On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 3:56 AM Jamie Nguyen <j@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a follow up for this post:
Below are the packages I've orphaned. See section [d] of the linked
email to see how many times each package is listed as Requires by
something else.
Most are Node.js packages, some still maintained via the 'nodejs-sig'
user, though 'nodejs-sig' can't own packages so I orphaned instead.
- compat-libuv010
- CutyCapt
- dateformat
- expresso
- jasmine-node
- js-json
- js-zlib
- marked
- mocha
- nodejs-abbrev
- nodejs-ain2
- nodejs-ansi
- nodejs-ansi-styles
- nodejs-archy
- nodejs-asap
- nodejs-asn1
- nodejs-assertplus
- nodejs-async
- nodejs-aws-sign
- nodejs-basic-auth-connect
- nodejs-batch
- nodejs-better-assert
- nodejs-bindings
- nodejs-block-stream
- nodejs-boom
- nodejs-buffer-crc32
- nodejs-buffer-equal
- nodejs-bunker
- nodejs-burrito
- nodejs-bytes
- nodejs-callsite
- nodejs-chalk
- nodejs-character-parser
- nodejs-charm
- nodejs-child-process-close
- nodejs-chmodr
- nodejs-chownr
- nodejs-cmd-shim
- nodejs-combined-stream
- nodejs-commander
- nodejs-component-emitter
- nodejs-config-chain
- nodejs-connect-timeout
- nodejs-console-dot-log
- nodejs-cookie
- nodejs-cookiejar
- nodejs-cookie-jar
- nodejs-cookie-parser
- nodejs-cookie-signature
- nodejs-couch-login
- nodejs-cryptiles
- nodejs-css
- nodejs-cssom
- nodejs-css-parse
- nodejs-css-stringify
- nodejs-csurf
- nodejs-ctype
- nodejs-cycle
- nodejs-debug
- nodejs-defined
- nodejs-delayed-stream
- nodejs-detective
- nodejs-diff
- nodejs-dryice
- nodejs-editor
- nodejs-ejs
- nodejs-escodegen
- nodejs-estraverse
- nodejs-esutils
- nodejs-eventemitter2
- nodejs-exit
- nodejs-expect-dot-js
- nodejs-express-session
- nodejs-faye-websocket
- nodejs-fileset
- nodejs-findup-sync
- nodejs-forever-agent
- nodejs-form-data
- nodejs-formidable
- nodejs-fresh
- nodejs-fstream
- nodejs-fstream-ignore
- nodejs-fstream-npm
- nodejs-generic-pool
- nodejs-getobject
- nodejs-github-url-from-git
- nodejs-glob
- nodejs-grip
- nodejs-growl
- nodejs-grunt-compare-size
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-watch
- nodejs-grunt-git-authors
- nodejs-gzip-size
- nodejs-has-color
- nodejs-hawk
- nodejs-hoek
- nodejs-hooker
- nodejs-http-signature
- nodejs-inherits1
- nodejs-ini
- nodejs-iso8601
- nodejs-isodate
- nodejs-jasmine-reporters
- nodejs-joose
- nodejs-joosex-namespace-depended
- nodejs-joosex-simplerequest
- nodejs-jscoverage
- nodejs-jsonfile
- nodejs-jsonify
- nodejs-json-stringify-safe
- nodejs-js-yaml
- nodejs-jwt-simple
- nodejs-keypress
- nodejs-lazystream
- nodejs-lockfile
- nodejs-markdown
- nodejs-maxmin
- nodejs-methods
- nodejs-mime
- nodejs-mimeparse
- nodejs-minimatch
- nodejs-minimist
- nodejs-morgan
- nodejs-ms
- nodejs-muffin
- nodejs-multiparty
- nodejs-mute-stream
- nodejs-nan0
- nodejs-ncp
- nodejs-node-int64
- nodejs-node-uuid
- nodejs-nopt
- nodejs-noptify
- nodejs-npmlog
- nodejs-npm-user-validate
- nodejs-oauth-sign
- nodejs-opener
- nodejs-optimist
- nodejs-opts
- nodejs-osenv
- nodejs-package
- nodejs-paperboy
- nodejs-parseurl
- nodejs-pause
- nodejs-pkginfo
- nodejs-pretty-bytes
- nodejs-promise
- nodejs-promzard
- nodejs-proto-list
- nodejs-pubcontrol
- nodejs-qs
- nodejs-range-parser
- nodejs-read
- nodejs-readdirp
- nodejs-read-package-json
- nodejs-reduce-component
- nodejs-repl
- nodejs-require-cs
- nodejs-requirejs
- nodejs-resolve
- nodejs-response-time
- odejs-response-time rpms
- nodejs-retry
- nodejs-rimraf
- nodejs-ronn
- nodejs-runforcover
- nodejs-sax
- nodejs-semver
- nodejs-serve-index
- nodejs-setimmediate
- nodejs-sha
- nodejs-shelljs
- nodejs-showdown
- nodejs-sigmund
- nodejs-slide
- nodejs-source-map
- nodejs-stack-trace
- nodejs-static-favicon
- nodejs-stream-counter
- nodejs-strip-ansi
- nodejs-superagent
- nodejs-supertest
- nodejs-tar
- nodejs-temp
- nodejs-temporary
- nodejs-testswarm
- nodejs-through
- nodejs-tiny-lr-fork
- nodejs-transformers
- nodejs-traverse
- nodejs-tunnel-agent
- nodejs-uglify-to-browserify
- nodejs-uid-number
- nodejs-underscore
- nodejs-underscore-dot-string
- nodejs-utile
- nodejs-vhost
- nodejs-walkdir
- nodejs-weak-map
- nodejs-websocket-driver
- nodejs-which
- nodejs-wordwrap
- nodejs-yamlish
- nodejs-zlib-browserify
- nodejs-zlibjs
- uglify-js1
- web-assets
So... this is a lot of node.js packages, and I haven't really seen any discussion of this on the lists. And at least some of these are possibly important for other nodejs packages-- notably "mocha", which I suspect is used in at least some packages to run unit tests (at the very least, several of my nodejs packages use it to run unit tests...).
Has anyone in the nodejs SIG given any thought to picking any of these up? Do we need some kind of Stewardship SIG-like effort to try and improve the state of the node.js ecosystem in Fedora? It's probably no secret that a lot of node packages are outdated and in less-than-fantastic shape...
I've been trying to maintain packages for a node application [1] and its dependencies, and it's increasingly difficult due to old dependencies, even when they're not FTBFS or FTI or orphaned. I don't have the bandwidth to take over all of these, but I'd be willing to join some kind of collective effort to improve things. As far as I can tell, most node.js specfiles are pretty simple (in fact, they could probably be generated by a script), the only problem is the coordination required to keep large dependency trees up to date. Maybe it would be good to figure out something like:
a) Are there packages that people care about (e.g. applications or webapps?) that actually use the nodejs modules currently in Fedora?
b) What's required to maintain those? e.g. dependencies or build-time tools to run tests?
c) What can we do to keep that subset of packages alive and up to date?
Ben Rosser
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