Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via releng issues:

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
ExchangeIR                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
FUR                               orphan                           4 weeks ago
airsnort                          orphan                           4 weeks ago
apache-logging-parent             mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
apt-cacher-ng                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
archaius                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
archmage                          lbazan, orphan                   2 weeks ago
audit-viewer                      mitr, orphan                     2 weeks ago
avalon-logkit                     jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan        2 weeks ago
base64coder                       jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         5 weeks ago
buildnumber-maven-plugin          orphan                           2 weeks ago
bval                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
camotics                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
cduce                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
clapham                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
classmate                         lef, orphan                      5 weeks ago
cli-parser                        lef, orphan                      5 weeks ago
csstidy                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
delve                             go-sig, orphan                   3 weeks ago
dzen2                             bstinson, dcantrel, fale,        1 weeks ago
                                  lupinix, orphan
eclipse-anyedit                   eclipse-sig, orphan, swagiaal    3 weeks ago
eclipse-checkstyle                akurtakov, eclipse-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
eclipse-color-theme               eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-dltk                      akurtakov, eclipse-sig,          3 weeks ago
                                  kdaniel, orphan, rgrunber
eclipse-egit                      akurtakov, arobinso, eclipse-    3 weeks ago
                                  sig, jerboaa, jjohnstn,
                                  kdaniel, nguzman, orphan,
eclipse-emf                       akurtakov, eclipse-sig,          3 weeks ago
                                  jjohnstn, kdaniel, orphan,
eclipse-epic                      eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-gef                       akurtakov, eclipse-sig,          3 weeks ago
                                  kdaniel, orphan, rgrunber
eclipse-launchbar                 eclipse-sig, orphan, sopotc      6 weeks ago
eclipse-license                   eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-antlr                 eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-core                  eclipse-sig, galileo,            3 weeks ago
                                  mizdebsk, orphan
eclipse-m2e-cxf                   eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-maven-dependency-     mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-modello               eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-plexus                eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-sisu                  eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-takari                mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-workspace             eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan    3 weeks ago
eclipse-nls                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
eclipse-pdt                       eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-quickrex                  eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-remote                    eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-sgx                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
eclipse-subclipse                 eclipse-sig, kdaniel, orphan     3 weeks ago
eclipse-testng                    eclipse-sig, orphan              3 weeks ago
eclipse-webtools                  eclipse-sig, galileo, orphan     3 weeks ago
fabric                            orphan                           3 weeks ago
fbdesk                            orphan                           4 weeks ago
ferm                              orphan, slankes                  3 weeks ago
giis                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
gipfel                            orphan                           3 weeks ago
glassfish-gmbal                   orphan                           5 weeks ago
glassfish-management-api          orphan                           5 weeks ago
glassfish-pfl                     orphan                           5 weeks ago
glob2                             cheese, orphan                   3 weeks ago
glusterd2                         kkeithle, orphan                 3 weeks ago
gns3-gui                          orphan                           3 weeks ago
gns3-net-converter                orphan                           3 weeks ago
gns3-server                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
golang-github-10gen-openssl       go-sig, jchaloup, mskalick,      3 weeks ago
graphite-web                      jamielinux, orphan, piotrp       3 weeks ago
grizzly                           orphan                           5 weeks ago
grizzly-npn                       orphan                           5 weeks ago
guestfs-browser                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
hibernate-jpa-2.0-api             orphan                           4 weeks ago
hystrix                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
i3-ipc                            cicku, fale, gchamoul,           1 weeks ago
                                  lupinix, mpreisle, orphan
infinispan                        gil, orphan                      2 weeks ago
ioprocess                         dougsland, nsoffer, orphan,      3 weeks ago
jackson                           mizdebsk, orphan                 4 weeks ago
jackson-dataformat-xml            dchen, lef, orphan               5 weeks ago
jandex                            orphan                           4 weeks ago
jandex-maven-plugin               lef, orphan                      5 weeks ago
java-oauth                        lef, orphan                      5 weeks ago
jboss-connector-1.6-api           gil, lef, orphan                 5 weeks ago
jboss-jaspi-1.1-api               lef, orphan                      5 weeks ago
jboss-jsp-2.3-api                 orphan                           5 weeks ago
jboss-transaction-1.1-api         orphan                           4 weeks ago
jdo-api                           gil, lef, moceap, orphan         3 weeks ago
jersey                            dchen, gwei3, orphan             5 weeks ago
jogl2                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
jove                              orphan                           3 weeks ago
lcms                              ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm,   4 weeks ago
                                  gnome-sig, johnp, mbarnes,
                                  orphan, rhughes, rstrode, ssp
libee                             mbartos, orphan                  2 weeks ago
libgovirt                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
libmimedir                        orphan                           4 weeks ago
libnxml                           orphan                           4 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-evolution2     mcrha, orphan                    4 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-file           orphan                           4 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-gpe            orphan                           4 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-moto           orphan                           4 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-opie           orphan                           4 weeks ago
libopensync-plugin-synce          orphan                           4 weeks ago
libpolyxmass                      orphan                           4 weeks ago
libsynce                          orphan                           4 weeks ago
libx86                            jcpunk, orphan                   3 weeks ago
lv2-abGate                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
lv2-kn0ck0ut                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
maven-ant-plugin                  mizdebsk, orphan                 0 weeks ago
maven-checkstyle-plugin           lef, mizdebsk, orphan            3 weeks ago
maven-deploy-plugin               orphan                           2 weeks ago
maven-docck-plugin                mizdebsk, orphan                 0 weeks ago
maven-ear-plugin                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
maven-eclipse-plugin              orphan                           3 weeks ago
maven-verifier-plugin             orphan                           0 weeks ago
maven-war-plugin                  mizdebsk, orphan                 2 weeks ago
memoryfilesystem                  orphan                           2 weeks ago
mimepull                          java-sig, lef, orphan            5 weeks ago
msynctool                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
multibit-commons                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
multibit-hardware                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
multithreadedtc                   orphan                           0 weeks ago
mustache-java                     dchen, lef, mizdebsk, orphan     5 weeks ago
nesc                              cicku, orphan                    0 weeks ago
netty3                            jerboaa, lef, orphan             5 weeks ago
nm-tray                           lxqt-sig, orphan                 3 weeks ago
nodejs-buffertools                nodejs-sig, orphan               3 weeks ago
nodejs-compressible               nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-encodeurl                  nodejs-sig, orphan               3 weeks ago
nodejs-eyes                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-finalhandler               nodejs-sig, orphan               3 weeks ago
nodejs-method-override            nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-moment                     nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-negotiator                 nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-send                       nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-stylus                     nodejs-sig, orphan, patches      3 weeks ago
nodejs-tilejson                   jamielinux, nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-tilelive                   jamielinux, nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
ocaml-bin-prot                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-bisect                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-bitstring                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-deriving                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-json-static                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-mikmatch                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-openin                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-pa-monad                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-pgocaml                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-sexplib                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocaml-type-conv                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
ocamldsort                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
ohc                               acaringi, hhorak, orphan         2 weeks ago
orange                            orphan                           4 weeks ago
owncloud                          adamwill, ignatenkobrain,        5 weeks ago
                                  jhogarth, kwizart, orphan,
oyranos                           orphan                           0 weeks ago
parboiled                         mizdebsk, orphan                 5 weeks ago
paulstretch                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
perdition                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
picketbox                         gil, lef, orphan                 5 weeks ago
picketbox-commons                 gil, lef, orphan                 5 weeks ago
picketbox-xacml                   gil, lef, orphan                 5 weeks ago
python-alchimia                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-cattrs                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-flask-classy               orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-flask-debugtoolbar         orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-fluidity-sm                orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-fsmonitor                  orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-gfm                        orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-invoke                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-k8sclient                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-lexicon                    orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-mongoengine                bowlofeggs, echevemaster,        1 weeks ago
python-nose-ignore-docstring      orphan                           2 weeks ago
python-sanic                      orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-zipstream                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
resiprocate                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
rgbds                             orphan                           3 weeks ago
rubygem-apipie-bindings           orphan                           4 weeks ago
rubygem-awesome_spawn             jstribny, orphan                 0 weeks ago
rubygem-bootstrap-sass            orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-charlock_holmes           orphan                           0 weeks ago
rubygem-omniauth                  orphan, ruby-packagers-sig       0 weeks ago
rubygem-orm_adapter               orphan                           0 weeks ago
rxjava                            orphan                           5 weeks ago
rxvt                              orphan                           4 weeks ago
saxon                             dbhole, dchen, jjohnstn,         1 weeks ago
                                  mbooth, orphan
scamper                           orphan                           3 weeks ago
simple                            orphan                           5 weeks ago
sonatype-plugins-parent           mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
swt-chart                         orphan                           3 weeks ago
synce-gnomevfs                    orphan                           4 weeks ago
synce-software-manager            orphan                           4 weeks ago
synce-trayicon                    orphan                           4 weeks ago
trac-authopenid-plugin            orphan                           4 weeks ago
trac-doxygen-plugin               orphan                           4 weeks ago
trac-xmlrpc-plugin                orphan                           4 weeks ago
treecc                            orphan                           4 weeks ago
tycho                             eclipse-sig, kdaniel,            3 weeks ago
                                  mizdebsk, orphan
tycho-extras                      eclipse-sig, kdaniel,            3 weeks ago
                                  mizdebsk, orphan
unshield                          orphan                           4 weeks ago
vim-vimoutliner                   orphan                           5 weeks ago
wine-docs                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
xml-stylebook                     mizdebsk, orphan                 1 weeks ago
zookeeper                         ctubbsii, greghellings,          3 weeks ago
                                  mluscon, orphan, skottler

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
See https://churchyard.fedorapeople.org/orphans-2019-12-10.txt
Grep it for your username and follow the dependency chain.

Affected (co)maintainers
acaringi: ohc
adamwill: maven-verifier-plugin, owncloud
agerstmayr: maven-verifier-plugin
ajax: lcms
akurtakov: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, java-oauth, eclipse-gef, eclipse-launchbar, eclipse-license, eclipse-dltk, tycho, eclipse-remote, eclipse-checkstyle, eclipse-egit, buildnumber-maven-plugin
alexl: lcms
amerey: maven-verifier-plugin
amitshah: maven-verifier-plugin
arobinso: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, multithreadedtc, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit
astokes: maven-verifier-plugin
athmane: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
bbockelm: maven-verifier-plugin
bcl: maven-verifier-plugin
bcotton: maven-verifier-plugin
berrange: maven-verifier-plugin, libgovirt
bonzini: maven-verifier-plugin
bowlofeggs: python-mongoengine
brendt: lcms
bruno: maven-verifier-plugin
bstinson: dzen2
bubeck: tycho
caillon: lcms
caniszczyk: tycho
caolanm: avalon-logkit, lcms
cheese: glob2
choeger: avalon-logkit
churchyard: avalon-logkit, nodejs-moment
cicku: i3-ipc, nesc
cipherboy: avalon-logkit
cjatherton: lcms
clalance: buildnumber-maven-plugin, maven-verifier-plugin
clumens: maven-verifier-plugin
cquad: avalon-logkit, hibernate-jpa-2.0-api, bval, jboss-jsp-2.3-api, buildnumber-maven-plugin
crobinso: maven-verifier-plugin, libgovirt
ctubbsii: netty3, zookeeper
davidcl: avalon-logkit
dbhole: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit, saxon
dcantrel: dzen2, maven-verifier-plugin
dchen: mimepull, jackson-dataformat-xml, grizzly-npn, glassfish-pfl, rxjava, mustache-java, jersey, glassfish-management-api, simple, cli-parser, grizzly, saxon, glassfish-gmbal
decathorpe: avalon-logkit
dmach: maven-verifier-plugin
dmoluguw: avalon-logkit
domcleal: buildnumber-maven-plugin
dominik: jackson
dougsland: ioprocess
drsmith2: maven-verifier-plugin
dshea: maven-verifier-plugin
duffy: lcms
dwalluck: avalon-logkit
dwmw2: maven-verifier-plugin
ebaron: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit
echevemaster: python-mongoengine
eclipse-sig: eclipse-emf, eclipse-launchbar, eclipse-quickrex, maven-war-plugin, tycho-extras, eclipse-anyedit, eclipse-gef, eclipse-m2e-antlr, eclipse-dltk, eclipse-m2e-core, eclipse-webtools, eclipse-m2e-plexus, eclipse-egit, eclipse-m2e-sisu, eclipse-testng, eclipse-license, eclipse-epic, tycho, eclipse-remote, eclipse-checkstyle, eclipse-color-theme, eclipse-m2e-cxf, eclipse-pdt, eclipse-m2e-modello, avalon-logkit, eclipse-m2e-workspace, eclipse-subclipse
eclipseo: maven-verifier-plugin
edewata: avalon-logkit
eerlands: maven-verifier-plugin
ehabkost: maven-verifier-plugin
ellert: avalon-logkit, maven-docck-plugin, maven-deploy-plugin
elmarco: libgovirt
f1ash: maven-verifier-plugin
fab: maven-verifier-plugin
fabbione: maven-verifier-plugin
fale: dzen2, i3-ipc
fcami: avalon-logkit
fche: maven-verifier-plugin
fidencio: libgovirt
fnasser: avalon-logkit
fsimonce: jackson
galileo: tycho-extras, eclipse-emf, eclipse-gef, eclipse-m2e-workspace, eclipse-m2e-core, eclipse-license, eclipse-webtools, tycho
gchamoul: i3-ipc
ggillies: buildnumber-maven-plugin
giallu: avalon-logkit
gil: infinispan, jboss-connector-1.6-api, picketbox-commons, jboss-transaction-1.1-api, jdo-api, picketbox-xacml, jboss-jaspi-1.1-api, picketbox, java-oauth
gnome-sig: lcms
go-sig: golang-github-10gen-openssl, delve
greghellings: netty3, zookeeper
gwei3: cli-parser, grizzly-npn, rxjava, jersey, mustache-java, glassfish-management-api, simple, glassfish-pfl, grizzly, mimepull, glassfish-gmbal
hanecak: lcms
hhorak: avalon-logkit, ohc
hubbitus: cli-parser, netty3, mustache-java
huff: maven-verifier-plugin
ignatenkobrain: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm, owncloud
ivazquez: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
jackorp: buildnumber-maven-plugin
jamesturner246: jogl2, avalon-logkit, saxon
jamielinux: nodejs-encodeurl, nodejs-negotiator, avalon-logkit, nodejs-tilelive, nodejs-eyes, nodejs-tilejson, nodejs-finalhandler, graphite-web
jaruga: buildnumber-maven-plugin
java-sig: avalon-logkit, mimepull
jcapik: base64coder, avalon-logkit
jchaloup: golang-github-10gen-openssl
jcline: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
jcpunk: libx86
jerboaa: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, maven-verifier-plugin, eclipse-emf, netty3, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit
jforbes: maven-verifier-plugin
jhogarth: owncloud
jistone: maven-verifier-plugin
jjanco: avalon-logkit
jjelen: avalon-logkit, hibernate-jpa-2.0-api, bval, jboss-jsp-2.3-api, buildnumber-maven-plugin jjohnstn: eclipse-emf, eclipse-launchbar, simple, tycho-extras, grizzly-npn, rxjava, eclipse-egit, mimepull, saxon, glassfish-gmbal, eclipse-license, jersey, mustache-java, eclipse-remote, tycho, cli-parser, avalon-logkit, glassfish-management-api, glassfish-pfl, grizzly
johnp: lcms
jskarvad: maven-verifier-plugin
jsmith: nodejs-encodeurl, nodejs-eyes, nodejs-moment, nodejs-finalhandler, nodejs-buffertools
jstribny: rubygem-awesome_spawn, buildnumber-maven-plugin
jvanek: avalon-logkit, maven-verifier-plugin, netty3, mustache-java, cli-parser, buildnumber-maven-plugin
katzj: maven-verifier-plugin
kdaniel: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, java-oauth, eclipse-gef, eclipse-launchbar, eclipse-license, eclipse-dltk, eclipse-subclipse, tycho, eclipse-remote, eclipse-egit, maven-war-plugin, buildnumber-maven-plugin
ke4qqq: avalon-logkit
kkeithle: glusterd2
kwizart: owncloud
kwright: avalon-logkit
laine: maven-verifier-plugin
lbazan: cli-parser, mustache-java, archmage, netty3
lberk: maven-verifier-plugin
lcons: maven-checkstyle-plugin
lef: eclipse-emf, jdo-api, multithreadedtc, tycho-extras, jboss-connector-1.6-api, picketbox-commons, jboss-transaction-1.1-api, picketbox-xacml, picketbox, eclipse-egit, buildnumber-maven-plugin, mimepull, netty3, jandex, eclipse-license, mustache-java, tycho, jboss-jsp-2.3-api, cli-parser, maven-checkstyle-plugin, avalon-logkit, hibernate-jpa-2.0-api, bval, maven-verifier-plugin, jackson-dataformat-xml, classmate, jboss-jaspi-1.1-api, jandex-maven-plugin, java-oauth
libvirt-maint: maven-verifier-plugin
lkundrak: buildnumber-maven-plugin, maven-verifier-plugin
lon: maven-verifier-plugin
lsedlar: maven-verifier-plugin
lupinix: dzen2, i3-ipc
lxqt-sig: nm-tray
lzap: buildnumber-maven-plugin
matt: maven-verifier-plugin
matyas: maven-verifier-plugin
maxamillion: maven-verifier-plugin
mbarnes: lcms
mbartos: libee
mbooth: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, maven-war-plugin, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit, saxon
mcrha: libopensync-plugin-evolution2
mgoodwin: maven-verifier-plugin
mharmsen: avalon-logkit
mitr: audit-viewer
mizdebsk: eclipse-emf, apache-logging-parent, eclipse-m2e-takari, maven-war-plugin, tycho-extras, eclipse-gef, eclipse-m2e-antlr, eclipse-m2e-core, maven-docck-plugin, eclipse-webtools, eclipse-m2e-plexus, jackson, eclipse-m2e-sisu, eclipse-license, parboiled, mustache-java, tycho, eclipse-m2e-cxf, cli-parser, maven-checkstyle-plugin, eclipse-m2e-modello, avalon-logkit, xml-stylebook, eclipse-m2e-workspace, maven-ant-plugin, sonatype-plugins-parent, eclipse-m2e-maven-dependency-plugin, base64coder
mjakubicek: avalon-logkit
mjw: maven-verifier-plugin
mkrizek: maven-verifier-plugin
mluscon: netty3, zookeeper
mmagr: buildnumber-maven-plugin
mmorsi: buildnumber-maven-plugin
mmraka: jboss-jsp-2.3-api
moceap: jdo-api
mpaladin: maven-checkstyle-plugin
mpreisle: i3-ipc
mschorm: avalon-logkit
mskalick: golang-github-10gen-openssl
msrb: buildnumber-maven-plugin
nathans: maven-verifier-plugin
ngompa: maven-verifier-plugin
nguzman: eclipse-license, eclipse-egit, tycho
nodejs-sig: nodejs-encodeurl, nodejs-method-override, nodejs-negotiator, nodejs-tilelive, nodejs-eyes, nodejs-send, nodejs-tilejson, nodejs-moment, nodejs-finalhandler, nodejs-buffertools, nodejs-compressible, nodejs-stylus
nsoffer: ioprocess
oalbrigt: maven-verifier-plugin
oanson: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
odubaj: avalon-logkit, jandex, maven-verifier-plugin, classmate
oliver: tycho-extras, avalon-logkit, eclipse-emf, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit
olysonek: maven-verifier-plugin
orion: tycho-extras, eclipse-launchbar, eclipse-license, python-fluidity-sm, eclipse-remote, python-lexicon, python-invoke, tycho
osier: maven-verifier-plugin
patches: nodejs-negotiator, nodejs-method-override, avalon-logkit, nodejs-encodeurl, nodejs-eyes, nodejs-send, nodejs-moment, nodejs-finalhandler, nodejs-compressible, nodejs-stylus
pghmcfc: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
piotrp: graphite-web, nodejs-eyes
pknirsch: maven-verifier-plugin
pkopkan: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
pmackinn: base64coder, jdo-api
pmikova: maven-verifier-plugin
pvalena: buildnumber-maven-plugin
python-sig: nodejs-moment
qa-tools-sig: maven-verifier-plugin
quintela: maven-verifier-plugin
radekmanak: maven-verifier-plugin
raphgro: maven-verifier-plugin
rgrunber: eclipse-emf, simple, tycho-extras, eclipse-gef, grizzly-npn, rxjava, eclipse-dltk, eclipse-egit, mimepull, glassfish-gmbal, eclipse-license, jersey, mustache-java, tycho, cli-parser, avalon-logkit, glassfish-management-api, glassfish-pfl, grizzly
rhughes: lcms
rjones: maven-verifier-plugin
rlandmann: avalon-logkit
rmccabe: maven-verifier-plugin
rstrode: lcms
ruby-packagers-sig: rubygem-omniauth, buildnumber-maven-plugin
sbergmann: avalon-logkit
sbonazzo: buildnumber-maven-plugin
scox: maven-verifier-plugin
sdgathman: avalon-logkit
sergiomb: avalon-logkit
sgallagh: python-invoke, python-lexicon, python-fluidity-sm
siwinski: owncloud
skottler: netty3, zookeeper, buildnumber-maven-plugin
slankes: ferm
smakarov: maven-verifier-plugin
smizrahi: ioprocess
sopotc: tycho-extras, eclipse-launchbar, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-remote
spike: avalon-logkit
ssp: lcms
stahnma: buildnumber-maven-plugin
stevetraylen: maven-checkstyle-plugin, buildnumber-maven-plugin, maven-verifier-plugin
stewardship-sig: avalon-logkit
swagiaal: eclipse-anyedit, tycho
tc01: avalon-logkit, nodejs-eyes
tdawson: buildnumber-maven-plugin, maven-verifier-plugin
terjeros: buildnumber-maven-plugin
teuf: libgovirt
tflink: maven-verifier-plugin
thozza: avalon-logkit
tomh: nodejs-send, nodejs-encodeurl, nodejs-finalhandler, nodejs-eyes
tstclair: maven-verifier-plugin
ttheisen: maven-verifier-plugin
vakwetu: avalon-logkit
valtri: buildnumber-maven-plugin, maven-verifier-plugin
veillard: maven-verifier-plugin
victortoso: libgovirt
virtmaint-sig: maven-verifier-plugin, libgovirt
vondruch: buildnumber-maven-plugin
wakko666: buildnumber-maven-plugin
wcohen: maven-verifier-plugin
wwoods: maven-verifier-plugin
zbyszek: cli-parser, netty3, mustache-java

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