Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers (anaconda also affected)

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
CPUFreqUtility                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
GConf2                            alexl, caillon, caolanm,         2 weeks ago
                                  gnome-sig, johnp, mbarnes,
                                  orphan, rhughes, ssp, walters
GREYCstoration                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
abcm2ps                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
adapta-gtk-theme                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
antlr4                            gil, jkastner, lef, mizdebsk,    2 weeks ago
apache-commons-dbutils            mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
apache-commons-email              mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
apache-commons-jci                jjelen, orphan                   2 weeks ago
apache-commons-jcs                cquad, jjelen, orphan            4 weeks ago
apanov-edrip-fonts                frixxon, orphan                  2 weeks ago
apbs                              orphan, rathann                  2 weeks ago
artha                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
avalon-framework                  jerboaa, jjelen, mizdebsk,       4 weeks ago
avr-gdb                           giallu, orphan, trondd           2 weeks ago
biboumi                           orphan                           4 weeks ago
bmake                             orphan                           0 weeks ago
bval                              jjelen, orphan                   2 weeks ago
bygfoot                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
cassandra-java-driver             hhorak, jjanco, orphan           2 weeks ago
castor                            lef, orphan                      2 weeks ago
catimg                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
cdpr                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
ckermit                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
cmyktool                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
cog                               orphan                           2 weeks ago
containers                        orphan                           5 weeks ago
coriander                         dajt, orphan                     2 weeks ago
dateshift                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
dibbler                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
docco                             nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
drbd                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
driftnet                          orphan, pwouters                 1 weeks ago
dsi                               orphan                           2 weeks ago
echoping                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
eclipse-avr                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
eclipse-egit-github               eclipse-sig, orphan              2 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-core                  eclipse-sig, galileo,            2 weeks ago
                                  mizdebsk, orphan
eclipse-mylyn                     arobinso, eclipse-sig,           2 weeks ago
                                  jjohnstn, kdaniel, orphan,
eclipse-photran                   akurtakov, eclipse-sig, orphan   2 weeks ago
eclipse-ptp                       eclipse-sig, jjohnstn,           2 weeks ago
                                  kdaniel, orphan
eclipse-remote                    eclipse-sig, orphan              2 weeks ago
eclipse-subclipse                 eclipse-sig, kdaniel, orphan     2 weeks ago
eclipse-testng                    eclipse-sig, orphan              2 weeks ago
eclipse-webtools                  eclipse-sig, galileo, orphan     2 weeks ago
emacs-mmm                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
fcoe-utils                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
flatbuffers                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
foma                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
fts                               andreamanzi, orphan              2 weeks ago
gcolor2                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
geronimo-jcache                   jjelen, lef, orphan              2 weeks ago
geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api             jjelen, lef, orphan              4 weeks ago
ggz-gtk-client                    orphan, pwalter                  2 weeks ago
gluegen2                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
gmpc                              orphan                           0 weeks ago
gnomad2                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
gnomint                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
gpsdrive                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
gtick                             orphan, renich                   2 weeks ago
gtkdialog                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
guava20                           mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
gwget                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
hcc                               orphan                           2 weeks ago
hfsplusutils                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
hovercraft                        orphan, ralph                    2 weeks ago
imageinfo                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
istatd                            orphan                           0 weeks ago
java-vash                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
jboss-jsf-2.2-api                 jjelen, lef, orphan              4 weeks ago
jchart2d                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
jetty-parent                      mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
jetty-toolchain                   mizdebsk, orphan                 5 weeks ago
jlatexmath                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
jline3                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
josm                              jjelen, orphan                   2 weeks ago
jruby                             lef, msrb, orphan, vondruch      2 weeks ago
js-php-date-formatter             orphan                           1 weeks ago
keybinder3                        orphan                           1 weeks ago
lde                               orphan                           2 weeks ago
libccp4                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
libnih                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-gnokii         awjb, orphan                     2 weeks ago
libvtemm                          hguemar, orphan                  2 weeks ago
lldpad                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
lterm                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
maven-release                     jcapik, orphan                   2 weeks ago
maven-stage-plugin                huwang, orphan                   2 weeks ago
mboxgrep                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
mbrowse                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
metrics-reporter-config           hhorak, orphan                   2 weeks ago
mipv6-daemon                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
musique                           orphan, skytux                   2 weeks ago
mx4j                              dwalluck, orphan                 2 weeks ago
mycila-pom                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-base64-arraybuffer         orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-bcryptjs                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-bunyan                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-chai-cheerio               orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-chai-fs                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-cheerio                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-cjson                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-collections                nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-commonmark                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-connect                    nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-convert-source-map         nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-cookie-session             orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-cors                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-css-select                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-csscomb-core               nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-csslint                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-default-resolution         orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-defence                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-del                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-delete                     orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-engine-dot-io-client       orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-engine-dot-io-parser       orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-espower                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-esprima                    nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-esprima-fb                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-esprima-harmony-jscs       nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-expect                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-fake                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-find-cache-dir             nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-find-up                    nodejs-sig, orphan, sergiomb     2 weeks ago
nodejs-flat-cache                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-fs-promise                 orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-git-remote-origin-url      orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-gitconfiglocal             orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-gnode                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean        nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-grunt-contrib-csslint      nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-grunt-init                 nodejs-sig, orphan, patches,     2 weeks ago
nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib          nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-highlight-js               nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-htmlparser2                nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-i                          nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-is-arrow-function          nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-is-error                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter     nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror    nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-lcov-parse                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-load-grunt-tasks           nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-locate-path                nodejs-sig, orphan, sergiomb     2 weeks ago
nodejs-loophole                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-ltx                        nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-make-dir                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-mock-bin                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-mock-git                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-netmask                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-ng-classify                orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-object-dot-entries         nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-object-dot-pick            orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-only-shallow               nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-opal-runtime               orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-passport-oauth2-client-    orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-pkg-dir                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-pkg-up                     nodejs-sig, orphan, sergiomb     2 weeks ago
nodejs-q                          nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-q-io                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-qunit-extras               nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-read-json-sync             orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-redent                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-replace-ext                nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-ret                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-revalidator                nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-select-hose                orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-snockets                   nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-source-map-support         orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-strong-log-transformer     orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-tern-cordovajs             galileo, nodejs-sig, orphan,     2 weeks ago
nodejs-to-absolute-glob           nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-underscore-dot-logger      nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-url2                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-vasync                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2 weeks ago
nodejs-watchit                    nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      2 weeks ago
nodejs-winston                    nodejs-sig, orphan, patches,     2 weeks ago
nodejs-write                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
nodejs-xmlhttprequest-ssl         orphan                           2 weeks ago
nyquist                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
ocitools                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
open-amp                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
opendchub                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
openjpa                           jjelen, lef, orphan              4 weeks ago
oshinko-cli                       orphan                           2 weeks ago
parfait                           agerstmayr, mgoodwin, nathans,   2 weeks ago
perl-Filesys-SmbClient            orphan                           5 weeks ago
php-onelogin-php-saml             orphan                           2 weeks ago
pidgin-musictracker               orphan                           2 weeks ago
plexus-bsh-factory                mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
publican-jboss                    orphan                           2 weeks ago
pwmd                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-args                       orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-bashate                    apevec, openstack-sig, orphan    2 weeks ago
python-clint                      orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-flower                     orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-hug                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-invocations                orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-poppler-qt4                orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-social-auth-app-flask      orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-social-auth-app-flask-     orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-social-auth-core           orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-social-auth-storage-       orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc      orphan, williamjmorenor          0 weeks ago
python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay   orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-sseclient                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
reactfx                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
relaxngDatatype                   dbhole, mizdebsk, orphan         0 weeks ago
relaxngcc                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
repmgr                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
rescu                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
rfdump                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
rigsofrods                        orphan                           2 weeks ago
rsyntaxtextarea                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-aws-sdk-core              orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-diff_dirs                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails        orphan, tagoh                    0 weeks ago
rubygem-memfs                     orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-mixlib-log                orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-rack-attack               orphan                           2 weeks ago
rubygem-ruby2ruby                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-ruby_parser               orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-slop                      orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-yell                      orphan                           2 weeks ago
saoimage                          mmahut, orphan                   2 weeks ago
scilab                            orphan                           2 weeks ago
scrot                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
si-units                          brolley, mgoodwin, nathans,      2 weeks ago
simple-xml                        orphan                           5 weeks ago
snapraid                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
sscep                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
sse2fedmsg                        orphan                           0 weeks ago
sslext                            jjelen, orphan                   2 weeks ago
stax-ex                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
stream-lib                        lef, orphan                      2 weeks ago
struts                            jjelen, orphan                   2 weeks ago
svnkit                            dbhole, jfilak, orphan           2 weeks ago
telepathy-rakia                   orphan                           2 weeks ago
termy-qt                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
tomahawk                          comzeradd, kde-sig, magnu5,      2 weeks ago
tuxanci                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
typesafe-config                   gil, orphan                      2 weeks ago
ubertooth                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
uom-lib                           brolley, mgoodwin, nathans,      2 weeks ago
uom-se                            brolley, mgoodwin, nathans,      2 weeks ago
uom-systems                       brolley, mgoodwin, nathans,      2 weeks ago
vagrant-hostmanager               orphan                           0 weeks ago
velocity-tools                    jjelen, lef, orphan              2 weeks ago
waypipe                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
wlc                               fale, ignatenkobrain, orphan,    2 weeks ago
wmmon                             orphan                           2 weeks ago
wpewebkit                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
xmlstreambuffer                   orphan                           0 weeks ago
xneur                             orphan                           2 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at
(grep it for your username and follow the dependency chain)

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
abompard: python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
agerstmayr: uom-systems, si-units, uom-lib, parfait, guava20, uom-se
akurtakov: eclipse-photran
alexl: GConf2, keybinder3
alt-gtk-de-sig: keybinder3
amdunn: emacs-mmm
amukunda: GConf2
anaconda-maint: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
andreamanzi: fts
antiaircraft: GConf2
aperezbios: GConf2
apevec: python-bashate, python-sseclient
arobinso: guava20, eclipse-mylyn, svnkit, eclipse-subclipse
athoscr: rubygem-memfs
atim: keybinder3
awjb: libopensync-plugin-gnokii
awood: GConf2
bcl: GConf2
besser82: nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, keybinder3, nodejs-locate-path
bkearney: GConf2
bowlofeggs: js-php-date-formatter, guava20
brendt: imageinfo
brolley: uom-systems, si-units, uom-se, uom-lib
bruno: GConf2
buc: GConf2
caillon: GConf2, keybinder3
caolanm: GConf2, keybinder3
cheese: GConf2
cheeselee: nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, keybinder3, GConf2, nodejs-locate-path
cicku: GConf2, keybinder3
cipherboy: relaxngDatatype, xmlstreambuffer, relaxngcc, stax-ex
clime: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
clumens: GConf2
company: GConf2
comzeradd: tomahawk
copr-sig: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
cosimoc: GConf2
cquad: apache-commons-jci, bval, geronimo-jcache, openjpa, struts, jboss-jsf-2.2-api, geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api, apache-commons-jcs, velocity-tools, sslext
csnyder: GConf2
cwickert: GConf2, keybinder3
dajt: coriander
dbhole: relaxngDatatype, GConf2, svnkit
dcantrell: GConf2
defolos: GConf2
deji: GConf2
delete: GConf2
denis: GConf2
dignan: GConf2
dmaphy: GConf2, keybinder3
dmoluguw: relaxngDatatype, xmlstreambuffer, relaxngcc, stax-ex
dmsimard: python-sseclient
dsd: GConf2
dshea: GConf2
dturecek: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
dvratil: telepathy-rakia, GConf2
dwalluck: mx4j
eclipse-sig: eclipse-egit-github, svnkit, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-photran, eclipse-remote, eclipse-webtools, eclipse-ptp, guava20, eclipse-subclipse, eclipse-m2e-core, eclipse-testng
eclipseo: keybinder3
edewata: relaxngDatatype, xmlstreambuffer, relaxngcc, stax-ex
eeickmeyer: GConf2
elanthis: GConf2
ellert: guava20
elsupergomez: GConf2
elxreno: rsyntaxtextarea
epienbro: GConf2
erikos: GConf2
fab: GConf2
fale: wlc
fkluknav: GConf2
fmuellner: GConf2
frixxon: apanov-edrip-fonts
frostyx: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
galileo: eclipse-webtools, nodejs-tern-cordovajs, guava20, nodejs-source-map-support, eclipse-m2e-core
gecko-maint: GConf2
giallu: avr-gdb, GConf2
gil: antlr4, typesafe-config
gnome-sig: GConf2, keybinder3
greghellings: GConf2
hadess: GConf2
hguemar: GConf2, libvtemm
hhorak: metrics-reporter-config, guava20, GConf2, cassandra-java-driver
huwang: maven-stage-plugin
ignatenkobrain: wlc
infra-sig: python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
isimluk: GConf2
itamarjp: GConf2
jamielinux: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter, docco, nodejs-highlight-js, nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror, nodejs-q-io, nodejs-esprima, guava20, nodejs-q, nodejs-revalidator, nodejs-snockets, nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-url2, nodejs-winston, nodejs-collections, nodejs-watchit
jankratochvil: GConf2
jaruga: nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-locate-path
jcapik: maven-release
jcerny: lldpad, fcoe-utils, GConf2, keybinder3
jcpunk: keybinder3
jdunn: rubygem-mixlib-log
jenslody: GConf2
jerboaa: avalon-framework
jfilak: svnkit
jgrulich: telepathy-rakia
jgu: GConf2
jjames: maven-release
jjanco: guava20, cassandra-java-driver
jjelen: apache-commons-jci, bval, geronimo-jcache, josm, avalon-framework, openjpa, struts, jboss-jsf-2.2-api, geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api, apache-commons-jcs, velocity-tools, sslext jjohnstn: svnkit, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-photran, eclipse-remote, eclipse-ptp, guava20, eclipse-subclipse
jkastner: antlr4
jkonecny: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
jmagne: GConf2
johnp: GConf2, keybinder3
jplesnik: GConf2
jpokorny: relaxngDatatype
jreznik: telepathy-rakia
jsmith: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter, nodejs-write, nodejs-flat-cache, nodejs-replace-ext, nodejs-make-dir, nodejs-expect, nodejs-lcov-parse, nodejs-object-dot-pick, nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-del, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-esprima-fb, nodejs-ret, nodejs-q, nodejs-read-json-sync, nodejs-delete, guava20, nodejs-pkg-dir, nodejs-defence, nodejs-esprima, nodejs-is-error, nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-commonmark
jsynacek: GConf2
jvanek: GConf2, rsyntaxtextarea
kasong: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
kdaniel: svnkit, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-photran, eclipse-remote, eclipse-ptp, guava20, eclipse-subclipse
kde-sig: GConf2, tomahawk
kengert: GConf2
kevin: GConf2, keybinder3
kmilos: GConf2
korkeala: maven-release
kushal: maven-release
laxathom: GConf2
lef: stream-lib, apache-commons-jci, bval, geronimo-jcache, castor, openjpa, struts, jboss-jsf-2.2-api, geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api, velocity-tools, sslext, jruby, antlr4
leigh123linux: keybinder3
lennart: GConf2
liangsuilong: GConf2, keybinder3
limb: GConf2
lkundrak: GConf2
lucilanga: GConf2
m4rtink: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
magnu5: tomahawk
mathstuf: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
mattrose: keybinder3
matyc: lldpad, fcoe-utils, GConf2, keybinder3
maxamillion: keybinder3
mbarnes: GConf2, keybinder3
mbooth: guava20
mck182: telepathy-rakia
mclasen: GConf2, keybinder3
mcrha: GConf2
mgoodwin: uom-systems, si-units, uom-lib, parfait, guava20, uom-se
mikedep333: keybinder3
mizdebsk: jetty-parent, relaxngDatatype, apache-commons-email, eclipse-webtools, avalon-framework, plexus-bsh-factory, guava20, antlr4, jetty-toolchain, eclipse-m2e-core, apache-commons-dbutils
mkasik: keybinder3
mmahut: GConf2, saoimage
moezroy: GConf2
mpreisle: lldpad, fcoe-utils, GConf2, keybinder3
mrunge: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
msekleta: GConf2
msrb: jruby
msuchy: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
mtasaka: rubygem-ruby_parser, GConf2, rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails, keybinder3
mystro256: GConf2
nathans: uom-systems, si-units, uom-lib, parfait, guava20, uom-se
neuro-sig: maven-release
nodejs-sig: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter, nodejs-write, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-highlight-js, nodejs-only-shallow, nodejs-flat-cache, nodejs-replace-ext, nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean, nodejs-is-arrow-function, nodejs-object-dot-entries, nodejs-expect, nodejs-lcov-parse, nodejs-winston, nodejs-esprima-harmony-jscs, nodejs-watchit, nodejs-cjson, nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-vasync, nodejs-redent, nodejs-del, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-tern-cordovajs, nodejs-esprima-fb, nodejs-ret, nodejs-q, nodejs-netmask, nodejs-css-select, nodejs-bunyan, nodejs-collections, nodejs-read-json-sync, nodejs-delete, nodejs-i, nodejs-htmlparser2, nodejs-to-absolute-glob, nodejs-connect, nodejs-csscomb-core, nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib, nodejs-pkg-dir, nodejs-url2, guava20, nodejs-defence, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-csslint, docco, nodejs-find-cache-dir, nodejs-grunt-contrib-csslint, nodejs-underscore-dot-logger, nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror, nodejs-ltx, nodejs-q-io, nodejs-esprima, nodejs-snockets, nodejs-revalidator, nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-qunit-extras, nodejs-convert-source-map, nodejs-commonmark, nodejs-grunt-init
nonamedotc: GConf2, keybinder3
nphilipp: GConf2
nushio: GConf2
ohaessler: GConf2, keybinder3
omajid: GConf2
openstack-sig: python-bashate, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-locate-path patches: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-highlight-js, nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean, nodejs-winston, nodejs-watchit, nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-q, nodejs-collections, nodejs-i, nodejs-connect, nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib, nodejs-url2, guava20, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, docco, nodejs-underscore-dot-logger, rsyntaxtextarea, nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror, nodejs-ltx, nodejs-q-io, nodejs-esprima, nodejs-snockets, nodejs-revalidator, nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-grunt-init
pbrobinson: GConf2
pcahyna: GConf2
pfrields: GConf2
pgordon: GConf2
phracek: GConf2
pingou: GConf2, keybinder3
piotrp: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter, nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror, nodejs-esprima, nodejs-q, nodejs-revalidator, nodejs-winston, nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-grunt-init
pmikova: rsyntaxtextarea
ppisar: GConf2
praiskup: nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-esprima, GConf2, nodejs-locate-path
pvrabec: GConf2
pwalter: ggz-gtk-client
pwouters: driftnet, GConf2
pwu: keybinder3
qulogic: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
radekmanak: rsyntaxtextarea
rakesh: GConf2
ralph: hovercraft
rathann: apbs, keybinder3
rdieter: telepathy-rakia, GConf2
rdopiera: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
renich: gtick, keybinder3
rgrunber: guava20, eclipse-mylyn, svnkit, eclipse-subclipse
rhughes: GConf2, keybinder3
rmattes: GConf2
robert: GConf2
robyduck: keybinder3
rombobeorn: GConf2
rstrode: GConf2, keybinder3
ruby-packagers-sig: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
rvokal: GConf2
rvykydal: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
s4504kr: maven-release
sagitter: apbs, GConf2
salimma: maven-release
sandeen: GConf2
sbueno: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
sergiomb: apbs, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, guava20, GConf2, nodejs-locate-path
sharkcz: GConf2
sic: nodejs-locate-path, nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-find-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks
skytux: musique
slankes: GConf2
snirkel: GConf2
spot: nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, GConf2, nodejs-locate-path
ssp: GConf2, keybinder3
stefw: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
steve: GConf2
stransky: GConf2
swt2c: GConf2
tagoh: rubygem-ruby_parser, rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails, keybinder3
tc01: relaxngDatatype, guava20, nodejs-winston
terjeros: GConf2
thm: GConf2
thofmann: GConf2
thozza: rsyntaxtextarea
tibbs: GConf2
timfenn: libccp4
timn: GConf2
tomh: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter, docco, nodejs-highlight-js, nodejs-connect, nodejs-esprima, guava20, nodejs-q, nodejs-revalidator, nodejs-winston, nodejs-watchit
tonet666p: keybinder3
tpokorra: GConf2
trondd: avr-gdb
tstellar: hcc
tuxbrewr: GConf2
valtri: rubygem-aws-sdk-core
vascom: rsyntaxtextarea
vjancik: nodejs-source-map-support, nodejs-tern-cordovajs
vondruch: nodejs-pkg-up, nodejs-load-grunt-tasks, nodejs-find-up, jruby, nodejs-locate-path
vpodzime: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
vponcova: lldpad, fcoe-utils, keybinder3
walters: maven-release, GConf2
williamjmorenor: python-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
wottop: GConf2
wsato: GConf2
wtaymans: GConf2
wwoods: GConf2
xavierb: nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean
yselkowitz: GConf2
zbyszek: maven-release, guava20
zsun: keybinder3
zvetlik: wlc, nodejs-source-map-support

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