Then, there's the storm of players. I have one of each: "Audio Player", "Media Player", "Music Player", "Movie Player", and a "Multimedia Player." Helix is just a "Player".
How about this:
Rhythmbox Music Player (or just Music Player, if the GNOME name-removal policy still applies)
Xmms Music Player
Helix Movie Player Xine Movie Player Totem Movie Player Mplayer Movie Player
"Movie Player", "PDF Viewer", "Email", "Browser", whatever... These names, although perhaps more helpful for those who are unfamiliar or less familiar with Linux software, are quite meaningless for those who know what app exactly they want to run. What will start when I choose "Some player" or "Some viewer" thing? Worse, it changes from release to release and from distro to distro... This is one of the reasons why I find myself avoiding menus completely and still running everything from commandline -- at least I know what I run ;-)
I like proposed naming scheme and I see it used sometimes, e.g. by Dag's packages. Would be nice if it became standard naming convention.
Regards, Dariusz