On Sun, 20 Mar 2005, Warren Togami wrote:
...># Require Binary Compatible glib %define glib_ver %(pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0 | cut -d. -f 1,2) Requires: glib2 >= %{glib_ver}
RPM (via redhat-rpm-config?) should implicitly add something like the above spec blob in order to enforce glib ABI dep, but *only* if the binary payload actually links to glib.
I do similar stuff (like your glib_ver) in most kde-redhat packages for qt/kdelibs dependancies. It's the cleanest/easiest workaround, at least until upstream packages choose to implement versioning for new symbols/functions (which, IMO, is the proper solution to this problem).
IMO, it would be best to leave such hacks out of redhat-rpm-config primarily because it is not *always* necessary, and should probably be handled in a case-by-case, package-by-package basis.
-- Rex