Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers (see note about xinetd)​

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on

This report is available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains, see https://packager.fedorainfracloud.org/
For all orphaned packages, see https://packager.fedorainfracloud.org/orphan

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
ansible-collection-community-     orphan                           1 weeks ago
apache-commons-configuration      fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,       4 weeks ago
celt071                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
checksec                          orphan                           0 weeks ago
compat-guile18                    jskarvad, mlichvar, orphan,      1 weeks ago
discord-irc                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
dnscap                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
dynafed                           andreamanzi, orphan              1 weeks ago
elasticdump                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
electrum                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
fedora-developer-portal           orphan                           0 weeks ago
ghc-pipes-safe                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
gtatool                           orphan                           1 weeks ago
hsqldb1                           lef, orphan                      1 weeks ago
hub                               orphan, ralph, sgallagh          5 weeks ago
jboss-jsf-2.1-api                 orphan                           4 weeks ago
jsonp                             lef, orphan                      1 weeks ago
legendsbrowser                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
libbind                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
metadata-extractor2               cquad, orphan                    4 weeks ago
mingw-gtkglext                    epienbro, maci, orphan           2 weeks ago
mocha                             nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
mpir                              orphan, slaanesh, zaniyah        0 weeks ago
netty-tcnative                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
neurord                           neuro-sig, orphan                1 weeks ago
nodejs-assume                     nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-block-stream               nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-callback-stream            orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-chalk                      nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-clear-require              orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-co-mocha                   nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-co-with-promise            orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-coffee-coverage            orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-conventional-changelog-    orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-csv-stringify              orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-debug-fabulous             orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-defaults                   humaton, nodejs-sig, orphan,     1 weeks ago
nodejs-define-property            orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-figures                    nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-flush-write-stream         orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic     nodejs-sig, orphan, vjancik      1 weeks ago
nodejs-gaze                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-glob                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-glob-expand                orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-intercept-require          orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-istanbul-lib-report        orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-istanbul-reports           orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-jade                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-multipipe                  orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-mz                         nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-nanomsg                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-needle                     nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-node-dot-extend            orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-normalize-git-url          nodejs-sig, orphan, vjancik      1 weeks ago
nodejs-npm-package-arg            nodejs-sig, orphan, vjancik      1 weeks ago
nodejs-oauth2orize                orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-object-dot-omit            nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-ordered-read-streams       nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-output-file-sync           nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-parallel-transform         orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-passport-http-bearer       orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-promises-aplus-tests       nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-pumpify                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-read-cmd-shim              nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-readdirp                   nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-regex-not                  orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-require-uncached           nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-rollup-plugin-buble        orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-rollup-plugin-typescript   orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-rollup-pluginutils         orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-sha                        nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-sinon-restore              nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-spawn-sync                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-split2                     orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-stream-each                orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-tap-out                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-testutil                   orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-through2-filter            nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-to-regex                   orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-transformers               nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      1 weeks ago
nodejs-unique-temp-dir            orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-util-inspect               orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-wrap-fn                    nodejs-sig, orphan               1 weeks ago
nodejs-write-file-atomic          nodejs-sig, orphan, vjancik      1 weeks ago
nodeunit                          nodejs-sig, orphan, patches,     1 weeks ago
normaliz                          jjames, orphan                   0 weeks ago
notepadqq                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
numad                             orphan                           1 weeks ago
peripety                          orphan                           1 weeks ago
pyqtrailer                        orphan                           4 weeks ago
python-XStatic-jQuery             openstack-sig, orphan,           5 weeks ago
python-django-helpdesk            blackfile, orphan                1 weeks ago
python-django-storages            orphan                           1 weeks ago
pytrailer                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
rubygem-json_pure                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-responders                orphan                           1 weeks ago
sgpio                             orphan                           1 weeks ago
sugar-kuku                        callkalpa, chimosky, orphan      1 weeks ago
sugar-starchart                   callkalpa, chimosky, orphan      1 weeks ago
tuxcut                            orphan                           1 weeks ago
vrpn                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
xinetd                            orphan                           1 weeks ago

===== NOTE about xinetd =====

Many packagers are listed as affected by xinetd. The dependency chain is:

    cvs (kasal, ppisar)
        cvs-inetd.noarch requires xinetd

    git (amahdal, besser82, chrisw, pcahyna, pstodulk, skisela, tmz)
        git.src requires cvs
        git-cvs.noarch requires cvs

    <everything else> (<everybody else>)
        <package> requires git

Note that if xinetd indeed goes away, your package will most likely not be affected, unless you actually need git-cvs or cvs-inetd.

Also note that if your package uses git, it might just (Build)Require git-core (or /usr/bin/git) instaed of full blown git package (with dependencies on Perl and Python).

===== end NOTE =====

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at

See dependency chains of your packages at https://packager.fedorainfracloud.org/
See all orphaned packages at https://packager.fedorainfracloud.org/orphan

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
abbra: xinetd
abompard: xinetd, numad
acui: xinetd
adamwill: xinetd, numad
adelton: xinetd
aegorenk: xinetd
agerstmayr: xinetd
agk: sgpio
airlied: xinetd
ajmitchell: xinetd
ajschorr: xinetd
akhaitov: xinetd
alexl: xinetd, sgpio
alphacc: xinetd
amahdal: xinetd
amerey: numad
amigadave: xinetd, sgpio
amoralej: xinetd
andreamanzi: dynafed
andyli: xinetd
anishpatil: nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, mocha
ankursinha: xinetd
aperezbios: sgpio
apevec: xinetd
asaleh: xinetd
asalkeld: xinetd
asamalik: xinetd
asn: xinetd
astokes: xinetd, numad
atikhonov: xinetd
atim: xinetd
ausil: xinetd
baitaand: xinetd
balajig8: xinetd
baude: xinetd
bbockelm: xinetd, numad
bcl: xinetd, numad
bcotton: numad
benc: mpir
bentiss: xinetd
benzea: xinetd
berrange: xinetd, numad
besser82: xinetd
bex: xinetd
bkabrda: xinetd
blackfile: xinetd, python-django-helpdesk
blarson: xinetd
blowry: xinetd
bmr: sgpio
bnemec: xinetd
bochecha: xinetd
bofh80: sgpio
bonzini: xinetd, numad
bowlofeggs: xinetd
bpepple: xinetd
brandfbb: xinetd
bressers: mpir, xinetd
brouhaha: mpir, compat-guile18
bruno: numad
bunnyapocalypse: sgpio
caillon: xinetd, sgpio
callkalpa: sugar-kuku, sugar-starchart
caolanm: xinetd, sgpio
carlwgeorge: xinetd, celt071
carmenbianca: xinetd
catanzaro: xinetd
cbm: compat-guile18
cdrage: xinetd
cfeist: xinetd, sgpio
cfu: xinetd
cgoncalves: xinetd
chandankumar: xinetd
chedi: xinetd
cheese: xinetd
cheeselee: sgpio
chimosky: sugar-kuku, sugar-starchart
chkr: sgpio
chrisw: xinetd
churchyard: mpir, xinetd
cicku: xinetd
cipherboy: xinetd
clalance: xinetd, numad
clime: xinetd
clumens: numad
cockpit: sgpio
codeblock: xinetd
codehotter: xinetd
container-sig: xinetd
copr-sig: xinetd
corsepiu: xinetd
cosimoc: sgpio
cottsay: mpir, xinetd
cqi: xinetd, numad
cquad: metadata-extractor2
cra: xinetd
crobinso: xinetd, numad
crummel: xinetd
crypto-team: xinetd
cverna: xinetd
cwickert: xinetd, sgpio
daveisfera: xinetd
daveo: mpir, xinetd
davidsch: xinetd
dbenoit: xinetd
dcallagh: nodeunit, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, mocha
dcantrell: xinetd, numad
dchen: xinetd
ddd: xinetd
decathorpe: xinetd, sgpio
deekej: xinetd
deepinde-sig: sgpio
defolos: xinetd
design-sw: xinetd
devos: xinetd
dgoodwin: xinetd
diegobz: xinetd
diehlpk: xinetd
divius: xinetd
dkaspar: xinetd
dmach: xinetd, numad
dmlb2000: xinetd
dmoluguw: xinetd
dmsimard: xinetd
dmurphy18: xinetd
dotnet-sig: xinetd
dperpeet: sgpio
dracut-maint: xinetd
drago01: xinetd
dridi: xinetd
drsmith2: numad
dsd: sgpio
dshea: xinetd, numad
dtardon: xinetd
dturecek: xinetd
dustymabe: xinetd
dvratil: xinetd, sgpio
dwalsh: xinetd
dwd: xinetd
dwmw2: xinetd, numad
dwrobel: xinetd
echevemaster: xinetd
eclipseo: numad
edewata: xinetd
eerlands: numad
ehabkost: numad
eharney: xinetd
eldermarco: compat-guile18
elmarco: xinetd
elsupergomez: xinetd, sgpio
emaldonado: xinetd
epienbro: xinetd, mingw-gtkglext
erack: xinetd
erikos: sgpio
etrunko: xinetd
f1ash: numad
fab: xinetd, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, sgpio, nodejs-block-stream, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, mocha
fabbione: numad
fabiand: xinetd, compat-guile18
fale: xinetd
fbo: xinetd
fche: numad
fcomida: xinetd
fidencio: xinetd
fivaldi: numad
fkluknav: xinetd
fmuellner: xinetd
fnasser: apache-commons-configuration
fnux: xinetd
frostyx: xinetd
fujiwara: xinetd
gbailey: xinetd
gchamoul: xinetd
gemi: xinetd
giallu: xinetd
gicmo: xinetd
gnome-sig: xinetd, sgpio
go-sig: xinetd
goldmann: xinetd
gombosg: xinetd
gscrivano: xinetd
gunnersrini: xinetd
hadess: xinetd
haircommander: xinetd
halfie: xinetd
harald: xinetd
harrymichal: xinetd
hedayat: xinetd
heliocastro: xinetd, sgpio
hguemar: xinetd
hhorak: xinetd
hobbes1069: xinetd
honzaf: xinetd
hubbitus: xinetd
huff: numad
humaton: xinetd, nodejs-defaults
huzaifas: xinetd
iankent: sgpio
iarnell: xinetd
idevat: xinetd
ignatenkobrain: xinetd, ansible-collection-community-general
imcinerney: xinetd
infra-sig: xinetd, numad
itamarjp: xinetd
jadahl: xinetd
jamacku: xinetd
jamartis: xinetd
jamielinux: sgpio
jarrpa: xinetd
jasonbrooks: xinetd
java-sig: xinetd
javierm: xinetd
jbowes: xinetd
jchaloup: xinetd
jcline: xinetd
jcpunk: sgpio
jcvenegas: xinetd
jfilak: xinetd
jforbes: xinetd, numad
jgorig: xinetd
jgrulich: xinetd, sgpio
jhogarth: xinetd
jhrozek: xinetd
jistone: xinetd, numad
jjames: normaliz, compat-guile18, jsonp
jjanco: xinetd
jjelen: xinetd, jboss-jsf-2.1-api
jkaluza: numad
jkastner: xinetd
jkim: xinetd
jlayton: xinetd
jlebon: xinetd
jlinton: xinetd
jmontleon: xinetd
jnovy: xinetd, compat-guile18
jorti: xinetd
jorton: xinetd
jpena: xinetd
jplesnik: xinetd
jpokorny: xinetd
jreznik: xinetd, sgpio
jruzicka: xinetd
jrybar: xinetd
jskala: xinetd
jskarvad: xinetd, numad, sgpio, mpir, compat-guile18
jsmith: nodeunit, nodejs-define-property, nodejs-util-inspect, nodejs-rollup-plugin-buble, nodejs-object-dot-omit, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-csv-stringify, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-rollup-pluginutils, nodejs-regex-not, nodejs-transformers, mocha, nodejs-assume, nodejs-clear-require, nodejs-to-regex, nodejs-write-file-atomic, nodejs-glob, nodejs-wrap-fn, nodejs-sinon-restore
jstanek: xinetd, sgpio
jstribny: xinetd
jsynacek: xinetd
jujens: xinetd
junghans: xinetd
jussilehtola: compat-guile18
jwboyer: xinetd
jwrdegoede: xinetd, sgpio
kalev: xinetd
kanarip: xinetd
kasal: xinetd
katzj: numad
kde-sig: xinetd, numad, sgpio
kdudka: xinetd
keitellf: xinetd
kevin: xinetd, sgpio
kkofler: sgpio
kni: xinetd
ksyz: xinetd
kumarpraveen: xinetd
kwizart: xinetd, compat-guile18
kwright: xinetd
kzak: xinetd, sgpio
laine: xinetd, numad
landgraf: xinetd
larsks: xinetd
larsu: xinetd
lbazan: xinetd
lberk: numad
leamas: xinetd
lef: jsonp, hsqldb1
leigh123linux: sgpio
libvirt-maint: xinetd, numad
limb: xinetd, sgpio, compat-guile18
lkundrak: xinetd, numad
lnie: numad
lnykryn: xinetd
lon: numad
loveshack: xinetd
lsedlar: xinetd, numad
lsm5: xinetd
lucab: xinetd
lucilanga: xinetd
luhliarik: xinetd
lupinix: xinetd
luya: xinetd
lvm-team: sgpio
lzap: xinetd
maci: mingw-gtkglext
marcindulak: xinetd
markmc: xinetd
martinkg: xinetd
martinlanghoff: xinetd
martinpitt: sgpio
mathstuf: xinetd
matt: numad
mattdm: xinetd
matyas: numad
mauelsha: sgpio
maxamillion: xinetd, numad
mbarnes: xinetd, sgpio
mbriza: sgpio
mbroz: sgpio
mburns72h: xinetd
mclasen: xinetd, sgpio
mcrha: xinetd, sgpio
mcsontos: sgpio
mdbooth: xinetd
mebrown: xinetd
melmorabity: xinetd
mgoodwin: xinetd
mharmsen: xinetd
mhonek: sgpio
michelmno: xinetd
michich: xinetd
mikem: xinetd
mitr: xinetd
mizdebsk: apache-commons-configuration
mjakubicek: xinetd
mjg: xinetd
mjg59: xinetd
mjw: numad
mkasik: xinetd
mkrizek: xinetd, numad
mkrupcale: xinetd
mlichvar: xinetd, compat-guile18
mlisik: xinetd
mmagr: xinetd
mmarusak: sgpio
mmorsi: xinetd
mmuzila: xinetd
mnagy: xinetd
moceap: xinetd
moezroy: xinetd
mohanboddu: xinetd
mooninite: xinetd
mornfall: sgpio
mosquito: sgpio
mrc0mmand: xinetd
mrceresa: xinetd
mreynolds: xinetd, sgpio
mrmeee: xinetd
mrunge: xinetd, python-XStatic-jQuery
mruprich: xinetd
mschorm: xinetd
msehnout: xinetd
msekleta: xinetd
mskalick: xinetd
mso: xinetd
msuchy: xinetd
mtasaka: xinetd, sgpio
mufti11: xinetd
mzidek: xinetd
nacho: sgpio
nalin: xinetd
nathans: xinetd
nbecker: xinetd
ndipanov: xinetd
neuro-sig: xinetd, neurord, checksec
nforro: xinetd
ngompa: xinetd, celt071, numad
nhosoi: xinetd
nickblack: xinetd
nkinder: xinetd
nodejs-sig: nodejs-sha, nodeunit, nodejs-define-property, nodejs-object-dot-omit, nodejs-readdirp, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-normalize-git-url, nodejs-jade, nodejs-read-cmd-shim, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-through2-filter, nodejs-require-uncached, nodejs-block-stream, nodejs-npm-package-arg, nodejs-sinon-restore, nodejs-ordered-read-streams, nodejs-transformers, nodejs-regex-not, nodejs-defaults, mocha, nodejs-needle, nodejs-figures, nodejs-assume, nodejs-mz, nodejs-to-regex, nodejs-co-mocha, nodejs-write-file-atomic, nodejs-glob, nodejs-wrap-fn, nodejs-gaze, nodejs-output-file-sync, nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic
nonamedotc: xinetd
nphilipp: xinetd
npmccallum: xinetd
nsaje: xinetd
nushio: sgpio
oalbrigt: numad
obudai: xinetd
odubaj: xinetd
ogutierrez: sgpio
oholy: xinetd, sgpio
olem: xinetd
olysonek: xinetd, numad
omajid: xinetd
omos: xinetd
omular: xinetd
onosek: xinetd, numad
ooprala: xinetd
openstack-sig: xinetd, python-XStatic-jQuery
orion: xinetd, compat-guile18
osier: xinetd, numad
otaylor: xinetd
pabelanger: xinetd
patches: nodejs-sha, nodeunit, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-gaze, nodejs-block-stream, nodejs-readdirp, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, mocha
pavlix: xinetd
pbrezina: xinetd
pbrobinson: xinetd, sgpio
pcahyna: xinetd
pcpa: normaliz
perl-sig: xinetd
peter: xinetd
petersen: xinetd
pfrields: xinetd
phatina: xinetd
phracek: xinetd
phuang: xinetd
pingou: xinetd
piotrp: nodeunit
pjones: xinetd, sgpio
pkilambi: xinetd
pknirsch: numad
ppisar: xinetd
praiskup: xinetd
prajnoha: sgpio
pranvk: sgpio
praveenp: xinetd
psabata: xinetd
pstodulk: xinetd
puiterwijk: xinetd
pvalena: xinetd
pwalter: xinetd
python-sig: xinetd
qa-tools-sig: xinetd, numad
quintela: numad
qulogic: xinetd
qwan: numad
rakesh: xinetd, sgpio
ralph: hub
raorn: xinetd
raphgro: numad
raveit65: sgpio
rdieter: mpir, sgpio, normaliz, xinetd
rdopiera: python-XStatic-jQuery
rebus: xinetd
remi: xinetd
ret2libc: xinetd
rharwood: xinetd
rhcontainerbot: xinetd
rhea: xinetd
rhughes: xinetd, sgpio
rishi: xinetd, sgpio
rjones: xinetd, numad
rmattes: xinetd, normaliz, compat-guile18
rmccabe: numad
rmeggins: xinetd, sgpio
robotics-sig: xinetd, compat-guile18
roma: xinetd
romanofski: xinetd
rsroka: xinetd
rstrode: xinetd, sgpio
ruby-packagers-sig: xinetd
runcom: xinetd
rust-sig: xinetd
ryansb: xinetd
s4504kr: xinetd
sagitter: xinetd
salimma: xinetd
sandeen: xinetd
santiago: xinetd
saprasad: xinetd
sbergmann: xinetd
sbonazzo: xinetd
sbueno: sgpio
scorreia: xinetd
scox: numad
sergesanspaille: xinetd
sergiomb: xinetd, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, mocha
sergiopr: xinetd
sgallagh: xinetd, hub
sgordon: xinetd
sharkcz: mpir, xinetd
siddharths: xinetd
simo: xinetd
simonp: xinetd
siwinski: xinetd
skisela: xinetd
skitt: xinetd
skottler: xinetd
slaanesh: mpir, xinetd
slagle: xinetd
slankes: xinetd
smakarov: numad
smani: xinetd
snits: xinetd
social: xinetd
spichugi: sgpio
spike: apache-commons-configuration
spot: mpir, xinetd
ssp: xinetd, sgpio
stahnma: xinetd
stefw: xinetd, sgpio
steve: xinetd
steved: xinetd
stevetraylen: xinetd, numad
strobert: xinetd
suanand: xinetd
svashisht: xinetd
tartare: xinetd
tbordaz: sgpio
tbzatek: sgpio
tc01: xinetd, nodeunit, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, mocha
tdawson: xinetd, numad
tdecacqu: xinetd
terjeros: xinetd
teuf: xinetd, sgpio
tflink: numad
than: xinetd, sgpio
thm: xinetd
thofmann: xinetd
thozza: xinetd
tibbs: xinetd
timn: xinetd
tingping: xinetd
tkorbar: compat-guile18
tmraz: xinetd
tmz: xinetd
tojeline: xinetd
tomegun: xinetd
tpokorra: xinetd
tpopela: xinetd, sgpio
tstclair: numad
tstellar: xinetd
ttheisen: numad
ttomecek: xinetd
ttorling: compat-guile18
tuxbrewr: sgpio
twaugh: xinetd, sgpio
ueno: xinetd
umohnani: xinetd
vakwetu: xinetd
valtri: numad
vascom: mpir, numad, xinetd
vashirov: sgpio
veillard: xinetd, numad
victortoso: xinetd
virtmaint-sig: xinetd, numad
vishalvvr: xinetd
vjancik: nodeunit, nodejs-write-file-atomic, nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-npm-package-arg, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, nodejs-normalize-git-url, nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic, nodejs-defaults, mocha
vkmc: xinetd
vondruch: xinetd
vpodzime: sgpio
vrutkovs: xinetd
vtrefny: sgpio
wakko666: xinetd
walters: xinetd
warthog9: xinetd
wcohen: numad
whot: xinetd
wwoods: xinetd, numad
xaeth: xinetd
xavierb: xinetd
xvitaly: xinetd
ykarel: xinetd
yunyings: xinetd
zaitcev: xinetd
zaneb: xinetd
zaniyah: mpir
zbyszek: xinetd, sgpio, checksec
zdohnal: xinetd
zeenix: sgpio
zkabelac: sgpio
zsun: sgpio
zuul: xinetd
zvetlik: nodejs-jade, nodejs-chalk, nodejs-glob, nodejs-npm-package-arg, nodejs-promises-aplus-tests, nodejs-transformers, nodejs-defaults, mocha

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