Fedora 32 FTBFS packages to be orphaned in 1 week

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According to the Fedora's Fails To Build From Source policy:


The following packages will be orphaned on Monday 2020-04-06.

Their F32FTBFS Bugzillas are in NEW state for the defined period of time and they have the necessary reminders. They were not successfully rebuilt in Fedora 32 since the Bugzillas were opened.

If you can fix your package to build, perform a build in koji, and either create
an update in bodhi, or close the relevant bug without creating an update, if updating is not appropriate. If you are working on a fix, set the status to ASSIGNED to acknowledge this and prevent the orphaning.

Oprhaning is a easily revertible nondesctructiove action.
Only packages orphaned for 6+ weeks will be retired (removed from) Fedora rawhide (i.e. not form Fedora 32).

Maintainers by package:
0ad                  ignatenkobrain pcpa pwalter
CPUFreqUtility       f1ash
GConf2               alexl caillon caolanm johnp mbarnes rhughes rstrode ssp walters
GREYCstoration       tnorth
SDL2_gfx             ignatenkobrain lkundrak
abcm2ps              gemi
adapta-gtk-theme     atim
afpfs-ng             lkundrak
aircrack-ng          ichavero
antlr4               gil jkastner lef mizdebsk sdgathman
apache-commons-dbutils mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-email mizdebsk spike
apache-commons-jcs   cquad jjelen
apanov-edrip-fonts   frixxon nim
apbs                 rathann timfenn
arduino              giallu patches thozza
artha                roshansingh
astrometry           lupinix
astrometry-tycho2    lupinix
audacity             dtimms gemi moezroy
avalon-framework     jerboaa jjelen mizdebsk
avr-gdb              giallu tnorth trondd
bless                drago01
bmake                lbazan
booth                jpokorny
bygfoot              hguemar
cassandra-java-driver acaringi hhorak jjanco
castor               arobinso lef
catimg               ignatenkobrain
cdpr                 stahnma
ckermit              brouhaha
classloader-leak-test-framework acaringi praiskup
clips                timn
cmyktool             duffy
cog                  bunnyapocalypse
coriander            dajt timn
cp2k                 deji rathann tomspur
dahdi-tools          bruno itamarjp jsmith
dateshift            fab
dibbler              ihrachyshka
dieharder            jhladky
docco                jamielinux patches
drbd                 mhayden
dsi                  dbrasher
echolinux            lucilanga
echoping             ixs
eclipse-avr          bubeck
eclipse-egit-github  mbooth
eclipse-launchbar    mbooth sopotc
eclipse-m2e-core     galileo mbooth mizdebsk
eclipse-mylyn        arobinso jjohnstn kdaniel mbooth rgrunber
eclipse-photran      akurtakov orion
eclipse-ptp          jjohnstn kdaniel orion
eclipse-pydev        jjohnstn mbooth
eclipse-remote       mbooth
eclipse-subclipse    kdaniel mbooth
eclipse-testng       mbooth
eclipse-tm-terminal  mbooth
eclipse-webtools     galileo mbooth
elpa                 rathann
emacs-mmm            amdunn
etcd                 avesh cypret eparis gscrivano jchaloup lsm5 strigazi walters
fcoe-utils           cleech
fedora-jam-kde-theme eeickmeyer jvlomax
flatbuffers          avsej
foma                 vpv
forbidden-apis       jvanek zzambers
freeDiameter         filiperosset
fts                  andreamanzi simonm
gabedit              itamarjp rathann
game-music-emu       kvolny moezroy
gauche               gemi salimma
gcolor2              cwickert
gdigi                mchehab
geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api jjelen lef
ggz-gtk-client       bruno pwalter
git-cola             moceap ohaessler
gluegen2             jamesturner246
gmpc                 adrian
gnomad2              snirkel
gnomint              verdurin
goaccess             cicku echevemaster
golang-github-influxdata-flux eclipseo
golang-github-influxdata-influxdb eclipseo
golang-github-nats-io-streaming eclipseo
golang-github-opencontainers-runc eclipseo
golang-k8s-kubernetes eclipseo
golang-k8s-legacy-cloud-providers eclipseo
golang-vitess        eclipseo
gplugin              ignatenkobrain
gpsdrive             nphilipp
graphite2            moceap vanoudt
grsync               cwickert
gtick                nphilipp renich
gtkdialog            moceap
gwget                cwickert
hcc                  tstellar
hfsplusutils         dwmw2
hovercraft           ishcherb ralph
hping3               pwouters
hugo                 athoscr
igt-gpu-tools        airlied lyude
imageinfo            brendt
java-vash            jgu
jaxb2-maven-plugin   jjelen lef
jboss-jsf-2.2-api    jjelen lef
jchart2d             martinkg
jfsutils             fcami itamarjp
jlatexmath           jamesturner246
jline3               skitt
jruby                lef mmorsi msrb vondruch
js-html5shiv         xavierb
js-jquery-jqplot     xavierb
js-respond           xavierb
js-zlib              jamielinux patches zbyszek
keybinder3           tingping
krita                heliocastro rdieter
ktechlab             filiperosset
lde                  hubbitus
libaccounts-glib     dvratil heliocastro jreznik
libacpi              slankes
libccp4              timfenn
libgit2_0.27         ignatenkobrain
libnih               sadmac
libopensync-plugin-gnokii awjb cheese
libpri               itamarjp jsmith
liquibase            awood dgoodwin
lldpad               cleech
lterm                blackfile
maven-release        guidograzioli jcapik
maven-stage-plugin   huwang yyang
mboxgrep             ixs
mbrowse              volter
megaglest            pcpa
memtester            lucilanga
metrics-reporter-config acaringi hhorak
minetest             bookwar ignatenkobrain ohaessler
ming                 rathann
mipv6-daemon         tgraf
mnemosyne            itamarjp jpopelka rathann
musique              lbazan skytux
mx4j                 dwalluck fnasser
mycila-pom           sopotc
mydns                itamarjp
ncrack               fab rebus smilner
nebula               fab
ngircd               ixs kevin orion
nip2                 agoode bgilbert
nodejs-async-limiter jsmith
nodejs-base64-arraybuffer jsmith
nodejs-bcryptjs      jsmith
nodejs-bunyan        jsmith
nodejs-chai-cheerio  jsmith
nodejs-chai-fs       jsmith
nodejs-cheerio       jsmith
nodejs-cjson         jsmith
nodejs-collections   jamielinux patches
nodejs-commonmark    jsmith
nodejs-connect       jamielinux patches
nodejs-convert-source-map jsmith
nodejs-cookie-session jsmith
nodejs-cors          jsmith
nodejs-css-select    jsmith
nodejs-csscomb-core  jsmith
nodejs-csslint       jsmith
nodejs-default-resolution jsmith
nodejs-defence       jsmith
nodejs-del           jsmith
nodejs-delete        jsmith
nodejs-engine-dot-io-client martinkg
nodejs-engine-dot-io-parser jsmith
nodejs-escope        jsmith
nodejs-espower       jsmith
nodejs-esprima       jsmith patches
nodejs-esprima-fb    pnemade
nodejs-esprima-harmony-jscs jsmith
nodejs-expect        jsmith
nodejs-fake          jsmith
nodejs-find-cache-dir jsmith
nodejs-find-up       jsmith sergiomb
nodejs-flat-cache    jsmith
nodejs-fs-promise    jsmith
nodejs-git-remote-origin-url jsmith
nodejs-gitconfiglocal jsmith
nodejs-globby        jsmith
nodejs-gnode         jsmith
nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean jamielinux patches
nodejs-grunt-contrib-csslint jsmith
nodejs-grunt-init    jamielinux patches piotrp
nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib jamielinux patches
nodejs-highlight-js  jamielinux patches
nodejs-htmlparser2   jsmith
nodejs-i             jamielinux patches
nodejs-import-local  jsmith
nodejs-is-arrow-function jsmith
nodejs-is-error      jsmith
nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter jamielinux patches
nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror zvetlik
nodejs-lcov-parse    jsmith
nodejs-load-grunt-tasks patches sergiomb
nodejs-locate-path   jsmith sergiomb
nodejs-loophole      jsmith
nodejs-ltx           jamielinux patches
nodejs-make-dir      jsmith
nodejs-mock-bin      jsmith
nodejs-mock-git      jsmith
nodejs-netmask       jsmith
nodejs-ng-classify   jsmith
nodejs-object-dot-entries jsmith
nodejs-object-dot-pick jsmith
nodejs-only-shallow  jsmith
nodejs-opal-runtime  jsmith
nodejs-passport-oauth2-client-password jsmith
nodejs-path-type     jsmith
nodejs-pkg-dir       jsmith
nodejs-pkg-up        jsmith sergiomb
nodejs-q             jamielinux patches
nodejs-q-io          jamielinux patches
nodejs-qunit-extras  jsmith
nodejs-read-json-sync jsmith
nodejs-redent        jsmith
nodejs-replace-ext   jsmith
nodejs-ret           jsmith
nodejs-revalidator   jamielinux patches
nodejs-select-hose   jsmith
nodejs-snockets      jamielinux patches
nodejs-source-map-support jsmith
nodejs-strong-log-transformer jsmith
nodejs-temp-write    jsmith
nodejs-tern-cordovajs galileo vjancik zvetlik
nodejs-to-absolute-glob jsmith
nodejs-underscore-dot-logger jamielinux patches
nodejs-unique-stream jsmith
nodejs-url2          jamielinux patches
nodejs-vasync        jsmith
nodejs-watchit       jamielinux patches
nodejs-winston       jamielinux patches piotrp
nodejs-write         jsmith
nodejs-xmlhttprequest-ssl jsmith
nyquist              gemi
ocitools             jchaloup
open-amp             jsmith
opendchub            roshansingh
orangefs             martinbrandenburg
oshinko-cli          rimolive
packETH              fab lystor rebus
pam_url              herlo icon
pangox-compat        pnemade
parfait              agerstmayr lberk mgoodwin nathans
paris-traceroute     fab
perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl6 jplesnik ppisar
perl-Test-mysqld     dfateyev
pgmodeler            hubbitus
php-onelogin-php-saml jhogarth
pidgin-musictracker  hpejakle
piglit               ignatenkobrain
postgres-decoderbufs jpechane panovotn
prusa-slicer         churchyard tibbs
publican             jfearn rlandmann
publican-jboss       rlandmann
pwmd                 fab
python-bashate       apevec chandankumar
python-django-post_office lbazan
python-flask-cors    frantisekz
python-hug           hguemar
python-poppler-qt4   bsjones
python-robosignatory abompard ralph
python-rpi-gpio      fab kushal
quake2               fredlima itamarjp
rasdaemon            arozansk mchehab
rcssserver           hedayat
reactfx              jonny
reg                  cverna
repmgr               mcyprian
rescu                jonny
rfdump               fab
rigsofrods           hubbitus
rsyntaxtextarea      giallu
rubygem-actionview   jaruga pvalena
rubygem-addressable  mmorsi spstarr tdawson
rubygem-aws-sdk-core valtri
rubygem-hitimes      pvalena
rubygem-memfs        athoscr
rubygem-mini_magick  pvalena
rubygem-mixlib-log   jdunn
rubygem-rack-attack  valtri
rubygem-rspec-collection_matchers pvalena
rubygem-ruby2ruby    mmorsi
rubygem-ruby_parser  mmorsi
rubygem-rubygems-mirror pvalena
rubygem-websocket    mmorsi
rubygem-yell         valtri
saoimage             lkundrak mmahut
scamp                lupinix
scilab               jamesturner246
scrot                mathstuf
sheepdog             bonzini ke4qqq
si-units             brolley lberk mgoodwin nathans
simh                 lucilanga
slim                 aarem hubbitus
snapraid             brouhaha
soundtracker         eeickmeyer jcapik ndim
spatialite-gui       volter
sscep                tscherf
starcal              hedayat
stream-lib           lef willb
subtitleeditor       mso
sugar-castle         callkalpa chimosky snavin
sugar-countries      callkalpa chimosky
sugar-flip           callkalpa chimosky
sugar-flipsticks     callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
sugar-fractionbounce callkalpa chimosky
sugar-getiabooks     callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
sugar-infoslicer     callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
sugar-kuku           callkalpa chimosky snavin
sugar-labyrinth      callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson
sugar-locosugar      callkalpa chimosky
sugar-nutrition      callkalpa chimosky
sugar-playgo         callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
sugar-pukllanapac    callkalpa chimosky
sugar-recall         callkalpa chimosky
sugar-ruler          callkalpa chimosky
sugar-srilanka       callkalpa chimosky snavin
sugar-starchart      callkalpa chimosky snavin
sugar-view-slides    callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
sugar-visualmatch    callkalpa chimosky
sugar-xoeditor       callkalpa chimosky snavin
sugar-xoirc          callkalpa chimosky pbrobinson tuxbrewr
sugar-yupana         callkalpa chimosky snavin
svnkit               dbhole jfilak mbooth
syslinux             javierm pjones
tcpjunk              fab
teg                  cheese
telepathy-rakia      bpepple
termy-qt             ewalsh
tftp                 jsynacek
the_silver_searcher  kenjiro
tinyfugue            kellin psabata
tlssled              fab
tomahawk             comzeradd magnu5 rdieter
torcs                pwalter thias
transmission-remote-gtk kumarpraveen tingping
tuxanci              lkundrak
typesafe-config      gil willb
ubertooth            avsej
uom-lib              brolley lberk mgoodwin nathans
uom-se               brolley lberk mgoodwin nathans
uom-systems          brolley lberk mgoodwin nathans
utop                 avsej
uwsgi                kad
vifm                 mathstuf
warsow               pwalter
waypipe              lkundrak
wlc                  fale ignatenkobrain zvetlik
wmacpi               sham1
wmmon                raorn
wmweather+           sham1
wpewebkit            bunnyapocalypse
wput                 itamarjp
x11vnc               hubbitus
xneur                hubbitus
xorg-x11-drv-qxl     airlied alon elmarco jwrdegoede ssp teuf
xwota                lucilanga
yaru-theme           atim
yersinia             fab
zimg                 slaanesh

Packages by maintainer:
aarem      slim
abompard   python-robosignatory
acaringi cassandra-java-driver classloader-leak-test-framework metrics-reporter-config
adrian     gmpc
agerstmayr parfait
agoode     nip2
airlied    igt-gpu-tools xorg-x11-drv-qxl
akurtakov  eclipse-photran
alexl      GConf2
alon       xorg-x11-drv-qxl
amdunn     emacs-mmm
andreamanzi fts
apevec     python-bashate
arobinso   castor eclipse-mylyn
arozansk   rasdaemon
athoscr    hugo rubygem-memfs
atim       adapta-gtk-theme yaru-theme
avesh      etcd
avsej      flatbuffers ubertooth utop
awjb       libopensync-plugin-gnokii
awood      liquibase
bgilbert   nip2
blackfile  lterm
bonzini    sheepdog
bookwar    minetest
bpepple    telepathy-rakia
brendt     imageinfo
brolley    si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
brouhaha   ckermit snapraid
bruno      dahdi-tools ggz-gtk-client
bsjones    python-poppler-qt4
bubeck     eclipse-avr
bunnyapocalypse cog wpewebkit
caillon    GConf2
callkalpa sugar-castle sugar-countries sugar-flip sugar-flipsticks sugar-fractionbounce sugar-getiabooks sugar-infoslicer sugar-kuku sugar-labyrinth sugar-locosugar sugar-nutrition sugar-playgo sugar-pukllanapac sugar-recall sugar-ruler sugar-srilanka sugar-starchart sugar-view-slides sugar-visualmatch sugar-xoeditor sugar-xoirc sugar-yupana
caolanm    GConf2
chandankumar python-bashate
cheese     libopensync-plugin-gnokii teg
chimosky sugar-castle sugar-countries sugar-flip sugar-flipsticks sugar-fractionbounce sugar-getiabooks sugar-infoslicer sugar-kuku sugar-labyrinth sugar-locosugar sugar-nutrition sugar-playgo sugar-pukllanapac sugar-recall sugar-ruler sugar-srilanka sugar-starchart sugar-view-slides sugar-visualmatch sugar-xoeditor sugar-xoirc sugar-yupana
churchyard prusa-slicer
cicku      goaccess
cleech     fcoe-utils lldpad
comzeradd  tomahawk
cquad      apache-commons-jcs
cverna     reg
cwickert   gcolor2 grsync gwget
cypret     etcd
dajt       coriander
dbhole     svnkit
dbrasher   dsi
deji       cp2k
dfateyev   perl-Test-mysqld
dgoodwin   liquibase
drago01    bless
dtimms     audacity
duffy      cmyktool
dvratil    libaccounts-glib
dwalluck   mx4j
dwmw2      hfsplusutils
echevemaster goaccess
eclipseo golang-github-influxdata-flux golang-github-influxdata-influxdb golang-github-nats-io-streaming golang-github-opencontainers-runc golang-k8s-kubernetes golang-k8s-legacy-cloud-providers golang-vitess
eeickmeyer fedora-jam-kde-theme soundtracker
elmarco    xorg-x11-drv-qxl
eparis     etcd
ewalsh     termy-qt
f1ash      CPUFreqUtility
fab dateshift ncrack nebula packETH paris-traceroute pwmd python-rpi-gpio rfdump tcpjunk tlssled yersinia
fale       wlc
fcami      jfsutils
filiperosset freeDiameter ktechlab
fnasser    mx4j
frantisekz python-flask-cors
fredlima   quake2
frixxon    apanov-edrip-fonts
galileo    eclipse-m2e-core eclipse-webtools nodejs-tern-cordovajs
gemi       abcm2ps audacity gauche nyquist
giallu     arduino avr-gdb rsyntaxtextarea
gil        antlr4 typesafe-config
gscrivano  etcd
guidograzioli maven-release
hedayat    rcssserver starcal
heliocastro krita libaccounts-glib
herlo      pam_url
hguemar    bygfoot python-hug
hhorak     cassandra-java-driver metrics-reporter-config
hpejakle   pidgin-musictracker
hubbitus   lde pgmodeler rigsofrods slim x11vnc xneur
huwang     maven-stage-plugin
ichavero   aircrack-ng
icon       pam_url
ignatenkobrain 0ad SDL2_gfx catimg gplugin libgit2_0.27 minetest piglit wlc
ihrachyshka dibbler
ishcherb   hovercraft
itamarjp   dahdi-tools gabedit jfsutils libpri mnemosyne mydns quake2 wput
ixs        echoping mboxgrep ngircd
jamesturner246 gluegen2 jlatexmath scilab
jamielinux docco js-zlib nodejs-collections nodejs-connect nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean nodejs-grunt-init nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib nodejs-highlight-js nodejs-i nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter nodejs-ltx nodejs-q nodejs-q-io nodejs-revalidator nodejs-snockets nodejs-underscore-dot-logger nodejs-url2 nodejs-watchit nodejs-winston
jaruga     rubygem-actionview
javierm    syslinux
jcapik     maven-release soundtracker
jchaloup   etcd ocitools
jdunn      rubygem-mixlib-log
jerboaa    avalon-framework
jfearn     publican
jfilak     svnkit
jgu        java-vash
jhladky    dieharder
jhogarth   php-onelogin-php-saml
jjanco     cassandra-java-driver
jjelen apache-commons-jcs avalon-framework geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api jaxb2-maven-plugin jboss-jsf-2.2-api
jjohnstn   eclipse-mylyn eclipse-ptp eclipse-pydev
jkastner   antlr4
johnp      GConf2
jonny      reactfx rescu
jpechane   postgres-decoderbufs
jplesnik   perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl6
jpokorny   booth
jpopelka   mnemosyne
jreznik    libaccounts-glib
jsmith dahdi-tools libpri nodejs-async-limiter nodejs-base64-arraybuffer nodejs-bcryptjs nodejs-bunyan nodejs-chai-cheerio nodejs-chai-fs nodejs-cheerio nodejs-cjson nodejs-commonmark nodejs-convert-source-map nodejs-cookie-session nodejs-cors nodejs-css-select nodejs-csscomb-core nodejs-csslint nodejs-default-resolution nodejs-defence nodejs-del nodejs-delete nodejs-engine-dot-io-parser nodejs-escope nodejs-espower nodejs-esprima nodejs-esprima-harmony-jscs nodejs-expect nodejs-fake nodejs-find-cache-dir nodejs-find-up nodejs-flat-cache nodejs-fs-promise nodejs-git-remote-origin-url nodejs-gitconfiglocal nodejs-globby nodejs-gnode nodejs-grunt-contrib-csslint nodejs-htmlparser2 nodejs-import-local nodejs-is-arrow-function nodejs-is-error nodejs-lcov-parse nodejs-locate-path nodejs-loophole nodejs-make-dir nodejs-mock-bin nodejs-mock-git nodejs-netmask nodejs-ng-classify nodejs-object-dot-entries nodejs-object-dot-pick nodejs-only-shallow nodejs-opal-runtime nodejs-passport-oauth2-client-password nodejs-path-type nodejs-pkg-dir nodejs-pkg-up nodejs-qunit-extras nodejs-read-json-sync nodejs-redent nodejs-replace-ext nodejs-ret nodejs-select-hose nodejs-source-map-support nodejs-strong-log-transformer nodejs-temp-write nodejs-to-absolute-glob nodejs-unique-stream nodejs-vasync nodejs-write nodejs-xmlhttprequest-ssl open-amp
jsynacek   tftp
jvanek     forbidden-apis
jvlomax    fedora-jam-kde-theme
jwrdegoede xorg-x11-drv-qxl
kad        uwsgi
kdaniel    eclipse-mylyn eclipse-ptp eclipse-subclipse
ke4qqq     sheepdog
kellin     tinyfugue
kenjiro    the_silver_searcher
kevin      ngircd
kumarpraveen transmission-remote-gtk
kushal     python-rpi-gpio
kvolny     game-music-emu
lbazan     bmake musique python-django-post_office
lberk      parfait si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
lef antlr4 castor geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api jaxb2-maven-plugin jboss-jsf-2.2-api jruby stream-lib
lkundrak   SDL2_gfx afpfs-ng saoimage tuxanci waypipe
lsm5       etcd
lucilanga  echolinux memtester simh xwota
lupinix    astrometry astrometry-tycho2 scamp
lystor     packETH
lyude      igt-gpu-tools
magnu5     tomahawk
martinbrandenburg orangefs
martinkg   jchart2d nodejs-engine-dot-io-client
mathstuf   scrot vifm
mbarnes    GConf2
mbooth eclipse-egit-github eclipse-launchbar eclipse-m2e-core eclipse-mylyn eclipse-pydev eclipse-remote eclipse-subclipse eclipse-testng eclipse-tm-terminal eclipse-webtools svnkit
mchehab    gdigi rasdaemon
mcyprian   repmgr
mgoodwin   parfait si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
mhayden    drbd
mizdebsk antlr4 apache-commons-dbutils apache-commons-email avalon-framework eclipse-m2e-core
mmahut     saoimage
mmorsi jruby rubygem-addressable rubygem-ruby2ruby rubygem-ruby_parser rubygem-websocket
moceap     git-cola graphite2 gtkdialog
moezroy    audacity game-music-emu
mso        subtitleeditor
msrb       jruby
nathans    parfait si-units uom-lib uom-se uom-systems
ndim       soundtracker
nim        apanov-edrip-fonts
nphilipp   gpsdrive gtick
ohaessler  git-cola minetest
orion      eclipse-photran eclipse-ptp ngircd
panovotn   postgres-decoderbufs
patches arduino docco js-zlib nodejs-collections nodejs-connect nodejs-esprima nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean nodejs-grunt-init nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib nodejs-highlight-js nodejs-i nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter nodejs-load-grunt-tasks nodejs-ltx nodejs-q nodejs-q-io nodejs-revalidator nodejs-snockets nodejs-underscore-dot-logger nodejs-url2 nodejs-watchit nodejs-winston pbrobinson sugar-flipsticks sugar-getiabooks sugar-infoslicer sugar-labyrinth sugar-playgo sugar-view-slides sugar-xoirc
pcpa       0ad megaglest
piotrp     nodejs-grunt-init nodejs-winston
pjones     syslinux
pnemade    nodejs-esprima-fb pangox-compat
ppisar     perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl6
praiskup   classloader-leak-test-framework
psabata    tinyfugue
pvalena rubygem-actionview rubygem-hitimes rubygem-mini_magick rubygem-rspec-collection_matchers rubygem-rubygems-mirror
pwalter    0ad ggz-gtk-client torcs warsow
pwouters   hping3
ralph      hovercraft python-robosignatory
raorn      wmmon
rathann    apbs cp2k elpa gabedit ming mnemosyne
rdieter    krita tomahawk
rebus      ncrack packETH
renich     gtick
rgrunber   eclipse-mylyn
rhughes    GConf2
rimolive   oshinko-cli
rlandmann  publican publican-jboss
roshansingh artha opendchub
rstrode    GConf2
sadmac     libnih
salimma    gauche
sdgathman  antlr4
sergiomb   nodejs-find-up nodejs-load-grunt-tasks nodejs-locate-path nodejs-pkg-up
sham1      wmacpi wmweather+
simonm     fts
skitt      jline3
skytux     musique
slaanesh   zimg
slankes    libacpi
smilner    ncrack
snavin sugar-castle sugar-kuku sugar-srilanka sugar-starchart sugar-xoeditor sugar-yupana
snirkel    gnomad2
sopotc     eclipse-launchbar mycila-pom
spike      apache-commons-dbutils apache-commons-email
spstarr    rubygem-addressable
ssp        GConf2 xorg-x11-drv-qxl
stahnma    cdpr
strigazi   etcd
tdawson    rubygem-addressable
teuf       xorg-x11-drv-qxl
tgraf      mipv6-daemon
thias      torcs
thozza     arduino
tibbs      prusa-slicer
timfenn    apbs libccp4
timn       clips coriander
tingping   keybinder3 transmission-remote-gtk
tnorth     GREYCstoration avr-gdb
tomspur    cp2k
trondd     avr-gdb
tscherf    sscep
tstellar   hcc
tuxbrewr sugar-flipsticks sugar-getiabooks sugar-infoslicer sugar-playgo sugar-view-slides sugar-xoirc
valtri     rubygem-aws-sdk-core rubygem-rack-attack rubygem-yell
vanoudt    graphite2
verdurin   gnomint
vjancik    nodejs-tern-cordovajs
volter     mbrowse spatialite-gui
vondruch   jruby
vpv        foma
walters    GConf2 etcd
willb      stream-lib typesafe-config
xavierb    js-html5shiv js-jquery-jqplot js-respond
yyang      maven-stage-plugin
zbyszek    js-zlib
zvetlik    nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror nodejs-tern-cordovajs wlc
zzambers   forbidden-apis

Miro Hrončok on behalf of the policy
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