Peter Robinson wrote: > I have a similar problem with no flash (don't even have it installed)
where for some sites firefox cpu usage will go through the roof. The site I find this happens the most often is actually the Fedora downloads page where you have a listing for the entire distro seems to just kill firefox but if you go to a mirror its OK rather annoying since I'm often behind a firewall with no ftp access.
(eg )
This is caused by the large amount of content being rendered in a <pre>. If we turn on IndexOptions HTMLTable, we can probably get much better performance out of the browser here. Even older browsers such as lynx, w3m, links, etc handle tables fine, AFAIK.
I just quickly hacked together a script and converted the HTML to use tables. The difference is actually very noticable: vs.
My script wasn't perfect, so it isn't as pretty as it could have been I guess, but you get the idea.