Hey Jiri,
Please guide me how to find the actual build failure log. I tried finding the ant one but didn't succeed yet https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jvanek/java11/package/ant/
On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 5:05 PM Jiri Vanek <jvanek@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please see
Please fix your packages according to
Inidivdual packagers are being emailed with details
Maintainers by package:
HdrHistogram acaringi almac hhorak jkang jvanek
Java-WebSocket jonny
abrt-java-connector ekulik jfilak mhabrnal mizdebsk msuchy
ant akurtakov dmoluguw jcapik kdaniel mizdebsk
ant-antunit dmoluguw mizdebsk orion
antlr-maven-plugin lef spot
antlr3 dchen jjames lef mizdebsk mjakubicek walters
antlr32 mbooth
antlrworks melmorabity
apache-commons-beanutils churchyard fnasser mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-chain jjelen
apache-commons-cli mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-codec mbooth mizdebsk
apache-commons-collections churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
apache-commons-compress jjelen mizdebsk mkoncek spike
apache-commons-configuration fnasser jjelen mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-daemon dmoluguw mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-dbcp mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-dbutils mizdebsk orphan
apache-commons-digester mbooth mizdebsk
apache-commons-email mizdebsk orphan
apache-commons-exec melmorabity
apache-commons-fileupload jerboaa jjelen mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-io mizdebsk sdgathman spike
apache-commons-jci jjelen orphan
apache-commons-jcs cquad jjelen orphan
apache-commons-jxpath churchyard fnasser mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-lang dmoluguw mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-lang3 mizdebsk sdgathman
apache-commons-logging kdaniel mizdebsk sdgathman spike
apache-commons-math melmorabity spike
apache-commons-modeler mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-net blackfile mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-pool mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-validator mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-vfs mizdebsk orphan
apache-ivy jjelen mizdebsk
apache-log4j-extras coolsvap gil moceap
apache-rat jjelen mizdebsk
apache-sshd gil mbooth
apiviz dmoluguw lef
aqute-bnd churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
args4j churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
assertj-core decathorpe
atinject churchyard kdaniel mizdebsk
auto mbooth
avalon-framework jerboaa jjelen mizdebsk orphan
azureus djuran
batik jvanek mbooth mizdebsk sergiomb
bcel jjelen mizdebsk
beust-jcommander churchyard jcapik jvanek mizdebsk
bouncycastle ellert gil jjohnstn mbooth rgrunber
brazil mbooth
bsf choeger decathorpe mizdebsk
bsh churchyard mizdebsk
buildnumber-maven-plugin jjelen
bval jjelen orphan
byte-buddy mbooth
bytelist lef mmorsi
caffeine acaringi hhorak
cal10n decathorpe mizdebsk
cassandra-java-driver hhorak jjanco orphan
castor lef orphan
cbi-plugins kdaniel mbooth rgrunber
cdi-api decathorpe mizdebsk
cglib jerboaa mef mizdebsk
closure-compiler zbyszek
codemodel ankursinha dmoluguw edewata
compile-command-annotations acaringi hhorak
concurrent-trees acaringi hhorak
cortado jwrdegoede
csound pbrobinson sdz
dain-snappy decathorpe mizdebsk
decentxml cipherboy mbooth mizdebsk
diffoscope halfie zbyszek
ditaa terjeros
dnsjava hubbitus
docker-client-java jjohnstn mbooth rgrunber
dom4j dbhole jwrdegoede mizdebsk sdgathman
easymock akurtakov churchyard dbhole fnasser mizdebsk
ebay-cors-filter sbonazzo
ecj akurtakov dbhole kdaniel omajid
eclipse akurtakov arobinso dbhole ebaron jerboaa jjohnstn lef mbooth oliver rgrunber
eclipse-m2e-core galileo mbooth mizdebsk
eclipse-m2e-workspace mbooth mizdebsk
eclipse-mylyn arobinso jjohnstn kdaniel orphan rgrunber
eclipse-webtools galileo orphan
ed25519-java mbooth
electric blackfile lbazan
erlang-corba peter
exec-maven-plugin churchyard mizdebsk
felix-bundlerepository jjelen mizdebsk
felix-framework mizdebsk msimacek orphan
felix-gogo-command akurtakov kdaniel
felix-gogo-runtime akurtakov kdaniel mizdebsk
felix-gogo-shell akurtakov kdaniel mizdebsk
felix-osgi-obr decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
felix-osgi-obr-resolver orphan
felix-scr jerboaa jkang
felix-shell decathorpe mizdebsk
felix-utils churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
findbugs gil richardfearn
flexdock davidcl mycae
fmpp willb
fop mizdebsk rlandmann
freecol jwrdegoede vtrefny
freemarker mbooth
freewrl spot stevetraylen
frysk cagney kasal pmuldoon
geronimo-annotation mizdebsk spike
geronimo-ejb lef mizdebsk spike
geronimo-interceptor lef mizdebsk spike
geronimo-jaxrpc mizdebsk spike
geronimo-jcache jjelen lef orphan
geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api jjelen lef orphan
geronimo-jcdi-1.1-api jjelen
geronimo-jms decathorpe mizdebsk
geronimo-jpa decathorpe mizdebsk
geronimo-osgi-support mizdebsk spike
geronimo-saaj mizdebsk spike
geronimo-validation jjelen
glassfish-annotation-api orphan
glassfish-dtd-parser dmoluguw edewata orphan
glassfish-fastinfoset ankursinha dmoluguw edewata
glassfish-hk2 orphan
glassfish-jax-rs-api decathorpe
glassfish-jaxb cipherboy dmoluguw edewata
glassfish-jaxb-api decathorpe
glassfish-jsp mbooth mizdebsk
glassfish-jsp-api decathorpe kdaniel mizdebsk
glassfish-servlet-api davidx gil lef
gluegen2 orphan
gnulib moceap zbyszek
google-gson churchyard jcapik jerboaa jvanek kdaniel mizdebsk
google-guice churchyard mizdebsk
guava decathorpe mizdebsk
guava20 mizdebsk orphan
guessencoding orion
hamcrest akurtakov decathorpe jerboaa mizdebsk
hawtjni decathorpe mizdebsk
hdfview zbyszek
hibernate-jpa-2.0-api jjelen
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api jjelen lef
hid4java jonny
hsqldb fnasser jjohnstn mizdebsk
hsqldb1 jjelen lef
httpcomponents-client jerboaa kdaniel mizdebsk sdgathman
httpcomponents-core jerboaa kdaniel mizdebsk sdgathman
httpunit fnasser jjelen mizdebsk
icu4j akurtakov fnasser kdaniel mbooth mizdebsk
imagej verdurin
invokebinder mmorsi orphan
istack-commons ankursinha dmoluguw edewata
jabrt jfilak
jackson-annotations decathorpe
jackson-core decathorpe
jackson-databind decathorpe
jackson-dataformats-binary mbooth
jackson-dataformats-text mbooth
jackson-jaxrs-providers cipherboy
jackson-modules-base cipherboy
jacop pcpa
janino decathorpe
jansi churchyard mizdebsk
jansi-native decathorpe mizdebsk
java-comment-preprocessor pkajaba praiskup
java-dirq lcons mpaladin stevetraylen
java-gnome abo
java-mersenne-twister jgu
java-runtime-decompiler jvanek pmikova
java-scrypt jonny
java-sleep orion
java-vash orphan
java_cup decathorpe mizdebsk
javacc-maven-plugin decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
javamail jkang mizdebsk sdgathman
javaparser decathorpe
javapoet mbooth
javassist dmoluguw john5342 mizdebsk
javatar orion
javolution orphan pmackinn
jaxb2-maven-plugin ankursinha jjelen lef
jaxen decathorpe mizdebsk
jaxodraw moceap
jblas zbyszek
jboss-annotations-1.2-api dmoluguw
jboss-el-2.2-api decathorpe
jboss-el-3.0-api decathorpe
jboss-interceptors-1.2-api decathorpe
jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api cipherboy
jboss-jms-1.1-api dmoluguw lef
jboss-jsf-2.1-api jjelen
jboss-jsf-2.2-api jjelen lef orphan
jboss-jsp-2.2-api cerberus
jboss-jsp-2.3-api jjelen
jboss-jstl-1.2-api jjelen
jboss-logging dmoluguw
jboss-logging-tools cipherboy dmoluguw
jboss-logmanager dmoluguw gil lef
jboss-modules decathorpe mizdebsk
jboss-servlet-2.5-api dmoluguw vakwetu
jboss-servlet-3.0-api decathorpe
jboss-servlet-3.1-api decathorpe
jchart2d orphan
jcodings lef mmorsi
jctools decathorpe
jdeparser cipherboy dmoluguw edewata
jdependency decathorpe mizdebsk
jdom kdaniel mbooth mizdebsk
jdom2 decathorpe
jericho-html terjeros
jetty-parent mizdebsk orphan
jffi mmorsi
jflex decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
jfontchooser lkundrak
jfreechart jerboaa lkundrak
jgit mbooth
jgoodies-common melmorabity
jgoodies-forms melmorabity
jgoodies-looks melmorabity
jgroups fnasser gil goldmann lef
jhdf5 zbyszek
jilter orion
jing-trang jpokorny
jlatexmath orphan
jlems ankursinha
jline jerboaa mbooth mizdebsk msimacek
jline3 orphan
jmdns elxreno mizdebsk
jmock decathorpe
jnr-constants mmorsi
jnr-enxio akurtakov jjohnstn rgrunber
jnr-ffi mmorsi
jnr-netdb mmorsi
jnr-posix mmorsi
jnr-unixsocket akurtakov jjohnstn rgrunber
jnr-x86asm mmorsi
joda-time mizdebsk spike
joni mmorsi
jopt-simple lef mbooth mizdebsk
josm jjelen orphan
jruby lef msrb orphan
js-zlib orphan patches zbyszek
jsap leamas
jsch akurtakov jerboaa kdaniel mizdebsk
jsemver ngompa
json_simple jjelen mizdebsk stevetraylen
jsonp jjelen lef
jsoup churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
jssc dwrobel giallu
jtidy dbhole mizdebsk spike
junit churchyard kdaniel mizdebsk
junit5 jjelen mizdebsk
jvyamlb mmorsi
jython akurtakov dmalcolm jmatthews lkundrak mbooth pmackinn
jzlib mbooth mizdebsk
kawa moceap
kxml decathorpe mizdebsk
lancer willb
lasso jhrozek rcritten simo
lcm dcallagh mrunge nmarques
legendsbrowser tc01
libdb hhorak jstanek pkubat
libdb4 besser82 hhorak jstanek lupinix mmuzila
libidn gil mlichvar
libloader caolanm sbergmann
librepository caolanm sbergmann
liquibase awood dgoodwin
log4j decathorpe mizdebsk
log4j12 decathorpe mizdebsk
logisim lkundrak
lpg mbooth
lucene akurtakov dchen jerboaa kdaniel lef msimacek rgrunber
maven churchyard mizdebsk
maven-antrun-plugin churchyard mizdebsk
maven-archiver churchyard mizdebsk
maven-artifact-resolver decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-artifact-transfer churchyard mizdebsk
maven-assembly-plugin jcapik jjelen mizdebsk
maven-clean-plugin churchyard mizdebsk
maven-common-artifact-filters decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-compiler-plugin churchyard mizdebsk
maven-dependency-analyzer decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-dependency-plugin decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-dependency-tree churchyard mizdebsk
maven-doxia churchyard mef mizdebsk
maven-doxia-sitetools churchyard dbhole mizdebsk
maven-enforcer churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
maven-file-management decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-filtering churchyard mizdebsk
maven-install-plugin decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-invoker churchyard mizdebsk
maven-invoker-plugin decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-jar-plugin jjelen mizdebsk
maven-javadoc-plugin jjelen mizdebsk
maven-jaxb2-plugin ankursinha
maven-license-plugin guidograzioli
maven-native deamn
maven-osgi decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-patch-plugin ellert
maven-plugin-build-helper decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-plugin-bundle churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
maven-plugin-testing churchyard jcapik mizdebsk yyang
maven-plugin-tools churchyard jcapik mizdebsk yyang
maven-release jcapik orphan
maven-remote-resources-plugin decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-reporting-api churchyard mizdebsk
maven-reporting-impl churchyard mizdebsk
maven-resolver churchyard mizdebsk
maven-resources-plugin decathorpe mizdebsk pingou
maven-scm guidograzioli jcapik mizdebsk msimacek
maven-script-interpreter decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-shade-plugin decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk pingou
maven-shared-incremental decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-shared-io decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-shared-utils churchyard mizdebsk
maven-source-plugin churchyard mizdebsk
maven-stage-plugin huwang orphan
maven-verifier decathorpe mizdebsk
maven-verifier-plugin bcotton
maven-wagon churchyard dbhole fnasser jcapik mizdebsk yyang
maven2 dbhole yyang
metadata-extractor2 cquad jjelen
metrics-reporter-config hhorak orphan
mockito jerboaa omajid raphgro rkennke
modello churchyard fnasser mizdebsk yyang
msv mizdebsk tc01
munge-maven-plugin decathorpe mizdebsk
mx4j dwalluck orphan
mycila-pom orphan
mysql-connector-java hhorak java-sig jjanco mjakubicek mschorm odubaj
nailgun mmorsi
nekohtml fnasser jjohnstn mizdebsk
netbeans-resolver moceap
netty mbooth mizdebsk
netty-tcnative jvanek
neurord zbyszek
nom-tam-fits gil lupinix zbyszek
nyquist orphan
objectweb-asm dwalluck fnasser mizdebsk
octave alexlan jcapik jussilehtola konradm mmahut orion rakesh
ongres-scram acaringi jjanco praiskup
openas2 sdgathman
opencv hguemar hhorak jkucera jmlich jridky kwizart sergiomb vjancik
openjpa jjelen lef orphan
os-maven-plugin mbooth mizdebsk
osgi-compendium churchyard mizdebsk
osgi-core churchyard mizdebsk
paranamer cipherboy
parfait agerstmayr mgoodwin nathans orphan
pdfbox java-sig sergiomb
pl bagnara jjames mef
plantuml gil jsafrane
plexus-active-collections yyang
plexus-ant-factory churchyard mizdebsk
plexus-archiver churchyard dbhole jcapik mizdebsk
plexus-bsh-factory mizdebsk orphan
plexus-build-api churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
plexus-cipher decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
plexus-compiler decathorpe mizdebsk
plexus-component-api yyang
plexus-containers churchyard dbhole fnasser mizdebsk yyang
plexus-i18n churchyard dbhole jcapik mizdebsk
plexus-interactivity churchyard mizdebsk
plexus-io decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
plexus-languages decathorpe mizdebsk
plexus-resources churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
plexus-sec-dispatcher decathorpe mizdebsk
plexus-velocity churchyard jcapik mizdebsk
portlet-2.0-api jjelen
powermock dchen jerboaa lef neugens rkennke
protobuf abbot ignatenkobrain mizdebsk
py4j raphgro
python-jep raphgro
reflections tc01
relaxngDatatype ankursinha dbhole mizdebsk
relaxngcc ankursinha
replacer decathorpe
rescu orphan
resteasy cipherboy dmoluguw edewata vakwetu
rmic-maven-plugin mizdebsk spike
rxtx giallu lfarkas
sat4j akurtakov jjohnstn kdaniel
sbinary willb
sblim-cim-client vcrhonek
sblim-cim-client2 vcrhonek
scalacheck willb
scannotation goldmann kashyapc
scilab orphan
serp jjelen
shrinkwrap decathorpe
si-units brolley mgoodwin nathans orphan
sisu churchyard mizdebsk
sisu-mojos churchyard mizdebsk
skinlf mycae
slf4j dmoluguw mizdebsk
snakeyaml decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk mmorsi
snappy-java decathorpe
spec-version-maven-plugin decathorpe
sqljet filiperosset mbooth
sslext jjelen orphan
stax-ex ankursinha
stax2-api decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
stream-lib lef orphan
stringtemplate lef mjakubicek walters
stringtemplate4 jjames mizdebsk mjakubicek
struts jjelen orphan
sunflow michalvala
svgsalamander jjelen
svnkit dbhole jfilak orphan
swing-layout jandrlik java-sig
syslog-ng czanik jpo mrunge
takari-polyglot mbooth
testng decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
testng-remote mbooth
tomcat-taglibs-standard akurtakov gil lef
tomcatjss cfu cipherboy dmoluguw edewata kwright mharmsen vakwetu
tonto leamas
tycho kdaniel mbooth mizdebsk
tzdata pfrankli pmachata
umlgraph raphgro
univocity-parsers decathorpe mizdebsk
uom-lib brolley mgoodwin nathans orphan
uom-se brolley mgoodwin nathans orphan
uom-systems brolley mgoodwin nathans orphan
vecmath rathann
velocity churchyard mizdebsk
velocity-tools jjelen lef orphan
vrpn bizdelnick
vtk jgu mrceresa orion
woodstox-core decathorpe jcapik mizdebsk
ws-commons-util green kdaniel mizdebsk
wsdl4j akurtakov mbooth mizdebsk
xalan-j2 decathorpe kdaniel mizdebsk
xbean jjelen kdaniel mizdebsk
xemacs-packages-extra jjames stevetraylen
xerces-j2 kdaniel mbooth mizdebsk
xml-commons-apis kdaniel mbooth mizdebsk
xml-maven-plugin ke4qqq mbooth mizdebsk
xmlgraphics-commons rlandmann
xmlrpc kdaniel mbooth mizdebsk
xmlstreambuffer ankursinha
xmltool guidograzioli
xmlunit bubeck mizdebsk
xmpcore cquad jjelen
xmvn jjelen mizdebsk
xpp3 dbhole gil jerboaa mbooth mizdebsk
xsom ankursinha dmoluguw edewata
xstream decathorpe mizdebsk msimacek
xz-java decathorpe kdaniel mizdebsk
zxing gil jonny
Packages by maintainer:
abbot protobuf
abo java-gnome
acaringi HdrHistogram caffeine compile-command-annotations concurrent-trees ongres-scram
agerstmayr parfait
akurtakov ant easymock ecj eclipse felix-gogo-command felix-gogo-runtime felix-gogo-shell hamcrest
icu4j jnr-enxio jnr-unixsocket jsch jython lucene sat4j tomcat-taglibs-standard wsdl4j
alexlan octave
almac HdrHistogram
ankursinha codemodel glassfish-fastinfoset istack-commons jaxb2-maven-plugin jlems
maven-jaxb2-plugin relaxngDatatype relaxngcc stax-ex xmlstreambuffer xsom
arobinso eclipse eclipse-mylyn
awood liquibase
bagnara pl
bcotton maven-verifier-plugin
besser82 libdb4
bizdelnick vrpn
blackfile apache-commons-net electric
brolley si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
bubeck xmlunit
cagney frysk
caolanm libloader librepository
cerberus jboss-jsp-2.2-api
cfu tomcatjss
choeger bsf
churchyard apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-collections apache-commons-jxpath aqute-bnd
args4j atinject beust-jcommander bsh easymock exec-maven-plugin felix-utils google-gson google-guice
jansi jsoup junit maven maven-antrun-plugin maven-archiver maven-artifact-transfer
maven-clean-plugin maven-compiler-plugin maven-dependency-tree maven-doxia maven-doxia-sitetools
maven-enforcer maven-filtering maven-invoker maven-plugin-bundle maven-plugin-testing
maven-plugin-tools maven-reporting-api maven-reporting-impl maven-resolver maven-shared-utils
maven-source-plugin maven-wagon modello osgi-compendium osgi-core plexus-ant-factory plexus-archiver
plexus-build-api plexus-containers plexus-i18n plexus-interactivity plexus-resources plexus-velocity
sisu sisu-mojos velocity
cipherboy decentxml glassfish-jaxb jackson-jaxrs-providers jackson-modules-base jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api
jboss-logging-tools jdeparser paranamer resteasy tomcatjss
coolsvap apache-log4j-extras
cquad apache-commons-jcs metadata-extractor2 xmpcore
czanik syslog-ng
davidcl flexdock
davidx glassfish-servlet-api
dbhole dom4j easymock ecj eclipse jtidy maven-doxia-sitetools maven-wagon maven2 plexus-archiver
plexus-containers plexus-i18n relaxngDatatype svnkit xpp3
dcallagh lcm
dchen antlr3 lucene powermock
deamn maven-native
decathorpe assertj-core bsf cal10n cdi-api dain-snappy felix-osgi-obr felix-shell geronimo-jms
geronimo-jpa glassfish-jax-rs-api glassfish-jaxb-api glassfish-jsp-api guava hamcrest hawtjni
jackson-annotations jackson-core jackson-databind janino jansi-native java_cup javacc-maven-plugin
javaparser jaxen jboss-el-2.2-api jboss-el-3.0-api jboss-interceptors-1.2-api jboss-modules
jboss-servlet-3.0-api jboss-servlet-3.1-api jctools jdependency jdom2 jflex jmock kxml log4j log4j12
maven-artifact-resolver maven-common-artifact-filters maven-dependency-analyzer
maven-dependency-plugin maven-file-management maven-install-plugin maven-invoker-plugin maven-osgi
maven-plugin-build-helper maven-remote-resources-plugin maven-resources-plugin
maven-script-interpreter maven-shade-plugin maven-shared-incremental maven-shared-io maven-verifier
munge-maven-plugin plexus-cipher plexus-compiler plexus-io plexus-languages plexus-sec-dispatcher
replacer shrinkwrap snakeyaml snappy-java spec-version-maven-plugin stax2-api testng
univocity-parsers woodstox-core xalan-j2 xstream xz-java
dgoodwin liquibase
djuran azureus
dmalcolm jython
dmoluguw ant ant-antunit apache-commons-daemon apache-commons-lang apiviz codemodel
glassfish-dtd-parser glassfish-fastinfoset glassfish-jaxb istack-commons javassist
jboss-annotations-1.2-api jboss-jms-1.1-api jboss-logging jboss-logging-tools jboss-logmanager
jboss-servlet-2.5-api jdeparser resteasy slf4j tomcatjss xsom
dwalluck mx4j objectweb-asm
dwrobel jssc
ebaron eclipse
edewata codemodel glassfish-dtd-parser glassfish-fastinfoset glassfish-jaxb istack-commons
jdeparser resteasy tomcatjss xsom
ekulik abrt-java-connector
ellert bouncycastle maven-patch-plugin
elxreno jmdns
filiperosset sqljet
fnasser apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-configuration apache-commons-jxpath easymock
hsqldb httpunit icu4j jgroups maven-wagon modello nekohtml objectweb-asm plexus-containers
galileo eclipse-m2e-core eclipse-webtools
giallu jssc rxtx
gil apache-log4j-extras apache-sshd bouncycastle findbugs glassfish-servlet-api
jboss-logmanager jgroups libidn nom-tam-fits plantuml tomcat-taglibs-standard xpp3 zxing
goldmann jgroups scannotation
green ws-commons-util
guidograzioli maven-license-plugin maven-scm xmltool
halfie diffoscope
hguemar opencv
hhorak HdrHistogram caffeine cassandra-java-driver compile-command-annotations concurrent-trees
libdb libdb4 metrics-reporter-config mysql-connector-java opencv
hubbitus dnsjava
huwang maven-stage-plugin
ignatenkobrain protobuf
jandrlik swing-layout
java-sig mysql-connector-java pdfbox swing-layout
jcapik ant apache-commons-collections aqute-bnd args4j beust-jcommander felix-osgi-obr
felix-utils google-gson javacc-maven-plugin jflex jsoup maven-assembly-plugin maven-enforcer
maven-plugin-bundle maven-plugin-testing maven-plugin-tools maven-release maven-scm
maven-shade-plugin maven-wagon octave plexus-archiver plexus-build-api plexus-cipher plexus-i18n
plexus-io plexus-resources plexus-velocity snakeyaml stax2-api testng woodstox-core
jerboaa apache-commons-fileupload avalon-framework cglib eclipse felix-scr google-gson hamcrest
httpcomponents-client httpcomponents-core jfreechart jline jsch lucene mockito powermock xpp3
jfilak abrt-java-connector jabrt svnkit
jgu java-mersenne-twister vtk
jhrozek lasso
jjames antlr3 pl stringtemplate4 xemacs-packages-extra
jjanco cassandra-java-driver mysql-connector-java ongres-scram
jjelen apache-commons-chain apache-commons-compress apache-commons-configuration
apache-commons-fileupload apache-commons-jci apache-commons-jcs apache-ivy apache-rat
avalon-framework bcel buildnumber-maven-plugin bval felix-bundlerepository geronimo-jcache
geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api geronimo-jcdi-1.1-api geronimo-validation hibernate-jpa-2.0-api
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api hsqldb1 httpunit jaxb2-maven-plugin jboss-jsf-2.1-api jboss-jsf-2.2-api
jboss-jsp-2.3-api jboss-jstl-1.2-api josm json_simple jsonp junit5 maven-assembly-plugin
maven-jar-plugin maven-javadoc-plugin metadata-extractor2 openjpa portlet-2.0-api serp sslext struts
svgsalamander velocity-tools xbean xmpcore xmvn
jjohnstn bouncycastle docker-client-java eclipse eclipse-mylyn hsqldb jnr-enxio jnr-unixsocket
nekohtml sat4j
jkang HdrHistogram felix-scr javamail
jkucera opencv
jmatthews jython
jmlich opencv
john5342 javassist
jonny Java-WebSocket hid4java java-scrypt zxing
jpo syslog-ng
jpokorny jing-trang
jridky opencv
jsafrane plantuml
jstanek libdb libdb4
jussilehtola octave
jvanek HdrHistogram batik beust-jcommander google-gson java-runtime-decompiler netty-tcnative
jwrdegoede cortado dom4j freecol
kasal frysk
kashyapc scannotation
kdaniel ant apache-commons-logging atinject cbi-plugins ecj eclipse-mylyn felix-gogo-command
felix-gogo-runtime felix-gogo-shell glassfish-jsp-api google-gson httpcomponents-client
httpcomponents-core icu4j jdom jsch junit lucene sat4j tycho ws-commons-util xalan-j2 xbean
xerces-j2 xml-commons-apis xmlrpc xz-java
ke4qqq xml-maven-plugin
konradm octave
kwizart opencv
kwright tomcatjss
lbazan electric
lcons java-dirq
leamas jsap tonto
lef antlr-maven-plugin antlr3 apiviz bytelist castor eclipse geronimo-ejb
geronimo-interceptor geronimo-jcache geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api glassfish-servlet-api
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api hsqldb1 jaxb2-maven-plugin jboss-jms-1.1-api jboss-jsf-2.2-api
jboss-logmanager jcodings jgroups jopt-simple jruby jsonp lucene openjpa powermock stream-lib
stringtemplate tomcat-taglibs-standard velocity-tools
lfarkas rxtx
lkundrak jfontchooser jfreechart jython logisim
lupinix libdb4 nom-tam-fits
mbooth antlr32 apache-commons-codec apache-commons-digester apache-sshd auto batik bouncycastle
brazil byte-buddy cbi-plugins decentxml docker-client-java eclipse eclipse-m2e-core
eclipse-m2e-workspace ed25519-java freemarker glassfish-jsp icu4j jackson-dataformats-binary
jackson-dataformats-text javapoet jdom jgit jline jopt-simple jython jzlib lpg netty os-maven-plugin
sqljet takari-polyglot testng-remote tycho wsdl4j xerces-j2 xml-commons-apis xml-maven-plugin xmlrpc
mef cglib maven-doxia pl
melmorabity antlrworks apache-commons-exec apache-commons-math jgoodies-common jgoodies-forms
mgoodwin parfait si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
mhabrnal abrt-java-connector
mharmsen tomcatjss
michalvala sunflow
mizdebsk abrt-java-connector ant ant-antunit antlr3 apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-cli
apache-commons-codec apache-commons-collections apache-commons-compress apache-commons-configuration
apache-commons-daemon apache-commons-dbcp apache-commons-dbutils apache-commons-digester
apache-commons-email apache-commons-fileupload apache-commons-io apache-commons-jxpath
apache-commons-lang apache-commons-lang3 apache-commons-logging apache-commons-modeler
apache-commons-net apache-commons-pool apache-commons-validator apache-commons-vfs apache-ivy
apache-rat aqute-bnd args4j atinject avalon-framework batik bcel beust-jcommander bsf bsh cal10n
cdi-api cglib dain-snappy decentxml dom4j easymock eclipse-m2e-core eclipse-m2e-workspace
exec-maven-plugin felix-bundlerepository felix-framework felix-gogo-runtime felix-gogo-shell
felix-osgi-obr felix-shell felix-utils fop geronimo-annotation geronimo-ejb geronimo-interceptor
geronimo-jaxrpc geronimo-jms geronimo-jpa geronimo-osgi-support geronimo-saaj glassfish-jsp
glassfish-jsp-api google-gson google-guice guava guava20 hamcrest hawtjni hsqldb
httpcomponents-client httpcomponents-core httpunit icu4j jansi jansi-native java_cup
javacc-maven-plugin javamail javassist jaxen jboss-modules jdependency jdom jetty-parent jflex jline
jmdns joda-time jopt-simple jsch json_simple jsoup jtidy junit junit5 jzlib kxml log4j log4j12 maven
maven-antrun-plugin maven-archiver maven-artifact-resolver maven-artifact-transfer
maven-assembly-plugin maven-clean-plugin maven-common-artifact-filters maven-compiler-plugin
maven-dependency-analyzer maven-dependency-plugin maven-dependency-tree maven-doxia
maven-doxia-sitetools maven-enforcer maven-file-management maven-filtering maven-install-plugin
maven-invoker maven-invoker-plugin maven-jar-plugin maven-javadoc-plugin maven-osgi
maven-plugin-build-helper maven-plugin-bundle maven-plugin-testing maven-plugin-tools
maven-remote-resources-plugin maven-reporting-api maven-reporting-impl maven-resolver
maven-resources-plugin maven-scm maven-script-interpreter maven-shade-plugin
maven-shared-incremental maven-shared-io maven-shared-utils maven-source-plugin maven-verifier
maven-wagon modello msv munge-maven-plugin nekohtml netty objectweb-asm os-maven-plugin
osgi-compendium osgi-core plexus-ant-factory plexus-archiver plexus-bsh-factory plexus-build-api
plexus-cipher plexus-compiler plexus-containers plexus-i18n plexus-interactivity plexus-io
plexus-languages plexus-resources plexus-sec-dispatcher plexus-velocity protobuf relaxngDatatype
rmic-maven-plugin sisu sisu-mojos slf4j snakeyaml stax2-api stringtemplate4 testng tycho
univocity-parsers velocity woodstox-core ws-commons-util wsdl4j xalan-j2 xbean xerces-j2
xml-commons-apis xml-maven-plugin xmlrpc xmlunit xmvn xpp3 xstream xz-java
mjakubicek antlr3 mysql-connector-java stringtemplate stringtemplate4
mkoncek apache-commons-compress
mlichvar libidn
mmahut octave
mmorsi bytelist invokebinder jcodings jffi jnr-constants jnr-ffi jnr-netdb jnr-posix jnr-x86asm
joni jvyamlb nailgun snakeyaml
mmuzila libdb4
moceap apache-log4j-extras gnulib jaxodraw kawa netbeans-resolver
mpaladin java-dirq
mrceresa vtk
mrunge lcm syslog-ng
mschorm mysql-connector-java
msimacek felix-framework jline lucene maven-scm xstream
msrb jruby
msuchy abrt-java-connector
mycae flexdock skinlf
nathans parfait si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
neugens powermock
ngompa jsemver
nmarques lcm
odubaj mysql-connector-java
oliver eclipse
omajid ecj mockito
orion ant-antunit guessencoding java-sleep javatar jilter octave vtk
orphan apache-commons-dbutils apache-commons-email apache-commons-jci apache-commons-jcs
apache-commons-vfs avalon-framework bval cassandra-java-driver castor eclipse-mylyn eclipse-webtools
felix-framework felix-osgi-obr-resolver geronimo-jcache geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api
glassfish-annotation-api glassfish-dtd-parser glassfish-hk2 gluegen2 guava20 invokebinder java-vash
javolution jboss-jsf-2.2-api jchart2d jetty-parent jlatexmath jline3 josm jruby js-zlib
maven-release maven-stage-plugin metrics-reporter-config mx4j mycila-pom nyquist openjpa parfait
plexus-bsh-factory rescu scilab si-units sslext stream-lib struts svnkit uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
patches js-zlib
pbrobinson csound
pcpa jacop
peter erlang-corba
pfrankli tzdata
pingou maven-resources-plugin maven-shade-plugin
pkajaba java-comment-preprocessor
pkubat libdb
pmachata tzdata
pmackinn javolution jython
pmikova java-runtime-decompiler
pmuldoon frysk
praiskup java-comment-preprocessor ongres-scram
rakesh octave
raphgro mockito py4j python-jep umlgraph
rathann vecmath
rcritten lasso
rgrunber bouncycastle cbi-plugins docker-client-java eclipse eclipse-mylyn jnr-enxio
jnr-unixsocket lucene
richardfearn findbugs
rkennke mockito powermock
rlandmann fop xmlgraphics-commons
sbergmann libloader librepository
sbonazzo ebay-cors-filter
sdgathman apache-commons-io apache-commons-lang3 apache-commons-logging dom4j httpcomponents-client
httpcomponents-core javamail openas2
sdz csound
sergiomb batik opencv pdfbox
simo lasso
spike apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-cli apache-commons-compress
apache-commons-configuration apache-commons-daemon apache-commons-dbcp apache-commons-fileupload
apache-commons-io apache-commons-jxpath apache-commons-lang apache-commons-logging
apache-commons-math apache-commons-modeler apache-commons-net apache-commons-pool
apache-commons-validator geronimo-annotation geronimo-ejb geronimo-interceptor geronimo-jaxrpc
geronimo-osgi-support geronimo-saaj joda-time jtidy rmic-maven-plugin
spot antlr-maven-plugin freewrl
stevetraylen freewrl java-dirq json_simple xemacs-packages-extra
tc01 legendsbrowser msv reflections
terjeros ditaa jericho-html
vakwetu jboss-servlet-2.5-api resteasy tomcatjss
vcrhonek sblim-cim-client sblim-cim-client2
verdurin imagej
vjancik opencv
vtrefny freecol
walters antlr3 stringtemplate
willb fmpp lancer sbinary scalacheck
yyang maven-plugin-testing maven-plugin-tools maven-wagon maven2 modello
plexus-active-collections plexus-component-api plexus-containers
zbyszek closure-compiler diffoscope gnulib hdfview jblas jhdf5 js-zlib neurord nom-tam-fits
Jiri Vanek
Senior QE engineer, OpenJDK QE lead, Mgr.
Red Hat Czech
jvanek@xxxxxxxxxx M: +420775390109
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