Re: Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers (incl. wine, dosbox, nextcloud, owncloud)

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By all means, take them. I just don't want them to go away. :)

Gwyn Ciesla
in your fear, seek only peace 
in your fear, seek only love
-d. bowie

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 3:28 PM, François Cami <fdc-lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 8:48 PM Gwyn Ciesla via devel
> devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> > I'll take openal-soft, pdfbox, freealut, python-httplib2, and dosbox. FAS:limb

> Heh, I wanted to take openal-soft and dosbox as I've been the de-facto
> maintainer for some time.
> FAS: fcami

> Gwyn, whatever works for you :)

> François

> > --
> > Gwyn Ciesla
> > she/her/hers
> > 

> > ----------------------------
> > 

> > in your fear, seek only peace
> > in your fear, seek only love
> > -d. bowie
> > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> > On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:15 PM, Miro Hrončok mhroncok@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > 

> > > The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
> > > are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
> > > that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:
> > >
> > 

> > > Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
> > > packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
> > > retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
> > > package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.
> > 

> > > Request package ownership via releng issues:
> > >
> > 

> > > Full report available at:
> > >
> > > grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.
> > 

> > > Package (co)maintainers Status Change
> > 

> > > ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
> > 

> > > FUR orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > WindowMaker orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > WindowMaker-extra orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > airsnort orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > apache-mime4j orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > aterm orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > base64coder jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > batik jvanek, mizdebsk, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > bibus orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > bubblemon orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > castor-maven-plugin orphan 5 weeks ago
> > > classmate lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > cli-parser lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > diffuse cicku, fab, orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > dillo aarem, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > dosbox fcami, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > dynamite orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > eclipse-abrt orphan, sopotc 1 weeks ago
> > > eclipse-cdt akurtakov, eclipse-sig, 1 weeks ago
> > > jjohnstn, kdaniel, orphan,
> > > rgrunber
> > > eclipse-epp-logging orphan, sopotc 1 weeks ago
> > > eclipse-launchbar eclipse-sig, orphan, sopotc 1 weeks ago
> > > extra166y orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > fbdesk orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > felix-osgi-foundation orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > freealut jwrdegoede, orphan, pwalter 0 weeks ago
> > > glassfish-gmbal orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > glassfish-management-api orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > glassfish-pfl orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > gnu-regexp dbhole, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
> > > grizzly orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > grizzly-npn orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > ht orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > isight-firmware-tools jmontleon, orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > jackson-dataformat-xml dchen, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > jandex-maven-plugin lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > java-oauth lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > jboss-connector-1.6-api gil, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > jboss-jaspi-1.1-api lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > jboss-jsp-2.3-api orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > jcsp orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > jersey dchen, gwei3, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > js-excanvas nodejs-sig, orphan, rathann, 5 weeks ago
> > > williamjmorenor
> > > json_diff orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > lcms ajax, alexl, caillon, caolanm, 0 weeks ago
> > > gnome-sig, johnp, mbarnes,
> > > orphan, rhughes, rstrode, ssp
> > > leafnode orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > libAfterImage ellert, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libdockapp orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libetpan orphan, simo 0 weeks ago
> > > libfixposix orphan 5 weeks ago
> > > libktorrent kde-sig, liquidat, nucleo, 2 weeks ago
> > > orphan, rdieter, tuxbrewr
> > > libmimedir orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libnxml orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libodb-boost daveisfera, orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > libodb-qt daveisfera, orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > libopensync-plugin-evolution2 mcrha, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libopensync-plugin-file orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libopensync-plugin-gpe orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libopensync-plugin-moto orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libopensync-plugin-opie orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libopensync-plugin-synce orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libpolyxmass orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libpqxx daveisfera, orphan, rdieter 0 weeks ago
> > > libsynce orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > libutempter alexl, caillon, caolanm, gnome- 0 weeks ago
> > > sig, johnp, mbarnes, mlichvar,
> > > orphan, rhughes, rstrode,
> > > tkorbar
> > > menulibre orphan 3 weeks ago
> > > mimepull java-sig, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > mingw-wine-gecko mooninite, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > msynctool orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > multiverse orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > mustache-java dchen, lef, mizdebsk, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > ncmpc orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > netty3 jerboaa, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > nextcloud jhogarth, orphan, siwinski 0 weeks ago
> > > nfspy orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > nodejs-flot nodejs-sig, orphan, rathann, 5 weeks ago
> > > vjancik, williamjmorenor
> > > notify-python orphan 6 weeks ago
> > > openal-soft fcami, jwrdegoede, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > orange orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > owncloud adamwill, ignatenkobrain, 0 weeks ago
> > > jhogarth, kwizart, orphan,
> > > siwinski
> > > parboiled mizdebsk, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > pdfbox java-sig, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > pegdown mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
> > > perl-Tk orphan, tremble, xavierb 0 weeks ago
> > > picketbox gil, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > picketbox-commons gil, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > picketbox-xacml gil, lef, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > plexus-cli mizdebsk, orphan 2 weeks ago
> > > pypoppler orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > python-arc orphan 3 weeks ago
> > > python-httplib2 abompard, dchen, jspaleta, 0 weeks ago
> > > kevin, orphan
> > > python-ripozo churchyard, orphan, python-sig 2 weeks ago
> > > python-unittest2 aviso, bkabrda, carlwgeorge, 4 weeks ago
> > > churchyard, mbacovsk, orphan,
> > > pjp, python-sig, sundaram,
> > > ttorling
> > > qiv orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > rubygem-minitest-reporters orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > rxjava orphan, rfenkhuber 0 weeks ago
> > > rxvt orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > simple orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > slrn orphan 4 weeks ago
> > > synce-gnomevfs orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > synce-software-manager orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > synce-trayicon orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > system-config-httpd orphan, pknirsch 4 weeks ago
> > > treecc orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > unshield orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > vim-vimoutliner orphan 1 weeks ago
> > > virtio-forwarder orphan 3 weeks ago
> > > wine besser82, mooninite, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wine-docs orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wine-mono mooninite, orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wmCalClock orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wmacpi orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wmapmload orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wmdocker orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > wmweather+ orphan 0 weeks ago
> > > yaws orphan 3 weeks ago
> > 

> > > The following packages require above mentioned packages:
> > > See
> > > Grep it for your username and follow the dependency chain.
> > 

> > > Affected (co)maintainers
> > > aarem: dillo
> > > ablu: openal-soft
> > > abompard: python-unittest2, pdfbox, python-httplib2
> > > achernya: libutempter
> > > adamwill: owncloud, python-unittest2
> > > adrian: libutempter
> > > affix: libutempter
> > > ajax: lcms
> > > akurtakov: batik, eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > alexl: libutempter, lcms
> > > alexlan: perl-Tk
> > > amigadave: openal-soft
> > > anishpatil: python-httplib2
> > > ankursinha: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
> > > anvil: pdfbox
> > > apevec: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > arobinso: java-oauth, castor-maven-plugin, eclipse-launchbar, batik, eclipse-cdt
> > > astro-sig: pdfbox
> > > athoscr: python-unittest2
> > > atim: pdfbox
> > > aviso: python-unittest2
> > > balajig8: libutempter
> > > bellet: openal-soft, freealut
> > > benc: pdfbox
> > > besser82: wine, openal-soft, wine-mono, mingw-wine-gecko
> > > bkabrda: python-unittest2
> > > bonzini: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > bookwar: openal-soft
> > > bpepple: openal-soft
> > > brendt: lcms
> > > brouhaha: batik
> > > brummbq: libutempter
> > > bruno: openal-soft, freealut, python-httplib2
> > > bsjones: mingw-wine-gecko, perl-Tk, wine-mono, wine
> > > caillon: libutempter, lcms
> > > caolanm: libutempter, lcms
> > > carlwgeorge: python-unittest2
> > > certbot-sig: python-httplib2
> > > chandankumar: python-httplib2
> > > cheese: openal-soft, freealut
> > > cheeselee: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > chkr: python-httplib2
> > > churchyard: python-ripozo, python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > chwilk: openal-soft
> > > cicku: batik, pdfbox, diffuse
> > > cjatherton: lcms
> > > clalance: python-httplib2
> > > comzeradd: libutempter
> > > corsepiu: openal-soft
> > > cqi: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > cquad: jboss-jsp-2.3-api
> > > ctubbsii: netty3
> > > cwickert: pdfbox, libetpan, dillo
> > > daveisfera: libodb-boost, libpqxx, perl-Tk, libodb-qt, python-httplib2
> > > davidcl: batik, pdfbox
> > > dbhole: java-oauth, gnu-regexp, eclipse-launchbar, batik, eclipse-cdt
> > > dcallagh: python-unittest2
> > > dcantrel: libutempter
> > > dchen: glassfish-management-api, grizzly, jackson-dataformat-xml, mustache-java,
> > > mimepull, grizzly-npn, jersey, cli-parser, glassfish-gmbal, rxjava,
> > > glassfish-pfl, simple, python-httplib2
> > > decathorpe: batik, pdfbox, rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > deji: libutempter
> > > design-sw: openal-soft, freealut
> > > dormouse: python-httplib2
> > > dtimms: openal-soft
> > > duffy: lcms
> > > dustymabe: python-unittest2
> > > dvratil: batik, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > ebaron: batik, eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > eclipse-sig: grizzly, java-oauth, gnu-regexp, mustache-java,
> > > eclipse-epp-logging, mimepull, grizzly-npn, cli-parser, eclipse-launchbar,
> > > glassfish-gmbal, jersey, glassfish-pfl, rxjava, batik, simple, eclipse-cdt,
> > > glassfish-management-api
> > > eclipseo: openal-soft, pdfbox
> > > eischmann: pdfbox
> > > ekulik: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, wine-mono
> > > ellert: libAfterImage
> > > elsupergomez: pdfbox
> > > elwell: python-unittest2
> > > elyscape: python-httplib2
> > > eseyman: perl-Tk
> > > f1ash: pdfbox
> > > fab: perl-Tk, python-unittest2, diffuse
> > > fale: python-unittest2
> > > fcami: openal-soft, dosbox
> > > filabrazilska: perl-Tk
> > > filiperosset: perl-Tk, libutempter
> > > fivaldi: python-httplib2
> > > frantisekz: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, wine-mono, rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > fredlima: openal-soft
> > > gbcox: pdfbox
> > > germano: pdfbox
> > > gholms: python-unittest2
> > > giallu: batik
> > > gil: jboss-connector-1.6-api, java-oauth, picketbox-xacml, picketbox-commons,
> > > jboss-jaspi-1.1-api, picketbox
> > > gilboa: openal-soft
> > > gnome-sig: libutempter, lcms
> > > golfu: pdfbox
> > > greghellings: python-unittest2, netty3
> > > guidograzioli: openal-soft
> > > gwei3: grizzly, mustache-java, mimepull, grizzly-npn, cli-parser, jersey,
> > > glassfish-gmbal, rxjava, glassfish-pfl, simple, glassfish-management-api
> > > hanecak: lcms
> > > hardaker: perl-Tk
> > > hedayat: pdfbox, python-httplib2
> > > heliocastro: batik, pdfbox
> > > herlo: python-unittest2
> > > hguemar: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > hhorak: pdfbox
> > > hobbes1069: openal-soft, freealut, perl-Tk
> > > hpejakle: libutempter
> > > hubbitus: mustache-java, freealut, openal-soft, cli-parser, netty3
> > > hvad: perl-Tk
> > > iarnell: perl-Tk
> > > icon: batik, pdfbox
> > > ignatenkobrain: owncloud, openal-soft, python-unittest2, freealut
> > > ignotusp: libutempter
> > > imcleod: python-httplib2
> > > infra-sig: python-httplib2
> > > ishcherb: python-httplib2
> > > itamarjp: openal-soft, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > jackorp: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > jamesni: python-httplib2
> > > jamielennox: python-httplib2
> > > jaruga: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > java-sig: mimepull, pdfbox
> > > jcapik: base64coder
> > > jcline: python-unittest2, libpqxx
> > > jdieter: openal-soft
> > > jerboaa: java-oauth, eclipse-launchbar, netty3, batik, eclipse-cdt
> > > jfearn: batik, pdfbox
> > > jgrulich: openal-soft, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > jhogarth: owncloud, nextcloud
> > > jima: perl-Tk
> > > jjelen: jboss-jsp-2.3-api
> > > jjg: libutempter
> > > jjohnstn: grizzly, java-oauth, mustache-java, mimepull, grizzly-npn, cli-parser,
> > > eclipse-launchbar, glassfish-gmbal, jersey, glassfish-pfl, rxjava, batik,
> > > simple, eclipse-cdt, glassfish-management-api
> > > jkaluza: python-httplib2
> > > jlayton: openal-soft
> > > jmontleon: isight-firmware-tools
> > > johnp: libutempter, lcms
> > > jorton: libutempter
> > > jpena: python-unittest2
> > > jplesnik: perl-Tk
> > > jpopelka: python-httplib2
> > > jraber: pypoppler
> > > jreznik: openal-soft, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > jridky: perl-Tk
> > > jruzicka: python-httplib2
> > > jsafrane: perl-Tk
> > > jspaleta: pypoppler, python-httplib2
> > > jsynacek: openal-soft
> > > jujens: python-unittest2
> > > julian: openal-soft
> > > jvanek: mustache-java, pdfbox, cli-parser, netty3, batik
> > > jwrdegoede: dynamite, openal-soft, freealut
> > > karlik: openal-soft
> > > karsten: pdfbox
> > > kdaniel: eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > kde-sig: libktorrent, openal-soft, pdfbox, libutempter, batik
> > > kevin: python-httplib2
> > > kkofler: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > krege: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, pdfbox, libutempter, wine-mono
> > > kumarpraveen: python-unittest2
> > > kwizart: libpqxx, freealut, openal-soft, pdfbox, perl-Tk, owncloud
> > > kzak: libutempter
> > > larsks: python-unittest2
> > > laxathom: openal-soft
> > > lbalhar: pdfbox
> > > lbazan: python-unittest2, mustache-java, cli-parser, netty3, libutempter
> > > lef: jboss-connector-1.6-api, eclipse-cdt, jboss-jsp-2.3-api, java-oauth,
> > > jackson-dataformat-xml, mustache-java, jandex-maven-plugin, picketbox-xacml,
> > > jboss-jaspi-1.1-api, mimepull, picketbox-commons, cli-parser, classmate,
> > > picketbox, netty3, eclipse-launchbar, batik, castor-maven-plugin
> > > liangsuilong: pdfbox
> > > limb: openal-soft, pdfbox, freealut, python-httplib2
> > > linkdupont: openal-soft
> > > liquidat: pdfbox, libktorrent, libutempter
> > > lkundrak: batik, pdfbox, perl-Tk
> > > lsedlar: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > lucilanga: perl-Tk
> > > lupinix: pdfbox
> > > luya: openal-soft, freealut
> > > magnu5: libutempter
> > > marcdeop: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > marionline: pdfbox
> > > martinkg: openal-soft, freealut
> > > mattia: pdfbox
> > > maxamillion: perl-Tk, pdfbox, rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > mbacovsk: python-unittest2
> > > mbaldessari: python-httplib2
> > > mbarnes: libutempter, lcms
> > > mbooth: java-oauth, gnu-regexp, eclipse-epp-logging, eclipse-launchbar, batik,
> > > eclipse-cdt
> > > mbriza: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > mck182: pdfbox
> > > mcrha: libopensync-plugin-evolution2, libutempter
> > > melmorabity: pdfbox, notify-python
> > > mfrodl: python-httplib2
> > > mhayden: python-unittest2
> > > mich181189: pdfbox
> > > minh: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > misc: python-httplib2
> > > mizdebsk: java-oauth, base64coder, gnu-regexp, mustache-java, pdfbox,
> > > cli-parser, eclipse-launchbar, parboiled, pegdown, plexus-cli, batik, eclipse-cdt
> > > mkyral: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > mlichvar: libutempter
> > > mluscon: netty3
> > > mmahut: python-unittest2
> > > mmorsi: python-httplib2
> > > mmraka: jboss-jsp-2.3-api
> > > moceap: pdfbox
> > > mooninite: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, wine-mono, openal-soft
> > > mpreisle: openal-soft, freealut
> > > mrunge: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > mschwendt: libetpan, dillo
> > > mtasaka: rubygem-minitest-reporters, libetpan, libutempter
> > > musuruan: pdfbox
> > > mystro256: openal-soft
> > > nb: pdfbox, python-httplib2
> > > nbecker: pdfbox
> > > neuro-sig: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot, python-unittest2
> > > ngompa: nodejs-flot, js-excanvas, python-unittest2, openal-soft, pdfbox, batik,
> > > python-httplib2
> > > nguzman: eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > nodejs-sig: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
> > > nonamedotc: pdfbox
> > > nphilipp: perl-Tk
> > > nucleo: pdfbox, libktorrent, libutempter
> > > odubaj: classmate
> > > ohaessler: openal-soft
> > > oliver: batik, eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > onosek: python-unittest2
> > > openstack-sig: python-httplib2
> > > orion: java-oauth, pdfbox, eclipse-launchbar, libutempter, batik, eclipse-cdt
> > > patches: batik
> > > pcpa: openal-soft
> > > peter: batik, pdfbox
> > > petersen: openal-soft, freealut
> > > pghmcfc: python-httplib2, perl-Tk, libutempter
> > > pgordon: pypoppler
> > > pingou: python-unittest2
> > > pjp: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > pknirsch: system-config-httpd
> > > plfiorini: pdfbox
> > > pmackinn: base64coder
> > > pnemade: python-httplib2
> > > ppisar: perl-Tk
> > > pranvk: openal-soft
> > > psss: python-httplib2
> > > pvalena: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > pwalter: openal-soft, freealut, lcms
> > > pwu: pdfbox
> > > python-sig: nodejs-flot, js-excanvas, python-unittest2, python-ripozo,
> > > python-httplib2
> > > qulogic: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
> > > qwan: python-httplib2
> > > ralph: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > raorn: libdockapp
> > > raphgro: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, pdfbox, wine-mono
> > > rathann: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot, libutempter
> > > rdieter: libktorrent, libpqxx, openal-soft, pdfbox, libutempter, batik
> > > rfenkhuber: rxjava
> > > rgrunber: grizzly, java-oauth, mustache-java, mimepull, grizzly-npn, cli-parser,
> > > eclipse-launchbar, glassfish-gmbal, jersey, glassfish-pfl, rxjava, batik,
> > > simple, eclipse-cdt, glassfish-management-api
> > > rhughes: pdfbox, libutempter, lcms
> > > rjones: perl-Tk
> > > rlandmann: batik, pdfbox
> > > rmarko: python-unittest2
> > > rmattes: openal-soft, libpqxx, freealut
> > > rmyers: eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > rnovacek: pdfbox
> > > robotics-sig: openal-soft, libpqxx
> > > robyduck: python-httplib2
> > > roma: openal-soft, freealut
> > > rstrode: libutempter, lcms
> > > ruby-packagers-sig: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > s4504kr: openal-soft, pdfbox, freealut
> > > sagitter: openal-soft, python-unittest2, freealut
> > > sailer: libpqxx
> > > salimma: python-unittest2, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > scenek: perl-Tk
> > > seanf: python-httplib2
> > > sergiomb: pdfbox
> > > sharkcz: openal-soft, freealut
> > > siddharths: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > simo: libetpan
> > > siwinski: owncloud, nextcloud
> > > skottler: pdfbox, netty3
> > > slaanesh: openal-soft, freealut
> > > slankes: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > smani: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > sonkun: openal-soft
> > > sopotc: java-oauth, eclipse-abrt, eclipse-epp-logging, eclipse-launchbar,
> > > eclipse-cdt
> > > spot: openal-soft, freealut, python-httplib2, perl-Tk
> > > ssp: libutempter, lcms
> > > stahnma: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > stefanb: batik, pdfbox
> > > steve: openal-soft
> > > stevetraylen: openal-soft, freealut
> > > stransky: openal-soft, freealut
> > > strobert: libutempter
> > > suanand: python-httplib2
> > > sundaram: python-unittest2, python-httplib2
> > > suve: openal-soft
> > > svahl: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > tc01: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, openal-soft, pdfbox, wine-mono
> > > tdawson: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > tejas: pdfbox
> > > terjeros: batik, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > than: openal-soft, pdfbox, libutempter
> > > thias: openal-soft, freealut
> > > thm: mingw-wine-gecko, wine, wine-mono
> > > thomasfedb: python-httplib2
> > > thozza: batik
> > > tibbs: pdfbox
> > > till: perl-Tk
> > > timn: libpqxx
> > > tkorbar: libutempter
> > > tnorth: pdfbox
> > > tremble: perl-Tk
> > > tstclair: netty3
> > > ttorling: python-unittest2, libpqxx
> > > tuxbrewr: pdfbox, libktorrent, libutempter
> > > uraeus: openal-soft
> > > vascom: pdfbox, libutempter
> > > vdolezal: libutempter
> > > vjancik: nodejs-flot, pdfbox, js-excanvas
> > > vladimirk: eclipse-cdt, eclipse-launchbar, java-oauth
> > > volter: python-httplib2
> > > vondruch: rubygem-minitest-reporters
> > > williamjmorenor: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
> > > wolnei: pdfbox
> > > wtaymans: openal-soft
> > > xavierb: perl-Tk
> > > yograterol: python-unittest2
> > > zbyszek: mustache-java, cli-parser, netty3
> > > zdohnal: perl-Tk
> > 

> > > 

> > 

> > > The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
> > > Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
> > >
> > > The sources of this script can be found at:
> > >
> > 

> > > 

> > 

> > > 

> > 

> > > Miro Hrončok
> > 

> > > 

> > 

> > > Phone: +420777974800
> > > IRC: mhroncok
> > 

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