Re: [HEADS UP] Fedora 35 Python 3.10 rebuilds have started in a side tag

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On Mon, Jun 07, 2021 at 07:14:06PM +0200, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> Hello package maintainers,
> The following packages have been rebuilt in Rawhide while the Python
> 3.10 rebuild is still in progress:
> libnbd


> Please, do not build Python packages in Rawhide unless it is time
> sensitive. If you need to upgrade your package, wait until the
> rebuild is over or build them in the f35-python side tag.

Looks like you've rebuilt it in the side tag, so we're OK?


> Even if the build in f35-python side tag fails, do not attempt to
> "fix" it by rebuilding it in Rawhide.
> We will now bump the packages and rebuild them in the side tag again.
> If blocked, please coordinate with us.
> Sorry for the inconvience, we are almost done.
> Thanks.
> On 02. 06. 21 10:02, Tomas Hrnciar wrote:
> >Hello, in order to deliver Python 3.10, we are running a
> >coordinated rebuild in a side tag.
> >
> >
> ><>
> >
> >If you see a "Rebuilt for Python 3.10" (or similar) commit in your
> >package, please don't rebuild it in regular rawhide.
> >If you need to, please let usknow, so we can coordinate.
> >
> >If you'd like to build the package, you should be able to build it
> >in the side tag via:
> >
> >on branch rawhide:
> >$ fedpkg build --target=f35-python
> >$ koji wait-repo f35-python --build <nvr>
> >
> >Note that it will take a while before all the essential packages
> >are rebuilt, so don't expect all your dependencies to be available
> >right away. When in trouble, ask here or on IRC (#fedora-python on
> >Libera.Chat).
> >
> >Builds: <>
> >
> >Please avoid any potentially disturbing changes in Python packages
> >until the rebuild is over.
> >
> >Thanks. Let us know if you have any questions.
> >
> >PS: I've BCC'ed maintainers of the "initial bootstrap sequence".
> >If your package is listed below, it means it is essential that you
> >coordinate all rawhide changes -- if you don't, this may
> >potentially make the disturbing experience longer than necessary.
> >Thank You so much for your patience.
> >
> >Maintainers by package:
> >Cython               churchyard ignatenkobrain nbecker stevetraylen
> >GitPython            athoscr dgoodwin ignatenkobrain lsedlar
> >PyQt4                rdieter than
> >PyYAML               jeckersb
> >abrt                 abrt-team mgrabovs mmarusak
> >anaconda             anaconda-maint jkonecny m4rtink rvykydal
> >sbueno vpodzime vponcova
> >asciidoc             fab jridky nphilipp tmz
> >automake             jjanco kasal panovotn praiskup ttomecek
> >babel                fschwarz nphilipp
> >boost                denisarnaud jwakely trodgers
> >breezy               churchyard opohorel
> >brotli               carlwgeorge pouar tagoh
> >clang                airlied daveisfera sbergmann sergesanspaille
> >siddharths tstellar
> >cloud-init           dustymabe gholms larsks mhayden otubo
> >createrepo_c         dmach jrohel mblaha pkratoch tmlcoch
> >dblatex              alexlan jchaloup mjg
> >dbus-python          alexl amigadave besser82 caillon caolanm
> >mbarnes ngompa phuang rdieter rhughes rstrode ssp stefanok vtrefny
> >dnf                  dmach jmracek jrohel mblaha pkratoch
> >dnf-plugins-core     dmach jmracek mblaha pkratoch
> >dnf-plugins-extras   dmach jmracek mblaha pkratoch
> >fedmod               karsten nphilipp
> >fedmsg               ralph
> >fedora-messaging     abompard
> >file                 kdudka odubaj svashisht vmihalko
> >fros                 jfilak
> >future               sagitter
> >gdb                  jankratochvil keiths kevinb sergiodj
> >glade                kalev
> >gobject-introspection dcbw otaylor walters
> >gpgme                fkluknav ignatenkobrain isimluk rdieter
> >ipython              churchyard cstratak dcantrell ignatenkobrain
> >lbalhar mrunge salimma tomspur
> >itstool              mclasen
> >kernel-tools         acaringi jcline jforbes jwboyer lgoncalv patrickt pbrobinson
> >kobo                 dmach rohanpm
> >koji                 ausil kevin mikem puiterwijk
> >libblockdev          sbueno tbzatek vpodzime vtrefny
> >libbytesize          tbzatek vpodzime vtrefny
> >libcomps             akozumpl dmach jluza jmracek mblaha pkratoch
> >libdnf               dmach jmracek jrohel mblaha pkratoch
> >libgit2-glib         ignatenkobrain kalev nacho pwalter
> >libmodulemd          asamalik nphilipp packit ppisar sgallagh
> >libpwquality         pwouters tmraz
> >librepo              dmach pkratoch tmlcoch
> >libreport            abrt-team mgrabovs mmarusak
> >libselinux           dwalsh mgrepl pcmoore plautrba vmojzis
> >libsolv              dmach ignatenkobrain jmracek jrohel ngompa pkratoch
> >libxml2              ignatenkobrain jpokorny veillard
> >linkchecker          churchyard cicku dchen
> >lorax                bcl clumens dcantrell dshea wwoods
> >marshalparser        lbalhar
> >mercurial            kiilerix nbecker pstodulk
> >meson                carlwgeorge ekulik ignatenkobrain wtaymans
> >mock                 jcwillia mebrown msuchy praiskup
> >mpi4py               deji limb tomspur
> >mpich                deji zbyszek
> >ninja-build          bonzini carlwgeorge cicku ignatenkobrain jperrin mathstuf
> >numpy                cstratak jspaleta limb orion rdieter tomspur ttomecek
> >openmpi              deji dledford jhladky orion pkfed
> >pdc-client           bliu chcao cheng chuzhang kevin lholecek lsedlar nphilipp
> >poetry               churchyard thrnciar
> >policycoreutils      dwalsh lvrabec mgrepl pcmoore plautrba vmojzis
> >pungi                dmach lsedlar maxamillion onosek tdawson wwoods
> >pyOpenSSL            jcline jlieskov lmacken pwouters tmraz
> >pybind11             jussilehtola
> >pycairo              alexl caillon caolanm kalev ralph rhughes rstrode ssp
> >pydot                besser82 spot
> >pygobject3           nacho walters
> >pykickstart          bcl clumens dcantrell jkonecny m4rtink
> >rvykydal sbueno vponcova
> >pyparsing            apevec churchyard jamatos sharkcz terjeros
> >pyparted             bcl clumens dcantrell
> >pyserial             stingray
> >pytest               churchyard mrunge radez thm
> >python-Automat       carlwgeorge eclipseo
> >python-Bottleneck    besser82
> >python-CacheControl  thrnciar
> >python-Pallets-Sphinx-Themes codeblock
> >python-PyPDF2        aarem
> >python-SecretStorage cicku cstratak raphgro robert williamjmorenor
> >python-Traits        ignatenkobrain orion
> >python-WSGIProxy2    ondrejj
> >python-aiohttp       fab ignatenkobrain
> >python-alembic       ralph
> >python-amqp          eharney frantisekz raphgro
> >python-anytree       gerd lkundrak
> >python-apipkg        fab ktdreyer thm
> >python-appdirs       apevec hguemar ignatenkobrain
> >python-argcomplete   churchyard ignatenkobrain mfabik msrb stevetraylen
> >python-argh          cstratak
> >python-argon2-cffi   atim limb paulcarroty
> >python-arrow         pingou ralph
> >python-asgiref       carlwgeorge
> >python-asn1crypto    cheimes npmccallum
> >python-astroid       bcl limb lupinix mrunge orion
> >python-async-generator carlwgeorge
> >python-async-timeout clime fab ignatenkobrain
> >python-atomicwrites  mathstuf mbaldessari
> >python-attrs         brouhaha churchyard lbalhar
> >python-augeas        xaeth
> >python-backcall      churchyard orion
> >python-backoff       abompard
> >python-bcrypt        pingou williamjmorenor
> >python-beanbag       kevin
> >python-beautifulsoup4 kevin mrunge ralph terjeros
> >python-betamax       ignatenkobrain pnemade
> >python-billiard      fab frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou pjp sundaram
> >python-bleach        bowlofeggs ignatenkobrain mrunge
> >python-blinker       jamatos pjp sundaram
> >python-blivet        blivet-maint dlehman japokorn jkonecny
> >m4rtink rvykydal sbueno vpodzime vponcova vtrefny
> >python-boto          apevec gholms limb skottler
> >python-boto3         cstratak fale limb
> >python-botocore      davdunc fale gholms limb lkundrak
> >python-bottle        sundaram
> >python-bugzilla      crobinso dzickus
> >python-cachy         fab
> >python-case          mrunge ngompa pingou
> >python-cccolutils    puiterwijk
> >python-celery        abompard frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou
> >python-certifi       churchyard jmontleon
> >python-cffi          brouhaha churchyard lbalhar
> >python-chai          kevin pingou ralph
> >python-chardet       churchyard jcline kushal
> >python-cheroot       ignatenkobrain jcaratzas radez
> >python-cherrypy      ignatenkobrain jcaratzas mrunge radez
> >python-cleo          thrnciar
> >python-click         cstratak fab
> >python-click-completion chedi wakko666
> >python-clikit        thrnciar
> >python-colander      ignatenkobrain lmacken ralph
> >python-colorama      fale mrunge
> >python-configobj     dcallagh fale lmacken terjeros
> >python-constantly    eclipseo
> >python-contextlib2   abompard pingou ralph tjikkun
> >python-convertdate   fab
> >python-cornice       hguemar lmacken
> >python-cornice-sphinx abompard
> >python-cov-core      abompard bkabrda
> >python-coverage      abompard lmacken mrunge spot
> >python-cppy          qulogic
> >python-cpuinfo       pnemade
> >python-crashtest     thrnciar
> >python-crochet       abompard
> >python-cryptography  cheimes jcline noodles npmccallum
> >python-cssselect     brouhaha echevemaster kevin ralph
> >python-curio         carlwgeorge
> >python-cycler        nbecker
> >python-daemon        kushal lmacken ralph tomspur xavierb
> >python-dateparser    fab limb
> >python-dateutil      hguemar jspaleta limb pjp tomspur
> >python-decorator     fale kevin ralph
> >python-defusedxml    bkabrda churchyard
> >python-dict-sorted   fale ignatenkobrain
> >python-dill          sergiopr
> >python-distlib       cottsay cstratak
> >python-distro        mblaha msuchy
> >python-django        bkabrda churchyard jdornak mrunge rdopiera salimma sgallagh
> >python-dns           aviso lbalhar louizatakk pspacek pwouters
> >python-docs-theme    ksurma
> >python-docutils      churchyard
> >python-dogpile-cache ralph
> >python-dulwich       fab
> >python-editor        apevec kevin ralph social
> >python-elementpath   churchyard thrnciar
> >python-enchant       cstratak
> >python-entrypoints   nonamedotc orion
> >python-ephem         fab
> >python-execnet       adeza ktdreyer thm
> >python-extras        mrunge salimma
> >python-factory-boy   jorti
> >python-faker         jorti
> >python-fastimport    dcallagh
> >python-fastjsonschema thrnciar
> >python-fedora        codeblock ricky
> >python-feedgen       lbalhar
> >python-fields        cottsay
> >python-filelock      cottsay
> >python-fixtures      apevec mrunge pabelanger
> >python-flaky         churchyard
> >python-flask         codeblock frantisekz hguemar hushan
> >python-flit          churchyard
> >python-fluidity-sm   pghmcfc
> >python-freezegun     cstratak kevin ralph
> >python-genshi        fschwarz
> >python-genty         churchyard
> >python-gevent        dcallagh ignatenkobrain orion skottler
> >python-gitdb         athoscr ignatenkobrain lsedlar
> >python-graphviz      eclipseo
> >python-greenlet      abbot ignatenkobrain kevin salimma terjeros
> >python-gssapi        rharwood simo
> >python-h11           carlwgeorge
> >python-h2            eclipseo
> >python-hamcrest      ignatenkobrain
> >python-hpack         eclipseo
> >python-html5lib      churchyard pjp sagitter salimma sundaram
> >python-httpbin       adamwill
> >python-httpcore      fab
> >python-httplib2      abompard dchen ignatenkobrain jspaleta kevin limb
> >python-httpretty     jpopelka
> >python-httpx         fab
> >python-humanize      jfilak stevetraylen
> >python-hupper        kevin
> >python-hyperframe    eclipseo
> >python-hyperlink     eclipseo
> >python-hypothesis    churchyard dcavalca ignatenkobrain pingou salimma
> >python-idna          churchyard cstratak lbalhar
> >python-imagesize     aviso
> >python-incremental   ykarel
> >python-iniconfig     churchyard
> >python-iniparse      ignatenkobrain lupinix
> >python-invoke        pghmcfc
> >python-ipykernel     churchyard pcpa
> >python-ipython_genutils orion
> >python-ipywidgets    lbalhar
> >python-iso8601       fab ilianaw
> >python-isodate       dcallagh dscott jlaska jmatthews
> >python-isort         limb orion
> >python-itsdangerous  dcallagh ignatenkobrain
> >python-jaraco-classes jcaratzas radez
> >python-jaraco-collections mrunge
> >python-jaraco-envs   cstratak
> >python-jaraco-functools jcaratzas radez
> >python-jaraco-packaging jcaratzas radez
> >python-jaraco-path   thrnciar
> >python-jaraco-text   mrunge
> >python-jedi          carlwgeorge lbalhar
> >python-jeepney       goeran
> >python-jinja2        thm
> >python-jmespath      fale gholms kevin lkundrak
> >python-jsonpatch     apevec dprince skottler
> >python-jsonpointer   agerstmayr dprince mgoodwin nathans skottler
> >python-jsonschema    apevec
> >python-jupyter-client churchyard tomspur
> >python-jupyter-core  churchyard orion tomspur
> >python-jupyterlab_pygments nonamedotc
> >python-jwt           carlwgeorge kevin ralph
> >python-kerberos      rcritten simo
> >python-keyring       apevec cicku ctubbsii ignatenkobrain robert rtnpro
> >python-kitchen       kevin pingou ralph
> >python-kiwisolver    qulogic
> >python-kombu         fab frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou pjp sundaram
> >python-lark-parser   totol
> >python-latexcodec    jjames
> >python-lazy-object-proxy bcl limb lupinix
> >python-ldap          abbra alexl caillon caolanm cheimes pspacek
> >rhughes rstrode ssp
> >python-lexicon       pghmcfc
> >python-lit           sergesanspaille tstellar
> >python-lockfile      kevin moezroy thrnciar xavierb
> >python-lxml          fale ignatenkobrain mizdebsk
> >python-m2r           nforro
> >python-mako          abompard cverna ignatenkobrain kylev lmacken
> >python-markdown      thm
> >python-markdown-it-py ksurma lbalhar
> >python-markupsafe    churchyard
> >python-matplotlib    cstratak jgu jspaleta pcpa qulogic rathann tomspur
> >python-matplotlib-inline lbalhar
> >python-mccabe        churchyard
> >python-mdit-py-plugins ksurma lbalhar
> >python-meh           clumens m4rtink vpodzime
> >python-memcached     apevec hguemar kevin sgallagh
> >python-mimeparse     abompard carlwgeorge stevetraylen
> >python-mistune       lupinix
> >python-mock          churchyard ttorling
> >python-moksha-common lbalhar lmacken ralph
> >python-moksha-hub    lbalhar lmacken ralph
> >python-monotonic     apevec hguemar
> >python-more-itertools aarem churchyard jcaratzas
> >python-msgpack       dfateyev fab ktdreyer pjp sundaram
> >python-multidict     athmane fab ignatenkobrain
> >python-multilib      jgreguske lsedlar
> >python-munch         kevin ralph
> >python-mypy_extensions ignatenkobrain
> >python-myst-parser   ksurma lbalhar
> >python-nbclient      nonamedotc
> >python-nbconvert     nonamedotc
> >python-nbformat      orion tomspur
> >python-nbsphinx      churchyard ksurma
> >python-nest_asyncio  nonamedotc
> >python-nose          churchyard
> >python-nose-cov      jdulaney
> >python-nose-cover3   mrunge ngompa pingou
> >python-nose-exclude  mrunge
> >python-nose2         abompard
> >python-notebook      churchyard ksurma
> >python-ntplib        vpodzime
> >python-numexpr       tnorth zbyszek
> >python-numpydoc      orion tomspur
> >python-oauthlib      jdornak ralph
> >python-olefile       rebus robert smani
> >python-openid-cla    puiterwijk
> >python-openid-teams  puiterwijk
> >python-openidc-client mohanboddu
> >python-openstackdocstheme jpena
> >python-ordered-set   msuchy
> >python-orderedset    vtrefny
> >python-outcome       carlwgeorge
> >python-packaging     lbalhar
> >python-pandas        kushal orion sergiopr wakko666
> >python-pandocfilters zbyszek
> >python-parameterized ignatenkobrain
> >python-paramiko      athmane ignatenkobrain ivazquez orion pghmcfc sgallagh
> >python-parso         carlwgeorge
> >python-paste         abompard kylev
> >python-paste-deploy  dcallagh kylev lmacken ralph
> >python-pastel        thrnciar
> >python-path          jcaratzas laxathom
> >python-pathspec      adrienverge churchyard
> >python-patiencediff  opohorel
> >python-pbr           apevec mrunge
> >python-pep517        churchyard pviktori
> >python-pexpect       amcnabb fabiand ignatenkobrain radez swt2c tomspur
> >python-pickleshare   ignatenkobrain nonamedotc
> >python-pid           carlwgeorge dshea
> >python-pika          icheishvili jcline ngompa silas
> >python-pikepdf       qulogic zdohnal
> >python-pillow        miminar smani
> >python-pip           bkabrda churchyard ncoghlan sundaram torsava ttorling
> >python-pkginfo       thrnciar
> >python-plaster       abompard
> >python-plaster-pastedeploy abompard
> >python-pluggy        mrunge thm
> >python-ply           sgallagh spot
> >python-poetry-core   churchyard thrnciar
> >python-polib         cicku dchen diegobz dshea ivazquez moezroy suanand
> >python-portend       adeza jcaratzas radez
> >python-pretend       piotrp
> >python-prettytable   apevec clalance imcleod
> >python-priority      eclipseo
> >python-process-tests orion
> >python-productmd     dmach lsedlar
> >python-prometheus_client jkaluza mprahl
> >python-prompt-toolkit carlwgeorge fale
> >python-psutil        salimma
> >python-psycopg2      devrim hhorak jmlich panovotn praiskup
> >python-ptyprocess    ignatenkobrain orion tomspur
> >python-py            mrunge thm
> >python-pyasn1        kanarip rcritten
> >python-pybtex        jjames
> >python-pybtex-docutils jjames
> >python-pycdlib       clalance
> >python-pycodestyle   churchyard orion
> >python-pycparser     brouhaha churchyard lbalhar
> >python-pycurl        jsynacek kdudka msekleta svashisht
> >python-pydbus        m4rtink
> >python-pyface        chedi ignatenkobrain orion
> >python-pygments      churchyard smilner
> >python-pygments-pytest churchyard jcaratzas
> >python-pylev         thrnciar
> >python-pylibravatar  kevin ralph
> >python-pylons-sphinx-themes abompard
> >python-pymeeus       fab
> >python-pymongo       amcnabb apevec cstratak hhorak mskalick
> >python-pynacl        dciabrin ignatenkobrain
> >python-pyquery       kevin ralph
> >python-pyramid       kevin lmacken ralph rossdylan tdabasin
> >python-pyramid-fas-openid abompard
> >python-pyramid-mako  kevin ralph
> >python-pyroute2      jirka pavlix psavelye
> >python-pyrsistent    decathorpe devrim music
> >python-pysocks       abompard kevin ralph ttorling
> >python-pytest-aiohttp fab
> >python-pytest-benchmark jorti
> >python-pytest-capturelog ignatenkobrain pviktori
> >python-pytest-cov    chedi cstratak ttomecek
> >python-pytest-expect churchyard
> >python-pytest-fixture-config kevin
> >python-pytest-forked swt2c
> >python-pytest-httpbin adamwill
> >python-pytest-mock   fab jujens
> >python-pytest-randomly dcallagh
> >python-pytest-rerunfailures cottsay
> >python-pytest-runner vrutkovs
> >python-pytest-shutil kevin
> >python-pytest-subtests fab
> >python-pytest-timeout swt2c
> >python-pytest-trio   fab
> >python-pytest-virtualenv kevin
> >python-pytest-xdist  swt2c
> >python-pyudev        clockfort dshea mulhern
> >python-qt5           rdieter than
> >python-raven         tjikkun
> >python-rdflib        dcallagh dmalcolm dscott nphilipp pingou
> >python-readthedocs-sphinx-ext jjames
> >python-redis         cicku kevin maxamillion ralph
> >python-regex         thm
> >python-repoze-lru    adeza jcaratzas
> >python-requests      abompard cstratak jcline ralph sagarun
> >python-requests-download churchyard
> >python-requests-file dshea
> >python-requests-ftp  dshea
> >python-requests-gssapi rharwood
> >python-requests-kerberos dcallagh
> >python-requests-toolbelt ignatenkobrain pnemade
> >python-requests-unixsocket jcaratzas radez
> >python-responses     athoscr
> >python-rfc3986       apevec jpena ykarel
> >python-rpm-macros    churchyard cstratak tibbs torsava
> >python-rpmfluff      dshea ignatenkobrain jhutar jlaska
> >python-rsa           fale jmontleon
> >python-rst-linker    jcaratzas radez
> >python-s3transfer    fale ignatenkobrain limb
> >python-scour         limb
> >python-scripttest    churchyard mbacovsk
> >python-selenium      halfie mrunge
> >python-semantic_version apevec hguemar mhrivnak
> >python-send2trash    churchyard
> >python-service-identity carlwgeorge eclipseo ignatenkobrain ralph
> >python-setuptools    churchyard cstratak thrnciar
> >python-setuptools-rust cheimes
> >python-setuptools_git fab
> >python-setuptools_scm churchyard cstratak ignatenkobrain stevetraylen
> >python-setuptools_scm_git_archive athoscr nforro ttomecek
> >python-shellingham   churchyard
> >python-should_dsl    pghmcfc
> >python-simplegeneric churchyard ignatenkobrain jcaratzas tomspur
> >python-simplejson    fab ignatenkobrain kylev mrunge
> >python-simpleline    jkonecny m4rtink sbueno
> >python-simplemediawiki lmacken potty ralph
> >python-six           apevec bkabrda churchyard mrunge pviktori
> >python-smartcols     ignatenkobrain
> >python-smmap         athoscr ignatenkobrain lsedlar
> >python-sniffio       carlwgeorge
> >python-snowballstemmer cottsay jujens
> >python-sortedcontainers qulogic
> >python-soupsieve     zbyszek
> >python-spec          pghmcfc
> >python-sphinx        aviso churchyard cstratak salimma toshio
> >python-sphinx-copybutton jjames
> >python-sphinx-epytext churchyard opohorel
> >python-sphinx-gallery orion
> >python-sphinx-hoverxref salimma
> >python-sphinx-inline-tabs churchyard thrnciar
> >python-sphinx-issues qulogic
> >python-sphinx-last-updated-by-git cstratak
> >python-sphinx-removed-in churchyard jcaratzas
> >python-sphinx-testing jcaratzas jjames
> >python-sphinx-theme-alabaster jujens orion
> >python-sphinx-theme-py3doc-enhanced jujens
> >python-sphinx_rtd_theme jjames piotrp
> >python-sphinx_selective_exclude salimma
> >python-sphinxcontrib-apidoc chandankumar
> >python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp churchyard cstratak
> >python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex jjames
> >python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp churchyard
> >python-sphinxcontrib-github-alt churchyard
> >python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp churchyard cstratak
> >python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain dcallagh
> >python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath churchyard cstratak
> >python-sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet thm
> >python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp churchyard cstratak
> >python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml churchyard cstratak
> >python-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter belegdol
> >python-sphinxcontrib-trio jcaratzas thm
> >python-sphinxcontrib-websupport churchyard jpena
> >python-sqlalchemy    ivazquez lmacken nphilipp
> >python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay mattia
> >python-sqlparse      fale hhorak jdulaney
> >python-stevedore     apevec dprince
> >python-stomper       mprahl ralph
> >python-sure          bkabrda churchyard
> >python-systemd       mjia zbyszek
> >python-tables        tnorth zbyszek
> >python-tempita       kylev ricky
> >python-templated-dictionary msuchy
> >python-tempora       jcaratzas radez
> >python-termcolor     mikelo2 mrunge
> >python-terminado     churchyard orion ttorling
> >python-testpath      churchyard thrnciar
> >python-testrepository apevec mrunge
> >python-testscenarios apevec ktdreyer mrunge
> >python-testtools     abompard salimma
> >python-text-unidecode fab
> >python-tidy          terjeros
> >python-toml          churchyard jujens
> >python-tomlkit       churchyard
> >python-tornado       abompard churchyard fab limb orion tomspur
> >python-towncrier     eclipseo
> >python-tox           cathay4t churchyard mrunge
> >python-tox-current-env churchyard pviktori
> >python-tqdm          ignatenkobrain sgallagh
> >python-traitlets     churchyard orion
> >python-traitsui      chedi ignatenkobrain orion
> >python-transaction   abompard ondrejj
> >python-translationstring abompard
> >python-trio          carlwgeorge
> >python-trustme       carlwgeorge jcaratzas
> >python-twisted       churchyard eclipseo jsteffan tomprince
> >python-txws          kevin ralph
> >python-txzmq         kevin ralph
> >python-typing-extensions fab jonny
> >python-tzlocal       ankursinha piotrp
> >python-u-msgpack-python churchyard
> >python-urllib3       abompard jcline sagarun
> >python-vcrpy         kevin ralph
> >python-venusian      lmacken ralph rossdylan tdabasin
> >python-vine          frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou
> >python-virtualenv    churchyard cstratak lbalhar mhayden mrunge orion smilner
> >python-waitress      lgs ralph
> >python-wcwidth       abompard aviso churchyard fale
> >python-webencodings  abompard
> >python-webob         hguemar lmacken mrunge ralph ricky
> >python-websocket-client carlwgeorge
> >python-webtest       lmacken ondrejj ricky
> >python-werkzeug      abompard codeblock frantisekz hguemar
> >python-wheel         churchyard cstratak ignatenkobrain torsava
> >python-whoosh        rkuska sgallagh
> >python-widgetsnbextension lbalhar
> >python-wrapt         chandankumar ralph
> >python-wxpython4     swt2c
> >python-xmlschema     churchyard
> >python-xmltodict     fab ralph
> >python-xmp-toolkit   qulogic
> >python-yarl          fab ignatenkobrain
> >python-zbase32       anishpatil
> >python-zc-lockfile   jcaratzas radez ralph
> >python-zmq           ralph tomspur
> >python-zope-component abompard ralph tdabasin
> >python-zope-configuration ngompa tdabasin
> >python-zope-deprecation abompard tdabasin
> >python-zope-event    abompard ralph tdabasin
> >python-zope-exceptions abompard ralph tdabasin
> >python-zope-i18nmessageid ngompa ralph tdabasin
> >python-zope-interface lbalhar ralph
> >python-zope-schema   abompard ralph tdabasin
> >python-zope-testing  abompard ralph tdabasin
> >python3-docs         churchyard cstratak ksurma pviktori thrnciar torsava
> >python3-mypy         dshea limb
> >python3-openid       jdornak
> >python3-py3dns       bojan kevin ralph
> >python3-pytest-asyncio jujens
> >python3-typed_ast    limb
> >python3.10           churchyard cstratak thrnciar torsava vstinner
> >pytz                 limb
> >pyutil               anishpatil
> >pyxattr              defolos frankcrawford kevin szpak
> >pyxdg                spot
> >rpkg                 cqi lsedlar onosek
> >rpm                  ffesti ignatenkobrain mjw packaging-team
> >pmatilai pmoravco vmukhame
> >rpmconf              mjakubicek msuchy
> >rpmlint              kevin spot tibbs tmz twoerner
> >rust-packaging       ignatenkobrain
> >scipy                cstratak jspaleta nforro orion tomspur ttomecek
> >sip                  rdieter than
> >sip5                 swt2c
> >subunit              apevec jjames
> >unbound              aegorenk akhaitov pavlix pemensik pwouters thozza
> >vtk                  jgu mrceresa orion
> >waf                  salimma thm
> >
> >Packages by maintainer:
> >aarem      python-PyPDF2 python-more-itertools
> >abbot      python-greenlet
> >abbra      python-ldap
> >abompard fedora-messaging python-backoff python-celery
> >python-contextlib2 python-cornice-sphinx python-cov-core
> >python-coverage python-crochet python-httplib2 python-mako
> >python-mimeparse python-nose2 python-paste python-plaster
> >python-plaster-pastedeploy python-pylons-sphinx-themes
> >python-pyramid-fas-openid python-pysocks python-requests
> >python-testtools python-tornado python-transaction
> >python-translationstring python-urllib3 python-wcwidth
> >python-webencodings python-werkzeug python-zope-component
> >python-zope-deprecation python-zope-event python-zope-exceptions
> >python-zope-schema python-zope-testing
> >abrt-team  abrt libreport
> >acaringi   kernel-tools
> >adamwill   python-httpbin python-pytest-httpbin
> >adeza      python-execnet python-portend python-repoze-lru
> >adrienverge python-pathspec
> >aegorenk   unbound
> >agerstmayr python-jsonpointer
> >airlied    clang
> >akhaitov   unbound
> >akozumpl   libcomps
> >alexl      dbus-python pycairo python-ldap
> >alexlan    dblatex
> >amcnabb    python-pexpect python-pymongo
> >amigadave  dbus-python
> >anaconda-maint anaconda
> >anishpatil python-zbase32 pyutil
> >ankursinha python-tzlocal
> >apevec pyparsing python-appdirs python-boto python-editor
> >python-fixtures python-jsonpatch python-jsonschema python-keyring
> >python-memcached python-monotonic python-pbr python-prettytable
> >python-pymongo python-rfc3986 python-semantic_version python-six
> >python-stevedore python-testrepository python-testscenarios
> >subunit
> >asamalik   libmodulemd
> >athmane    python-multidict python-paramiko
> >athoscr    GitPython python-gitdb python-responses
> >python-setuptools_scm_git_archive python-smmap
> >atim       python-argon2-cffi
> >ausil      koji
> >aviso      python-dns python-imagesize python-sphinx python-wcwidth
> >bcl        lorax pykickstart pyparted python-astroid python-lazy-object-proxy
> >belegdol   python-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter
> >besser82   dbus-python pydot python-Bottleneck
> >bkabrda    python-cov-core python-defusedxml python-django
> >python-pip python-six python-sure
> >bliu       pdc-client
> >blivet-maint python-blivet
> >bojan      python3-py3dns
> >bonzini    ninja-build
> >bowlofeggs python-bleach
> >brouhaha   python-attrs python-cffi python-cssselect python-pycparser
> >caillon    dbus-python pycairo python-ldap
> >caolanm    dbus-python pycairo python-ldap
> >carlwgeorge brotli meson ninja-build python-Automat python-asgiref
> >python-async-generator python-curio python-h11 python-jedi
> >python-jwt python-mimeparse python-outcome python-parso python-pid
> >python-prompt-toolkit python-service-identity python-sniffio
> >python-trio python-trustme python-websocket-client
> >cathay4t   python-tox
> >chandankumar python-sphinxcontrib-apidoc python-wrapt
> >chcao      pdc-client
> >chedi      python-click-completion python-pyface python-pytest-cov python-traitsui
> >cheimes    python-asn1crypto python-cryptography python-ldap python-setuptools-rust
> >cheng      pdc-client
> >churchyard Cython breezy ipython linkchecker poetry pyparsing
> >pytest python-argcomplete python-attrs python-backcall
> >python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-defusedxml
> >python-django python-docutils python-elementpath python-flaky
> >python-flit python-genty python-html5lib python-hypothesis
> >python-idna python-iniconfig python-ipykernel
> >python-jupyter-client python-jupyter-core python-markupsafe
> >python-mccabe python-mock python-more-itertools python-nbsphinx
> >python-nose python-notebook python-pathspec python-pep517
> >python-pip python-poetry-core python-pycodestyle python-pycparser
> >python-pygments python-pygments-pytest python-pytest-expect
> >python-requests-download python-rpm-macros python-scripttest
> >python-send2trash python-setuptools python-setuptools_scm
> >python-shellingham python-simplegeneric python-six python-sphinx
> >python-sphinx-epytext python-sphinx-inline-tabs
> >python-sphinx-removed-in python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp
> >python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp python-sphinxcontrib-github-alt
> >python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath
> >python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
> >python-sphinxcontrib-websupport python-sure python-terminado
> >python-testpath python-toml python-tomlkit python-tornado
> >python-tox python-tox-current-env python-traitlets python-twisted
> >python-u-msgpack-python python-virtualenv python-wcwidth
> >python-wheel python-xmlschema python3-docs python3.10
> >chuzhang   pdc-client
> >cicku      linkchecker ninja-build python-SecretStorage
> >python-keyring python-polib python-redis
> >clalance   python-prettytable python-pycdlib
> >clime      python-async-timeout
> >clockfort  python-pyudev
> >clumens    lorax pykickstart pyparted python-meh
> >codeblock  python-Pallets-Sphinx-Themes python-fedora python-flask python-werkzeug
> >cottsay    python-distlib python-fields python-filelock
> >python-pytest-rerunfailures python-snowballstemmer
> >cqi        rpkg
> >crobinso   python-bugzilla
> >cstratak ipython numpy python-SecretStorage python-argh
> >python-boto3 python-click python-distlib python-enchant
> >python-freezegun python-idna python-jaraco-envs python-matplotlib
> >python-pymongo python-pytest-cov python-requests python-rpm-macros
> >python-setuptools python-setuptools_scm python-sphinx
> >python-sphinx-last-updated-by-git python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp
> >python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath
> >python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
> >python-virtualenv python-wheel python3-docs python3.10 scipy
> >ctubbsii   python-keyring
> >cverna     python-mako
> >davdunc    python-botocore
> >daveisfera clang
> >dcallagh python-configobj python-fastimport python-gevent
> >python-isodate python-itsdangerous python-paste-deploy
> >python-pytest-randomly python-rdflib python-requests-kerberos
> >python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
> >dcantrell  ipython lorax pykickstart pyparted
> >dcavalca   python-hypothesis
> >dcbw       gobject-introspection
> >dchen      linkchecker python-httplib2 python-polib
> >dciabrin   python-pynacl
> >decathorpe python-pyrsistent
> >defolos    pyxattr
> >deji       mpi4py mpich openmpi
> >denisarnaud boost
> >devrim     python-psycopg2 python-pyrsistent
> >dfateyev   python-msgpack
> >dgoodwin   GitPython
> >diegobz    python-polib
> >dledford   openmpi
> >dlehman    python-blivet
> >dmach      createrepo_c dnf dnf-plugins-core dnf-plugins-extras
> >kobo libcomps libdnf librepo libsolv pungi python-productmd
> >dmalcolm   python-rdflib
> >dprince    python-jsonpatch python-jsonpointer python-stevedore
> >dscott     python-isodate python-rdflib
> >dshea      lorax python-pid python-polib python-pyudev
> >python-requests-file python-requests-ftp python-rpmfluff
> >python3-mypy
> >dustymabe  cloud-init
> >dwalsh     libselinux policycoreutils
> >dzickus    python-bugzilla
> >echevemaster python-cssselect
> >eclipseo python-Automat python-constantly python-graphviz
> >python-h2 python-hpack python-hyperframe python-hyperlink
> >python-priority python-service-identity python-towncrier
> >python-twisted
> >eharney    python-amqp
> >ekulik     meson
> >fab asciidoc python-aiohttp python-apipkg python-async-timeout
> >python-billiard python-cachy python-click python-convertdate
> >python-dateparser python-dulwich python-ephem python-httpcore
> >python-httpx python-iso8601 python-kombu python-msgpack
> >python-multidict python-pymeeus python-pytest-aiohttp
> >python-pytest-mock python-pytest-subtests python-pytest-trio
> >python-setuptools_git python-simplejson python-text-unidecode
> >python-tornado python-typing-extensions python-xmltodict
> >python-yarl
> >fabiand    python-pexpect
> >fale python-boto3 python-botocore python-colorama python-configobj
> >python-decorator python-dict-sorted python-jmespath python-lxml
> >python-prompt-toolkit python-rsa python-s3transfer python-sqlparse
> >python-wcwidth
> >ffesti     rpm
> >fkluknav   gpgme
> >frankcrawford pyxattr
> >frantisekz python-amqp python-billiard python-celery python-flask
> >python-kombu python-vine python-werkzeug
> >fschwarz   babel python-genshi
> >gerd       python-anytree
> >gholms     cloud-init python-boto python-botocore python-jmespath
> >goeran     python-jeepney
> >halfie     python-selenium
> >hguemar python-appdirs python-cornice python-dateutil python-flask
> >python-memcached python-monotonic python-semantic_version
> >python-webob python-werkzeug
> >hhorak     python-psycopg2 python-pymongo python-sqlparse
> >hushan     python-flask
> >icheishvili python-pika
> >ignatenkobrain Cython GitPython gpgme ipython libgit2-glib libsolv
> >libxml2 meson ninja-build python-Traits python-aiohttp
> >python-appdirs python-argcomplete python-async-timeout
> >python-betamax python-bleach python-cheroot python-cherrypy
> >python-colander python-dict-sorted python-gevent python-gitdb
> >python-greenlet python-hamcrest python-httplib2 python-hypothesis
> >python-iniparse python-itsdangerous python-keyring python-lxml
> >python-mako python-multidict python-mypy_extensions
> >python-parameterized python-paramiko python-pexpect
> >python-pickleshare python-ptyprocess python-pyface python-pynacl
> >python-pytest-capturelog python-requests-toolbelt python-rpmfluff
> >python-s3transfer python-service-identity python-setuptools_scm
> >python-simplegeneric python-simplejson python-smartcols
> >python-smmap python-tqdm python-traitsui python-wheel python-yarl
> >rpm rust-packaging
> >ilianaw    python-iso8601
> >imcleod    python-prettytable
> >isimluk    gpgme
> >ivazquez   python-paramiko python-polib python-sqlalchemy
> >jamatos    pyparsing python-blinker
> >jankratochvil gdb
> >japokorn   python-blivet
> >jcaratzas python-cheroot python-cherrypy python-jaraco-classes
> >python-jaraco-functools python-jaraco-packaging
> >python-more-itertools python-path python-portend
> >python-pygments-pytest python-repoze-lru
> >python-requests-unixsocket python-rst-linker python-simplegeneric
> >python-sphinx-removed-in python-sphinx-testing
> >python-sphinxcontrib-trio python-tempora python-trustme
> >python-zc-lockfile
> >jchaloup   dblatex
> >jcline     kernel-tools pyOpenSSL python-chardet
> >python-cryptography python-pika python-requests python-urllib3
> >jcwillia   mock
> >jdornak    python-django python-oauthlib python3-openid
> >jdulaney   python-nose-cov python-sqlparse
> >jeckersb   PyYAML
> >jfilak     fros python-humanize
> >jforbes    kernel-tools
> >jgreguske  python-multilib
> >jgu        python-matplotlib vtk
> >jhladky    openmpi
> >jhutar     python-rpmfluff
> >jirka      python-pyroute2
> >jjames python-latexcodec python-pybtex python-pybtex-docutils
> >python-readthedocs-sphinx-ext python-sphinx-copybutton
> >python-sphinx-testing python-sphinx_rtd_theme
> >python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex subunit
> >jjanco     automake
> >jkaluza    python-prometheus_client
> >jkonecny   anaconda pykickstart python-blivet python-simpleline
> >jlaska     python-isodate python-rpmfluff
> >jlieskov   pyOpenSSL
> >jluza      libcomps
> >jmatthews  python-isodate
> >jmlich     python-psycopg2
> >jmontleon  python-certifi python-rsa
> >jmracek    dnf dnf-plugins-core dnf-plugins-extras libcomps libdnf libsolv
> >jonny      python-typing-extensions
> >jorti      python-factory-boy python-faker python-pytest-benchmark
> >jpena      python-openstackdocstheme python-rfc3986 python-sphinxcontrib-websupport
> >jperrin    ninja-build
> >jpokorny   libxml2
> >jpopelka   python-httpretty
> >jridky     asciidoc
> >jrohel     createrepo_c dnf libdnf libsolv
> >jspaleta   numpy python-dateutil python-httplib2 python-matplotlib scipy
> >jsteffan   python-twisted
> >jsynacek   python-pycurl
> >jujens python-pytest-mock python-snowballstemmer
> >python-sphinx-theme-alabaster python-sphinx-theme-py3doc-enhanced
> >python-toml python3-pytest-asyncio
> >jussilehtola pybind11
> >jwakely    boost
> >jwboyer    kernel-tools
> >kalev      glade libgit2-glib pycairo
> >kanarip    python-pyasn1
> >karsten    fedmod
> >kasal      automake
> >kdudka     file python-pycurl
> >keiths     gdb
> >kevin koji pdc-client python-beanbag python-beautifulsoup4
> >python-chai python-cssselect python-decorator python-editor
> >python-freezegun python-greenlet python-httplib2 python-hupper
> >python-jmespath python-jwt python-kitchen python-lockfile
> >python-memcached python-munch python-pylibravatar python-pyquery
> >python-pyramid python-pyramid-mako python-pysocks
> >python-pytest-fixture-config python-pytest-shutil
> >python-pytest-virtualenv python-redis python-txws python-txzmq
> >python-vcrpy python3-py3dns pyxattr rpmlint
> >kevinb     gdb
> >kiilerix   mercurial
> >ksurma python-docs-theme python-markdown-it-py
> >python-mdit-py-plugins python-myst-parser python-nbsphinx
> >python-notebook python3-docs
> >ktdreyer   python-apipkg python-execnet python-msgpack python-testscenarios
> >kushal     python-chardet python-daemon python-pandas
> >kylev      python-mako python-paste python-paste-deploy
> >python-simplejson python-tempita
> >larsks     cloud-init
> >laxathom   python-path
> >lbalhar ipython marshalparser python-attrs python-cffi python-dns
> >python-feedgen python-idna python-ipywidgets python-jedi
> >python-markdown-it-py python-matplotlib-inline
> >python-mdit-py-plugins python-moksha-common python-moksha-hub
> >python-myst-parser python-packaging python-pycparser
> >python-virtualenv python-widgetsnbextension python-zope-interface
> >lgoncalv   kernel-tools
> >lgs        python-waitress
> >lholecek   pdc-client
> >limb mpi4py numpy python-argon2-cffi python-astroid python-boto
> >python-boto3 python-botocore python-dateparser python-dateutil
> >python-httplib2 python-isort python-lazy-object-proxy
> >python-s3transfer python-scour python-tornado python3-mypy
> >python3-typed_ast pytz
> >lkundrak   python-anytree python-botocore python-jmespath
> >lmacken pyOpenSSL python-colander python-configobj python-cornice
> >python-coverage python-daemon python-mako python-moksha-common
> >python-moksha-hub python-paste-deploy python-pyramid
> >python-simplemediawiki python-sqlalchemy python-venusian
> >python-webob python-webtest
> >louizatakk python-dns
> >lsedlar    GitPython pdc-client pungi python-gitdb python-multilib
> >python-productmd python-smmap rpkg
> >lupinix    python-astroid python-iniparse python-lazy-object-proxy python-mistune
> >lvrabec    policycoreutils
> >m4rtink    anaconda pykickstart python-blivet python-meh
> >python-pydbus python-simpleline
> >mathstuf   ninja-build python-atomicwrites
> >mattia     python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
> >maxamillion pungi python-redis
> >mbacovsk   python-scripttest
> >mbaldessari python-atomicwrites
> >mbarnes    dbus-python
> >mblaha     createrepo_c dnf dnf-plugins-core dnf-plugins-extras
> >libcomps libdnf python-distro
> >mclasen    itstool
> >mebrown    mock
> >mfabik     python-argcomplete
> >mgoodwin   python-jsonpointer
> >mgrabovs   abrt libreport
> >mgrepl     libselinux policycoreutils
> >mhayden    cloud-init python-virtualenv
> >mhrivnak   python-semantic_version
> >mikelo2    python-termcolor
> >mikem      koji
> >miminar    python-pillow
> >mizdebsk   python-lxml
> >mjakubicek rpmconf
> >mjg        dblatex
> >mjia       python-systemd
> >mjw        rpm
> >mmarusak   abrt libreport
> >moezroy    python-lockfile python-polib
> >mohanboddu python-openidc-client
> >mprahl     python-prometheus_client python-stomper
> >mrceresa   vtk
> >mrunge ipython pytest python-astroid python-beautifulsoup4
> >python-billiard python-bleach python-case python-celery
> >python-cherrypy python-colorama python-coverage python-django
> >python-extras python-fixtures python-jaraco-collections
> >python-jaraco-text python-kombu python-nose-cover3
> >python-nose-exclude python-pbr python-pluggy python-py
> >python-selenium python-simplejson python-six python-termcolor
> >python-testrepository python-testscenarios python-tox python-vine
> >python-virtualenv python-webob
> >msekleta   python-pycurl
> >mskalick   python-pymongo
> >msrb       python-argcomplete
> >msuchy     mock python-distro python-ordered-set
> >python-templated-dictionary rpmconf
> >mulhern    python-pyudev
> >music      python-pyrsistent
> >nacho      libgit2-glib pygobject3
> >nathans    python-jsonpointer
> >nbecker    Cython mercurial python-cycler
> >ncoghlan   python-pip
> >nforro     python-m2r python-setuptools_scm_git_archive scipy
> >ngompa dbus-python libsolv python-billiard python-case
> >python-celery python-kombu python-nose-cover3 python-pika
> >python-vine python-zope-configuration python-zope-i18nmessageid
> >nonamedotc python-entrypoints python-jupyterlab_pygments
> >python-nbclient python-nbconvert python-nest_asyncio
> >python-pickleshare
> >noodles    python-cryptography
> >nphilipp   asciidoc babel fedmod libmodulemd pdc-client
> >python-rdflib python-sqlalchemy
> >npmccallum python-asn1crypto python-cryptography
> >odubaj     file
> >ondrejj    python-WSGIProxy2 python-transaction python-webtest
> >onosek     pungi rpkg
> >opohorel   breezy python-patiencediff python-sphinx-epytext
> >orion numpy openmpi python-Traits python-astroid python-backcall
> >python-entrypoints python-gevent python-ipython_genutils
> >python-isort python-jupyter-core python-nbformat python-numpydoc
> >python-pandas python-paramiko python-process-tests
> >python-ptyprocess python-pycodestyle python-pyface
> >python-sphinx-gallery python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
> >python-terminado python-tornado python-traitlets python-traitsui
> >python-virtualenv scipy vtk
> >otaylor    gobject-introspection
> >otubo      cloud-init
> >pabelanger python-fixtures
> >packaging-team rpm
> >packit     libmodulemd
> >panovotn   automake python-psycopg2
> >patrickt   kernel-tools
> >paulcarroty python-argon2-cffi
> >pavlix     python-pyroute2 unbound
> >pbrobinson kernel-tools
> >pcmoore    libselinux policycoreutils
> >pcpa       python-ipykernel python-matplotlib
> >pemensik   unbound
> >pghmcfc    python-fluidity-sm python-invoke python-lexicon
> >python-paramiko python-should_dsl python-spec
> >phuang     dbus-python
> >pingou python-arrow python-bcrypt python-billiard python-case
> >python-celery python-chai python-contextlib2 python-hypothesis
> >python-kitchen python-kombu python-nose-cover3 python-rdflib
> >python-vine
> >piotrp     python-pretend python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tzlocal
> >pjp        python-billiard python-blinker python-dateutil
> >python-html5lib python-kombu python-msgpack
> >pkfed      openmpi
> >pkratoch   createrepo_c dnf dnf-plugins-core dnf-plugins-extras
> >libcomps libdnf librepo libsolv
> >plautrba   libselinux policycoreutils
> >pmatilai   rpm
> >pmoravco   rpm
> >pnemade    python-betamax python-cpuinfo python-requests-toolbelt
> >potty      python-simplemediawiki
> >pouar      brotli
> >ppisar     libmodulemd
> >praiskup   automake mock python-psycopg2
> >psavelye   python-pyroute2
> >pspacek    python-dns python-ldap
> >pstodulk   mercurial
> >puiterwijk koji python-cccolutils python-openid-cla python-openid-teams
> >pviktori   python-pep517 python-pytest-capturelog python-six
> >python-tox-current-env python3-docs
> >pwalter    libgit2-glib
> >pwouters   libpwquality pyOpenSSL python-dns unbound
> >qulogic python-cppy python-kiwisolver python-matplotlib
> >python-pikepdf python-sortedcontainers python-sphinx-issues
> >python-xmp-toolkit
> >radez pytest python-cheroot python-cherrypy python-jaraco-classes
> >python-jaraco-functools python-jaraco-packaging python-pexpect
> >python-portend python-requests-unixsocket python-rst-linker
> >python-tempora python-zc-lockfile
> >ralph fedmsg pycairo python-alembic python-arrow
> >python-beautifulsoup4 python-chai python-colander
> >python-contextlib2 python-cssselect python-daemon python-decorator
> >python-dogpile-cache python-editor python-freezegun python-jwt
> >python-kitchen python-moksha-common python-moksha-hub python-munch
> >python-oauthlib python-paste-deploy python-pylibravatar
> >python-pyquery python-pyramid python-pyramid-mako python-pysocks
> >python-redis python-requests python-service-identity
> >python-simplemediawiki python-stomper python-txws python-txzmq
> >python-vcrpy python-venusian python-waitress python-webob
> >python-wrapt python-xmltodict python-zc-lockfile python-zmq
> >python-zope-component python-zope-event python-zope-exceptions
> >python-zope-i18nmessageid python-zope-interface python-zope-schema
> >python-zope-testing python3-py3dns
> >raphgro    python-SecretStorage python-amqp
> >rathann    python-matplot
> -- 
> Miro Hrončok
> -- 
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok

Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
virt-builder quickly builds VMs from scratch
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