Jeff Spaleta wrote:
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:34:08 -0600, Derek Moore <derek.p.moore@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I have written an app that messures the memory write throughtput.
He's not the only one that believes compiler optimizations have an
effect at runtime (if he was, Gentoo wouldn't exist).
I believe that a diet of nothing but krispy kreme doughnuts will help
me lose weight and reduce my blood pressure. I 'feel' lighter and my
blood 'feels' less pressurized when i squeeze my arm with my hand. I'm waiting to get a full physical after my diet book hits the best
sellers list and my diet has become a fashionable nationwide fad.
Its hard to take anybody serviously who references 3rd party "studies" without an attempt at citation. If he's read these studies and they are publicly available for review, then they should be citable if not directly linkable. If only red hat's internal benchmarks were publishable, a lot of the noise surrounding this issue would evaporate.
-jef"my blood doesn't 'flow'.. its more like a syrupy ooze"spaleta
I played abit with the mtune and march switches and result was that i386 and i686 doesn't make a difference. But if I use athlonxp (my box has an athlonxp cpu) it shows better result.
I have an other box with a pentium 4 cpu I will test on it when I have some time.
Here are the results:
-mtune=pentium4 -march=i386: 958.7 MB/s
-mtune=pentium4 -march=i386: 958.7 MB/s
-mtune=pentium4 -march=pentium4: 958.7 MB/s
-mtune=athlon-xp -march=i386: 1032.44 MB/s
-mtune=athlon-xp -march=i686: 1032.44 MB/s
-mtune=athlon-xp -march=athlon-xp: 1032.44 MB/s