortunately, several packages fail to build for Python-unrelated
of the packages only fail to build because their dependencies were not
yet rebuilt. Chances are, you already got an automated F35FailsToInstall bugzilla from Miro,
that your package fails to install. It would be really helpful if you
could find the missing dependency and mark the bugzilla for your package
depending on the bugzilla for the missing dep. We slowly progress to do that as well, but your help is crucial here.
If your package fails because there is a non-dependency problem, you might have already
received a bugzilla from us in the past. If the build failure is
related to changes in Python 3.10, it should contain some hints about
the problem.
# What to do?
advice: If you are aware of the problem and working towards fixing it,
set your bugzilla to ASSIGNED to avoid further automated reminders.
blocked by dependencies, do not close the bugzillas as NOTABUG or
DUPLICATE just because it is "not a problem in your package". The
automation will file new ones anyway.
## My package fails to build because it has test failures in %check
try to resolve the failures. If you are confident that the package
works fine, but the tests are wrong, skip some failing tests, ideally
with a link to an upstream issue. Do not disable (e.g. comment out) all
tests just to unblock the rebuild of your package, it usually only hides
the problem.
## My package fails to build because it has broken build dependencies
try to track the missing build dependencies in Bugzilla. If possible,
help the maintainers of your dependencies to get them rebuilt. When in
need of escalation, ask us for provenpackager help (ideally with pull
requests to be merged). Once possible, rebuild your package (no need to
bump the release, we already did that). When you do, the bugzilla will
eventually get automatically closed, but you can do that manually as
## My package was rebuilt with Python 3.10 but it has broken runtime dependencies
try to track the missing runtime dependencies in Bugzilla. If possible,
help the maintainers of your dependencies to get them rebuilt. When in
need of escalation, ask us for provenpackager help (ideally with pull
requests to be merged). When the dependencies are rebuilt, your package
will install successfully once again and the bugzilla will eventually
get automatically closed, but you can do that manually as well.
## My package failed to build but installs just fine
packages that only require libpython3.9.so.1.0 will successfully pull
in the python3.9 package as a dependency and hence they don't have
installation issues. They need to be rebuilt with Python 3.10 anyway, we don't want Fedora users to pull in two Python versions unless they need them for development purposes.
## How to run things locally?
You can use mock. Make sure to:
1. Clear all caches first: $ mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64--scrub=all
2. Use the Koji repo: $ mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 --enablerepo=local ...
## Where to get help
Reply to this thread or find us (thrnciar, mhroncok) on #fedora-python IRC channel (libera.chat).
Let us know if you have other questions.
Maintainers by package:
5minute pmoravco
APLpy sergiopr skytux
MUSIC ankursinha
Mayavi chedi orion
NLopt besser82
OpenIPMI branto jridky lupinix pknirsch
ProDy sagitter
PyMca zbyszek
androguard fab
ansible-review dcallagh ttrinks
antlr4-project jjames
astrometry lupinix
autoarchive fab
blender design-sw hobbes1069 ignatenkobrain kwizart luya roma s4504kr slaanesh
bugzilla2fedmsg abompard
buildbot besser82 giallu ignatenkobrain ngompa radez smilner
buildstream atim bochecha
calibre chkr heliocastro kevin nushio zbyszek
certbot nb
clufter jpokorny mlisik omular tojeline
collectd fab kevin mhlavink ruben xaeth
condor bbockelm bcotton eerlands matt matyas stevetraylen tstclair ttheisen valtri
copr-backend clime dturecek frostyx msuchy praiskup
copr-dist-git clime dturecek frostyx msuchy praiskup
datagrepper ralph
diffoscope halfie zbyszek
distgen bkabrda hhorak phracek pkubat
dnfdaemon besser82 ngompa
dnfdragora besser82 ngompa
dolfin limb zbyszek
espresso deji jngrad junghans
fbthrift dcavalca filbranden salimma
folly dcavalca filbranden salimma
fontdump pnemade
freecad hobbes1069 jkastner zultron
ginga lupinix
gnome-gmail llaumgui
gnumeric aarem belegdol huzaifas
gr-air-modes jskarvad
h5py stevetraylen terjeros
imath hobbes1069 jridky
ipsilon ngompa puiterwijk simo
jpype raphgro
jrnl music
kdevelop-python dvratil jgrulich minh
kitty atim salimma
lasso jhrozek rcritten simo
ldns pemensik pwouters thozza
libguestfs mdbooth rjones
libkml smani
libpoly jjames
libprelude fab totol
libproxy amigadave cicku danw npmccallum
libpst carllibpst
libunity rdieter
liquidctl suve
lirc hobbes1069 jwilson leamas
luxcorerender besser82 kwizart luya slaanesh
m2crypto mitr ngompa
mailman3 abompard ngompa
matrix-synapse dcallagh
mingw-python3 smani
mirrormanager2 adrian
mlt martinkg sergiomb
mod_wsgi jdornak jkaluza jorton lmacken mrunge
module-build-service breilly mikem
moose zbyszek
mopidy girst
mopidy-mpd girst
nbdkit rjones
nyx jorti
openmeeg sagitter
openscap evgenyz isimluk jcerny matyc mmarhefk pvrabec vpolasek wsato
opentrep denisarnaud
osbs-client bkabrda cverna maxamillion ttomecek twaugh vrutkovs
paraview deji orion sagitter
pcl rmattes thofmann
perl-Inline-Python jonkni
petsc sagitter
pew mcyprian tadej
postfix-mta-sts-resolver duck
prewikka totol
psi4 jussilehtola
py-radix kevin
py4j raphgro
pydeps lbazan
pygrib jdekloe
pykka fab
pymol sagitter sergiomb
pyp2rpm gordonmessmer kevin
pyproj jdekloe
python-EvoPreprocess iztokf
python-IPy kevin
python-MDAnalysis junghans
python-SALib ankursinha
python-TestSlide dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-aenum fab
python-agate jujens
python-agate-dbf jujens
python-agate-excel jujens
python-agate-sql jujens
python-aiodns fantom
python-aiosmtpd abompard
python-aiostream fab
python-aiozmq nonamedotc
python-animatplot qulogic
python-anyio carlwgeorge fab
python-aodhclient apevec pkilambi
python-apprise lead2gold
python-asteval fab
python-astroML lupinix
python-astropy orion sergiopr
python-astropy-healpix lupinix
python-astroquery lupinix
python-astroscrappy lupinix
python-asyncio-dgram fab
python-august fab
python-authheaders ngompa
python-authlib v02460
python-azure-sdk melmorabity mhayden
python-barbicanclient apevec chandankumar
python-basemap jspaleta limb
python-beniget churchyard
python-bidict fab
python-black cheimes churchyard
python-brian2 ankursinha
python-cartopy qulogic
python-ccdproc lupinix
python-cclib sagitter
python-certbot-apache nb
python-certbot-dns-cloudflare nb
python-certbot-dns-cloudxns nb
python-certbot-dns-digitalocean elyscape nb
python-certbot-dns-dnsimple nb
python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy nb
python-certbot-dns-gehirn elyscape
python-certbot-dns-google elyscape nb
python-certbot-dns-linode elyscape
python-certbot-dns-luadns nb
python-certbot-dns-nsone nb
python-certbot-dns-ovh elyscape
python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 logic nb
python-certbot-dns-route53 elyscape nb
python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud elyscape
python-certbot-nginx nb
python-chaospy lbazan
python-cinderclient apevec eharney jruzicka
python-citeproc-py ignatenkobrain
python-compreffor athoscr
python-concurrentloghandler dcallagh
python-configargparse fab nb noodles
python-contextily qulogic
python-contextualbandits iztokf
python-cookiecutter chedi wakko666
python-cssutils kevin thias
python-csvkit jujens
python-cypari2 pcpa
python-cysignals pcpa
python-dask qulogic
python-databay fab
python-dbusmock ngompa
python-dcrpm dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-descartes qulogic
python-designateclient apevec vkmc
python-devtools fab
python-dipy ankursinha
python-diskcache fab
python-django-auth-ldap ignatenkobrain
python-django-post_office lbazan
python-dkimpy ngompa
python-docx kushal124
python-drgn dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-duecredit ankursinha
python-earthpy iztokf
python-elephant lbazan
python-elpy lbazan
python-emcee sergiopr
python-engineio nonamedotc
python-envisage orion
python-eventlet abbot ignatenkobrain kevin
python-eyed3 amigadave bpepple cicku pjp
python-f5-sdk xavierb
python-falcon abompard carlwgeorge
python-fastapi music
python-fastavro ankursinha
python-ffc zbyszek
python-fiat fab
python-flask-autoindex pcpa
python-flask-silk pcpa
python-flask-socketio nonamedotc
python-flask-whooshee clime mrmeee rkuska
python-fn codeblock orphan
python-fpylll pcpa
python-fsleyes-props ankursinha
python-fslpy ankursinha
python-fsspec qulogic
python-furl ignatenkobrain
python-gast churchyard
python-gatspy lupinix
python-gcsfs fab
python-geopandas qulogic
python-geoplot qulogic
python-glanceclient apevec jruzicka
python-gnocchiclient mrunge pkilambi
python-gradunwarp ignatenkobrain
python-grako brouhaha
python-gunicorn dcallagh ngompa
python-h5io ignatenkobrain
python-hdfs ankursinha
python-hdmf lbazan
python-healpy lupinix
python-heatclient apevec jruzicka ryansb zaneb
python-holidays orphan
python-hypothesmith dcavalca salimma
python-imbalanced-learn iztokf
python-insteon fab
python-interrogate iztokf
python-joblib besser82 ignatenkobrain sergiopr
python-jsonfield lbazan
python-jsons fab
python-jupymake jjames
python-jupyter-polymake jjames
python-keystoneauth1 alphacc apevec pabelanger
python-keystoneclient apevec jruzicka
python-klusta ankursinha
python-language-server nonamedotc
python-leather jujens
python-lfpy lbazan victortyau
python-libpysal qulogic
python-losant-rest fab
python-lz4 jgu orion
python-lzo huzaifas
python-magnumclient apevec chandankumar
python-manilaclient zaitcev
python-mapclassify qulogic
python-mapnik tomh
python-matrix-nio ankursinha
python-mechanize mohanboddu
python-minibelt uggla
python-missingno lbazan
python-mistralclient amoralej
python-mne ignatenkobrain
python-mne-bids lbazan
python-mnemonic jonny
python-molten akhaitov
python-msrest melmorabity
python-msrestazure melmorabity
python-mtg tc01
python-murano-pkg-check jpena
python-music21 zbyszek
python-nashpy iztokf
python-nb2plots jjames
python-netmiko divius
python-network-runner radez
python-networkx jjames plautrba
python-neurosynth lbazan
python-neutronclient apevec jruzicka
python-niaaml iztokf
python-niaclass iztokf
python-nibabel ignatenkobrain
python-nikola jamatos maxamillion
python-nilearn ankursinha
python-nipy ignatenkobrain
python-nitime ankursinha
python-nixio ankursinha
python-novaclient apevec jruzicka
python-novaclient-os-networks ctria rjmco
python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces ctria rjmco
python-numpoly lbazan
python-octaviaclient cgoncalves
python-odml major
python-oletools rebus robert
python-openstackclient apevec
python-openstacksdk apevec jpena
python-opentelemetry melmorabity
python-orderedmultidict ignatenkobrain
python-os-client-config amoralej apevec pabelanger
python-osc-lib amoralej apevec hguemar jpena jruzicka
python-oslo-concurrency apevec mrunge
python-oslo-db apevec gchamoul
python-oslo-log apevec hguemar
python-oslo-serialization apevec nsaje social
python-oslo-utils apevec
python-photutils sergiopr
python-pingouin ankursinha
python-pplpy jjames
python-praw fab fale
python-prawcore fab
python-productivity fab
python-pybids ankursinha
python-pycares fantom
python-pyeclib hguemar zaitcev
python-pymatreader ankursinha
python-pymoc lupinix
python-pynetdicom alciregi
python-pynwb lbazan
python-pyone siddharthvipul1
python-pypet ankursinha
python-pyphi ankursinha
python-pyqtgraph swt2c
python-pyriemann ankursinha
python-pysb zbyszek
python-pyscaffold ankursinha
python-pyscf jussilehtola
python-pyshtools qulogic
python-pyside2 hobbes1069
python-pystemd ngompa salimma
python-pytest-cases zbyszek
python-pytest-mpi orion
python-pytest-relaxed athmane
python-pytest-toolbox fab
python-pyunicorn iztokf
python-pyvlx fab
python-pyvo lupinix
python-qcelemental jussilehtola
python-qdarkstyle nonamedotc
python-reproject lupinix
python-rnc2rng ignatenkobrain
python-rply ignatenkobrain
python-rsd-lib amoralej
python-rx atim carlwgeorge limb
python-saharaclient apevec egafford jruzicka mimccune
python-schedule fab
python-shade larsks pabelanger
python-shortuuid pbrobinson
python-siosocks fab
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms ankursinha iztokf
python-slackclient limb
python-slixmpp-omemo fantom
python-smbprotocol fab
python-social-auth-core cqi
python-socketio nonamedotc
python-soco fab
python-sortedcollections fab
python-spnego fab
python-sport-activities-features iztokf
python-spyder-kernels nonamedotc
python-sqlalchemy-collectd mbayer mrunge
python-sshtunnel orphan
python-starlette music
python-stompest abompard
python-subprocess-tee chedi
python-sushy amoralej divius
python-svg-path kevin ralph
python-swiftclient apevec jruzicka zaitcev
python-sybil fab
python-tackerclient amoralej
python-taskflow apevec eharney
python-tenacity mrunge pkilambi snecker
python-test_server raphgro
python-testfixtures fab
python-texext jjames
python-theano ignatenkobrain jjames sergiopr
python-traitsui chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-transitions orphan
python-trimesh ankursinha
python-troveclient jruzicka mrunge
python-twilio mich181189
python-typeguard dcavalca salimma snecker
python-uvicorn carlwgeorge
python-vitrageclient mrunge
python-watchgod carlwgeorge
python-wcmatch pnemade
python-webpy mrunge
python-wsproto carlwgeorge
python-xarray qulogic
python-xbout davidsch
python-yapf lbazan
python-yappi amoralej
python-zarr qulogic
python-zict qulogic
pythran churchyard
rmol denisarnaud
sagemath pcpa
spectrographic suve
sshuttle jgu kevin maci
sudo alakatos kzak mattdm rsroka zfridric
sugar-datastore dsd pbrobinson tomeu
sugar-paint callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson
swift-lang tachoknight
sympy cbm jjames jussilehtola orion
trademgen denisarnaud
usd luya music slaanesh
uwsgi orphan
veusz jsanders
virt-bootstrap fidencio rstoyanov
watchman dcavalca filbranden salimma
xonsh carmenbianca jdulaney
Packages by maintainer:
aarem gnumeric
abbot python-eventlet
abompard bugzilla2fedmsg mailman3 python-aiosmtpd python-falcon python-stompest
adrian mirrormanager2
akhaitov python-molten
alakatos sudo
alciregi python-pynetdicom
alphacc python-keystoneauth1
amigadave libproxy python-eyed3
python-mistralclient python-os-client-config python-osc-lib
python-rsd-lib python-sushy python-tackerclient python-yappi
MUSIC python-SALib python-brian2 python-dipy python-duecredit
python-fastavro python-fsleyes-props python-fslpy python-hdfs
python-klusta python-matrix-nio python-nilearn python-nitime
python-nixio python-pingouin python-pybids python-pymatreader
python-pypet python-pyphi python-pyriemann python-pyscaffold
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms python-trimesh
python-aodhclient python-barbicanclient python-cinderclient
python-designateclient python-glanceclient python-heatclient
python-keystoneauth1 python-keystoneclient python-magnumclient
python-neutronclient python-novaclient python-openstackclient
python-openstacksdk python-os-client-config python-osc-lib
python-oslo-concurrency python-oslo-db python-oslo-log
python-oslo-serialization python-oslo-utils python-saharaclient
python-swiftclient python-taskflow
athmane python-pytest-relaxed
athoscr python-compreffor
atim buildstream kitty python-rx
bbockelm condor
bcotton condor
belegdol gnumeric
besser82 NLopt buildbot dnfdaemon dnfdragora luxcorerender python-joblib
bkabrda distgen osbs-client
bochecha buildstream
bpepple python-eyed3
branto OpenIPMI
breilly module-build-service
brouhaha python-grako
callkalpa sugar-paint
carllibpst libpst
carlwgeorge python-anyio python-falcon python-rx python-uvicorn python-watchgod python-wsproto
carmenbianca xonsh
cbm sympy
cgoncalves python-octaviaclient
chandankumar python-barbicanclient python-magnumclient
chedi Mayavi python-cookiecutter python-subprocess-tee python-traitsui
cheimes python-black
chimosky sugar-paint
chkr calibre
churchyard python-beniget python-black python-gast pythran
cicku libproxy python-eyed3
clime copr-backend copr-dist-git python-flask-whooshee
codeblock python-fn
cqi python-social-auth-core
ctria python-novaclient-os-networks python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces
cverna osbs-client
danw libproxy
davidsch python-xbout
dcallagh ansible-review matrix-synapse python-concurrentloghandler python-gunicorn
dcavalca fbthrift folly python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-drgn python-hypothesmith python-typeguard watchman
deji espresso paraview
denisarnaud opentrep rmol trademgen
design-sw blender
divius python-netmiko python-sushy
dsd sugar-datastore
dturecek copr-backend copr-dist-git
duck postfix-mta-sts-resolver
dvratil kdevelop-python
eerlands condor
egafford python-saharaclient
eharney python-cinderclient python-taskflow
python-certbot-dns-digitalocean python-certbot-dns-gehirn
python-certbot-dns-google python-certbot-dns-linode
python-certbot-dns-ovh python-certbot-dns-route53
evgenyz openscap
androguard autoarchive collectd libprelude pykka python-aenum
python-aiostream python-anyio python-asteval python-asyncio-dgram
python-august python-bidict python-configargparse python-databay
python-devtools python-diskcache python-fiat python-gcsfs python-insteon
python-jsons python-losant-rest python-praw python-prawcore
python-productivity python-pytest-toolbox python-pyvlx python-schedule
python-siosocks python-smbprotocol python-soco python-sortedcollections
python-spnego python-sybil python-testfixtures
fale python-praw
fantom python-aiodns python-pycares python-slixmpp-omemo
fidencio virt-bootstrap
filbranden fbthrift folly python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-drgn watchman
frostyx copr-backend copr-dist-git
gchamoul python-oslo-db
giallu buildbot
girst mopidy mopidy-mpd
gordonmessmer pyp2rpm
halfie diffoscope
heliocastro calibre
hguemar python-osc-lib python-oslo-log python-pyeclib
hhorak distgen
hobbes1069 blender freecad imath lirc python-pyside2
huzaifas gnumeric python-lzo
blender buildbot python-citeproc-py python-django-auth-ldap
python-eventlet python-furl python-gradunwarp python-h5io python-joblib
python-mne python-nibabel python-nipy python-orderedmultidict
python-rnc2rng python-rply python-theano python-traitsui
isimluk openscap
python-EvoPreprocess python-contextualbandits python-earthpy
python-imbalanced-learn python-interrogate python-nashpy python-niaaml
python-niaclass python-pyunicorn
jamatos python-nikola
jcerny openscap
jdekloe pygrib pyproj
jdornak mod_wsgi
jdulaney xonsh
jgrulich kdevelop-python
jgu python-lz4 sshuttle
jhrozek lasso
antlr4-project libpoly python-jupymake python-jupyter-polymake
python-nb2plots python-networkx python-pplpy python-texext python-theano
jkaluza mod_wsgi
jkastner freecad
jngrad espresso
jonkni perl-Inline-Python
jonny python-mnemonic
jorti nyx
jorton mod_wsgi
jpena python-murano-pkg-check python-openstacksdk python-osc-lib
jpokorny clufter
jridky OpenIPMI imath
python-cinderclient python-glanceclient python-heatclient
python-keystoneclient python-neutronclient python-novaclient
python-osc-lib python-saharaclient python-swiftclient python-troveclient
jsanders veusz
jskarvad gr-air-modes
jspaleta python-basemap
jujens python-agate python-agate-dbf python-agate-excel python-agate-sql python-csvkit python-leather
junghans espresso python-MDAnalysis
jussilehtola psi4 python-pyscf python-qcelemental sympy
jwilson lirc
kevin calibre collectd py-radix pyp2rpm python-IPy python-cssutils python-eventlet python-svg-path sshuttle
kushal124 python-docx
kwizart blender luxcorerender
kzak sudo
larsks python-shade
pydeps python-chaospy python-django-post_office python-elephant
python-elpy python-hdmf python-jsonfield python-lfpy python-missingno
python-mne-bids python-neurosynth python-numpoly python-pynwb
lead2gold python-apprise
leamas lirc
limb dolfin python-basemap python-rx python-slackclient
llaumgui gnome-gmail
lmacken mod_wsgi
logic python-certbot-dns-rfc2136
OpenIPMI astrometry ginga python-astroML python-astropy-healpix
python-astroquery python-astroscrappy python-ccdproc python-gatspy
python-healpy python-pymoc python-pyvo python-reproject
luya blender luxcorerender usd
maci sshuttle
major python-odml
martinkg mlt
matt condor
mattdm sudo
matyas condor
matyc openscap
maxamillion osbs-client python-nikola
mbayer python-sqlalchemy-collectd
mcyprian pew
mdbooth libguestfs
melmorabity python-azure-sdk python-msrest python-msrestazure python-opentelemetry
mhayden python-azure-sdk
mhlavink collectd
mich181189 python-twilio
mikem module-build-service
mimccune python-saharaclient
minh kdevelop-python
mitr m2crypto
mlisik clufter
mmarhefk openscap
mohanboddu python-mechanize
mrmeee python-flask-whooshee
mod_wsgi python-gnocchiclient python-oslo-concurrency
python-sqlalchemy-collectd python-tenacity python-troveclient
python-vitrageclient python-webpy
msuchy copr-backend copr-dist-git
music jrnl python-fastapi python-starlette usd
certbot python-certbot-apache python-certbot-dns-cloudflare
python-certbot-dns-cloudxns python-certbot-dns-digitalocean
python-certbot-dns-dnsimple python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy
python-certbot-dns-google python-certbot-dns-luadns
python-certbot-dns-nsone python-certbot-dns-rfc2136
python-certbot-dns-route53 python-certbot-nginx python-configargparse
buildbot dnfdaemon dnfdragora ipsilon m2crypto mailman3
python-authheaders python-dbusmock python-dkimpy python-gunicorn
python-aiozmq python-engineio python-flask-socketio
python-language-server python-qdarkstyle python-socketio
noodles python-configargparse
npmccallum libproxy
nsaje python-oslo-serialization
nushio calibre
omular clufter
orion Mayavi paraview python-astropy python-envisage python-lz4 python-pytest-mpi python-traitsui sympy
orphan python-fn python-holidays python-sshtunnel python-transitions uwsgi
pabelanger python-keystoneauth1 python-os-client-config python-shade
pbrobinson python-shortuuid sugar-datastore sugar-paint
pcpa python-cypari2 python-cysignals python-flask-autoindex python-flask-silk python-fpylll sagemath
pemensik ldns
phracek distgen
pjp python-eyed3
pkilambi python-aodhclient python-gnocchiclient python-tenacity
pknirsch OpenIPMI
pkubat distgen
plautrba python-networkx
pmoravco 5minute
pnemade fontdump python-wcmatch
praiskup copr-backend copr-dist-git
puiterwijk ipsilon
pvrabec openscap
pwouters ldns
python-animatplot python-cartopy python-contextily python-dask
python-descartes python-fsspec python-geopandas python-geoplot
python-libpysal python-mapclassify python-pyshtools python-xarray
python-zarr python-zict
radez buildbot python-network-runner
ralph datagrepper python-svg-path
raphgro jpype py4j python-test_server
rcritten lasso
rdieter libunity
rebus python-oletools
rjmco python-novaclient-os-networks python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces
rjones libguestfs nbdkit
rkuska python-flask-whooshee
rmattes pcl
robert python-oletools
roma blender
rsroka sudo
rstoyanov virt-bootstrap
ruben collectd
ryansb python-heatclient
s4504kr blender
sagitter ProDy openmeeg paraview petsc pymol python-cclib
fbthrift folly kitty python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-drgn
python-hypothesmith python-pystemd python-typeguard watchman
sergiomb mlt pymol
sergiopr APLpy python-astropy python-emcee python-joblib python-photutils python-theano
siddharthvipul1 python-pyone
simo ipsilon lasso
skytux APLpy
slaanesh blender luxcorerender usd
smani libkml mingw-python3
smilner buildbot
snecker python-tenacity python-typeguard
social python-oslo-serialization
stevetraylen condor h5py
suve liquidctl spectrographic
swt2c python-pyqtgraph
tachoknight swift-lang
tadej pew
tc01 python-mtg
terjeros h5py
thias python-cssutils
thofmann pcl
thozza ldns
tojeline clufter
tomeu sugar-datastore
tomh python-mapnik
totol libprelude prewikka
tstclair condor
ttheisen condor
ttomecek osbs-client
ttrinks ansible-review
twaugh osbs-client
uggla python-minibelt
v02460 python-authlib
valtri condor
victortyau python-lfpy
vkmc python-designateclient
vpolasek openscap
vrutkovs osbs-client
wakko666 python-cookiecutter
wsato openscap
xaeth collectd
xavierb python-f5-sdk
zaitcev python-manilaclient python-pyeclib python-swiftclient
zaneb python-heatclient
zbyszek PyMca calibre diffoscope dolfin moose python-ffc python-music21 python-pysb python-pytest-cases
zfridric sudo
zultron freecad
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