Hello together, as json-c 0.14 has been released today, I'm going to push an updated package to Rawhide within the next days. Within that procedure I'll take care of all needed rebuilds. I don't expect any major FTBFS, since I've already added patches to the packages that needed. The patches have been submitted to upstream as well. The patches were about fixing FTBFS due to the removal of the defines for TRUE and FALSE, which have been (int)1 for TRUE and (int)0 for FALSE in the previous versions, in json-c. There is a COPR with builds against the bumped SONAME at [1]. gluster-block is currently FTBFS for some reason related to the glusterfs package [2]. The rebuilds need to be done in two stages, as the intercircular- dependency between systemd and cryptsetup needs to be broken first. This bootstrap cycle will happen in a side-tag and gets merged back to Rawhide in one shot to reduce churn as much as possible. Bootstrap cycle: 1. Build systemd in bootstrap mode, so it has no depency on cryptsetup 2. Chain-build: json-c : cryptsetup : systemd (bootstrap disabled) 3. Merge side-tag with Rawhide After the side-tag has been merged the following build-chains are rebuild in Rawhide directly: * gdal : postgis * libstorj : filezilla * libu2f-host libu2f-server : pam-u2f * riemann-c-client : syslog-ng * satyr : libdnf libreport : abrt google-compute-engine-oslogin subscription-manager xrootd : dmlite : lcgdm-dav The following packages are independent from each other and any other build-chain, and thus will be rebuild in individual builds on Rawhide after the side-tag has been merged: bind bluez bti clamav device-mapper-multipath fastd fcitx freeradius frr fwts gdcm gfal2 girara gluster-block igt-gpu-tools libmypaint libmypaint2 libstorj libverto-jsonrpc libvmi mpris-scrobbler mraa nbd- runner ndctl newsbeuter newsboat opae openhpi opensips rpminspect rpm- ostree strongswan sway systemtap tlog tpm2-tss trace-cmd zmap The whole rebuild will likely not take longer than a few hours, except for the gdal : postgis chain, as gdal . The following packages are affected: * abrt * bind * bluez * bti * clamav * cryptsetup * device-mapper-multipath * dmlite * fastd * fcitx * filezilla * freeradius * frr * fwts * gdal * gdcm * gfal2 * girara * gluster-block * google-compute-engine-oslogin * igt-gpu-tools * lcgdm-dav * libdnf * libmypaint * libmypaint2 * libreport * libstorj * libu2f-host * libu2f-server * libverto-jsonrpc * libvmi * mpris-scrobbler * mraa * nbd-runner * ndctl * newsbeuter * newsboat * opae * openhpi * opensips * pam-u2f * postgis * riemann-c-client * rpminspect * rpm-ostree * satyr * strongswan * subscription-manager * sway * syslog-ng * systemtap * tlog * tpm2-tss * trace-cmd * xrootd * zmap Cheers Björn [1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/besser82/json-c-test [2] https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=43532093
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