Re: What next? LDAP

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On 6/2/05, Kenneth Porter <shiva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Agreed. I'm trying to get up to speed on deploying OpenLDAP together with
> the Samba schema to get single sign-on and a global address book, but it's
> been tough marshaling all the HOWTO's to figure out what's really required.
> I went down a wrong path using the PADL scripts bundled with OpenLDAP
> (because I failed to select the "enhanced" schema in the common config
> file) and they also fail badly on the /etc/services file due to the
> presence of Apple protocols. So far the best information for initial setup
> seems to be in the HOWTO's at <>, but I'm still
> working through it to understand how to migrate my existing setup.

Single sign-on doesn't require a LDAP server, but some kind of central
identity magament which can be supplied by using a Kerberos V KDC like
the Kerberos V MIT implementation that comes in the form of krb5-*
packages for Fedora Core.

Once upon I time I wrote the attached document which enumerates all
the steps I had to perform in order to set up a Kerberos V KDC and how
to configure services like OpenSSH to support single sign-on. HTH.
- Sunday, 20 April 2003
  Add support to our LAN for MIT Kerberos V5

  Well, I've been playing around with Kerberos V5 and I think it's simply
  wonderful. It's the single-sign-on came true. So, I've decided to deploy
  it on my LAN.


  NTP (Network Time Protocol, a protocol used to synchronize the clock
  of the computer)should be setup and working properly. Kerberos is a
  time-sensitive network authentication protocol. Authentication won't
  work if the clock skews between computers in more than +/- 5 minutes.


  A keytab file contains the secret keys of hosts so they can communicate
  between them. Kerberos uses symmetric cryptography based on a shared-
  secret key. Those shared-secret keys must be kept in a file, which must
  be secured properly so no one, except "root" and the Kerberos services
  could read it.

  A host shared-secret key is created when the host principal is first
  created using the "addprinc" command of the KAdmin service. Normally,
  the "-randkey" argument is used so the key is generated randomly instead
  of being interactively prompted (and confirmed). Normally, security
  principals are *never* assigned random keys, and they are assigned by
  the administrator and later, optionally, changed by theit owner.

  It's very important that the keytab file is properly secured, although
  it must be shared between all servers of a Kerberos realm, let they be
  KDC server or standard Kerberos servers (like SSH or Kerberized FTP
  servers). Clients don't access to the keytab. The keytab is usually
  placed at "/etc/krb5.keytab" and contains several records for each host
  principal. Normally, two records exist for each host, one for DES and
  another one for Triple-DES. Also, each record has a version number that
  is increased at the moment of adding the host to the keytab file using
  the "ktadd" command. If the version number of a host differs between
  keytabs, no communication will take place. Every time "ktadd" is used,
  the host principal is written to the keytab, but it's version number
  is increased. This could lead to different version numbers across some

  The "kvno" command can be used to check the version number of a host
  principal, for example:

    # kvno host/
    host/ kvno = 3

  A host needs a Kerberos ticket in order to access a network server
  that relies on Keberos V5 for authentication. To be able to obtain
  an specific ticket for a network service, the client needs to
  request such ticket to the Key Distrution Center (KDC). However,
  the client needs to authenticate against the KDC. This is done only
  once: the client first authenticates against the KDC, normally by
  supplying a security principal name and a password and, if both
  are checked to be correct, the KDC sends a Ticket Granting Ticket
  (TGT) to the client. The client will then use this TGT when
  requesting additional tickets for servers in the network. Simply
  by presenting the TGT to any KDC, the KDC can expedite an specific
  ticket granting communication between that client and a network
  server (for example, an SSH or FTP server).


  The first step is to deploy the Kerberos V5 Key Distribution Center (KDC)
  on a computer that has 24h365d uptime, so the ideal candidate is "small".
  Since Engarde Linux doesn't have a Kerberos V5 KDC server by default, I
  had to download it from "";.
  To install it:

    # lidsadm -S -- -LIDS_GLOBAL
    # rpm -ivh krb5-libs-1.2.2-4.i386.rpm
    # rpm -ivh krb5-workstation-1.2.2-4.i386.rpm
    # rpm -ivh krb5-server-1.2.2-4.i386.rpm

  Before we re-enable LIDS, some file tweaking must be done as init scripts
  for the KDC and KAdmin have some glitches:

    1. The Kerberos V5 contrib packages deploy the service scripts at the
       incorrect directory. So, we need to move all files from
       "/etc/rc.d/init.d" to "/etc/init.d".
    2. Remove "/etc/rc.d/init.d" and "/etc/rc.d" (they should be empty now).
    3. Edit "/etc/init.d/kadmin" and "/etc/init.d/krb5kdc" and then remove
       the lines that source "/etc/sysconfig/network" and the ${NETWORKING]
       check at the beginning.
    4. In "/etc/init.d/krb5kdc" replace "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" at the
       beginning of the file with "/etc/rc.d/functions".

  Now, we can re-enable LIDS:

    # /usr/sbin/
    # lidsadm -S -- +LIDS_GLOBAL

  So, we have Kerberos V5 installed. We should make sure it's started
  automagically if the machine is rebooted:

    # chkconfig --add kadmin
    # chkconfig --add krb5kdc
    # chkconfig --level 345 kadmin on
    # chkconfig --level 345 krb5kdc on

  We can't start Kerberos services yet. First, we need to create the needed
  entries in our DNS server. Although I've been unable to completely avoid
  text-based configuration files and use DNS completely for KDC and realm
  lookups, maybe one day I guess it. For now, we need to add the following
  entries to our master "" database.

  NOTE: Don't forget to increase in one the serial number of the zone, so
  all our slave DNS servers will get informed of the changes and be able to
  perform an incremental zone transfer (IXFR).              IN CNAME

  Out KDC will have the canonical name "kerberos" which is the recommended
  by the MIT. It's simply a pointer to our real KDC located at "small".             IN TXT    "FELIPE-ALFARO.COM"

  This entry is *theoretically* used by Kerberos clients to guess the realm
  from the FQDN of a host name. The client will look up a TXT record in DNS
  composed of "_kerberos" plus the FQDN of the host. For example, if a client
  is trying to access the machine "", it will try to
  locate a TXT record called "". If the record
  can't be found, the client will fall back and will try with the domain name
  part of the host, that is, "". If still no record
  can be found, a look up will be sent for "" and so on until a
  TXT record is found or no more fallback is possible. If a TXT record is
  found, the contents (descriptive text) of the record is assumed to be the
  Kerberos realm for that host.

  In our case, we won't mantain TXT records for every host, so we'll depend
  on fallback, "_kerberos" plus the FQDN, that is, "".        IN SRV    0 0 88

  This record is used to locate all the KDCs. Note that the domain name
  appended to "_kerberos._udp" is the lower case representation of the Kerberos
  realm and does *not* need to necessarily be equal to the DNS domain name, In
  our case, the DNS domain name and Kerberos realms are identical. As we do only
  have one KDC, only one record is used. If we had two more KDC servers, we
  would add two more records for them. IN SRV    0 0 88

  This record points to the master KDC. Kerberos is similar to DNS, NIS and
  LDAP in which a master server is the only one in charge for database updates
  which are then replicated to slave servers.    IN SRV    0 0 749

  This record points the Kerberos V5 KAdmin server, the one that is used to
  administer Kerberos (for example, adding new principals, policies, etc.)         IN SRV    0 0 464

  This is used to the kpasswd service that allows principals to change their
  passwords without full access to the KAdmin service.

  The next step is to reload the DNS server for it to pick up the changes:

    # service named reload
    # service named restart

  Now that we have the DNS infraestructure in place, we need to edit the
  configuration files. First, we'll edit "/etc/krb5.conf":

    # cat /etc/krb5.conf
     default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
     kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
     admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
     ticket_lifetime = 24000
     default_realm = FELIPE-ALFARO.COM
     dns_lookup_realm = false
     dns_lookup_kdc = false
      kdc =
      admin_server =
      default_domain =
     profile = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
     debug = true
     ticket_lifetime = 36000
     renew_lifetime = 36000
     forwardable = true
     krb4_convert = false

  The "[realms]" section defines the know Kerberos realms and should be
  superseded by DNS sometime in the future (when I guess how to use DNS
  for KDC and realm lookups). The "[domain_realms]" provides the needed
  translations between DNS domain names and Kerberos realms. Don't forget
  to define "default_realm" correctly.

  Next, we'll edit "/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf":

    # cat /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
     acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
     dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
     admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
      master_key_type = des-cbc-crc
      supported_enctypes = des-cbc-crc:normal des3-cbc-raw:normal des3-cbc-sha1:normal des-cbc-crc:v4 des-cbc-crc:afs3

  And now, we'll define the ACL used to allow any principal with the admin
  role access to the KAdmin server:

    # cat /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
    */admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *

  Now, we'll create the Kerberos database using "kdb5_util" tool:

    # /usr/kerberos/sbin/kdb5_util create -r FELIPE-ALFARO.COM -s

  This will create the database for the FELIPE-ALFARO.COM Kerberos realm
  and its corresponding stash file (currently don't know what it's used
  for, but...) During the process, we'll be asked for the master password
  used for recovery and backup purpouses.

  Once the database has been created, we'll add the "admin/admin" security
  principal used to access the KAdmin service, but since Kerberos is not
  fully operational and KAdmin is not started, we'll use a special version
  of the "kadmin" tool called "kadmin.local" that doesn't require Kerberos
  to be started:

    # /usr/kerberos/sbin/kadmin.local
    kadmin.local: addprinc admin/admin

  Now, we'll add the "kadmin/admin" and "kadmin/changepw" principals to
  the KAdmin keytab file, which are used by the "KAdmin" and "kpasswd"
  services respectively. The KAdmin keytab is *not* the same standard
  keytab used for standard services, and it's usually located at

    kadmin.local: ktadd -k /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab \
                  kadmin/admin kadmin/changepw

  Now, we can start the KDC and KAdmin servers:

    # /etc/init.d/kadmin start
    # /etc/init.d/krb5kdc start
    # tail /var/log/kadmin.log
    ... kadmind[27420](info): starting
    # tail /var/log/krb5kdc.log
    ... krb5kdc[27441](info): commencing operation

  We have to add all security principals that we will use with Kerberos.
  Security principals can be of different kind, but mainly we'll use two
  types: host principals and security principals. The former is used to
  perform authentication and ticket granting at the host level, while the
  latter is used by processes, tasks or processes to authenticate to a
  Kerberos KDC.

  The principals are added using the KAdmin service. We'll need to identify
  to the KAdmin service using the "admin/admin" security principal we added

    # /usr/kerberos/sbin/kadmin -p admin/admin

  We'll now add all out host principals:

    kadmin: addprinc -randkey host/
    kadmin: addprinc -randkey host/
    kadmin: addprinc -randkey host/
    kadmin: addprinc -randkey host/
    kadmin: addprinc -randkey host/
    kadmin: addprinc -randkey host/

  The next step is adding the security principals for "kerberos" and the 
  host itself to the standard keytab file, usually "/etc/krb5.keytab":

    kadmin: ktadd host/
    kadmin: ktadd host/

  Each host is in fact a security (host) principal and has a symmetric,
  secret key shared between the host and the KDC. So, only that host
  and the KDC know the key. The KDC does already know that key, as we
  specified it (well, not exactly: we told the KDC to generate a random
  key by using -randkey during the principal creation using "addprinc")
  when creating the host principal, and then exported it to the KDC
  local keytab file. However, we must now find a way to send that key
  to the host itself for it to store. That key must be kept in a "keytab"
  file and sent to the host securely. So for each computer that will
  host a service that relies upon Kerberos authentication, we will need
  to create a keytab with that host's secret key and send that keytab
  file to the host using a secure method (for example, on a disk or a
  secure network connection).

  We will generate the keytab file using the "kadmin" administrative

    kadmin: ktadd -k "/path/to/keytab/for/the/host" "host/principal"

  And then we will transfer the keytab file to the corresponding host
  and storing it usually as "/etc/krb5.keytab", or another place where
  only the Kerberized service itself can access the keytab file

  For example, "glass" will host an OpenSSH server (sshd) with Kerberos
  V5 support. To generate its keytab file, we execute the following
  command from within "kadmin" (or "kadmin.local"):

    kadmin: ktadd -k /root/glass.krb5.keytab host/

  This will create the file "/root/glass.krb5.keytab" containing the
  secret key for the "KDC-glass" association. Then, we will transfer
  the "/root/glass.krb5.keytab" file to the host "glass" securely. The
  keytab file should be stored as "/etc/krb5.keytab" within its file-
  system, or a more secure place where only the OpenSSH "sshd" daemon
  can access it (I yet have to find how to tell OpenSSH how to search an
  specific file for its keytab),

  Once the keytab files have been distributed to all network servers
  that will host Kerberos-based services, we have to configure all of
  them. First, we'll need to install krb5-libs and krb5-workstation
  packages (if not already installed) and then edit the "/etc/krb5.conf"
  file on all of them. The file should look similar to:

     default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
     kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
     admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
     ticket_lifetime = 24000
     default_realm = FELIPE-ALFARO.COM
     dns_lookup_realm = true
     dns_lookup_kdc = true
      kdc =
      admin_server =
      default_domain =
     profile = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
     pam = {
       debug = true
       ticket_lifetime = 36000
       renew_lifetime = 36000
       forwardable = true
       krb4_convert = false

  Now, we'll need to add all security principals that we'll be using:

    # kadmin -p admin/admin
    kadmin: addprinc falfaro
    kadmin: addprinc test

  At this point, Kerberos should be usable from any of the configured
  network servers. To test, we'll use "kinit" to check the TGT service
  is running properly:

    # kinit

  If everything is correct, "klist" should display our newly acquired

    # klist
    Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
    Default principal: root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    04/21/03 00:21:29  04/21/03 10:21:29  krbtgt/FELIPE-ALFARO.COM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
    klist: You have no tickets cached

  Finally, we can enable Kerberos V5 authentication for PAM. To do so,
  we can run "authconfig" and select Kerberos V5, or we can manually
  modify "/etc/pam.d/system-auth" and add the following lines:

    auth        sufficient    /lib/security/$ISA/ use_first_pass
    account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore service_err=ignore system_err=ignore] /lib/security/$ISA/
    password    sufficient    /lib/security/$ISA/ use_authtok
    session     optional      /lib/security/$ISA/

  The "use_first_pass" of "" first tries to use local password
  (files) authentication before trying Kerberos.

  Using separate keytab files for each Kerberized service

  There are times when we want to use separate keytab files for each
  Kerberized service, for example, when each service runs with a
  different set of credentials. For example, OpenSSH runs as "root",
  but OpenLDAP runs as "ldap". Since the keytab file must be readable
  by the service, we could either give the keytab file world readable
  permissions (which is NOT a good idea), or else we could use separate
  keytab files, one for each service.

  By default, the keytab file is located at "/etc/krb5.keytab", but
  can be overriden by using the "KRB5_KTNAME" environment variable.
  By setting this variable and then exporting it to the Kerberized
  server process, we can force it to search for the keytab at an
  specific location. For example, if we do

    export KRB5_KTNAME="FILE:/etc/openldap/ldap.keytab"

  in the init.d script for the OpenLDAP service, we can tell the
  "slapd" daemon to look for the keytab file in


  To configure OpenSSH for Kerberos support, first we must be sure that
  the OpenSSH version we're using has been Kerberized, that is, compiled
  with Kerberos support. For example, Engarde Linux OpenSSH is not
  Kerberos-aware, so we won't be able to leverage Kerberos authentication
  unless we recompile it.

  As a side note, it seems that as of OpenSSH 3.5, the implementation of
  the SSH protocol version 2 does not still support Kerberos authentication
  so we'll fallback to version 1. Yes, I know it's less secure, and it took
  me a while to discover this: I had to look at the OpenSSH sources just
  to discover that krb5_auth was only implemented for the version 1 of the

  To enable Kerberos, edit "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" and make sure the
  following lines are present by either uncommenting them or adding them:

    Protocol 1
    PasswordAuthentication no
    KerberosAuthentication yes
    KerberosTicketCleanup yes
    KerberosTgtPassing yes

  Now, simply by restarting the "sshd" daemon, Kerberos should be fully
  functional. It's not so difficult at a first sight, but facts like
  different versions of the keytab file, or improper configuration, can
  lead to an administrative nightmare while trying to make SSH work. It
  took me a while to do it.
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