Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via releng issues:

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
alacarte                          alexl, caillon, caolanm,         5 weeks ago
                                  johnp, mbarnes, orphan,
                                  rhughes, ssp
audio-convert-mod                 orphan                           5 weeks ago
batti                             orphan                           5 weeks ago
bibus                             orphan                           0 weeks ago
bzr                               orphan                           3 weeks ago
cassandra                         acaringi, hhorak, jjanco,        4 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rimolive
castor-maven-plugin               orphan                           3 weeks ago
cbi-plugins                       eclipse-sig, kdaniel, orphan,    4 weeks ago
chm2pdf                           orphan                           5 weeks ago
diffuse                           cicku, fab, orphan               2 weeks ago
eclipse-dtp                       eclipse-sig, galileo, kdaniel,   4 weeks ago
                                  mbooth, orphan
eclipse-ecf                       eclipse-sig, kdaniel, orphan,    4 weeks ago
eclipse-eclemma                   eclipse-sig, jerboaa, kdaniel,   4 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rgrunber
eclipse-egit-github               eclipse-sig, orphan              4 weeks ago
eclipse-linuxtools                eclipse-sig, jjohnstn, orphan,   4 weeks ago
eclipse-moreunit                  jerboaa, orphan                  4 weeks ago
eclipse-mpc                       eclipse-sig, kdaniel, orphan,    4 weeks ago
eclipse-mylyn                     arobinso, eclipse-sig,           4 weeks ago
                                  jjohnstn, kdaniel, orphan,
eclipse-packagekit                eclipse-sig, jerboaa, kdaniel,   4 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rgrunber
eclipse-pydev                     eclipse-sig, jjohnstn, orphan    4 weeks ago
eclipse-swtbot                    eclipse-sig, orphan              4 weeks ago
eclipse-tm-terminal               eclipse-sig, orphan              4 weeks ago
euca2ools                         orphan                           5 weeks ago
extra166y                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
felix-osgi-foundation             orphan                           0 weeks ago
freemedforms                      nobrakal, orphan                 4 weeks ago
func                              alikins, orphan, robert,         5 weeks ago
gcc-python-plugin                 jakub, orphan                    5 weeks ago
ginfo                             orphan, stevetraylen             5 weeks ago
git-remote-bzr                    orphan                           4 weeks ago
gnome-python2-extras              alexl, caillon, caolanm,         5 weeks ago
                                  gnome-sig, johnp, mikedep333,
                                  orphan, rhughes, rstrode, ssp
gnu-regexp                        dbhole, mizdebsk, orphan         3 weeks ago
gstreamer-python                  company, orphan, tomspur         5 weeks ago
java-base64                       orphan                           4 weeks ago
jcsp                              orphan                           0 weeks ago
jetty-version-maven-plugin        mizdebsk, orphan                 4 weeks ago
js-excanvas                       nodejs-sig, orphan, rathann,     3 weeks ago
json_diff                         orphan                           2 weeks ago
laditools                         orphan                           5 weeks ago
leafnode                          orphan                           2 weeks ago
libfixposix                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
libodb-boost                      daveisfera, orphan               1 weeks ago
libodb-qt                         daveisfera, orphan               1 weeks ago
menulibre                         orphan                           1 weeks ago
mkelfimage                        orphan                           4 weeks ago
multiverse                        orphan                           0 weeks ago
nfspy                             orphan                           1 weeks ago
nodejs-flot                       nodejs-sig, orphan, rathann,     3 weeks ago
                                  vjancik, williamjmorenor
notify-python                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
openxcap                          orphan                           5 weeks ago
pdf-renderer                      orphan                           5 weeks ago
pegdown                           mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
plexus-cli                        mizdebsk, orphan                 0 weeks ago
pyftpdlib                         orphan                           5 weeks ago
pypoppler                         orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-arc                        orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-backports-                 ianweller, infra-sig, orphan,    5 weeks ago
ssl_match_hostname                ralph
python-cassandra-driver           filabrazilska, lkundrak,         4 weeks ago
                                  orphan, praiskup
python-chm                        lbazan, narasim, orphan,         5 weeks ago
python-epdb                       arg, orphan, pjones              5 weeks ago
python-jenkinsapi                 cottsay, orphan                  5 weeks ago
python-ngram                      orphan                           5 weeks ago
python-openid                     orphan                           5 weeks ago
python-progressbar                cdamian, orphan, pviktori        5 weeks ago
python-pybloomfiltermmap          orphan                           5 weeks ago
python-qpid                       orphan                           5 weeks ago
python-tbgrep                     infra-sig, orphan, ralph         5 weeks ago
python-tpg                        orphan                           5 weeks ago
python-unittest2                  aviso, bkabrda, carlwgeorge,     2 weeks ago
                                  churchyard, mbacovsk, orphan,
                                  pjp, python-sig, sundaram,
python2-typing                    chandankumar, orphan             5 weeks ago
qpid-cpp                          nsantos, orphan                  5 weeks ago
radiotray                         orphan                           5 weeks ago
slrn                              orphan                           2 weeks ago
stringtemplate4                   mizdebsk, mjakubicek, orphan     4 weeks ago
subdownloader                     orphan                           5 weeks ago
system-config-httpd               orphan, pknirsch                 2 weeks ago
tagsoup                           mizdebsk, orphan                 4 weeks ago
virtio-forwarder                  orphan                           1 weeks ago
wammu                             orphan                           4 weeks ago
winswitch                         orphan                           5 weeks ago
wraplinux                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
yaws                              orphan                           1 weeks ago
zynjacku                          orphan                           5 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
See https://churchyard.fedorapeople.org/orphans-2019-10-21.txt
Grep it for your username and follow the dependency chain.

Affected (co)maintainers
abompard: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname, python-unittest2
acaringi: python-cassandra-driver, cassandra
adamwill: python-unittest2
akurtakov: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
alexl: alacarte, gnome-python2-extras
alikins: func
ankursinha: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot, bzr
apevec: python-unittest2
arg: python-epdb
arobinso: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, castor-maven-plugin, eclipse-swtbot
athoscr: python-unittest2
aviso: python2-typing, python-unittest2
bkabrda: python-unittest2, bzr
caillon: alacarte, gnome-python2-extras
caolanm: alacarte, gnome-python2-extras
carlwgeorge: python-unittest2
cdamian: python-progressbar
chandankumar: python2-typing
churchyard: python-unittest2, bzr
cicku: diffuse
clime: python-progressbar, euca2ools
company: gstreamer-python
cottsay: python-jenkinsapi, bzr
cqi: python-unittest2
daveisfera: libodb-boost, libodb-qt
dbhole: eclipse-linuxtools, gnu-regexp, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot, tagsoup
dcallagh: python-unittest2
dchen: stringtemplate4
dmach: python-unittest2
dturecek: python-progressbar, euca2ools
dustymabe: python-unittest2
ebaron: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins eclipse-sig: eclipse-eclemma, eclipse-mpc, eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-dtp, gnu-regexp, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-pydev, eclipse-egit-github, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot, eclipse-packagekit
eclipseo: bzr
elwell: python-unittest2
fab: diffuse, python-unittest2
fale: python-unittest2
filabrazilska: python-cassandra-driver
frostyx: python-progressbar, euca2ools
galileo: eclipse-dtp
gholms: python-unittest2
gil: stringtemplate4
gnome-sig: gnome-python2-extras
go-sig: bzr
greghellings: python-unittest2
herlo: python-unittest2
hguemar: python-unittest2
hhorak: python-cassandra-driver, cassandra
hubbitus: java-base64
ianweller: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname
ignatenkobrain: python-unittest2
imcleod: python-progressbar, euca2ools
infra-sig: python-tbgrep, python-backports-ssl_match_hostname
irina: python-qpid, qpid-cpp
jakub: gcc-python-plugin
jamielinux: bzr
jcline: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname, python-unittest2
jerboaa: eclipse-eclemma, eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot, eclipse-packagekit, eclipse-moreunit
jgu: java-base64
jjames: stringtemplate4
jjanco: python-cassandra-driver, cassandra
jjohnstn: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-pydev, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot
jkastner: stringtemplate4
johnp: alacarte, gnome-python2-extras
jonny: java-base64
jpena: python-unittest2
jraber: gnome-python2-extras, pypoppler
jspaleta: gnome-python2-extras, pypoppler
juergh: python-progressbar, euca2ools
jujens: python-unittest2
jussilehtola: tagsoup
jvanek: java-base64, tagsoup
kdaniel: eclipse-eclemma, eclipse-mpc, eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-dtp, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot, eclipse-packagekit
kevin: python-openid
kumarpraveen: python-unittest2
larsks: python-unittest2
lbazan: java-base64, python-chm, python-unittest2
lef: stringtemplate4, eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, castor-maven-plugin, eclipse-swtbot
lkundrak: python-cassandra-driver
louizatakk: python2-typing
lsedlar: python-unittest2
mathstuf: bzr
maxamillion: python-unittest2
mbacovsk: python-unittest2
mbarnes: alacarte
mbooth: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-dtp, gnu-regexp, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot
melmorabity: notify-python
mhayden: python-unittest2
mikedep333: gnome-python2-extras
mizdebsk: stringtemplate4, eclipse-linuxtools, gnu-regexp, eclipse-ecf, pegdown, jetty-version-maven-plugin, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, plexus-cli, tagsoup
mjakubicek: stringtemplate4
mmahut: python-unittest2
mrunge: python-unittest2
msuchy: python-progressbar, euca2ools
narasim: python-chm
ncoghlan: bzr
neuro-sig: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot, python-unittest2
ngompa: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot, python-unittest2
nguzman: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
nobrakal: freemedforms
nodejs-sig: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
nsantos: python-qpid, qpid-cpp
oliver: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
omajid: tagsoup
onosek: python-unittest2
orion: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
pcpa: tagsoup
pertusus: python-chm
petersen: bzr
pgordon: gnome-python2-extras, pypoppler
pingou: python-unittest2
pjones: python-epdb
pjp: python-unittest2
pknirsch: system-config-httpd
praiskup: python-progressbar, python-cassandra-driver, euca2ools
pspacek: python2-typing
puiterwijk: python-openid
pviktori: python-progressbar
pwouters: python2-typing
python-sig: python-unittest2, bzr, pyftpdlib, js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
qulogic: pyftpdlib, js-excanvas, nodejs-flot, bzr
ralph: python-tbgrep, python-backports-ssl_match_hostname, python-unittest2
rathann: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
rgrunber: eclipse-eclemma, eclipse-mpc, eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, cbi-plugins, eclipse-swtbot, eclipse-packagekit
rhughes: alacarte, gnome-python2-extras
rimolive: python-cassandra-driver, cassandra
rmarko: python-unittest2
rmattes: bzr
rmyers: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
robert: func, bzr
robotics-sig: bzr
rstrode: gnome-python2-extras
sagarun: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname
sagitter: python-unittest2
salimma: python-unittest2
sdgathman: stringtemplate4
sopotc: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
ssp: alacarte, gnome-python2-extras
stevetraylen: ginfo
sundaram: python-unittest2, bzr
tdawson: python-unittest2
thm: bzr
tomspur: gstreamer-python
torsava: bzr
ttorling: python-unittest2, bzr
vjancik: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
vladimirk: eclipse-linuxtools, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-tm-terminal, eclipse-swtbot, cbi-plugins
wakko666: func
walters: stringtemplate4
williamjmorenor: js-excanvas, nodejs-flot
wwoods: python-unittest2
yograterol: python-unittest2
zbyszek: java-base64

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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