Re: Heads up, upcoming mass spec update to explicitly BuildRequire python3-setuptools

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Congratulations, this change impacted tons of packages! That's also a
nice step towards more explicit build dependencies. I understood that
it's also the purpose of the pyproject.toml file ;-)


On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 2:39 PM Tomas Hrnciar <thrnciar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> we successfully pushed explicit python3-setuptools BuildRequire to all affected packages. As mentioned in the Change proposal, there is no need to rebuild them, it will be done together with Python 3.10. mass rebuild.
> Regards,
> Tomáš Hrnčiar
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 2:50 PM Tomas Hrnciar <thrnciar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> some of you might have already seen the F35 Change [0] we submitted last week.
>> We are trying to reduce the number of Python packages unnecessarily Requiring python3-setuptools. If you are interested in technical details see the change proposal [1], there is a broad explanation of why we are doing this.
>> If the change is approved by FESCo we plan to do the mass spec update that will add explicit BuildRequire on python3-setuptools for all affected packages. We'll try to make this addition consistent with the actual style used in the spec files, but nobody's perfect and there might be some discrepancies; so please, if your package is listed below, check this diff [2] to see how the change will look like. If you disagree with the way how the BuildRequires will be added, feel free to add it yourself in any other way you prefer before 2021-04-15. A push to the rawhide/main branch in dist-git is sufficient, no need to bump the release or rebuild the package.
>> We plan to update the list of affected packages again before we actually do the change. If you wish to opt-out of this change entirely, please let us know by editing the change wiki page and moving your package into the "Packages to be ignored" section [3] before 2021-04-15. However, bear in mind that this will likely cause future failures to build from source if your package actually needs setuptools to build.
>> Thank you for your cooperation.
>> Tomáš Hrnčiar
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> List of all affected packages:
>> Maintainers by package:
>> 0ad                  ignatenkobrain pcpa pwalter
>> OpenMolcas           jussilehtola
>> PyGreSQL             hhorak jmlich odubaj panovotn pkubat praiskup
>> R2spec               pingou
>> ViTables             tnorth zbyszek
>> ansible-review       dcallagh ttrinks
>> barman               slaanesh tsao
>> blender              design-sw hobbes1069 ignatenkobrain kwizart luya roma s4504kr slaanesh
>> btrfs-progs          ignatenkobrain josef ngompa sandeen
>> bumpversion          duriantang jdornak
>> calypso              rathann
>> cinch                greghellings
>> commissaire-client   mbarnes smilner
>> cppcheck             c72578 jussilehtola sgrubb
>> cranc                lenkaseg
>> crudini              apevec jruzicka pbrady
>> cxxtest              mgieseki
>> datanommer           ralph
>> dlib                 bizdelnick luya
>> ec2-hibinit-agent    davdunc
>> electrum             tredaell
>> fbthrift             dcavalca filbranden salimma
>> fedora-messaging     abompard
>> firefox              alexl caolanm erack gecko-maint jgrulich kalev kengert mbarnes rhughes rstrode sharkcz stransky tpopela ueno xhorak
>> folly                dcavalca filbranden salimma
>> fontforge            frixxon kevin pnemade
>> gajim                michich suraia
>> gau2grid             jussilehtola
>> gfal2-python         adev andreamanzi
>> ginga                lupinix
>> git-filter-repo      asn
>> gns3-gui             kwizart
>> gns3-net-converter   kwizart
>> gns3-server          kwizart nucleo
>> gpsd                 fab mlichvar ttorling
>> h5py                 stevetraylen terjeros
>> khard                mathstuf sdyroff
>> kismon               fab
>> koji                 ausil kevin mikem puiterwijk
>> lammps               ellio167 junghans
>> legofy               lkf williamjmorenor
>> libcaca              hubbitus slaanesh thias
>> libiptcdata          dcm hobbes1069 jchaloup
>> libnuml              sagitter
>> libreoffice          caolanm dtardon erack sbergmann
>> lldb                 airlied daveisfera jankratochvil sergesanspaille siddharths tstellar
>> llvm                 dmalcolm ignatenkobrain jakub jistone kyle scottt sergesanspaille siddharths tstellar
>> llvm10               sergesanspaille tstellar
>> llvm11               sergesanspaille tstellar
>> llvm7.0              jistone petersen sergesanspaille tstellar
>> llvm9.0              jistone sergesanspaille tstellar
>> mercurial            kiilerix nbecker pstodulk
>> mod_wsgi             jdornak jkaluza jorton lmacken mrunge
>> moose                zbyszek
>> mypaint              avsej
>> mysql-connector-python hhorak hubbitus hvad mschorm
>> nototools            mfabian pwu
>> officeparser         rebus
>> offlineimap          cicku dodji sergesanspaille teuf
>> openbabel            alexpl jussilehtola rathann
>> percol               hubbitus
>> poezio               fantom louizatakk
>> porcupine            kushal
>> protontricks         atim
>> protonvpn-cli        calexandru2018 jflory7
>> prunerepo            frostyx praiskup
>> pyaudio              chkr
>> pyhunspell           mfabian
>> pyodbc               fjanus hhorak
>> pyscard              orion sjenning
>> pyserial             stingray
>> python-CommonMark    jujens
>> python-GridDataFormats rathann
>> python-OBD           rathann
>> python-Pyped         uggla
>> python-Rtree         volter
>> python-acoustid      terjeros
>> python-agate         jujens
>> python-aiodns        fantom
>> python-ansicolors    fab
>> python-apprise       lead2gold
>> python-apsw          cicku dfateyev maci
>> python-arviz         sergiopr
>> python-astroplan     sergiopr
>> python-astropy-healpix lupinix
>> python-astroquery    lupinix
>> python-astroscrappy  lupinix
>> python-asttokens     zbyszek
>> python-audioread     terjeros
>> python-autobahn      fab jujens
>> python-autopep8      mrunge ndipanov
>> python-b2sdk         jonny
>> python-bloom         cottsay rmattes
>> python-blosc         tnorth zbyszek
>> python-box           dmsimard fab
>> python-btchip        jonny xenithorb
>> python-cached_property adamwill immanetize
>> python-carbon        jsteffan piotrp
>> python-ccdproc       lupinix
>> python-certbot-apache nb
>> python-chai          kevin pingou ralph
>> python-cmigemo       hubbitus
>> python-colorspacious rathann
>> python-construct     moezroy terjeros
>> python-contextlib2   abompard pingou ralph tjikkun
>> python-cookiecutter  chedi wakko666
>> python-crochet       abompard
>> python-css-parser    zbyszek
>> python-dbfread       jujens
>> python-debrepo       ktdreyer
>> python-dialog        mjakubicek noodles raphgro sundaram zbyszek
>> python-dijitso       limb
>> python-django-contact-form mrunge
>> python-django-health-check dmsimard
>> python-django-registration orphan
>> python-django-reversion mrunge
>> python-django-tagging jdornak mrunge piotrp
>> python-django-tastypie bkabrda cquad mrunge stevetraylen
>> python-docx          kushal124
>> python-dtfabric      fab
>> python-dukpy         zbyszek
>> python-editorconfig  barracks510
>> python-ephem         fab
>> python-et_xmlfile    jujens
>> python-etcd          mbarnes smilner
>> python-fasteners     mrunge
>> python-ffc           zbyszek
>> python-fields        cottsay
>> python-fisx          zbyszek
>> python-fitsio        lupinix
>> python-flake8-docstrings cottsay
>> python-flask-gravatar devrim orphan
>> python-flask-htmlmin devrim iztokf
>> python-flask-paranoid devrim orphan
>> python-flask-rstpages rmarko
>> python-flask-security devrim orphan
>> python-flask-sphinx-themes devrim orphan
>> python-flask-wtf-decorators frostyx
>> python-formats       uggla
>> python-fypp          rathann
>> python-gevent-eventemitter atim
>> python-google-i18n-address pwouters
>> python-googletrans   lyessaadi
>> python-graphql-relay fab
>> python-heapdict      qulogic
>> python-html5-parser  kevin
>> python-htmlmin       jujens
>> python-humblewx      rickardlindberg
>> python-hupper        kevin
>> python-i3ipc         alebastr
>> python-inotify       jfilak stevetraylen terjeros
>> python-jep           raphgro
>> python-jinja2-cli    jujens
>> python-jinja2-time   chedi wakko666
>> python-jnius         raphgro
>> python-joblib        besser82 ignatenkobrain sergiopr
>> python-jsonmodels    oanson
>> python-jsonrpclib    ihrachyshka jonny
>> python-kerberos      rcritten simo
>> python-kitchen       kevin pingou ralph
>> python-landslide     echevemaster salimma
>> python-lark-parser   totol
>> python-leather       jujens
>> python-libsass       nonamedotc
>> python-libusb1       jonny
>> python-lmdb          jruzicka pspacek tkrizek
>> python-logfury       jonny
>> python-managesieve   stevetraylen
>> python-matrix-nio    ankursinha
>> python-meld3         kevin stevetraylen tsao
>> python-minibelt      uggla
>> python-mmtf          rathann
>> python-mnemonic      jonny
>> python-music21       zbyszek
>> python-mwclient      adamwill rdieter tuxbrewr
>> python-myhdl         filiperosset
>> python-nbclient      nonamedotc
>> python-nbxmpp        michich suraia
>> python-networkmanager jdulaney
>> python-notario       ktdreyer
>> python-oauth2        ignatenkobrain pjp spot sundaram
>> python-openoffice    sharkcz
>> python-ouimeaux      kni
>> python-pandas-datareader sergiopr
>> python-paste-script  andreamanzi
>> python-patsy         sergiopr
>> python-pbkdf2        jonny
>> python-pecan-notario ktdreyer
>> python-pelican       firemanxbr mrunge
>> python-pexpect       amcnabb fabiand ignatenkobrain radez swt2c tomspur
>> python-plaster-pastedeploy abompard
>> python-plumbum       greghellings lorenzodalrio
>> python-polib         cicku dchen diegobz dshea ivazquez moezroy suanand
>> python-precis_i18n   michich
>> python-proteus       sharkcz
>> python-publicsuffix2 rathann
>> python-pulsectl      pfrields
>> python-pvc           raphgro
>> python-pycares       fantom
>> python-pycha         potty sharkcz
>> python-pygeoip       kevin ralph
>> python-pylons-sphinx-themes abompard
>> python-pymc3         sergiopr
>> python-pynn          ankursinha
>> python-pyotp         icon
>> python-pypng         kevin ralph
>> python-pyqtgraph     swt2c
>> python-pyramid_sawing abompard
>> python-pysb          zbyszek
>> python-pysignals     kni
>> python-pyswip        pampelmuse
>> python-pyte          terjeros
>> python-pytest-astropy-header sergiopr
>> python-pytest-mock   fab jujens
>> python-pytest-repeat cottsay
>> python-pytest-watch  jujens
>> python-pyvo          lupinix
>> python-readthedocs-sphinx-ext jjames
>> python-recommonmark  jujens
>> python-relatorio     sharkcz
>> python-requests-cache codeblock hobbes1069
>> python-restructuredtext-lint jujens
>> python-retrying      apevec
>> python-rmtest        lberk mgoodwin nathans
>> python-rosdep        cottsay rmattes thofmann
>> python-sanction      kevin ralph
>> python-scikit-learn  besser82 ignatenkobrain lupinix sergiopr
>> python-scrapy        echevemaster
>> python-setuptools-lint jdulaney
>> python-shamir-mnemonic jonny
>> python-simplemediawiki lmacken potty ralph
>> python-slixmpp       fantom louizatakk
>> python-smbc          twaugh zdohnal
>> python-snappy        jujens
>> python-social-auth-core cqi
>> python-soupsieve     zbyszek
>> python-spdx          jbertozzi
>> python-spdx-lookup   jbertozzi
>> python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex jjames
>> python-statsd        pabelanger tdecacqu
>> python-steam         atim
>> python-tables        tnorth zbyszek
>> python-tempdir       rathann
>> python-timeout-decorator jcapitao
>> python-tinydb        suanand
>> python-tortilla      uggla
>> python-tqdm          ignatenkobrain sgallagh
>> python-tree-format   chedi wakko666
>> python-trezor        jonny
>> python-twilio        mich181189
>> python-txaio         fab jujens
>> python-unidecode     pjp sundaram
>> python-unidiff       dcallagh
>> python-upt-cpan      jbertozzi
>> python-upt-fedora    jbertozzi
>> python-upt-pypi      jbertozzi
>> python-upt-rubygems  jbertozzi
>> python-urwidtrees    ttomecek
>> python-vdf           atim
>> python-wand          barracks510
>> python-watchdog      jsteffan jujens pingou
>> python-webencodings  abompard
>> python-webpy         mrunge
>> python-wsaccel       jujens
>> python-xlwt          leamas moezroy rathann
>> python-xvfbwrapper   mrunge totol
>> python-yarl          fab ignatenkobrain
>> python-zstandard     rathann
>> python3-postgresql   hhorak
>> python3-pytest-asyncio jujens
>> python3-saml         dcallagh tchaikov
>> qemu                 berrange bonzini crobinso dwmw2 ehabkost jforbes lkundrak quintela rjones
>> rdkit                giallu
>> root                 ellert
>> rpmspectool          nphilipp
>> salt                 blarson dmurphy18 krionbsd
>> sepolicy_analysis    vmojzis
>> solaar               brouhaha rathann richardfearn tibbs
>> spec2scl             jstanek
>> starcal              hedayat
>> stomppy              stevetraylen
>> sugar-speak          callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
>> swid-tools           adelton
>> swift-lang           tachoknight
>> terminator           dmaphy mattrose ohaessler
>> texlive-base         spot
>> toot                 alciregi
>> translate-toolkit    cicku dwayne petersen suanand
>> trellis              lkundrak somlo
>> tryton               sharkcz
>> trytond              sharkcz
>> trytond-account      sharkcz
>> trytond-account-be   sharkcz
>> trytond-account-de-skr03 sharkcz
>> trytond-account-invoice sharkcz
>> trytond-account-invoice-history sharkcz
>> trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone sharkcz
>> trytond-account-product sharkcz
>> trytond-account-statement sharkcz
>> trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon sharkcz
>> trytond-account-stock-continental sharkcz
>> trytond-analytic-account sharkcz
>> trytond-analytic-invoice sharkcz
>> trytond-analytic-purchase sharkcz
>> trytond-analytic-sale sharkcz
>> trytond-company      sharkcz
>> trytond-company-work-time sharkcz
>> trytond-country      sharkcz
>> trytond-currency     sharkcz
>> trytond-dashboard    sharkcz
>> trytond-google-maps  sharkcz
>> trytond-ldap-authentication sharkcz
>> trytond-party        sharkcz
>> trytond-party-siret  sharkcz
>> trytond-product      sharkcz
>> trytond-product-cost-fifo sharkcz
>> trytond-product-cost-history sharkcz
>> trytond-product-price-list sharkcz
>> trytond-project      sharkcz
>> trytond-project-plan sharkcz
>> trytond-project-revenue sharkcz
>> trytond-purchase     sharkcz
>> trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone sharkcz
>> trytond-sale         sharkcz
>> trytond-sale-opportunity sharkcz
>> trytond-sale-price-list sharkcz
>> trytond-stock        sharkcz
>> trytond-stock-forecast sharkcz
>> trytond-stock-inventory-location sharkcz
>> trytond-stock-location-sequence sharkcz
>> trytond-stock-product-location sharkcz
>> trytond-stock-supply sharkcz
>> trytond-stock-supply-day sharkcz
>> trytond-timesheet    sharkcz
>> ubertooth            avsej
>> uhd                  jskarvad
>> upt                  jbertozzi
>> uwsgi                kad
>> watchman             dcavalca filbranden salimma
>> wine-mono            mooninite
>> winpdb               spot
>> xrootd               ellert simonm
>> xtensor-python       sergesanspaille
>> yawn                 jsafrane miminar vcrhonek
>> Packages by maintainer:
>> abompard   fedora-messaging python-contextlib2 python-crochet python-plaster-pastedeploy python-pylons-sphinx-themes python-pyramid_sawing python-webencodings
>> adamwill   python-cached_property python-mwclient
>> adelton    swid-tools
>> adev       gfal2-python
>> airlied    lldb
>> alciregi   toot
>> alebastr   python-i3ipc
>> alexl      firefox
>> alexpl     openbabel
>> amcnabb    python-pexpect
>> andreamanzi gfal2-python python-paste-script
>> ankursinha python-matrix-nio python-pynn
>> apevec     crudini python-retrying
>> asn        git-filter-repo
>> atim       protontricks python-gevent-eventemitter python-steam python-vdf
>> ausil      koji
>> avsej      mypaint ubertooth
>> barracks510 python-editorconfig python-wand
>> berrange   qemu
>> besser82   python-joblib python-scikit-learn
>> bizdelnick dlib
>> bkabrda    python-django-tastypie
>> blarson    salt
>> bonzini    qemu
>> brouhaha   solaar
>> c72578     cppcheck
>> calexandru2018 protonvpn-cli
>> callkalpa  sugar-speak
>> caolanm    firefox libreoffice
>> chedi      python-cookiecutter python-jinja2-time python-tree-format
>> chimosky   sugar-speak
>> chkr       pyaudio
>> cicku      offlineimap python-apsw python-polib translate-toolkit
>> codeblock  python-requests-cache
>> cottsay    python-bloom python-fields python-flake8-docstrings python-pytest-repeat python-rosdep
>> cqi        python-social-auth-core
>> cquad      python-django-tastypie
>> crobinso   qemu
>> davdunc    ec2-hibinit-agent
>> daveisfera lldb
>> dcallagh   ansible-review python-unidiff python3-saml
>> dcavalca   fbthrift folly watchman
>> dchen      python-polib
>> dcm        libiptcdata
>> design-sw  blender
>> devrim     python-flask-gravatar python-flask-htmlmin python-flask-paranoid python-flask-security python-flask-sphinx-themes
>> dfateyev   python-apsw
>> diegobz    python-polib
>> dmalcolm   llvm
>> dmaphy     terminator
>> dmsimard   python-box python-django-health-check
>> dmurphy18  salt
>> dodji      offlineimap
>> dshea      python-polib
>> dtardon    libreoffice
>> duriantang bumpversion
>> dwayne     translate-toolkit
>> dwmw2      qemu
>> echevemaster python-landslide python-scrapy
>> ehabkost   qemu
>> ellert     root xrootd
>> ellio167   lammps
>> erack      firefox libreoffice
>> fab        gpsd kismon python-ansicolors python-autobahn python-box python-dtfabric python-ephem python-graphql-relay python-pytest-mock python-txaio python-yarl
>> fabiand    python-pexpect
>> fantom     poezio python-aiodns python-pycares python-slixmpp
>> filbranden fbthrift folly watchman
>> filiperosset python-myhdl
>> firemanxbr python-pelican
>> fjanus     pyodbc
>> frixxon    fontforge
>> frostyx    prunerepo python-flask-wtf-decorators
>> gecko-maint firefox
>> giallu     rdkit
>> greghellings cinch python-plumbum
>> hedayat    starcal
>> hhorak     PyGreSQL mysql-connector-python pyodbc python3-postgresql
>> hobbes1069 blender libiptcdata python-requests-cache
>> hubbitus   libcaca mysql-connector-python percol python-cmigemo
>> hvad       mysql-connector-python
>> icon       python-pyotp
>> ignatenkobrain 0ad blender btrfs-progs llvm python-joblib python-oauth2 python-pexpect python-scikit-learn python-tqdm python-yarl
>> ihrachyshka python-jsonrpclib
>> immanetize python-cached_property
>> ivazquez   python-polib
>> iztokf     python-flask-htmlmin
>> jakub      llvm
>> jankratochvil lldb
>> jbertozzi  python-spdx python-spdx-lookup python-upt-cpan python-upt-fedora python-upt-pypi python-upt-rubygems upt
>> jcapitao   python-timeout-decorator
>> jchaloup   libiptcdata
>> jdornak    bumpversion mod_wsgi python-django-tagging
>> jdulaney   python-networkmanager python-setuptools-lint
>> jfilak     python-inotify
>> jflory7    protonvpn-cli
>> jforbes    qemu
>> jgrulich   firefox
>> jistone    llvm llvm7.0 llvm9.0
>> jjames     python-readthedocs-sphinx-ext python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
>> jkaluza    mod_wsgi
>> jmlich     PyGreSQL
>> jonny      python-b2sdk python-btchip python-jsonrpclib python-libusb1 python-logfury python-mnemonic python-pbkdf2 python-shamir-mnemonic python-trezor
>> jorton     mod_wsgi
>> josef      btrfs-progs
>> jruzicka   crudini python-lmdb
>> jsafrane   yawn
>> jskarvad   uhd
>> jstanek    spec2scl
>> jsteffan   python-carbon python-watchdog
>> jujens     python-CommonMark python-agate python-autobahn python-dbfread python-et_xmlfile python-htmlmin python-jinja2-cli python-leather python-pytest-mock python-pytest-watch python-recommonmark python-restructuredtext-lint python-snappy python-txaio python-watchdog python-wsaccel python3-pytest-asyncio
>> junghans   lammps
>> jussilehtola OpenMolcas cppcheck gau2grid openbabel
>> kad        uwsgi
>> kalev      firefox
>> kengert    firefox
>> kevin      fontforge koji python-chai python-html5-parser python-hupper python-kitchen python-meld3 python-pygeoip python-pypng python-sanction
>> kiilerix   mercurial
>> kni        python-ouimeaux python-pysignals
>> krionbsd   salt
>> ktdreyer   python-debrepo python-notario python-pecan-notario
>> kushal     porcupine
>> kushal124  python-docx
>> kwizart    blender gns3-gui gns3-net-converter gns3-server
>> kyle       llvm
>> lberk      python-rmtest
>> lead2gold  python-apprise
>> leamas     python-xlwt
>> lenkaseg   cranc
>> limb       python-dijitso
>> lkf        legofy
>> lkundrak   qemu trellis
>> lmacken    mod_wsgi python-simplemediawiki
>> lorenzodalrio python-plumbum
>> louizatakk poezio python-slixmpp
>> lupinix    ginga python-astropy-healpix python-astroquery python-astroscrappy python-ccdproc python-fitsio python-pyvo python-scikit-learn
>> luya       blender dlib
>> lyessaadi  python-googletrans
>> maci       python-apsw
>> mathstuf   khard
>> mattrose   terminator
>> mbarnes    commissaire-client firefox python-etcd
>> mfabian    nototools pyhunspell
>> mgieseki   cxxtest
>> mgoodwin   python-rmtest
>> mich181189 python-twilio
>> michich    gajim python-nbxmpp python-precis_i18n
>> mikem      koji
>> miminar    yawn
>> mjakubicek python-dialog
>> mlichvar   gpsd
>> moezroy    python-construct python-polib python-xlwt
>> mooninite  wine-mono
>> mrunge     mod_wsgi python-autopep8 python-django-contact-form python-django-reversion python-django-tagging python-django-tastypie python-fasteners python-pelican python-webpy python-xvfbwrapper
>> mschorm    mysql-connector-python
>> nathans    python-rmtest
>> nb         python-certbot-apache
>> nbecker    mercurial
>> ndipanov   python-autopep8
>> ngompa     btrfs-progs
>> nonamedotc python-libsass python-nbclient
>> noodles    python-dialog
>> nphilipp   rpmspectool
>> nucleo     gns3-server
>> oanson     python-jsonmodels
>> odubaj     PyGreSQL
>> ohaessler  terminator
>> orion      pyscard
>> orphan     python-django-registration python-flask-gravatar python-flask-paranoid python-flask-security python-flask-sphinx-themes
>> pabelanger python-statsd
>> pampelmuse python-pyswip
>> panovotn   PyGreSQL
>> pbrady     crudini
>> pbrobinson sugar-speak
>> pcpa       0ad
>> petersen   llvm7.0 translate-toolkit
>> pfrields   python-pulsectl
>> pingou     R2spec python-chai python-contextlib2 python-kitchen python-watchdog
>> piotrp     python-carbon python-django-tagging
>> pjp        python-oauth2 python-unidecode
>> pkubat     PyGreSQL
>> pnemade    fontforge
>> potty      python-pycha python-simplemediawiki
>> praiskup   PyGreSQL prunerepo
>> pspacek    python-lmdb
>> pstodulk   mercurial
>> puiterwijk koji
>> pwalter    0ad
>> pwouters   python-google-i18n-address
>> pwu        nototools
>> quintela   qemu
>> qulogic    python-heapdict
>> radez      python-pexpect
>> ralph      datanommer python-chai python-contextlib2 python-kitchen python-pygeoip python-pypng python-sanction python-simplemediawiki
>> raphgro    python-dialog python-jep python-jnius python-pvc
>> rathann    calypso openbabel python-GridDataFormats python-OBD python-colorspacious python-fypp python-mmtf python-publicsuffix2 python-tempdir python-xlwt python-zstandard solaar
>> rcritten   python-kerberos
>> rdieter    python-mwclient
>> rebus      officeparser
>> rhughes    firefox
>> richardfearn solaar
>> rickardlindberg python-humblewx
>> rjones     qemu
>> rmarko     python-flask-rstpages
>> rmattes    python-bloom python-rosdep
>> roma       blender
>> rstrode    firefox
>> s4504kr    blender
>> sagitter   libnuml
>> salimma    fbthrift folly python-landslide watchman
>> sandeen    btrfs-progs
>> sbergmann  libreoffice
>> scottt     llvm
>> sdyroff    khard
>> sergesanspaille lldb llvm llvm10 llvm11 llvm7.0 llvm9.0 offlineimap xtensor-python
>> sergiopr   python-arviz python-astroplan python-joblib python-pandas-datareader python-patsy python-pymc3 python-pytest-astropy-header python-scikit-learn
>> sgallagh   python-tqdm
>> sgrubb     cppcheck
>> sharkcz    firefox python-openoffice python-proteus python-pycha python-relatorio tryton trytond trytond-account trytond-account-be trytond-account-de-skr03 trytond-account-invoice trytond-account-invoice-history trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone trytond-account-product trytond-account-statement trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon trytond-account-stock-continental trytond-analytic-account trytond-analytic-invoice trytond-analytic-purchase trytond-analytic-sale trytond-company trytond-company-work-time trytond-country trytond-currency trytond-dashboard trytond-google-maps trytond-ldap-authentication trytond-party trytond-party-siret trytond-product trytond-product-cost-fifo trytond-product-cost-history trytond-product-price-list trytond-project trytond-project-plan trytond-project-revenue trytond-purchase trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone trytond-sale trytond-sale-opportunity trytond-sale-price-list trytond-stock trytond-stock-forecast trytond-stock-inventory-location trytond-stock-location-sequence trytond-stock-product-location trytond-stock-supply trytond-stock-supply-day trytond-timesheet
>> siddharths lldb llvm
>> simo       python-kerberos
>> simonm     xrootd
>> sjenning   pyscard
>> slaanesh   barman blender libcaca
>> smilner    commissaire-client python-etcd
>> somlo      trellis
>> spot       python-oauth2 texlive-base winpdb
>> stevetraylen h5py python-django-tastypie python-inotify python-managesieve python-meld3 stomppy
>> stingray   pyserial
>> stransky   firefox
>> suanand    python-polib python-tinydb translate-toolkit
>> sundaram   python-dialog python-oauth2 python-unidecode
>> suraia     gajim python-nbxmpp
>> swt2c      python-pexpect python-pyqtgraph
>> tachoknight swift-lang
>> tchaikov   python3-saml
>> tdecacqu   python-statsd
>> terjeros   h5py python-acoustid python-audioread python-construct python-inotify python-pyte
>> teuf       offlineimap
>> thias      libcaca
>> thofmann   python-rosdep
>> tibbs      solaar
>> tjikkun    python-contextlib2
>> tkrizek    python-lmdb
>> tnorth     ViTables python-blosc python-tables
>> tomspur    python-pexpect
>> totol      python-lark-parser python-xvfbwrapper
>> tpopela    firefox
>> tredaell   electrum
>> tsao       barman python-meld3
>> tstellar   lldb llvm llvm10 llvm11 llvm7.0 llvm9.0
>> ttomecek   python-urwidtrees
>> ttorling   gpsd
>> ttrinks    ansible-review
>> tuxbrewr   python-mwclient sugar-speak
>> twaugh     python-smbc
>> ueno       firefox
>> uggla      python-Pyped python-formats python-minibelt python-tortilla
>> vcrhonek   yawn
>> vmojzis    sepolicy_analysis
>> volter     python-Rtree
>> wakko666   python-cookiecutter python-jinja2-time python-tree-format
>> williamjmorenor legofy
>> xenithorb  python-btchip
>> xhorak     firefox
>> zbyszek    ViTables moose python-asttokens python-blosc python-css-parser python-dialog python-dukpy python-ffc python-fisx python-music21 python-pysb python-soupsieve python-tables
>> zdohnal    python-smbc
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